feat(frontends/lean/parser): add basic tactic support in the frontend
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 140 additions and 17 deletions
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ public:
std::pair<expr, expr> elaborate(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) {
std::tuple<expr, expr, metavar_env> elaborate(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) {
// std::cout << "Elaborate " << t << " : " << e << "\n";
expr new_t = preprocessor(*this)(t);
@ -436,9 +436,11 @@ public:
// std::cout << c.pp(fmt, options(), nullptr, false) << "\n";
// }
metavar_env new_menv = elaborate_core();
return mk_pair(instantiate_metavars(new_t, new_menv), instantiate_metavars(new_e, new_menv));
return std::make_tuple(instantiate_metavars(new_t, new_menv),
instantiate_metavars(new_e, new_menv),
} else {
return mk_pair(new_t, new_e);
return std::make_tuple(new_t, new_e, metavar_env());
@ -471,7 +473,9 @@ public:
frontend_elaborator::frontend_elaborator(frontend const & fe):m_ptr(new imp(fe)) {}
frontend_elaborator::~frontend_elaborator() {}
expr frontend_elaborator::operator()(expr const & e) { return m_ptr->elaborate(e); }
std::pair<expr, expr> frontend_elaborator::operator()(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) { return m_ptr->elaborate(n, t, e); }
std::tuple<expr, expr, metavar_env> frontend_elaborator::operator()(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e) {
return m_ptr->elaborate(n, t, e);
expr const & frontend_elaborator::get_original(expr const & e) const { return m_ptr->get_original(e); }
void frontend_elaborator::clear() { m_ptr->clear(); }
environment const & frontend_elaborator::get_environment() const { return m_ptr->get_environment(); }
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public:
This information is used by the elaborator. The result is a new
elaborated type and expression.
std::pair<expr, expr> operator()(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e);
std::tuple<expr, expr, metavar_env> operator()(name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & e);
\brief If \c e is an expression instantiated by the elaborator, then it
@ -30,11 +30,17 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/kernel_exception.h"
#include "kernel/expr_maps.h"
#include "kernel/printer.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
#include "kernel/for_each_fn.h"
#include "library/expr_lt.h"
#include "library/type_inferer.h"
#include "library/arith/arith.h"
#include "library/io_state.h"
#include "library/placeholder.h"
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
#include "library/elaborator/elaborator_exception.h"
#include "library/tactic/proof_state.h"
#include "library/tactic/tactic.h"
#include "frontends/lean/frontend.h"
#include "frontends/lean/frontend_elaborator.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser.h"
@ -85,6 +91,8 @@ static name g_env_kwd("Environment");
static name g_import_kwd("Import");
static name g_help_kwd("Help");
static name g_coercion_kwd("Coercion");
static name g_apply("apply");
static name g_done("done");
/** \brief Table/List with all builtin command keywords */
static list<name> g_command_keywords = {g_definition_kwd, g_variable_kwd, g_variables_kwd, g_theorem_kwd, g_axiom_kwd, g_universe_kwd, g_eval_kwd,
g_show_kwd, g_check_kwd, g_infix_kwd, g_infixl_kwd, g_infixr_kwd, g_notation_kwd, g_echo_kwd,
@ -123,6 +131,7 @@ class parser::imp {
frontend & m_frontend;
scanner m_scanner;
frontend_elaborator m_elaborator;
type_inferer m_type_inferer;
scanner::token m_curr;
bool m_use_exceptions;
bool m_interactive;
@ -241,6 +250,8 @@ class parser::imp {
void check_rcurly_next(char const * msg) { check_next(scanner::token::RightCurlyBracket, msg); }
/** \brief Throws a parser error if the current token is not ':='. If it is, move to the next token. */
void check_assign_next(char const * msg) { check_next(scanner::token::Assign, msg); }
/** \brief Throws a parser error if the current token is not '.'. If it is, move to the next token. */
void check_period_next(char const * msg) { check_next(scanner::token::Period, msg); }
\brief Throws a parser error if the current token is not a
@ -1036,6 +1047,90 @@ class parser::imp {
m_frontend.mark_implicit_arguments(n, imp_args.size(), imp_args.data());
expr parse_tactic(proof_state s) {
proof_state ini = s;
std::vector<lazy_list<proof_state>> stack;
while (true) {
auto p = pos();
name id = check_identifier_next("invalid tactic, identifier expected");
if (id == g_apply) {
auto tac_name_pos = pos();
name tac_name = check_identifier_next("invalid apply command, identifier expected");
optional<tactic> t;
m_script_state->apply([&](lua_State * L) {
lua_getglobal(L, tac_name.to_string().c_str());
if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION && !is_tactic(L, -1))
throw parser_error(sstream() << "unknown tactic '" << tac_name << "'", tac_name_pos);
if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
pcall(L, 0, 1, 0);
if (!is_tactic(L, -1))
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid function '" << tac_name << "', it does not return a tactic", tac_name_pos);
t = to_tactic(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lazy_list<proof_state> seq = (*t)(m_frontend, m_frontend.get_state(), s);
auto r = seq.pull();
if (r) {
s = r->first;
} else {
diagnostic(m_frontend) << "current state:\n" << s << endl;
throw parser_error(sstream() << "tactic '" << tac_name << "' failed", tac_name_pos);
} else if (id == g_done) {
if (s.is_proof_final_state()) {
assignment a(s.get_menv());
proof_map m;
expr pr = s.get_proof_builder()(m, a);
return pr;
} else {
diagnostic(m_frontend) << "final state:\n" << s << endl;
throw exception("failed to synthesize proof object using given tactic");
} else {
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid tactical proof, unknown command '" << id << "'", p);
expr parse_tactic(expr const & type, expr const & val, metavar_env & menv) {
check_period_next("invalid theorem, '.' expected before tactical proof");
if (is_metavar(val)) {
// simple case
proof_state s = to_proof_state(m_frontend, context(), type);
return parse_tactic(s);
} else {
buffer<expr> mvars;
for_each(val, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (is_metavar(e)) {
return true;
std::sort(mvars.begin(), mvars.end(), [](expr const & e1, expr const & e2) { return is_lt(e1, e2, false); });
for (auto mvar : mvars) {
expr mvar_type = instantiate_metavars(menv.get_type(mvar), menv);
if (!m_type_inferer.is_proposition(mvar_type))
throw exception("failed to synthesize metavar, its type is not a proposition");
if (has_metavar(mvar_type))
throw exception("failed to synthesize metavar, its type contains metavariables");
buffer<context_entry> new_entries;
for (auto e : menv.get_context(mvar)) {
instantiate_metavars(e.get_domain(), menv),
instantiate_metavars(e.get_body(), menv));
context mvar_ctx(to_list(new_entries.begin(), new_entries.end()));
proof_state s = to_proof_state(m_frontend, mvar_ctx, mvar_type);
expr mvar_val = parse_tactic(s);
if (mvar_val)
menv.assign(mvar, mvar_val);
return instantiate_metavars(val, menv);
/** \brief Auxiliary method used for parsing definitions and theorems. */
void parse_def_core(bool is_definition) {
@ -1062,9 +1157,17 @@ class parser::imp {
pre_type = mk_abstraction(false, bindings, type_body);
pre_val = mk_abstraction(true, bindings, val_body);
auto type_val_pair = m_elaborator(id, pre_type, pre_val);
expr type = type_val_pair.first;
expr val = type_val_pair.second;
auto r = m_elaborator(id, pre_type, pre_val);
expr type = std::get<0>(r);
expr val = std::get<1>(r);
metavar_env menv = std::get<2>(r);
if (has_metavar(type))
throw exception("invalid definition, type still contains metavariables after elaboration");
if (!is_definition && has_metavar(val)) {
val = parse_tactic(type, val, menv);
if (has_metavar(val))
throw exception("invalid definition, value still contains metavariables after elaboration");
if (is_definition) {
m_frontend.add_definition(id, type, val);
if (m_verbose)
@ -1609,6 +1712,7 @@ public:
m_interactive(interactive) {
m_script_state = S;
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ public:
class context {
list<context_entry> m_list;
explicit context(list<context_entry> const & l):m_list(l) {}
context() {}
context(context const & c, name const & n, expr const & d):m_list(context_entry(n, d), c.m_list) {}
context(context const & c, name const & n, expr const & d, expr const & b):m_list(context_entry(n, d, b), c.m_list) {}
explicit context(list<context_entry> const & l):m_list(l) {}
context_entry const & lookup(unsigned vidx) const;
std::pair<context_entry const &, context> lookup_ext(unsigned vidx) const;
bool empty() const { return is_nil(m_list); }
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public:
expr instantiate_metavars(expr const & e, metavar_env const & menv, buffer<justification> & jsts) {
if (!has_metavar(e)) {
if (!e || !has_metavar(e)) {
return e;
} else {
return instantiate_metavars_proc(menv, jsts)(e);
@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ std::pair<goal, goal_proof_fn> to_goal(environment const & env, context const &
buffer<context_entry> entries;
for (auto const & e : ctx)
buffer<hypothesis> hypotheses; // normalized names and types of the entries processed so far
std::reverse(entries.begin(), entries.end());
buffer<hypothesis> hypotheses; // normalized names and types of the entries processed so far
buffer<expr> bodies; // normalized bodies of the entries processed so far
std::vector<expr> consts; // cached consts[i] == mk_constant(names[i], hypotheses[i])
auto replace_vars = [&](expr const & e, unsigned offset) -> expr {
@ -128,10 +129,9 @@ std::pair<goal, goal_proof_fn> to_goal(environment const & env, context const &
return e;
replace_fn<decltype(replace_vars)> replacer(replace_vars);
auto it = entries.end();
auto begin = entries.begin();
while (it != begin) {
auto it = entries.begin();
auto end = entries.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
auto const & e = *it;
name n = mk_unique_name(used_names, e.get_name());
expr d = replacer(e.get_domain());
@ -148,8 +148,7 @@ std::pair<goal, goal_proof_fn> to_goal(environment const & env, context const &
expr conclusion = replacer(t);
std::reverse(consts.begin(), consts.end());
return mk_pair(goal(reverse_to_list(hypotheses.begin(), hypotheses.end()), conclusion),
return mk_pair(goal(to_list(hypotheses.begin(), hypotheses.end()), conclusion),
@ -70,6 +70,18 @@ proof_state to_proof_state(environment const & env, context const & ctx, expr co
return proof_state(goals(mk_pair(g_main, g)), metavar_env(), pr_builder, cex_builder);
regular const & operator<<(regular const & out, proof_state & s) {
options const & opts = out.m_io_state.get_options();
out.m_io_state.get_regular_channel().get_stream() << mk_pair(s.pp(out.m_io_state.get_formatter(), opts), opts);
return out;
diagnostic const & operator<<(diagnostic const & out, proof_state & s) {
options const & opts = out.m_io_state.get_options();
out.m_io_state.get_diagnostic_channel().get_stream() << mk_pair(s.pp(out.m_io_state.get_formatter(), opts), opts);
return out;
static int mk_goals(lua_State * L) {
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/optional.h"
#include "library/io_state.h"
#include "library/tactic/goal.h"
#include "library/tactic/proof_builder.h"
#include "library/tactic/cex_builder.h"
@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ goals map_goals(proof_state const & s, F && f) {
regular const & operator<<(regular const & out, proof_state & s);
diagnostic const & operator<<(diagnostic const & out, proof_state & s);
void open_proof_state(lua_State * L);
Add table
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