feat(library/inductive_unifier_plugin): restrict rule that was generating non-terminating behavior
see issue #632
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 27 additions and 136 deletions
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
definition is_trunc_eq [instance] [priority 1200]
(n : trunc_index) [H : is_trunc (n.+1) A] (x y : A) : is_trunc n (x = y) :=
is_trunc.mk (!is_trunc.to_internal x y)
is_trunc.mk (@is_trunc.to_internal (n .+1) A H x y)
/- contractibility -/
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace is_trunc
is_trunc.mk (contr_internal.mk center center_eq)
definition center (A : Type) [H : is_contr A] : A :=
@contr_internal.center A !is_trunc.to_internal
@contr_internal.center A (@is_trunc.to_internal -2 A H)
definition center_eq [H : is_contr A] (a : A) : !center = a :=
@contr_internal.center_eq A !is_trunc.to_internal a
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ namespace is_trunc
definition is_trunc_succ_of_is_hprop (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hprop A]
: is_trunc (n.+1) A :=
is_trunc_of_leq A star
@is_trunc_of_leq A (-2.+1) _ star _
definition is_trunc_succ_succ_of_is_hset (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hset A]
definition is_trunc_succ_succ_of_is_hset (A : Type) (n : trunc_index) [H : is_hset A]
: is_trunc (n.+2) A :=
is_trunc_of_leq A star
@is_trunc_of_leq A (-2.+1.+1) _ star _
/- hprops -/
@ -799,7 +799,13 @@ definition succ_neg_nat_succ (n : ℕ) : succ (-nat.succ n) = -n := !succ_neg_su
definition rec_nat_on [unfold-c 2] {P : ℤ → Type} (z : ℤ) (H0 : P 0)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P (-n) → P (-nat.succ n)) : P z :=
int.rec_on z (λn, nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc) (λn, nat.rec_on n (Hpred H0) (λm H, Hpred H))
induction z with n n,
{exact nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc},
{induction n with m ih,
exact Hpred H0,
exact Hpred ih}
--the only computation rule of rec_nat_on which is not definitional
definition rec_nat_on_neg {P : ℤ → Type} (n : nat) (H0 : P zero)
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ namespace eq
rec_nat_on b
(λn IH, calc
power p (succ n) ⬝ p⁻¹ = power p n : con_inv_cancel_right
... = power p (pred (succ n)) : by rewrite pred_nat_succ)
power p (succ n) ⬝ p⁻¹ = power p n : by apply con_inv_cancel_right
... = power p (pred (succ n)) : by rewrite pred_nat_succ)
(λn IH, calc
power p (-succ n) ⬝ p⁻¹ = power p (-succ (succ n)) : by rewrite [↑power,-rec_nat_on_neg]
... = power p (pred (-succ n)) : by rewrite -neg_succ)
@ -660,7 +660,13 @@ theorem succ_neg_nat_succ (n : ℕ) : succ (-nat.succ n) = -n := !succ_neg_succ
definition rec_nat_on [unfold-c 2] {P : ℤ → Type} (z : ℤ) (H0 : P 0)
(Hsucc : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P n → P (succ n)) (Hpred : Π⦃n : ℕ⦄, P (-n) → P (-nat.succ n)) : P z :=
int.rec_on z (λn, nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc) (λn, nat.rec_on n (Hpred H0) (λm H, Hpred H))
induction z with n n,
{exact nat.rec_on n H0 Hsucc},
{induction n with m ih,
exact Hpred H0,
exact Hpred ih}
--the only computation rule of rec_nat_on which is not definitional
theorem rec_nat_on_neg {P : ℤ → Type} (n : nat) (H0 : P zero)
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ theorem succ_le_succ {n m : ℕ} (H : n ≤ m) : succ n ≤ succ m :=
!add_one ▸ !add_one ▸ add_le_add_right H 1
theorem le_of_succ_le_succ {n m : ℕ} (H : succ n ≤ succ m) : n ≤ m :=
le_of_add_le_add_right H
le_of_add_le_add_right (by rewrite -add_one at H; assumption)
theorem self_le_succ (n : ℕ) : n ≤ succ n :=
le.intro !add_one
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h"
#include "library/unifier_plugin.h"
#include "library/unifier.h"
#include "library/util.h"
namespace lean {
class inductive_unifier_plugin_cell : public unifier_plugin_cell {
@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ class inductive_unifier_plugin_cell : public unifier_plugin_cell {
expr const & elim = get_app_args(lhs, args);
environment const & env = tc.env();
auto it_name = *inductive::is_elim_rule(env, const_name(elim));
if (is_recursive_datatype(env, it_name))
return lazy_list<constraints>();
auto decls = *inductive::is_inductive_decl(env, it_name);
for (auto const & d : std::get<2>(decls)) {
if (inductive::inductive_decl_name(d) == it_name)
@ -23,27 +23,3 @@ theorem cons_ne_nil {A : Type} (a : A) (l : list A) : ¬ cons a l = nil
theorem T : is_nil (@nil Prop)
:= by apply is_nil_nil
local list = Const("list", {1})(Prop)
local isNil = Const("is_nil", {1})(Prop)
local Nil = Const({"list", "nil"}, {1})(Prop)
local m = mk_metavar("m", list)
function test_unify(env, m, lhs, rhs, num_s)
print(tostring(lhs) .. " =?= " .. tostring(rhs) .. ", expected: " .. tostring(num_s))
local ss = unify(env, lhs, rhs, name_generator(), substitution())
local n = 0
for s in ss do
print("solution: " .. tostring(s:instantiate(m)))
n = n + 1
if num_s ~= n then print("n: " .. n) end
assert(num_s == n)
test_unify(get_env(), m, isNil(Nil), isNil(m), 2)
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ theorem T1 {p : nat → Prop} {a : nat } (H : p (a+2)) : ∃ x, p (succ x)
definition is_zero (n : nat)
:= nat.rec true (λ n r, false) n
theorem T2 : ∃ a, (is_zero a) = true
:= by apply exists.intro; apply eq.refl
theorem T2 : ∃ a, (is_zero a) = true :=
by existsi zero; apply eq.refl
end nat
end experiment
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import logic
namespace experiment
inductive nat : Type :=
| zero : nat
| succ : nat → nat
check @nat.rec
local env = get_env()
local nat_rec = Const({"nat", "rec"}, {1})
local nat = Const("nat")
local n = Local("n", nat)
local C = Fun(n, Prop)
local p = Local("p", Prop)
local ff = Const("false")
local tt = Const("true")
local t = nat_rec(C, ff, Fun(n, p, tt))
local zero = Const("zero")
local succ = Const("succ")
local one = succ(zero)
local tc = type_checker(env)
local m = mk_metavar("m", nat)
function test_unify(env, lhs, rhs, num_s)
print(tostring(lhs) .. " =?= " .. tostring(rhs) .. ", expected: " .. tostring(num_s))
local ss = unify(env, lhs, rhs, name_generator(), true, substitution(), options())
local n = 0
for s in ss do
print("solution: ")
s:for_each_expr(function(n, v, j)
print(" " .. tostring(n) .. " := " .. tostring(v))
s:for_each_level(function(n, v, j)
print(" " .. tostring(n) .. " := " .. tostring(v))
n = n + 1
if num_s ~= n then print("n: " .. n) end
assert(num_s == n)
test_unify(env, t(m), tt, 1)
test_unify(env, t(m), ff, 1)
end experiment
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
import logic
namespace experiment
inductive nat : Type :=
| zero : nat
| succ : nat → nat
constant f : nat → nat
check @nat.rec
local env = get_env()
local nat_rec = Const({"nat", "rec"}, {1})
local nat = Const("nat")
local f = Const("f")
local n = Local("n", nat)
local C = Fun(n, Prop)
local p = Local("p", Prop)
local ff = Const("false")
local tt = Const("true")
local t = nat_rec(C, ff, Fun(n, p, tt))
local zero = Const("zero")
local succ = Const("succ")
local one = succ(zero)
local tc = type_checker(env)
local m = mk_metavar("m", nat)
function test_unify(env, lhs, rhs, num_s)
print(tostring(lhs) .. " =?= " .. tostring(rhs) .. ", expected: " .. tostring(num_s))
local ss = unify(env, lhs, rhs, name_generator(), true, substitution(), options())
local n = 0
for s in ss do
print("solution: ")
s:for_each_expr(function(n, v, j)
print(" " .. tostring(n) .. " := " .. tostring(v))
s:for_each_level(function(n, v, j)
print(" " .. tostring(n) .. " := " .. tostring(v))
n = n + 1
if num_s ~= n then print("n: " .. n) end
assert(num_s == n)
test_unify(env, f(t(m)), f(tt), 1)
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