feat(hott/homotopy): general connectivity elimination and the wedge connectivity lemma
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 208 additions and 28 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The rows indicate the chapters, the columns the sections.
| Ch 5 | - | . | ½ | - | - | . | . | ½ | | | | | | | |
| Ch 5 | - | . | ½ | - | - | . | . | ½ | | | | | | | |
| Ch 6 | . | + | + | + | + | ½ | ½ | + | ¾ | ¼ | ¾ | + | . | | |
| Ch 6 | . | + | + | + | + | ½ | ½ | + | ¾ | ¼ | ¾ | + | . | | |
| Ch 7 | + | + | + | - | ¾ | - | - | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 7 | + | + | + | - | ¾ | - | - | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 8 | ¾ | ¾ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | |
| Ch 8 | ¾ | ¾ | - | - | ¼ | ¼ | - | - | - | - | | | | | |
| Ch 9 | ¾ | + | + | ½ | ¾ | ½ | - | - | - | | | | | | |
| Ch 9 | ¾ | + | + | ½ | ¾ | ½ | - | - | - | | | | | | |
| Ch 10 | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 10 | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 11 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 11 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | |
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ Unless otherwise noted, the files are in the folder [homotopy](homotopy/homotopy
- 8.2 (Connectedness of suspensions): [homotopy.connectedness](homotopy/connectedness.hlean) (different proof)
- 8.2 (Connectedness of suspensions): [homotopy.connectedness](homotopy/connectedness.hlean) (different proof)
- 8.3 (πk≤n of an n-connected space and π_{k<n}(S^n)): not formalized
- 8.3 (πk≤n of an n-connected space and π_{k<n}(S^n)): not formalized
- 8.4 (Fiber sequences and the long exact sequence): not formalized
- 8.4 (Fiber sequences and the long exact sequence): not formalized
- 8.5 (The Hopf fibration): not formalized
- 8.5 (The Hopf fibration): [homotopy.circle](homotopy/circle.hlean) (H-space structure on the circle, Lemma 8.5.8), [homotopy.join](homotopy/join.hlean) (join is associative, Lemma 8.5.9), the rest is not formalized
- 8.6 (The Freudenthal suspension theorem): not formalized
- 8.6 (The Freudenthal suspension theorem): [homotopy.connectedness](homotopy/connectedness.hlean) (Lemma 8.6.1), [homotopy.wedge](homotopy/wedge.hlean) (Wedge connectivity, Lemma 8.6.2), the rest is not formalized
- 8.7 (The van Kampen theorem): not formalized
- 8.7 (The van Kampen theorem): not formalized
- 8.8 (Whitehead’s theorem and Whitehead’s principle): not formalized
- 8.8 (Whitehead’s theorem and Whitehead’s principle): not formalized
- 8.9 (A general statement of the encode-decode method): not formalized
- 8.9 (A general statement of the encode-decode method): not formalized
@ -269,4 +269,30 @@ namespace circle
induction H', reflexivity}
induction H', reflexivity}
definition circle_mul [reducible] (x y : S¹) : S¹ :=
induction x,
{ induction y,
{ exact base },
{ exact loop } },
{ induction y,
{ exact loop },
{ apply eq_pathover, rewrite elim_loop,
apply square_of_eq, reflexivity } }
definition circle_mul_base (x : S¹) : circle_mul x base = x :=
induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, krewrite [elim_loop,ap_id], apply hrefl }
definition circle_base_mul (x : S¹) : circle_mul base x = x :=
induction x,
{ reflexivity },
{ apply eq_pathover, krewrite [elim_loop,ap_id], apply hrefl }
end circle
end circle
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2015 Ulrik Buchholtz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz
Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz
import types.trunc types.arrow_2 types.fiber .susp
import types.trunc types.eq types.arrow_2 types.fiber .susp
open eq is_trunc is_equiv nat equiv trunc function fiber
open eq is_trunc is_equiv nat equiv trunc function fiber funext
namespace homotopy
namespace homotopy
@ -29,33 +29,73 @@ namespace homotopy
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type} {h : A → B}
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type} {h : A → B}
(H : is_conn_map n h) (P : B → n -Type)
(H : is_conn_map n h) (P : B → n -Type)
private definition helper : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → Πb : B, trunc n (fiber h b) → P b :=
private definition rec.helper : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → Πb : B, trunc n (fiber h b) → P b :=
λt b, trunc.rec (λx, point_eq x ▸ t (point x))
λt b, trunc.rec (λx, point_eq x ▸ t (point x))
private definition g : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → (Πb : B, P b) :=
private definition rec.g : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → (Πb : B, P b) :=
λt b, helper t b (@center (trunc n (fiber h b)) (H b))
λt b, rec.helper t b (@center (trunc n (fiber h b)) (H b))
-- induction principle for n-connected maps (Lemma 7.5.7)
-- induction principle for n-connected maps (Lemma 7.5.7)
definition rec : is_equiv (λs : Πb : B, P b, λa : A, s (h a)) :=
protected definition rec : is_equiv (λs : Πb : B, P b, λa : A, s (h a)) :=
adjointify (λs a, s (h a)) g
adjointify (λs a, s (h a)) rec.g
intro t, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, unfold g, unfold helper,
intro t, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, unfold rec.g, unfold rec.helper,
rewrite [@center_eq _ (H (h a)) (tr (fiber.mk a idp))],
rewrite [@center_eq _ (H (h a)) (tr (fiber.mk a idp))],
intro k, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b, unfold g,
intro k, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro b, unfold rec.g,
generalize (@center _ (H b)), apply trunc.rec, apply fiber.rec,
generalize (@center _ (H b)), apply trunc.rec, apply fiber.rec,
intros a p, induction p, reflexivity
intros a p, induction p, reflexivity
definition elim : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → (Πb : B, P b) :=
protected definition elim : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → (Πb : B, P b) :=
@is_equiv.inv _ _ (λs a, s (h a)) rec
@is_equiv.inv _ _ (λs a, s (h a)) rec
definition elim_β : Πf : (Πa : A, P (h a)), Πa : A, elim f (h a) = f a :=
protected definition elim_β : Πf : (Πa : A, P (h a)), Πa : A, elim f (h a) = f a :=
λf, apd10 (@is_equiv.right_inv _ _ (λs a, s (h a)) rec f)
λf, apd10 (@is_equiv.right_inv _ _ (λs a, s (h a)) rec f)
parameters {n k : trunc_index} {A B : Type} {f : A → B}
(H : is_conn_map n f) (P : B → (n +2+ k)-Type)
include H
-- Lemma 8.6.1
proposition elim_general (t : Πa : A, P (f a))
: is_trunc k (fiber (λs : (Πb : B, P b), (λa, s (f a))) t) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ apply is_contr_fiber_of_is_equiv, apply is_conn_map.rec, exact H },
{ apply is_trunc_succ_intro,
intros x y, cases x with g p, cases y with h q,
assert e : fiber (λr : g ~ h, (λa, r (f a))) (apd10 (p ⬝ q⁻¹))
≃ (fiber.mk g p = fiber.mk h q
:> fiber (λs : (Πb, P b), (λa, s (f a))) t),
{ apply equiv.trans !fiber.sigma_char,
assert e' : Πr : g ~ h,
((λa, r (f a)) = apd10 (p ⬝ q⁻¹))
≃ (ap (λv, (λa, v (f a))) (eq_of_homotopy r) ⬝ q = p),
{ intro r,
refine equiv.trans _ (eq_con_inv_equiv_con_eq q p
(ap (λv a, v (f a)) (eq_of_homotopy r))),
rewrite [-(ap (λv a, v (f a)) (apd10_eq_of_homotopy r))],
rewrite [-(apd10_ap_precompose_dependent f (eq_of_homotopy r))],
apply equiv.symm,
apply eq_equiv_fn_eq (@apd10 A (λa, P (f a)) (λa, g (f a)) (λa, h (f a))) },
apply equiv.trans (sigma.sigma_equiv_sigma_id e'), clear e',
apply equiv.trans (equiv.symm (sigma.sigma_equiv_sigma_left
apply equiv.symm, apply equiv.trans !fiber_eq_equiv,
apply sigma.sigma_equiv_sigma_id, intro r,
apply eq_equiv_eq_symm },
apply @is_trunc_equiv_closed _ _ k e, clear e,
apply IH (λb : B, trunctype.mk (g b = h b)
(@is_trunc_eq (P b) (n +2+ k) (trunctype.struct (P b))
(g b) (h b))) }
universe variables u v
universe variables u v
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A : Type.{u}} {B : Type.{v}} {h : A → B}
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A : Type.{u}} {B : Type.{v}} {h : A → B}
@ -113,6 +153,44 @@ namespace homotopy
-- as special case we get elimination principles for pointed connected types
namespace is_conn
open pointed Pointed unit
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A : Type*}
[H : is_conn n .+1 A] (P : A → n -Type)
include H
protected definition rec : is_equiv (λs : Πa : A, P a, s (Point A)) :=
(Πa : A, P a) (unit → P (Point A)) (P (Point A))
(λs x, s (Point A)) (λf, f unit.star)
(is_conn_map.rec (is_conn_map_from_unit n A (Point A)) P)
(to_is_equiv (unit.unit_imp_equiv (P (Point A))))
protected definition elim : P (Point A) → (Πa : A, P a) :=
@is_equiv.inv _ _ (λs, s (Point A)) rec
protected definition elim_β (p : P (Point A)) : elim p (Point A) = p :=
@is_equiv.right_inv _ _ (λs, s (Point A)) rec p
parameters {n k : trunc_index} {A : Type*}
[H : is_conn n .+1 A] (P : A → (n +2+ k)-Type)
include H
proposition elim_general (p : P (Point A))
: is_trunc k (fiber (λs : (Πa : A, P a), s (Point A)) p) :=
(fiber (λs x, s (Point A)) (λx, p))
(fiber (λs, s (Point A)) p)
(equiv.symm (fiber.equiv_postcompose (to_fun (unit.unit_imp_equiv (P (Point A))))))
(is_conn_map.elim_general (is_conn_map_from_unit n A (Point A)) P (λx, p))
end is_conn
-- Lemma 7.5.2
-- Lemma 7.5.2
definition minus_one_conn_of_surjective {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
definition minus_one_conn_of_surjective {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: is_surjective f → is_conn_map -1 f :=
: is_surjective f → is_conn_map -1 f :=
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2016 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob von Raumer
Authors: Jakob von Raumer, Ulrik Buchholtz
The Wedge Sum of Two Pointed Types
The Wedge Sum of Two Pointed Types
import hit.pointed_pushout
import hit.pointed_pushout .connectedness
open eq pushout pointed Pointed
open eq pushout pointed Pointed
definition Wedge (A B : Type*) : Type* := Pushout (pconst Unit A) (pconst Unit B)
namespace wedge
namespace wedge
variables (A B : Type*)
definition Wedge : Type* := Pushout (pconst Unit A) (pconst Unit B)
-- TODO maybe find a cleaner proof
-- TODO maybe find a cleaner proof
protected definition unit : A ≃* Wedge Unit A :=
protected definition unit (A : Type*) : A ≃* Wedge Unit A :=
{ fapply pmap.mk, intro a, apply pinr a, apply respect_pt },
{ fapply pmap.mk, intro a, apply pinr a, apply respect_pt },
@ -30,6 +27,52 @@ namespace wedge
apply con.left_inv,
apply con.left_inv,
intro a, reflexivity },
intro a, reflexivity },
end wedge
end wedge
open trunc is_trunc function homotopy
namespace wedge_extension
-- The wedge connectivity lemma (Lemma 8.6.2)
parameters {A B : Type*} (n m : trunc_index)
[cA : is_conn n .+2 A] [cB : is_conn m .+2 B]
(P : A → B → (m .+1 +2+ n .+1)-Type)
(f : Πa : A, P a (Point B))
(g : Πb : B, P (Point A) b)
(p : f (Point A) = g (Point B))
include cA cB
private definition Q (a : A) : (n .+1)-Type :=
(fiber (λs : (Πb : B, P a b), s (Point B)) (f a))
(is_conn.elim_general (P a) (f a))
private definition Q_sec : Πa : A, Q a :=
is_conn.elim Q (fiber.mk g p⁻¹)
protected definition ext : Π(a : A)(b : B), P a b :=
λa, fiber.point (Q_sec a)
protected definition β_left (a : A) : ext a (Point B) = f a :=
fiber.point_eq (Q_sec a)
private definition coh_aux : Σq : ext (Point A) = g,
β_left (Point A) = ap (λs : (Πb : B, P (Point A) b), s (Point B)) q ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
equiv.to_fun (fiber.fiber_eq_equiv (Q_sec (Point A)) (fiber.mk g p⁻¹))
(is_conn.elim_β Q (fiber.mk g p⁻¹))
protected definition β_right (b : B) : ext (Point A) b = g b :=
apd10 (sigma.pr1 coh_aux) b
private definition lem : β_left (Point A) = β_right (Point B) ⬝ p⁻¹ :=
unfold β_right, unfold β_left,
krewrite (apd10_eq_ap_eval (sigma.pr1 coh_aux) (Point B)),
exact sigma.pr2 coh_aux,
protected definition coh
: (β_left (Point A))⁻¹ ⬝ β_right (Point B) = p :=
by rewrite [lem,con_inv,inv_inv,con.assoc,con.left_inv]
end wedge_extension
@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ namespace eq
definition apd10' [unfold 6] {f g : Πx, P x} (a : A) (H : f = g) : f a = g a :=
definition apd10' [unfold 6] {f g : Πx, P x} (a : A) (H : f = g) : f a = g a :=
eq.rec_on H idp
eq.rec_on H idp
--apd10 is also ap evaluation
definition apd10_eq_ap_eval {f g : Πx, P x} (H : f = g) (a : A)
: apd10 H a = ap (λs : Πx, P x, s a) H :=
eq.rec_on H idp
definition ap10 [reducible] [unfold 5] {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) : f ~ g := apd10 H
definition ap10 [reducible] [unfold 5] {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) : f ~ g := apd10 H
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = g y :=
definition ap11 {f g : A → B} (H : f = g) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = g y :=
@ -525,12 +530,17 @@ namespace eq
ap (λh, h ∘ f) p = transport (λh : B → C, g ∘ f = h ∘ f) p idp :=
ap (λh, h ∘ f) p = transport (λh : B → C, g ∘ f = h ∘ f) p idp :=
eq.rec_on p idp
eq.rec_on p idp
definition apd10_ap_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g = g') (a : A) :
definition apd10_ap_precompose (f : A → B) (g g' : B → C) (p : g = g') :
apd10 (ap (λh : B → C, h ∘ f) p) a = apd10 p (f a) :=
apd10 (ap (λh : B → C, h ∘ f) p) = λa, apd10 p (f a) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
eq.rec_on p idp
definition apd10_ap_postcompose (f : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (p : g = g') (a : A) :
definition apd10_ap_precompose_dependent {C : B → Type}
apd10 (ap (λh : A → B, f ∘ h) p) a = ap f (apd10 p a) :=
(f : A → B) {g g' : Πb : B, C b} (p : g = g')
: apd10 (ap (λ(h : (Πb : B, C b))(a : A), h (f a)) p) = λa, apd10 p (f a) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition apd10_ap_postcompose (f : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (p : g = g') :
apd10 (ap (λh : A → B, f ∘ h) p) = λa, ap f (apd10 p a) :=
eq.rec_on p idp
eq.rec_on p idp
-- A special case of [tr_compose] which seems to come up a lot.
-- A special case of [tr_compose] which seems to come up a lot.
@ -68,8 +68,31 @@ namespace fiber
definition is_trunc_fun [reducible] (n : trunc_index) (f : A → B) :=
definition is_trunc_fun [reducible] (n : trunc_index) (f : A → B) :=
Π(b : B), is_trunc n (fiber f b)
Π(b : B), is_trunc n (fiber f b)
definition is_contr_fun [reducible] (f : A → B) := is_trunc_fun -2 f
definition is_contr_fun [reducible] (f : A → B) := is_trunc_fun -2 f
-- pre and post composition with equivalences
open function
protected definition equiv_postcompose {B' : Type} (g : B → B') [H : is_equiv g]
: fiber (g ∘ f) (g b) ≃ fiber f b :=
fiber (g ∘ f) (g b) ≃ Σa : A, g (f a) = g b : fiber.sigma_char
... ≃ Σa : A, f a = b : begin
apply sigma_equiv_sigma_id, intro a,
apply equiv.symm, apply eq_equiv_fn_eq
... ≃ fiber f b : fiber.sigma_char
protected definition equiv_precompose {A' : Type} (g : A' → A) [H : is_equiv g]
: fiber (f ∘ g) b ≃ fiber f b :=
fiber (f ∘ g) b ≃ Σa' : A', f (g a') = b : fiber.sigma_char
... ≃ Σa : A, f a = b : begin
apply sigma_equiv_sigma (equiv.mk g H),
intro a', apply erfl
... ≃ fiber f b : fiber.sigma_char
end fiber
end fiber
open unit is_trunc
open unit is_trunc
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