Add support for pretty printing Dags. Find unused prefix for naming shared expressions.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2013-08-19 12:04:40 -07:00
parent 90ad0ba3b3
commit de80db3985
4 changed files with 199 additions and 57 deletions

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "instantiate.h"
#include "builtin_notation.h"
#include "context_to_lambda.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "for_each.h"
#include "options.h"
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_DEPTH 1000 //TODO: fix to reasonable value
namespace lean {
@ -61,14 +61,21 @@ static name g_pp_max_steps {"pp", "max_steps"};
static name g_pp_implicit {"pp", "implicit"};
static name g_pp_notation {"pp", "notation"};
static name g_pp_extra_lets {"pp", "extra_lets"};
static name g_pp_alias_min_depth {"pp", "alias_min_depth"};
static name g_pp_alias_min_weight{"pp", "alias_min_weight"};
unsigned get_pp_max_depth(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH); }
unsigned get_pp_max_steps(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_steps, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS); }
bool get_pp_implicit(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_implicit, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT); }
bool get_pp_notation(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_notation, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION); }
bool get_pp_extra_lets(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_extra_lets, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS); }
unsigned get_pp_alias_min_depth(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_alias_min_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_DEPTH); }
unsigned get_pp_max_depth(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH); }
unsigned get_pp_max_steps(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_steps, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS); }
bool get_pp_implicit(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_implicit, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT); }
bool get_pp_notation(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_notation, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION); }
bool get_pp_extra_lets(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_extra_lets, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS); }
unsigned get_pp_alias_min_weight(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_alias_min_weight, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_WEIGHT); }
// =======================================
// Prefixes for naming aliases (auxiliary local decls)
static name g_kappa("\u03BA");
static name g_pho("\u03C1");
static name g_nu("\u03BD");
// =======================================
\brief Return a fresh name for the given abstraction or let.
@ -102,9 +109,9 @@ class pp_fn {
unsigned m_max_depth;
unsigned m_max_steps;
bool m_implict;
bool m_notation; //!< if true use notation
bool m_extra_lets; //!< introduce extra let-expression to cope with sharing.
unsigned m_alias_min_depth; //!< minimal depth to create an alias
bool m_notation; //!< if true use notation
bool m_extra_lets; //!< introduce extra let-expression to cope with sharing.
unsigned m_alias_min_weight; //!< minimal weight for creating an alias
// Create a scope for local definitions
struct mk_scope {
@ -203,11 +210,19 @@ class pp_fn {
\brief Pretty print given expression and put parenthesis around it.
\brief Pretty print given expression and put parenthesis around
it IF the pp of the expression is not a simple name.
result pp_child_with_paren(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
result r = pp(e, depth + 1);
return mk_result(format{lp(), r.first, rp()}, r.second);
if (is_name(r.first)) {
// We do not add a parenthis if the format object is just
// a name. This can happen when \c e is a complicated
// expression, but an alias is created for it.
return r;
} else {
return mk_result(format{lp(), nest(1, format{r.first, rp()})}, r.second);
@ -254,9 +269,9 @@ class pp_fn {
result mk_infix(operator_info const & op, result const & lhs, result const & rhs) {
unsigned r_depth = std::max(lhs.second, rhs.second) + 1;
unsigned r_weight = lhs.second + rhs.second + 1;
format r_format = group(format{lhs.first, space(), format(op.get_op_name()), line(), rhs.first});
return mk_result(r_format, r_depth);
return mk_result(r_format, r_weight);
@ -268,7 +283,7 @@ class pp_fn {
result p_arg;
format r_format;
unsigned sz;
unsigned r_depth = 0;
unsigned r_weight = 1;
switch (op.get_fixity()) {
case fixity::Infix:
return mk_infix(op, pp_mixfix_child(op, arg(e, 1), depth), pp_mixfix_child(op, arg(e, 2), depth));
@ -292,10 +307,10 @@ class pp_fn {
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_args(e); i++) {
result p_arg = pp_mixfix_child(op, arg(e, i), depth);
r_format += format{p_arg.first, space(), format(*it), line()};
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_arg.second);
r_weight += p_arg.second;
return mk_result(group(r_format), r_depth + 1);
return mk_result(group(r_format), r_weight);
case fixity::Mixfixl: case fixity::Mixfixc: {
// ID _ ... _
@ -307,28 +322,30 @@ class pp_fn {
unsigned sz = it->size();
if (i > 1) r_format += space();
r_format += format{format(*it), nest(sz+1, format{line(), p_arg.first})};
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_arg.second);
r_weight += p_arg.second;
if (it != parts.end()) {
// it is Mixfixc
r_format += format{space(), format(*it)};
return mk_result(group(r_format), r_depth + 1);
return mk_result(group(r_format), r_weight);
return mk_result(format(), 0);
} else {
// standard function application
result p = pp_child(arg(e, 0), depth);
result p = pp_child(arg(e, 0), depth);
bool simple = is_constant(arg(e, 0)) && const_name(arg(e, 0)).size() <= m_indent + 4;
unsigned indent = simple ? const_name(arg(e, 0)).size()+1 : m_indent;
format r_format = p.first;
unsigned r_depth = p.second;
unsigned r_weight = p.second;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_args(e); i++) {
result p_arg = pp_child(arg(e, i), depth);
r_format += format{line(), p_arg.first};
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_arg.second);
r_format += format{i == 1 && simple ? space() : line(), p_arg.first};
r_weight += p_arg.second;
return mk_result(group(nest(m_indent, r_format)), r_depth + 1);
return mk_result(group(nest(indent, r_format)), r_weight);
@ -356,11 +373,30 @@ class pp_fn {
result pp_scoped_child(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
if (is_atomic(e)) {
return pp(e, depth + 1);
return pp(e, depth + 1, true);
} else {
mk_scope s(*this);
// TODO: create Let with new aliases
return pp(e, depth+1);
result r = pp(e, depth + 1, true);
if (m_aliases_defs.size() == s.m_old_size) {
return r;
} else {
format r_format = g_let_fmt;
unsigned r_weight = 2;
unsigned begin = s.m_old_size;
unsigned end = m_aliases_defs.size();
for (unsigned i = begin; i < end; i++) {
auto b = m_aliases_defs[i];
name const & n = b.first;
format beg = i == begin ? space() : line();
format sep = i < end - 1 ? comma() : format();
r_format += nest(3 + 1, format{beg, format(n), space(), g_assign_fmt, nest(n.size() + 1 + 2 + 1, format{space(), b.second, sep})});
// we do not store the alias definitin real weight. We know it is at least m_alias_min_weight
r_weight += m_alias_min_weight + 1;
r_format += format{line(), g_in_fmt, space(), nest(2 + 1, r.first)};
r_weight += r.second;
return mk_pair(group(r_format), r_weight);
@ -406,7 +442,7 @@ class pp_fn {
result p_lhs = pp_child(abst_domain(e), depth);
result p_rhs = pp_arrow_body(abst_body(e), depth);
format r_format = group(format{p_lhs.first, space(), g_arrow_fmt, line(), p_rhs.first});
return mk_result(r_format, std::max(p_lhs.second, p_rhs.second) + 1);
return mk_result(r_format, p_lhs.second + p_rhs.second + 1);
} else {
buffer<std::pair<name, expr>> nested;
auto p = collect_nested(e, T, e.kind(), nested);
@ -434,11 +470,11 @@ class pp_fn {
if (T)
sig = format{lp(), sig, rp()};
format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), sig, body_sep, line(), p_body.first}));
return mk_result(r_format, std::max(p_domain.second, p_body.second)+1);
return mk_result(r_format, p_domain.second + p_body.second + 1);
} else {
auto it = nested.begin();
auto end = nested.end();
unsigned r_depth = 0;
unsigned r_weight = 1;
// PP binders in blocks (names ... : type)
bool first = true;
format bindings;
@ -449,7 +485,7 @@ class pp_fn {
result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(it->second, depth);
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_domain.second);
r_weight += p_domain.second;
format block = group(nest(m_indent, format{lp(), pp_bnames(it, it2, true), space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first, rp()}));
if (first) {
bindings = block;
@ -461,7 +497,7 @@ class pp_fn {
result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth);
format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), group(bindings), body_sep, line(), p_body.first}));
return mk_result(r_format, std::max(r_depth, p_body.second)+1);
return mk_result(r_format, r_weight + p_body.second);
@ -484,7 +520,7 @@ class pp_fn {
result pp_let(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
buffer<std::pair<name, expr>> bindings;
expr body = collect_nested_let(e, bindings);
unsigned r_depth = 0;
unsigned r_weight = 2;
format r_format = g_let_fmt;
unsigned sz = bindings.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
@ -494,12 +530,12 @@ class pp_fn {
format beg = i == 0 ? space() : line();
format sep = i < sz - 1 ? comma() : format();
r_format += nest(3 + 1, format{beg, format(n), space(), g_assign_fmt, nest(n.size() + 1 + 2 + 1, format{space(), p_def.first, sep})});
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_def.second);
r_weight += p_def.second;
result p_body = pp(body, depth+1);
r_depth = std::max(r_depth, p_body.second);
r_weight += p_body.second;
r_format += format{line(), g_in_fmt, space(), nest(2 + 1, p_body.first)};
return mk_pair(group(r_format), r_depth);
return mk_pair(group(r_format), r_weight);
/** \brief Pretty print the child of an equality. */
@ -531,10 +567,10 @@ class pp_fn {
format{line(), p_arg1.first,
line(), p_arg2.first})});
return mk_result(r_format, std::max(p_arg1.second, p_arg2.second) + 1);
return mk_result(r_format, p_arg1.second + p_arg2.second + 1);
result pp(expr const & e, unsigned depth) {
result pp(expr const & e, unsigned depth, bool main = false) {
if (m_num_steps > m_max_steps || depth > m_max_depth) {
return pp_ellipsis();
} else {
@ -556,11 +592,10 @@ class pp_fn {
case expr_kind::Eq: r = pp_eq(e, depth); break;
case expr_kind::Let: r = pp_let(e, depth); break;
if (m_extra_lets && is_shared(e) && r.second > m_alias_min_depth) {
lean_unreachable(); // TODO: remove
std::cout << "DEPTH: " << r.second << "\n";
name new_aux = name(m_aux, m_aliases.size());
if (!main && m_extra_lets && is_shared(e) && r.second > m_alias_min_weight) {
name new_aux = name(m_aux, m_aliases_defs.size()+1);
m_aliases.insert(e, new_aux);
m_aliases_defs.push_back(mk_pair(new_aux, r.first));
return mk_result(format(new_aux), 1);
return r;
@ -568,20 +603,57 @@ class pp_fn {
void set_options(options const & opts) {
m_indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
m_max_depth = get_pp_max_depth(opts);
m_max_steps = get_pp_max_steps(opts);
m_implict = get_pp_implicit(opts);
m_notation = get_pp_notation(opts);
m_extra_lets = get_pp_extra_lets(opts);
m_alias_min_depth = get_pp_alias_min_depth(opts);
m_indent = get_pp_indent(opts);
m_max_depth = get_pp_max_depth(opts);
m_max_steps = get_pp_max_steps(opts);
m_implict = get_pp_implicit(opts);
m_notation = get_pp_notation(opts);
m_extra_lets = get_pp_extra_lets(opts);
m_alias_min_weight = get_pp_alias_min_weight(opts);
void init() {
struct found_prefix {};
bool uses_prefix(expr const & e, name const & prefix) {
auto f = [&](expr const & e, unsigned offset) {
if (is_constant(e)) {
if (is_prefix_of(prefix, const_name(e))) throw found_prefix();
} else if (is_abstraction(e)) {
if (is_prefix_of(prefix, abst_name(e))) throw found_prefix();
} else if (is_let(e)) {
if (is_prefix_of(prefix, let_name(e))) throw found_prefix();
try {
for_each_fn<decltype(f)> visitor(f);
return false;
} catch (found_prefix) {
return true;
name find_unused_prefix(expr const & e) {
if (!uses_prefix(e, g_kappa))
return g_kappa;
else if (!uses_prefix(e, g_pho))
return g_pho;
else {
unsigned i = 1;
name n(g_nu, i);
while (uses_prefix(e, n)) {
n = name(g_nu, i);
return n;
void init(expr const & e) {
m_num_steps = 0;
m_aux = name("aux"); // TODO: find non used prefix
m_aux = find_unused_prefix(e);
@ -591,12 +663,12 @@ public:
format operator()(expr const & e) {
return pp(e, 0).first;
return pp_scoped_child(e, 0).first;
format pp_definition(expr const & v, expr const & t) {
init(mk_app(v, t));
expr T(t);
return pp_abstraction_core(v, 0, T).first;

View file

@ -7,3 +7,6 @@ add_test(scanner ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/scanner)
add_executable(parser parser.cpp)
target_link_libraries(parser ${EXTRA_LIBS})
add_test(parser ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser)
add_executable(pp pp.cpp)
target_link_libraries(pp ${EXTRA_LIBS})
add_test(pp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pp)

src/tests/frontend/pp.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontend.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "abstract.h"
#include "pp.h"
#include "test.h"
using namespace lean;
static expr mk_shared_expr(unsigned depth) {
expr f = Const("f");
expr a = Const("a");
expr r = a;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth; i++)
r = f(r, r);
return r;
static void tst1() {
frontend f;
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(f);
std::cout << "Basic printer\n";
std::cout << mk_shared_expr(10) << std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------\nPretty printer\n";
std::cout << fmt(mk_shared_expr(10)) << std::endl;
static void tst2() {
frontend f;
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(f);
expr a = Const("a");
expr t = Fun({a, Type()}, mk_shared_expr(10));
expr g = Const("g");
std::cout << fmt(g(t, t, t)) << std::endl;
formatter fmt2 = mk_pp_formatter(f, options({"pp", "alias_min_weight"}, 100));
std::cout << fmt2(g(t, t, t)) << std::endl;
static void tst3() {
frontend f;
formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(f);
expr g = Const("g");
expr a = Const("\u03BA");
expr b = Const("\u03C1");
expr c = Const("\u03BD");
expr d = Const(name("\u03BD", 1u));
expr t = g(a, mk_shared_expr(5));
std::cout << "----------------\n";
std::cout << fmt(t) << "\n----------------\n";
std::cout << fmt(g(b, t)) << "\n----------------\n";
std::cout << fmt(g(c, b, t)) << "\n----------------\n";
std::cout << fmt(g(d, c, b, t)) << "\n";
int main() {
return has_violations() ? 1 : 0;

View file

@ -208,6 +208,9 @@ public:
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, format const & f);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, std::pair<format const &, options const &> const & p);
/** \brief Return true iff f is just a name */
friend bool is_name(format const & f) { return format::is_text(f) && ::lean::is_name(cdr(f.m_value)); }
format wrap(format const & f1, format const & f2);