feat(frontends/lean): validate infixl/infixr/postfix/prefix declarations against reserved notations
This commit is contained in:
35 changed files with 153 additions and 92 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace binary
variable {A : Type}
variable f : A → A → A
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
definition commutative := ∀{a b}, a*b = b*a
definition associative := ∀{a b c}, (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace binary
variable {f : A → A → A}
variable H_comm : commutative f
variable H_assoc : associative f
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
theorem left_comm : ∀a b c, a*(b*c) = b*(a*c) :=
take a b c, calc
a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c : H_assoc⁻¹
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace binary
variable {A : Type}
variable {f : A → A → A}
variable H_assoc : associative f
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
theorem assoc4helper (a b c d) : (a*b)*(c*d) = a*((b*c)*d) :=
(a*b)*(c*d) = a*(b*(c*d)) : H_assoc
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ inductive sum (A B : Type) : Type :=
namespace sum
notation A ⊎ B := sum A B
namespace extra_notation
infixr `+`:25 := sum -- conflicts with notation for addition
reserve infixr `+`:25 -- conflicts with notation for addition
infixr `+` := sum
end extra_notation
variables {A B : Type}
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace vector
definition concat {n m : ℕ} (v : vector T n) (w : vector T m) : vector T (n + m) :=
vector.rec (cast_subst (!add.zero_left⁻¹) w) (λx n w' u, cast_subst (!add.succ_left⁻¹) (x::u)) v
infixl `++`:65 := concat
notation h ++ t := concat h t
theorem nil_concat {n : ℕ} (v : vector T n) : nil ++ v = cast_subst (!add.zero_left⁻¹) v := rfl
@ -67,53 +67,113 @@ using notation::mk_ext_lua_action;
using notation::transition;
using notation::action;
static auto parse_mixfix_notation(parser & p, mixfix_kind k, bool overload, bool reserve )
static auto parse_mixfix_notation(parser & p, mixfix_kind k, bool overload, bool reserve)
-> pair<notation_entry, optional<token_entry>> {
std::string tk = parse_symbol(p, "invalid notation declaration, quoted symbol or identifier expected");
char const * tks = tk.c_str();
environment const & env = p.env();
optional<token_entry> new_token;
optional<unsigned> prec;
optional<parse_table> reserved_pt;
optional<action> reserved_action;
if (!reserve) {
if (k == mixfix_kind::prefix) {
if (auto at = get_reserved_nud_table(p.env()).find(tks)) {
reserved_pt = at->second;
reserved_action = at->first;
} else {
if (auto at = get_reserved_led_table(p.env()).find(tks)) {
reserved_pt = at->second;
reserved_action = at->first;
if (p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
if (reserved_pt)
throw parser_error("invalid notation declaration, invalid ':' occurrence "
"(declaration matches reserved notation)", p.pos());
prec = parse_precedence(p, "invalid notation declaration, numeral or 'max' expected");
environment const & env = p.env();
optional<token_entry> new_token;
if (!prec) {
prec = get_precedence(get_token_table(env), tk.c_str());
} else if (prec != get_precedence(get_token_table(env), tk.c_str())) {
new_token = token_entry(tk.c_str(), *prec);
if (!prec)
if (!prec) {
throw parser_error("invalid notation declaration, precedence was not provided, "
"and it is not set for the given symbol, "
"solution: use the 'precedence' command", p.pos());
if (k == mixfix_kind::infixr && *prec == 0)
throw parser_error("invalid infixr declaration, precedence must be greater than zero", p.pos());
expr f;
if (reserved_action) {
switch (k) {
case mixfix_kind::infixl:
if (reserved_action->kind() != notation::action_kind::Expr || reserved_action->rbp() != *prec)
throw parser_error("invalid infixl declaration, declaration conflicts with reserved notation", p.pos());
case mixfix_kind::infixr:
if (reserved_action->kind() != notation::action_kind::Expr || reserved_action->rbp() != *prec-1)
throw parser_error("invalid infixr declaration, declaration conflicts with reserved notation", p.pos());
case mixfix_kind::postfix:
if (reserved_action->kind() != notation::action_kind::Skip)
throw parser_error("invalid postfix declaration, declaration conflicts with reserved notation", p.pos());
case mixfix_kind::prefix:
if (reserved_action->kind() != notation::action_kind::Expr || reserved_action->rbp() != *prec)
throw parser_error("invalid prefix declaration, declaration conflicts with reserved notation", p.pos());
if (reserve) {
// reserve notation commands do not have a denotation
expr dummy = mk_Prop();
if (p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk()))
throw parser_error("invalid reserve notation, found `:=`", p.pos());
switch (k) {
case mixfix_kind::infixl:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
dummy, overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::infixr:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec-1))),
dummy, overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::postfix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_skip_action())),
dummy, overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::prefix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(true, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
dummy, overload, reserve), new_token);
} else {
p.check_token_next(get_assign_tk(), "invalid notation declaration, ':=' expected");
auto f_pos = p.pos();
f = p.parse_expr();
expr f = p.parse_expr();
check_notation_expr(f, f_pos);
char const * tks = tk.c_str();
switch (k) {
case mixfix_kind::infixl:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
mk_app(f, Var(1), Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::infixr:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec-1))),
mk_app(f, Var(1), Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::postfix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_skip_action())),
mk_app(f, Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::prefix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(true, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
mk_app(f, Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
switch (k) {
case mixfix_kind::infixl:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
mk_app(f, Var(1), Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::infixr:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec-1))),
mk_app(f, Var(1), Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::postfix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(false, to_list(transition(tks, mk_skip_action())),
mk_app(f, Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
case mixfix_kind::prefix:
return mk_pair(notation_entry(true, to_list(transition(tks, mk_expr_action(*prec))),
mk_app(f, Var(0)), overload, reserve), new_token);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@ -357,7 +417,7 @@ static notation_entry parse_notation_core(parser & p, bool overload, bool reserv
if (p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk()))
throw parser_error("invalid notation declaration, invalid `:` occurrence "
throw parser_error("invalid notation declaration, invalid ':' occurrence "
"(declaration prefix matches reserved notation)", p.pos());
} else {
reserved_pt = optional<parse_table>();
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ context
variable f : A → A → A
variable one : A
variable inv : A → A
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
postfix `^-1`:100 := inv
definition is_assoc := ∀ a b c, (a*b)*c = a*b*c
definition is_id := ∀ a, a*one = a
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ namespace algebra
definition mul {A : Type} [s : mul_struct A] (a b : A)
:= mul_struct.rec (fun f, f) s a b
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
definition add {A : Type} [s : add_struct A] (a b : A)
:= add_struct.rec (fun f, f) s a b
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
end algebra
open algebra
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace foo
constant le : num → num → Prop
axiom le_trans {a b c : num} : le a b → le b c → le a c
calc_trans le_trans
infix `≤`:50 := le
infix `≤` := le
end foo
namespace foo
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace nat
definition add (x y : nat)
:= nat.rec x (λ n r, succ r) y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
theorem add_zero_left (x : nat) : x + zero = x
:= refl _
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace algebra
definition mul {A : Type} [s : mul_struct A] (a b : A)
:= mul_struct.rec (λ f, f) s a b
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
end algebra
open algebra
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ mk : (A → A → A) → add_struct A
definition add {A : Type} {S : add_struct A} (a b : A) : A :=
add_struct.rec (λ m, m) S a b
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
definition add_nat_struct [instance] : add_struct nat := add_struct.mk nat_add
definition add_int_struct [instance] : add_struct int := add_struct.mk int_add
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ check 0 + x
check x + 0
namespace foo
constant eq {A : Type} : A → A → Prop
infixl `=`:50 := eq
infixl `=` := eq
definition id (A : Type) (a : A) := a
notation A `=` B `:` C := @eq C A B
check nat_to_int n + nat_to_int m = (n + m) : int
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace setoid
definition eqv {s : setoid} : carrier s → carrier s → Prop
:= setoid.rec (λ a eqv, eqv) s
infix `≈`:50 := eqv
infix `≈` := eqv
coercion carrier
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace setoid
definition eqv {s : setoid} : carrier s → carrier s → Prop
:= setoid.rec (λ a eqv, eqv) s
infix `≈`:50 := eqv
infix `≈` := eqv
coercion carrier
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace setoid
definition eqv {s : setoid} : carrier s → carrier s → Prop
:= setoid.rec (λ a eqv, eqv) s
infix `≈`:50 := eqv
infix `≈` := eqv
coercion carrier
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace setoid
definition eqv {s : setoid} : carrier s → carrier s → Prop
:= setoid.rec (λ a eqv, eqv) s
infix `≈`:50 := eqv
infix `≈` := eqv
coercion carrier
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
constant int_add : int → int → int
infixl `+`:65 := int_add
infixl `+`:65 := nat_add
infixl `+` := int_add
infixl `+` := nat_add
print "================"
constant tst (n m : nat) : @eq int (of_nat n + of_nat m) (n + m)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ context
variable f : A → A → A
variable one : A
variable inv : A → A
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
postfix `^-1`:100 := inv
definition is_assoc := ∀ a b c, (a*b)*c = a*b*c
definition is_id := ∀ a, a*one = a
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ check group_struct
definition mul {A : Type} {s : group_struct A} (a b : A) : A
:= group_struct.rec (λ mul one inv h1 h2 h3, mul) s a b
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
constant G1 : group.{1}
constant G2 : group.{1}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ context
variable f : A → A → A
variable one : A
variable inv : A → A
infixl `*`:75 := f
infixl `*` := f
postfix `^-1`:100 := inv
definition is_assoc := ∀ a b c, (a*b)*c = a*b*c
definition is_id := ∀ a, a*one = a
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ check group_struct
definition mul {A : Type} [s : group_struct A] (a b : A) : A
:= group_struct.rec (λ mul one inv h1 h2 h3, mul) s a b
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
variable G1 : group
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ definition add (x y : nat) : nat
:= plus x y
constant le : nat → nat → Prop
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le
infixl `+` := add
infix `≤` := le
axiom add_one (n:nat) : n + (succ zero) = succ n
axiom add_le_right {n m : nat} (H : n ≤ m) (k : nat) : n + k ≤ m + k
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ definition add (x y : nat) : nat
:= plus x y
constant le : nat → nat → Prop
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le
infixl `+` := add
infix `≤` := le
axiom add_one (n:nat) : n + (succ zero) = succ n
axiom add_le_right_inv {n m k : nat} (H : n + k ≤ m + k) : n ≤ m
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ zero : nat,
succ : nat → nat
namespace nat
definition add (x y : nat) : nat := nat.rec x (λn r, succ r) y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
definition mul (n m : nat) := nat.rec zero (fun m x, x + n) m
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
axiom mul_succ_right (n m : nat) : n * succ m = n * m + n
open eq
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ succ : nat → nat
namespace nat
definition add (x y : nat) : nat := nat.rec x (λn r, succ r) y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
definition mul (n m : nat) := nat.rec zero (fun m x, x + n) m
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
axiom add_one (n:nat) : n + (succ zero) = succ n
axiom mul_zero_right (n : nat) : n * zero = zero
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ succ : nat → nat
namespace nat
definition add (x y : nat) : nat := nat.rec x (λn r, succ r) y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
definition mul (n m : nat) := nat.rec zero (fun m x, x + n) m
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
axiom mul_zero_right (n : nat) : n * zero = zero
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ succ : nat → nat
namespace nat
definition add (x y : nat) : nat := nat.rec x (λn r, succ r) y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
axiom add_right_comm (n m k : nat) : n + m + k = n + k + m
open eq
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ constant nat : Type.{1}
constant int : Type.{1}
constant nat_add : nat → nat → nat
infixl `+`:65 := nat_add
infixl `+` := nat_add
constant int_add : int → int → int
infixl `+`:65 := int_add
infixl `+` := int_add
constant of_nat : nat → int
coercion of_nat
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ constant list : Type.{1}
constant nil : list
constant cons : bool → list → list
infixr `::`:65 := cons
infixr `::` := cons
notation `[` l:(foldr `,` (h t, cons h t) nil `]`) := l
check []
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open nat prod
open decidable
constant modulo (x : ℕ) (y : ℕ) : ℕ
infixl `mod`:70 := modulo
infixl `mod` := modulo
constant gcd_aux : ℕ × ℕ → ℕ
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ constant nat : Type.{1}
constant add : nat → nat → nat
constant le : nat → nat → Prop
constant one : nat
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le
infixl `+` := add
infix `≤` := le
axiom add_assoc (a b c : nat) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
axiom add_le_left {a b : nat} (H : a ≤ b) (c : nat) : c + a ≤ c + b
end nat
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ constant int : Type.{1}
constant add : int → int → int
constant le : int → int → Prop
constant one : int
infixl `+`:65 := add
infix `≤`:50 := le
infixl `+` := add
infix `≤` := le
axiom add_assoc (a b c : int) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
axiom add_le_left {a b : int} (H : a ≤ b) (c : int) : c + a ≤ c + b
definition lt (a b : int) := a + one ≤ b
infix `<`:50 := lt
infix `<` := lt
end int
open int
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open [coercions] nat
definition lt (a b : int) := int.le (int.add a 1) b
infix `<` := lt
infixl `+`:65 := int.add
infixl `+` := int.add
theorem lt_add_succ2 (a : int) (n : nat) : a < a + nat.succ n :=
int.le_intro (show a + 1 + n = a + nat.succ n, from sorry)
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ import logic
open bool
definition set {{T : Type}} := T → bool
infix `∈`:50 := λx A, A x = tt
infix `∈` := λx A, A x = tt
check 1 ∈ (λ x, tt)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace set
definition set (T : Type) := T → bool
definition mem {T : Type} (a : T) (s : set T) := s a = tt
infix `∈`:50 := mem
infix `∈` := mem
variable {T : Type}
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ inl : A → sum A B,
inr : B → sum A B
namespace sum
infixr `+`:25 := sum
reserve infixr `+`:25
infixr `+` := sum
definition rec_on {A B : Type} {C : (A + B) → Type} (s : A + B)
(H1 : ∀a : A, C (inl B a)) (H2 : ∀b : B, C (inr A b)) : C s :=
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ succ : nat → nat
namespace nat
definition add (a b : nat) : nat
:= nat.rec a (λ n r, succ r) b
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
definition one := succ zero
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace list
-- Type
-- ----
infix `::` : 65 := cons
infixr `::` := cons
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ notation `[` l:(foldr `,` (h t, cons h t) nil) `]` := l
definition concat (s t : list T) : list T :=
list.rec t (fun x : T, fun l : list T, fun u : list T, cons x u) s
infixl `++` : 65 := concat
infixl `++` := concat
theorem nil_concat (t : list T) : nil ++ t = t := refl _
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ theorem sub_induction {P : ℕ → ℕ → Prop} (n m : ℕ) (H1 : ∀m, P 0 m)
-------------------------------------------------- add
definition add (x y : ℕ) : ℕ := plus x y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
theorem add_zero_right (n : ℕ) : n + 0 = n
theorem add_succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n + succ m = succ (n + m)
---------- comm, assoc
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ theorem induction_plus_one {P : ℕ → Prop} (a : ℕ) (H1 : P 0)
-------------------------------------------------- mul
definition mul (n m : ℕ) := nat.rec 0 (fun m x, x + n) m
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
theorem mul_zero_right (n:ℕ) : n * 0 = 0
theorem mul_succ_right (n m:ℕ) : n * succ m = n * m + n
@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ theorem mul_eq_zero {n m : ℕ} (H : n * m = 0) : n = 0 ∨ m = 0
-------------------------------------------------- le
definition le (n m:ℕ) : Prop := ∃k, n + k = m
infix `<=`:50 := le
infix `≤`:50 := le
infix `<=` := le
infix `≤` := le
theorem le_intro {n m k : ℕ} (H : n + k = m) : n ≤ m
:= exists_intro k H
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ theorem mul_le {n m k l : ℕ} (H1 : n ≤ k) (H2 : m ≤ l) : n * m ≤ k * l
-------------------------------------------------- lt
definition lt (n m : ℕ) := succ n ≤ m
infix `<`:50 := lt
infix `<` := lt
theorem lt_intro {n m k : ℕ} (H : succ n + k = m) : n < m
:= le_intro H
@ -672,11 +672,11 @@ theorem lt_intro2 (n m : ℕ) : n < n + succ m
-------------------------------------------------- ge, gt
definition ge (n m : ℕ) := m ≤ n
infix `>=`:50 := ge
infix `≥`:50 := ge
infix `>=` := ge
infix `≥` := ge
definition gt (n m : ℕ) := m < n
infix `>`:50 := gt
infix `>` := gt
---------- basic facts
@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ theorem mul_eq_one {n m : ℕ} (H : n * m = 1) : n = 1 ∧ m = 1
-------------------------------------------------- sub
definition sub (n m : ℕ) : ℕ := nat.rec n (fun m x, pred x) m
infixl `-`:65 := sub
infixl `-` := sub
theorem sub_zero_right (n : ℕ) : n - 0 = n
theorem sub_succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n - succ m = pred (n - m)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ theorem sub_induction {P : ℕ → ℕ → Prop} (n m : ℕ) (H1 : ∀m, P 0 m)
-------------------------------------------------- add
definition add (x y : ℕ) : ℕ := plus x y
infixl `+`:65 := add
infixl `+` := add
theorem add_zero_right (n : ℕ) : n + 0 = n
theorem add_succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n + succ m = succ (n + m)
---------- comm, assoc
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ theorem induction_plus_one {P : ℕ → Prop} (a : ℕ) (H1 : P 0)
-------------------------------------------------- mul
definition mul (n m : ℕ) := nat.rec 0 (fun m x, x + n) m
infixl `*`:75 := mul
infixl `*` := mul
theorem mul_zero_right (n:ℕ) : n * 0 = 0
theorem mul_succ_right (n m:ℕ) : n * succ m = n * m + n
@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ theorem mul_eq_zero {n m : ℕ} (H : n * m = 0) : n = 0 ∨ m = 0
-------------------------------------------------- le
definition le (n m:ℕ) : Prop := ∃k, n + k = m
infix `<=`:50 := le
infix `≤`:50 := le
infix `<=` := le
infix `≤` := le
theorem le_intro {n m k : ℕ} (H : n + k = m) : n ≤ m
:= exists_intro k H
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ theorem mul_le {n m k l : ℕ} (H1 : n ≤ k) (H2 : m ≤ l) : n * m ≤ k * l
-------------------------------------------------- lt
definition lt (n m : ℕ) := succ n ≤ m
infix `<`:50 := lt
infix `<` := lt
theorem lt_intro {n m k : ℕ} (H : succ n + k = m) : n < m
:= le_intro H
@ -671,11 +671,11 @@ theorem lt_intro2 (n m : ℕ) : n < n + succ m
-------------------------------------------------- ge, gt
definition ge (n m : ℕ) := m ≤ n
infix `>=`:50 := ge
infix `≥`:50 := ge
infix `>=` := ge
infix `≥` := ge
definition gt (n m : ℕ) := m < n
infix `>`:50 := gt
infix `>` := gt
---------- basic facts
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ theorem mul_eq_one {n m : ℕ} (H : n * m = 1) : n = 1 ∧ m = 1
-------------------------------------------------- sub
definition sub (n m : ℕ) : ℕ := nat.rec n (fun m x, pred x) m
infixl `-`:65 := sub
infixl `-` := sub
theorem sub_zero_right (n : ℕ) : n - 0 = n
theorem sub_succ_right (n m : ℕ) : n - succ m = pred (n - m)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ idpath : path a a
definition idpath := @path.idpath
infix `≈`:50 := path
-- TODO: is this right?
notation x `≈` y:50 `:>`:0 A:0 := @path A x y
notation x `≈`:50 y `:>`:0 A:0 := @path A x y
notation `idp`:max := idpath _ -- TODO: can we / should we use `1`?
namespace path
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