feat(frontends/lean/parser): add assumption command, and allow Lean expressions (proof terms) to be used with apply tactic command

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2013-12-05 20:08:36 -08:00
parent 0c059a9917
commit e6fb6f7d1e
3 changed files with 63 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ static name g_apply("apply");
static name g_done("done");
static name g_back("back");
static name g_abort("abort");
static list<name> g_tactic_cmds = { g_apply, g_done, g_back, g_abort };
static name g_assumption("assumption");
static list<name> g_tactic_cmds = { g_apply, g_done, g_back, g_abort, g_assumption };
/** \brief Table/List with all builtin command keywords */
static list<name> g_command_keywords = {g_definition_kwd, g_variable_kwd, g_variables_kwd, g_theorem_kwd, g_axiom_kwd, g_universe_kwd, g_eval_kwd,
g_show_kwd, g_check_kwd, g_infix_kwd, g_infixl_kwd, g_infixr_kwd, g_notation_kwd, g_echo_kwd,
@ -1260,6 +1261,21 @@ class parser::imp {
throw tactic_cmd_error("failed to backtrack", p, s);
void tactic_apply(proof_state_seq_stack & stack, proof_state & s, tactic const & t, pos_info const & tac_pos) {
proof_state_seq::maybe_pair r;
code_with_callbacks([&]() {
// t may have call-backs we should set ios in the script_state
proof_state_seq seq = t(m_frontend, m_frontend.get_state(), s);
r = seq.pull();
if (r) {
s = r->first;
} else {
throw tactic_cmd_error("tactic failed", tac_pos, s);
void tactic_apply(proof_state_seq_stack & stack, proof_state & s) {
auto tac_pos = pos();
@ -1267,13 +1283,20 @@ class parser::imp {
if (curr() == scanner::token::ScriptBlock) {
using_script([&](lua_State * L) {
if (is_tactic(L, -1))
t = to_tactic(L, -1);
try {
t = to_tactic_ext(L, -1);
} catch (...) {
throw tactic_cmd_error(sstream() << "invalid script-block, it must return a tactic", tac_pos, s);
} else if (curr_is_lparen()) {
expr pr = parse_expr();
check_rparen_next("invalid apply command, ')' expected");
expr pr_type = m_type_inferer(pr);
t = apply_tactic(pr, pr_type);
} else {
name n = check_identifier_next("invalid apply command, identifier or 'script-block' expected");
name n = check_identifier_next("invalid apply command, identifier, '(' expr ')', or 'script-block' expected");
object const & o = m_frontend.find_object(n);
if (o && (o.is_theorem() || o.is_axiom())) {
t = apply_tactic(n);
@ -1289,18 +1312,13 @@ class parser::imp {
proof_state_seq::maybe_pair r;
code_with_callbacks([&]() {
// t may have call-backs we should set ios in the script_state
proof_state_seq seq = t(m_frontend, m_frontend.get_state(), s);
r = seq.pull();
if (r) {
s = r->first;
} else {
throw tactic_cmd_error("tactic failed", tac_pos, s);
tactic_apply(stack, s, t, tac_pos);
void tactic_assumption(proof_state_seq_stack & stack, proof_state & s) {
auto tac_pos = pos();
tactic_apply(stack, s, assumption_tactic(), tac_pos);
expr tactic_done(proof_state const & s) {
@ -1370,6 +1388,8 @@ class parser::imp {
} else if (id == g_abort) {
st = status::Abort;
} else if (id == g_assumption) {
tactic_assumption(stack, s);
} else {
throw tactic_cmd_error(sstream() << "invalid tactic command '" << id << "'", p, s);

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Variable q : Int -> Int -> Bool.
Variable p : Int -> Bool.
Axiom Ax (a b : Int) (H : q a b) : p b.
Variable a : Int.
Theorem T (x : Int) : (q a x) => (p x).
apply imp_tac.
apply (Ax a).

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Type Ctrl-D or 'Exit.' to exit or 'Help.' for help.
# Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Assumed: q
# Assumed: p
# Assumed: Ax
# Assumed: a
# Proof state:
x : ⊢ (q a x) ⇒ (p x)
## Proof state:
H : q a x, x : ⊢ p x
## Proof state:
H : q a x, x : ⊢ q a x
## Proof state:
no goals
## Proved: T