refactor(algebra/matrix): rename theorems, split proof of transposition theorem
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 138 additions and 72 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2016 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Robert Y. Lewis
Author: Robert Y. Lewis
Basic properties of matrices and vectors. Proof of Farkas' lemma.
Basic properties of matrices and vectors. Proof of Motzkin's transposition theorem.
import data.real data.fin algebra.module
import data.real data.fin algebra.module
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ namespace matrix
definition matrix [reducible] (A : Type) (m n : ℕ) := fin m → fin n → A
definition matrix [reducible] (A : Type) (m n : ℕ) := fin m → fin n → A
notation `M[`A`]_(`m`, `n`)` := matrix A m n
notation `M_(`m`, `n`)` := matrix _ m n
notation `M_(`m`, `n`)` := matrix _ m n
notation `M[`A`]_(`m`, `n`)` := matrix A m n
-- should rvector and cvector just be notation?
-- should rvector and cvector just be notation?
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ definition rvector [reducible] (A : Type) (n : ℕ) := M[A]_(1, n)
definition cvector [reducible] (A : Type) (m : ℕ) := M[A]_(m, 1)
definition cvector [reducible] (A : Type) (m : ℕ) := M[A]_(m, 1)
/-definition val_of_singleton_matrix [coercion] {A : Type} (M : matrix A 1 1) : A :=
definition mval {A : Type} (M : matrix A 1 1) : A :=
M ! ! -- this coercion fails
M ! !
-- useful for testing
-- useful for testing
definition cvector_of_list {A : Type} (l : list A) : cvector A (list.length l) :=
definition cvector_of_list {A : Type} (l : list A) : cvector A (list.length l) :=
@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ definition r_ith (v : rvector A n) (i : fin n) := v ! i
definition c_ith (v : cvector A m) (i : fin m) := v i !
definition c_ith (v : cvector A m) (i : fin m) := v i !
definition nonneg [weak_order A] [has_zero A] (M : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j ≥ 0
definition nonneg [reducible] [weak_order A] [has_zero A] (M : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j ≥ 0
definition le [reducible] [has_le A] (M N : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j ≤ N i j
definition lt [reducible] [has_lt A] (M N : matrix A m n) := ∀ i j, M i j < N i j
definition r_dot [semiring A] (u v : rvector A n) := Suml (fin.upto n) (λ i, r_ith u i * r_ith v i)
definition r_dot [semiring A] (u v : rvector A n) := Suml (fin.upto n) (λ i, r_ith u i * r_ith v i)
@ -54,7 +58,6 @@ definition c_dot [semiring A] (u v : cvector A m) := Suml (fin.upto m) (λ i, c_
definition transpose (M : matrix A m n) : matrix A n m := λ a b, M b a
definition transpose (M : matrix A m n) : matrix A n m := λ a b, M b a
notation M`^Tr` := transpose M
notation M`^Tr` := transpose M
definition dot [semiring A] (u : rvector A n) (v : cvector A n) := c_dot (u^Tr) v
definition dot [semiring A] (u : rvector A n) (v : cvector A n) := c_dot (u^Tr) v
theorem transpose_transpose (M : matrix A m n) : (M^Tr)^Tr = M := rfl
theorem transpose_transpose (M : matrix A m n) : (M^Tr)^Tr = M := rfl
@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ theorem Suml_assoc [semiring A] (la : list B) (lb : list C) (f : B → C → A)
rewrite Suml_cons}}
rewrite Suml_cons}}
theorem big_sum_dist_left [semiring A] (a : A) (f : T → A) :
theorem mul_Suml [semiring A] (a : A) (f : T → A) :
a * Suml l f = Suml l (λ k, a * f k) :=
a * Suml l f = Suml l (λ k, a * f k) :=
induction l with h tt ih,
induction l with h tt ih,
@ -169,8 +172,8 @@ theorem big_sum_dist_left [semiring A] (a : A) (f : T → A) :
rewrite [*Suml_cons, left_distrib, ih]
rewrite [*Suml_cons, left_distrib, ih]
theorem big_sum_dist_right [semiring A] (a : A) (f : T → A) :
theorem Suml_mul [semiring A] (a : A) (f : T → A) :
Suml l f * a= Suml l (λ k, f k * a) :=
(Suml l f) * a = Suml l (λ k, f k * a) :=
induction l with h tt ih,
induction l with h tt ih,
rewrite [Suml_nil, zero_mul],
rewrite [Suml_nil, zero_mul],
@ -262,21 +265,13 @@ theorem Suml_le_of_le_strong [ordered_semiring A] (f g : T → A)
theorem inner_sum_assoc [semiring A] (l1 : list B) (l2 : list C) (f : B → A) (g : B → C → A) :
theorem Suml_mul_Suml_eq_Suml_Suml_mul [semiring A] (l1 : list B) (l2 : list C) (f : B → A) (g : B → C → A) :
Suml l1 (λ s, f s * Suml l2 (λ t, g s t)) = Suml l1 (λ s, Suml l2 (λ t, f s * g s t)) :=
Suml l1 (λ s, f s * Suml l2 (λ t, g s t)) = Suml l1 (λ s, Suml l2 (λ t, f s * g s t)) :=
apply funext,
apply funext,
intro s,
intro s,
rewrite big_sum_dist_left
rewrite mul_Suml
theorem Suml_distrib [semiring A] (f : T → A) (a : A) :
Suml l (λ x, f x * a) = (Suml l f) * a :=
induction l,
{rewrite [*Suml_nil, zero_mul]},
{rewrite [*Suml_cons, right_distrib], congruence, assumption}
/- ------------------------- -/
/- ------------------------- -/
@ -286,9 +281,9 @@ theorem m_mul_assoc [semiring A] {o p : ℕ} (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n
rewrite ↑mul,
rewrite ↑mul,
repeat (apply funext; intro),
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, ↑row_of, ↑transpose, ↑col_of, inner_sum_assoc, Suml_assoc],
rewrite [↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, ↑row_of, ↑transpose, ↑col_of, Suml_mul_Suml_eq_Suml_Suml_mul, Suml_assoc],
congruence, apply funext, intro,
congruence, apply funext, intro,
rewrite -Suml_distrib,
rewrite Suml_mul,
congruence, apply funext, intro,
congruence, apply funext, intro,
rewrite mul.assoc
rewrite mul.assoc
@ -372,11 +367,15 @@ theorem dot_lt_dot_of_nonneg_of_nonzero_of_lt [linear_ordered_ring A]
exact !not_lt_self Hilt
exact !not_lt_self Hilt
/- instances -/
end matrix_defs
section inst_dec
section inst_dec
theorem matrix_inhabited [instance] (A : Type) [HA : inhabited A] (m n : ℕ) :
/- instances -/
variables (A : Type) (m n : ℕ)
theorem matrix_inhabited [instance] [HA : inhabited A] :
inhabited (M[A]_(succ m, succ n)) :=
inhabited (M[A]_(succ m, succ n)) :=
inhabited.rec_on HA (λ a, (λ s t, a))
inhabited.rec_on HA (λ a, (λ s t, a))
@ -393,9 +392,23 @@ definition matrix_decidable_eq [instance] [decidable_eq A] : decidable_eq (matri
decidable.inl (funext (λ i, funext (λ j, H i j)))
decidable.inl (funext (λ i, funext (λ j, H i j)))
decidable.inr (begin intro Heq, apply H, intros, congruence, exact Heq end)
decidable.inr (begin intro Heq, apply H, intros, congruence, exact Heq end)
end inst_dec
end matrix_defs
/- matrix A m n is not a strict order if either m or n is 0. If it would be useful,
we could prove
order_pair (matrix A (succ m) n)
order_pair (matrix A m (succ n)).
definition is_weak_order [instance] [order_pair A] : weak_order (matrix A m n) :=
{exact le},
{unfold le, intros, apply le.refl},
{unfold le, intros, apply le.trans !a_1 !a_2},
{unfold le, intros, repeat (apply funext; intro), apply eq_of_le_of_ge !a_1 !a_2}
end inst_dec
section matrix_arith_m_n
section matrix_arith_m_n
@ -463,7 +476,7 @@ theorem neg_matrix [ring A] (m n : ℕ) (M : matrix A m n) : -M = (λ a b, -M a
theorem zero_matrix [ring A] (m n : ℕ) : (0 : matrix A m n) = (λ a b, 0) := rfl
theorem zero_matrix [ring A] (m n : ℕ) : (0 : matrix A m n) = (λ a b, 0) := rfl
theorem m_add_app [ring A] (m n : ℕ) (M N : matrix A m n) (a : fin m) (b : fin n) :
theorem matrix_add_app [ring A] (m n : ℕ) (M N : matrix A m n) (a : fin m) (b : fin n) :
(M + N) a b = M a b + N a b := rfl
(M + N) a b = M a b + N a b := rfl
theorem neg_smul [ring A] (m n o : ℕ) (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n o) : (-M) ⬝ N = - (M ⬝ N) :=
theorem neg_smul [ring A] (m n o : ℕ) (M : matrix A m n) (N : matrix A n o) : (-M) ⬝ N = - (M ⬝ N) :=
@ -497,9 +510,44 @@ theorem smul_zero [ring A] (l m n : ℕ) (M : matrix A l m) : M ⬝ (0 : matrix
apply Suml_zero
apply Suml_zero
theorem le_iff_forall_row [weak_order A] {n : ℕ} (u v : rvector A n) :
u ≤ v ↔ ∀ i, r_ith u i ≤ r_ith v i :=
replace u ≤ v with le u v,
unfold le,
apply iff.intro,
{intros H i, apply H},
{intros H i j, rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero, apply H}
theorem le_iff_forall_col [weak_order A] {n : ℕ} (u v : cvector A n) :
u ≤ v ↔ ∀ i, c_ith u i ≤ c_ith v i :=
replace u ≤ v with le u v,
unfold le,
apply iff.intro,
{intros H i, apply H},
{intros H i j, rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero, apply H}
-- why doesn't rfl work to prove this?
theorem nonneg_iff_le_zero_row [ordered_ring A] {n : ℕ} (u : rvector A n) :
nonneg u ↔ (0 : rvector A n) ≤ u :=
change nonneg u ↔ le (λ a b, 0) u,
theorem nonneg_iff_le_zero_col [ordered_ring A] {n : ℕ} (u : cvector A n) :
nonneg u ↔ (0 : cvector A n) ≤ u :=
change nonneg u ↔ le (0 : cvector A n) u,
end matrix_arith_m_n
end matrix_arith_m_n
section motzkin_inversion
section motzkin_transposition
variables {A : Type} [linear_ordered_ring A]
variables {A : Type} [linear_ordered_ring A]
@ -507,6 +555,9 @@ variables {A : Type} [linear_ordered_ring A]
a strict ineqs P : M[A]_(a, n), p : cvector a
a strict ineqs P : M[A]_(a, n), p : cvector a
b weak ineqs Q : M[A]_(b, n), q : cvector b
b weak ineqs Q : M[A]_(b, n), q : cvector b
c eqs R : M[A]_(c, n), r : cvector c
c eqs R : M[A]_(c, n), r : cvector c
There are various ways to express Hsum equivalently: eg,
(y ⬝ P) + (z ⬝ Q) + (t ⬝ R) = (0 : rvector A n).
variables {a b c n : ℕ}
variables {a b c n : ℕ}
(P : M[A]_(a, n)) (Q : M[A]_(b, n)) (R : M[A]_(c, n))
(P : M[A]_(a, n)) (Q : M[A]_(b, n)) (R : M[A]_(c, n))
@ -514,20 +565,14 @@ variables {a b c n : ℕ}
(y : rvector A a) (z : rvector A b) (t : rvector A c)
(y : rvector A a) (z : rvector A b) (t : rvector A c)
(Hnny : nonneg y) (Hnnz : nonneg z)
(Hnny : nonneg y) (Hnnz : nonneg z)
(Hsum : ∀ i : fin n, r_ith (y ⬝ P) i + r_ith (z ⬝ Q) i + r_ith (t ⬝ R) i = 0)
(Hsum : ∀ i : fin n, r_ith (y ⬝ P) i + r_ith (z ⬝ Q) i + r_ith (t ⬝ R) i = 0)
include Hnny Hnnz Hsum
theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities
include Hsum
(Hor : (c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r < 0) ∨
((∃ i, r_ith y i > 0) ∧ c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r ≤ 0)) :
-- .3 seconds to elaborate
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
private theorem dot_eq_zero {x : cvector A n} (HsatR : ∀ i : fin c, c_ith (R⬝x) i = c_ith r i) :
(∀ i, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
dot y (P ⬝ x) + dot z (Q ⬝ x) + dot t r = 0 :=
(∀ i, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
intro Hsat,
have Hneg : (y ⬝ P) + (z ⬝ Q) + (t ⬝ R) = (0 : rvector A n), begin
cases Hsat with x Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatP Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatQ HsatR,
have Hneg : (y ⬝ P) + (z ⬝ Q) + (t ⬝ R) = 0, begin
change (λ a b, (y⬝P + z⬝Q + t⬝R) a b) = (λ a b, 0),
change (λ a b, (y⬝P + z⬝Q + t⬝R) a b) = (λ a b, 0),
repeat (apply funext; intro),
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero,
rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero,
@ -538,18 +583,33 @@ theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities
rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero,
rewrite fin.fin_one_eq_zero,
apply HsatR
apply HsatR
have Hneg' : ((y ⬝ P) + (z ⬝ Q) + (t ⬝ R)) ⬝ x = 0 ⬝ x, by rewrite Hneg,
have Hneg' : ((y ⬝ P) + (z ⬝ Q) + (t ⬝ R)) ⬝ x = 0 ⬝ x, by rewrite Hneg, -- this line and the following take about .1 sec
rewrite [2 distrib_smul_right at Hneg', -3 m_mul_assoc at Hneg', Hr at Hneg',
rewrite [2 distrib_smul_right at Hneg', -3 m_mul_assoc at Hneg', Hr at Hneg',
zero_smul at Hneg', zero_matrix at Hneg'],
zero_smul at Hneg', zero_matrix at Hneg'],
have Hneg'' : (λ a b : fin 1, (y⬝(P⬝x) + z⬝(Q⬝x) + t⬝r) a b) = (λ a b : fin 1, 0), from Hneg',
have Hneg'' : (λ a b : fin 1, (y⬝(P⬝x) + z⬝(Q⬝x) + t⬝r) a b) = (λ a b : fin 1, 0), from Hneg',
have Heqz : (y⬝(P⬝x) + z⬝(Q⬝x) + t⬝r) ! ! = 0, by rewrite Hneg'',
have Heqz : (y⬝(P⬝x) + z⬝(Q⬝x) + t⬝r) ! ! = 0, by rewrite Hneg'',
have Heqz' : (y⬝(P⬝x)) ! ! + (z⬝(Q⬝x)) ! ! + (t⬝r) ! ! = 0,
have Heqz' : (y⬝(P⬝x)) ! ! + (z⬝(Q⬝x)) ! ! + (t⬝r) ! ! = 0,
from Heqz,
from Heqz,
rewrite -*dot_eq_mul at Heqz',
rewrite *dot_eq_mul,
exact Heqz'
include Hnny Hnnz
theorem motzkin_transposition_with_equalities_lt
(Hlt : (c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r < 0)) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
intro Hsat,
cases Hsat with x Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatP Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatQ HsatR,
note Heqz' := dot_eq_zero P Q R r y z t Hsum HsatR,
apply not_lt_self (0 : A),
apply not_lt_self (0 : A),
rewrite -Heqz' at {1},
rewrite -Heqz' at {1},
cases Hor with Hor1 Hor2,
have Hdlt : dot y (P⬝x) + dot z (Q⬝x) + dot t r ≤ dot y p + dot z q + dot t r, begin
{have Hdlt : dot y (P⬝x) + dot z (Q⬝x) + dot t r ≤ dot y p + dot z q + dot t r, begin
apply add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add_right,
apply add_le_add,
apply add_le_add,
apply dot_le_dot_of_nonneg_of_le,
apply dot_le_dot_of_nonneg_of_le,
@ -563,8 +623,23 @@ theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
apply lt_of_le_of_lt,
exact Hdlt,
exact Hdlt,
exact Hor1},
exact Hlt
{cases Hor2 with Hj Hor2,
theorem motzkin_transposition_with_equalities_le
(Hyp : (∃ i, r_ith y i > 0) ∧ c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r ≤ 0) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
intro Hsat,
cases Hsat with x Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatP Hsat,
cases Hsat with HsatQ HsatR,
note Heqz' := dot_eq_zero P Q R r y z t Hsum HsatR,
apply not_lt_self (0 : A),
rewrite -Heqz' at {1},
cases Hyp with Hj Hor2,
cases Hj with j Hj,
cases Hj with j Hj,
have Hdlt : dot y (P⬝x) + dot z (Q⬝x) + dot t r < dot y p + dot z q + dot t r, begin
have Hdlt : dot y (P⬝x) + dot z (Q⬝x) + dot t r < dot y p + dot z q + dot t r, begin
apply add_lt_add_right,
apply add_lt_add_right,
@ -579,33 +654,24 @@ theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
exact Hdlt,
exact Hdlt,
exact Hor2}
exact Hor2
/- these are more useful statements of the above, without the disjunctive hypothesis. -/
theorem motzkin_transposition_with_equalities
theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities_lt
(Hor : (c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r < 0) ∨
(Hlt : (c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r < 0)) :
((∃ i : fin a, r_ith y i > 0) ∧ c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r ≤ 0)) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i : fin a, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
(∀ i : fin b, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
(∀ i : fin c, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
apply motzkin_inversion_with_equalities,
cases Hor with Hor1 Hor2,
exact Hnny, exact Hnnz, exact Hsum,
{apply motzkin_transposition_with_equalities_lt,
left, exact Hlt
exact Hnny, exact Hnnz, exact Hsum, exact Hor1},
{apply motzkin_transposition_with_equalities_le,
exact Hnny, exact Hnnz, exact Hsum, exact Hor2}
theorem motzkin_inversion_with_equalities_le
end motzkin_transposition
(Hyp : (∃ i, r_ith y i > 0) ∧ c_dot (y^Tr) p + c_dot (z^Tr) q + c_dot (t^Tr) r ≤ 0) :
¬ ∃ x : cvector A n, (∀ i, c_ith (P ⬝ x) i < c_ith p i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (Q ⬝ x) i ≤ c_ith q i) ∧
(∀ i, c_ith (R ⬝ x) i = c_ith r i) :=
apply motzkin_inversion_with_equalities,
exact Hnny, exact Hnnz, exact Hsum,
right, exact Hyp
end motzkin_inversion
section matrix_arith_square
section matrix_arith_square
open fin
open fin
@ -621,7 +687,7 @@ theorem Suml_map {A B C : Type} [add_monoid C] (l : list A) (f : A → B) (g : B
-- this is annoying!
-- this is annoying!
theorem b_vec_dot {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (k : fin m) (f : fin m → A) :
theorem dot_basis_vec {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (k : fin m) (f : fin m → A) :
Suml (upto m) (λ j, (f j) * if j = k then 1 else 0) = f k :=
Suml (upto m) (λ j, (f j) * if j = k then 1 else 0) = f k :=
induction m,
induction m,
@ -669,14 +735,14 @@ theorem b_vec_dot' {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (k : fin m) (f : fin m →
rewrite [if_pos Heq, if_pos (eq.symm Heq), mul_one, one_mul],
rewrite [if_pos Heq, if_pos (eq.symm Heq), mul_one, one_mul],
rewrite [if_neg Hneq, if_neg (ne.symm Hneq), mul_zero, zero_mul]
rewrite [if_neg Hneq, if_neg (ne.symm Hneq), mul_zero, zero_mul]
rewrite [H, b_vec_dot]
rewrite [H, dot_basis_vec]
theorem sq_matrix_mul_one {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul M (sq_matrix_id A m) = M :=
theorem sq_matrix_mul_one {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul M (sq_matrix_id A m) = M :=
rewrite [↑sq_matrix_id, ↑mul],
rewrite [↑sq_matrix_id, ↑mul],
repeat (apply funext; intro),
repeat (apply funext; intro),
rewrite [↑row_of, ↑transpose, ↑col_of, ↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, b_vec_dot]
rewrite [↑row_of, ↑transpose, ↑col_of, ↑c_dot, ↑c_ith, dot_basis_vec]
theorem sq_matrix_one_mul {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul (sq_matrix_id A m) M = M :=
theorem sq_matrix_one_mul {A : Type} [semiring A] {m : ℕ} (M : matrix A m m) : mul (sq_matrix_id A m) M = M :=
@ -722,7 +788,7 @@ definition m_square_ring [instance] [reducible] (A : Type) [ring A] (m : ℕ) :
end matrix_arith_square
end matrix_arith_square
section test
section test
open list rat int -- why aren't rats pretty printing right?
open list rat int -- why aren't rats pretty printing right?
definition c1 : cvector ℕ _ := cvector_of_list [3, 4, 2]
definition c1 : cvector ℕ _ := cvector_of_list [3, 4, 2]
@ -783,6 +849,6 @@ definition map : matrix ℕ 0 3 := λ a b, 1
eval (mep ⬝ map) ! !
eval (mep ⬝ map) ! !
end test
end test-/
end matrix
end matrix
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