feat(frontends/lean): nicer notation for dependent if-then-else
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 80 additions and 12 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ and.rec_on H (λ ypos ylex,
sub.lt (lt.of_lt_of_le ypos ylex) ypos)
private definition div.F (x : nat) (f : Π x₁, x₁ < x → nat → nat) (y : nat) : nat :=
dif 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then (λ Hp, f (x - y) (div_rec_lemma Hp) y + 1) else (λ Hn, zero)
if H : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then f (x - y) (div_rec_lemma H) y + 1 else zero
definition divide (x y : nat) :=
fix div.F x y
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ induction_on y
... = x div z + succ y : by simp)
private definition mod.F (x : nat) (f : Π x₁, x₁ < x → nat → nat) (y : nat) : nat :=
dif 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then (λh, f (x - y) (div_rec_lemma h) y) else (λh, x)
if H : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then f (x - y) (div_rec_lemma H) y else x
definition modulo (x y : nat) :=
fix mod.F x y
@ -541,8 +541,6 @@ end nonempty
definition ite (c : Prop) [H : decidable c] {A : Type} (t e : A) : A :=
decidable.rec_on H (λ Hc, t) (λ Hnc, e)
notation `if` c `then` t:45 `else` e:45 := ite c t e
definition if_pos {c : Prop} [H : decidable c] (Hc : c) {A : Type} {t e : A} : (if c then t else e) = t :=
(λ Hc : c, eq.refl (@ite c (decidable.inl Hc) A t e))
@ -592,15 +590,13 @@ if_congr_aux Hc Ht He
definition dite (c : Prop) [H : decidable c] {A : Type} (t : c → A) (e : ¬ c → A) : A :=
decidable.rec_on H (λ Hc, t Hc) (λ Hnc, e Hnc)
notation `dif` c `then` t:45 `else` e:45 := dite c t e
definition dif_pos {c : Prop} [H : decidable c] (Hc : c) {A : Type} {t : c → A} {e : ¬ c → A} : (dif c then t else e) = t Hc :=
definition dif_pos {c : Prop} [H : decidable c] (Hc : c) {A : Type} {t : c → A} {e : ¬ c → A} : (if H : c then t H else e H) = t Hc :=
(λ Hc : c, eq.refl (@dite c (decidable.inl Hc) A t e))
(λ Hnc : ¬c, absurd Hc Hnc)
definition dif_neg {c : Prop} [H : decidable c] (Hnc : ¬c) {A : Type} {t : c → A} {e : ¬ c → A} : (dif c then t else e) = e Hnc :=
definition dif_neg {c : Prop} [H : decidable c] (Hnc : ¬c) {A : Type} {t : c → A} {e : ¬ c → A} : (if H : c then t H else e H) = e Hnc :=
(λ Hc : c, absurd Hc Hnc)
(λ Hnc : ¬c, eq.refl (@dite c (decidable.inr Hnc) A t e))
@ -370,6 +370,65 @@ static expr parse_obtain(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & po
return p.rec_save_pos(r, pos);
static name * g_ite = nullptr;
static name * g_dite = nullptr;
static expr * g_not = nullptr;
static unsigned g_then_else_prec = 45;
static expr parse_ite(parser & p, expr const & c, pos_info const & pos) {
if (!p.env().find(*g_ite))
throw parser_error("invalid use of 'if-then-else' expression, environment does not contain 'ite' definition", pos);
p.check_token_next(get_then_tk(), "invalid 'if-then-else' expression, 'then' expected");
expr t = p.parse_expr(g_then_else_prec);
p.check_token_next(get_else_tk(), "invalid 'if-then-else' expression, 'else' expected");
expr e = p.parse_expr(g_then_else_prec);
return mk_app(mk_constant(*g_ite), c, t, e);
static expr parse_dite(parser & p, name const & H_name, pos_info const & pos) {
if (!p.env().find(*g_dite))
throw parser_error("invalid use of (dependent) 'if-then-else' expression, environment does "
"not contain 'dite' definition", pos);
expr c = p.parse_expr();
p.check_token_next(get_then_tk(), "invalid 'if-then-else' expression, 'then' expected");
expr t, e;
parser::local_scope scope(p);
expr H = mk_local(H_name, c);
t = Fun(H, p.parse_expr(g_then_else_prec));
p.check_token_next(get_else_tk(), "invalid 'if-then-else' expression, 'else' expected");
parser::local_scope scope(p);
expr H = mk_local(H_name, mk_app(*g_not, c));
e = Fun(H, p.parse_expr(g_then_else_prec));
return mk_app(mk_constant(*g_dite), c, t, e);
static expr parse_if_then_else(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) {
if (p.curr_is_identifier()) {
auto id_pos = p.pos();
name id = p.get_name_val();
if (p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
return parse_dite(p, id, pos);
} else {
expr e = p.id_to_expr(id, id_pos);
while (!p.curr_is_token(get_then_tk())) {
e = p.parse_led(e);
return parse_ite(p, e, pos);
} else {
expr c = p.parse_expr();
return parse_ite(p, c, pos);
static expr parse_calc_expr(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const &) {
return parse_calc(p);
@ -430,6 +489,7 @@ parse_table init_nud_table() {
r = r.add({transition("have", mk_ext_action(parse_have))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("show", mk_ext_action(parse_show))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("obtain", mk_ext_action(parse_obtain))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("if", mk_ext_action(parse_if_then_else))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("(", Expr), transition(")", mk_ext_action(parse_rparen))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("fun", Binders), transition(",", mk_scoped_expr_action(x0))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("Pi", Binders), transition(",", mk_scoped_expr_action(x0, 0, false))}, x0);
@ -467,6 +527,9 @@ parse_table get_builtin_led_table() {
void initialize_builtin_exprs() {
notation::H_show = new name("H_show");
notation::g_exists_elim = new name("exists_elim");
notation::g_ite = new name("ite");
notation::g_dite = new name("dite");
notation::g_not = new expr(mk_constant("not"));
g_nud_table = new parse_table();
*g_nud_table = notation::init_nud_table();
g_led_table = new parse_table();
@ -478,5 +541,8 @@ void finalize_builtin_exprs() {
delete g_nud_table;
delete notation::H_show;
delete notation::g_exists_elim;
delete notation::g_ite;
delete notation::g_dite;
delete notation::g_not;
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ static char const * g_qed_unicode = "∎";
void init_token_table(token_table & t) {
pair<char const *, unsigned> builtin[] =
{{"fun", 0}, {"Pi", 0}, {"let", 0}, {"in", 0}, {"have", 0}, {"show", 0}, {"obtain", 0}, {"by", 0}, {"then", 0},
{{"fun", 0}, {"Pi", 0}, {"let", 0}, {"in", 0}, {"have", 0}, {"show", 0}, {"obtain", 0},
{"if", 0}, {"then", 0}, {"else", 0}, {"by", 0},
{"from", 0}, {"(", g_max_prec}, {")", 0}, {"{", g_max_prec}, {"}", 0}, {"_", g_max_prec},
{"[", g_max_prec}, {"]", 0}, {"⦃", g_max_prec}, {"⦄", 0}, {".{", 0}, {"Type", g_max_prec},
{"using", 0}, {"|", 0}, {"!", g_max_prec}, {"with", 0}, {"...", 0}, {",", 0},
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ static name * g_visible = nullptr;
static name * g_from = nullptr;
static name * g_using = nullptr;
static name * g_then = nullptr;
static name * g_else = nullptr;
static name * g_by = nullptr;
static name * g_proof = nullptr;
static name * g_qed = nullptr;
@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ void initialize_tokens() {
g_from = new name("from");
g_using = new name("using");
g_then = new name("then");
g_else = new name("else");
g_by = new name("by");
g_proof = new name("proof");
g_qed = new name("qed");
@ -230,6 +232,7 @@ void finalize_tokens() {
delete g_from;
delete g_using;
delete g_then;
delete g_else;
delete g_by;
delete g_proof;
delete g_qed;
@ -337,6 +340,7 @@ name const & get_visible_tk() { return *g_visible; }
name const & get_from_tk() { return *g_from; }
name const & get_using_tk() { return *g_using; }
name const & get_then_tk() { return *g_then; }
name const & get_else_tk() { return *g_else; }
name const & get_by_tk() { return *g_by; }
name const & get_proof_tk() { return *g_proof; }
name const & get_qed_tk() { return *g_qed; }
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ name const & get_visible_tk();
name const & get_from_tk();
name const & get_using_tk();
name const & get_then_tk();
name const & get_else_tk();
name const & get_by_tk();
name const & get_proof_tk();
name const & get_begin_tk();
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ eq.false_elim|?p = false → ¬ ?p
p_ne_false|?p → ?p ≠ false
decidable.rec_on_false|Π (H3 : ¬ ?p), ?H2 H3 → decidable.rec_on ?H ?H1 ?H2
not_false|¬ false
if_false|∀ (t e : ?A), (if false then t else e) = e
if_false|∀ (t e : ?A), ite false t e = e
iff.false_elim|?a ↔ false → ¬ ?a
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ and.rec_on H (λ ypos ylex,
sub.lt (lt.of_lt_of_le ypos ylex) ypos)
definition wdiv.F (x : nat) (f : Π x₁, x₁ < x → nat → nat) (y : nat) : nat :=
dif 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then (λ Hp, f (x - y) (lt_aux Hp) y + 1) else (λ Hn, zero)
if H : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then f (x - y) (lt_aux H) y + 1 else zero
definition wdiv (x y : nat) :=
fix wdiv.F x y
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ definition plt_aux (x y : nat) (H : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x) : (x - y, y) ≺ (x, y) :
definition pdiv.F (p₁ : nat × nat) : (Π p₂ : nat × nat, p₂ ≺ p₁ → nat) → nat :=
prod.cases_on p₁ (λ x y f,
dif 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then (λ Hp, f (x - y, y) (plt_aux x y Hp) + 1) else (λ Hnp, zero))
if H : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then f (x - y, y) (plt_aux x y H) + 1 else zero)
definition pdiv (x y : nat) :=
fix pdiv.F (x, y)
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