refactor(kernel/inductive): add certified_inductive_decl object

We will use this object to implement a more efficient import procedure
This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2015-08-15 13:26:38 -07:00
parent 40ef589d8c
commit e80d9685e5
3 changed files with 133 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -190,6 +190,55 @@ name get_elim_name(name const & n) {
return n + name("rec");
environment certified_inductive_decl::add(environment const & env) {
lean_assert(length(m_data) == length(m_elim_types));
environment new_env = env;
inductive_env_ext ext(get_extension(new_env));
level_param_names levels = m_levels;
if (!m_elim_prop)
levels = tail(levels);
// declarate inductive types, introduction/elimination rules if they have not been declared yet
bool declare = !new_env.find(inductive_decl_name(head(m_decl_data).m_decl));
if (declare && env.trust_lvl() == 0)
throw_kernel_exception(env, "environment trust level does not allow users to add inductive declarations that were not type checked");
// declare inductive types
for (data const & dt : m_decl_data) {
inductive_decl const & d = dt.m_decl;
if (declare)
new_env = new_env.add(check(new_env, mk_constant_assumption(inductive_decl_name(d), levels, inductive_decl_type(d))));
ext.add_inductive_info(levels, m_num_params, map2<inductive_decl>(m_decl_data, [](data const & d) { return d.m_decl; }));
// declare introduction rules
for (data const & dt : m_decl_data) {
inductive_decl const & d = dt.m_decl;
for (auto ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
if (declare)
new_env = new_env.add(check(new_env, mk_constant_assumption(intro_rule_name(ir), levels, intro_rule_type(ir))));
ext.add_intro_info(intro_rule_name(ir), inductive_decl_name(d));
// declare elimination rules
list<expr> types = m_elim_types;
for (data const & dt : m_decl_data) {
inductive_decl const & d = dt.m_decl;
name elim_name = get_elim_name(inductive_decl_name(d));
if (declare)
new_env = new_env.add(check(new_env, mk_constant_assumption(elim_name, m_levels, head(types))));
ext.add_elim(elim_name, inductive_decl_name(d), m_levels, m_num_params,
m_num_ACe, dt.m_num_indices, dt.m_K_target, m_dep_elim);
lean_assert(length(inductive_decl_intros(d)) == length(dt.m_comp_rules));
list<comp_rule> rules = dt.m_comp_rules;
for (auto ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
comp_rule const & rule = head(rules);
ext.add_comp_rhs(intro_rule_name(ir), elim_name, rule.m_num_bu, rule.m_comp_rhs);
rules = tail(rules);
types = tail(types);
return update(new_env, ext);
/** \brief Helper functional object for processing inductive datatype declarations. */
struct add_inductive_fn {
typedef std::unique_ptr<type_checker> type_checker_ptr;
@ -315,9 +364,6 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
for (auto d : m_decls) {
m_env = m_env.add(check(m_env, mk_constant_assumption(inductive_decl_name(d), m_level_names, inductive_decl_type(d))));
inductive_env_ext ext(get_extension(m_env));
ext.add_inductive_info(m_level_names, m_num_params, m_decls);
m_env = update(m_env, ext);
@ -456,14 +502,11 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
/** \brief Add all introduction rules (aka constructors) to environment. */
void declare_intro_rules() {
inductive_env_ext ext(get_extension(m_env));
for (auto d : m_decls) {
for (auto ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
m_env = m_env.add(check(m_env, mk_constant_assumption(intro_rule_name(ir), m_level_names, intro_rule_type(ir))));
ext.add_intro_info(intro_rule_name(ir), inductive_decl_name(d));
m_env = update(m_env, ext);
@ -682,7 +725,7 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
/** \brief Declare elimination rule. */
void declare_elim_rule(inductive_decl const & d, unsigned d_idx) {
expr declare_elim_rule(inductive_decl const & d, unsigned d_idx) {
elim_info const & info = m_elim_info[d_idx];
expr C_app = mk_app(info.m_C, info.m_indices);
if (m_dep_elim)
@ -708,19 +751,22 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
elim_ty = Pi(m_param_consts, elim_ty);
elim_ty = infer_implicit(elim_ty, true /* strict */);
m_env = m_env.add(check(m_env, mk_constant_assumption(get_elim_name(d), get_elim_level_param_names(), elim_ty)));
return elim_ty;
/** \brief Declare the eliminator/recursor for each datatype. */
void declare_elim_rules() {
list<expr> declare_elim_rules() {
unsigned i = 0;
buffer<expr> elim_types;
for (auto d : m_decls) {
declare_elim_rule(d, i);
elim_types.push_back(declare_elim_rule(d, i));
return to_list(elim_types);
/** \brief Store all type formers in \c Cs */
@ -741,17 +787,16 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
/** \brief Return true iff it is a target of a K-like reduction */
bool is_K_target(unsigned i) { return m_elim_info[i].m_K_target; }
/** \brief Create computional rules RHS. They are used by the normalizer extension. */
void mk_comp_rules_rhs() {
/** \brief Create computional rules RHS, and return certified_inductive_decl object. */
certified_inductive_decl mk_certified_decl(list<expr> const & elim_types) {
unsigned d_idx = 0;
unsigned minor_idx = 0;
buffer<expr> C; collect_Cs(C);
buffer<expr> e; collect_minor_premises(e);
levels ls = get_elim_level_params();
inductive_env_ext ext(get_extension(m_env));
buffer<certified_inductive_decl::data> data_decls;
for (auto d : m_decls) {
ext.add_elim(get_elim_name(d), inductive_decl_name(d), get_elim_level_param_names(), m_num_params,
m_num_params + C.size() + e.size(), get_num_indices(d_idx), is_K_target(d_idx), m_dep_elim);
buffer<certified_inductive_decl::comp_rule> comp_rules;
for (auto ir : inductive_decl_intros(d)) {
buffer<expr> b;
buffer<expr> u;
@ -789,33 +834,37 @@ struct add_inductive_fn {
expr e_app = mk_app(mk_app(mk_app(e[minor_idx], b), u), v);
expr comp_rhs = Fun(m_param_consts, Fun(C, Fun(e, Fun(b, Fun(u, e_app)))));
tc().check(comp_rhs, get_elim_level_param_names());
ext.add_comp_rhs(intro_rule_name(ir), get_elim_name(d_idx), b.size() + u.size(), comp_rhs);
comp_rules.emplace_back(b.size() + u.size(), comp_rhs);
data_decls.emplace_back(d, is_K_target(d_idx), get_num_indices(d_idx), to_list(comp_rules));
m_env = update(m_env, ext);
bool elim_Prop = !is_param(m_elim_level);
return certified_inductive_decl(get_elim_level_param_names(), m_num_params, m_num_params + C.size() + e.size(),
elim_Prop, m_dep_elim, elim_types, to_list(data_decls));
environment operator()() {
if (!m_env.norm_ext().supports(*g_inductive_extension))
throw kernel_exception(m_env, "environment does not support inductive datatypes");
pair<environment, certified_inductive_decl> operator()() {
if (get_num_its() == 0)
throw kernel_exception(m_env, "at least one inductive datatype declaration expected");
return m_env;
certified_inductive_decl c = mk_certified_decl(declare_elim_rules());
m_env = c.add(m_env);
return mk_pair(m_env, c);
environment add_inductive(environment env,
level_param_names const & level_params,
unsigned num_params,
list<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
pair<environment, certified_inductive_decl>
add_inductive(environment env,
level_param_names const & level_params,
unsigned num_params,
list<inductive_decl> const & decls) {
if (!env.norm_ext().supports(*g_inductive_extension))
throw kernel_exception(env, "environment does not support inductive datatypes");
return add_inductive_fn(env, level_params, num_params, decls)();

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@ -39,11 +39,63 @@ inline name const & inductive_decl_name(inductive_decl const & d) { return std::
inline expr const & inductive_decl_type(inductive_decl const & d) { return std::get<1>(d); }
inline list<intro_rule> const & inductive_decl_intros(inductive_decl const & d) { return std::get<2>(d); }
/** \brief Auxiliary class that stores the "compiled" version of an inductive declaration.
It is used to save/read compiled .olean files efficiently.
class certified_inductive_decl {
struct comp_rule {
unsigned m_num_bu; // sum of number of arguments u and v in the corresponding introduction rule.
expr m_comp_rhs; // computational rule RHS: Fun (A, C, e, b, u), (e_k_i b u v)
comp_rule(unsigned num_bu, expr const & rhs):m_num_bu(num_bu), m_comp_rhs(rhs) {}
struct data {
inductive_decl m_decl;
bool m_K_target;
unsigned m_num_indices;
list<comp_rule> m_comp_rules;
data(inductive_decl const & decl, bool is_K_target, unsigned num_indices, list<comp_rule> const & rules):
m_decl(decl), m_K_target(is_K_target), m_num_indices(num_indices), m_comp_rules(rules) {}
level_param_names m_levels; // eliminator levels
unsigned m_num_params;
unsigned m_num_ACe;
bool m_elim_prop;
// remark: if m_elim_prop == true, then inductive datatype levels == m_levels, otherwise it is tail(m_levels)
bool m_dep_elim;
list<expr> m_elim_types;
list<data> m_decl_data;
friend struct add_inductive_fn;
certified_inductive_decl(level_param_names const & ps, unsigned num_params, unsigned num_ACe,
bool elim_prop, bool dep_delim, list<expr> const & ets, list<data> const & d):
m_levels(ps), m_num_params(num_params), m_num_ACe(num_ACe),
m_elim_prop(elim_prop), m_dep_elim(dep_delim), m_elim_types(ets), m_decl_data(d) {}
/** \brief Update the environment with this "certified declaration"
\remark This method throws an exception if trust level is 0.
\remark This method is used to import modules efficiently.
environment add(environment const & env);
level_param_names const & get_univ_param() const { return m_levels; }
unsigned get_num_params() const { return m_num_params; }
unsigned get_num_ACe() const { return m_num_ACe; }
bool has_dep_elim() const { return m_dep_elim; }
list<data> const & get_decl_data() const { return m_decl_data; }
/** \brief Declare a finite set of mutually dependent inductive datatypes. */
environment add_inductive(environment env,
level_param_names const & level_params,
unsigned num_params,
list<inductive_decl> const & decls);
pair<environment, certified_inductive_decl>
add_inductive(environment env,
level_param_names const & level_params,
unsigned num_params,
list<inductive_decl> const & decls);
typedef std::tuple<level_param_names, unsigned, list<inductive::inductive_decl>> inductive_decls;

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@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ environment add_inductive(environment env,
level_param_names const & level_params,
unsigned num_params,
list<inductive::inductive_decl> const & decls) {
environment new_env = inductive::add_inductive(env, level_params, num_params, decls);
environment new_env = inductive::add_inductive(env, level_params, num_params, decls).first;
module_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.m_module_decls = cons(inductive::inductive_decl_name(head(decls)), ext.m_module_decls);
new_env = update(new_env, ext);
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static void inductive_reader(deserializer & d, shared_environment & senv,
std::function<void(delayed_update_fn const &)> &) {
inductive_decls ds = read_inductive_decls(d);
senv.update([&](environment const & env) {
return inductive::add_inductive(env, std::get<0>(ds), std::get<1>(ds), std::get<2>(ds));
return inductive::add_inductive(env, std::get<0>(ds), std::get<1>(ds), std::get<2>(ds)).first;