refactor(library): test new tactics in the standard library
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7 changed files with 16 additions and 18 deletions
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ assume e : encodable A,
have inj_encode : injective encode, from
λ (a₁ a₂ : A) (h : encode a₁ = encode a₂),
assert aux : decode A (encode a₁) = decode A (encode a₂), by rewrite h,
by rewrite [*encodek at aux]; exact (option.no_confusion aux (λ e, e)),
by rewrite [*encodek at aux]; injection aux; assumption,
exists.intro encode inj_encode
definition encodable_fintype [instance] {A : Type} [h₁ : fintype A] [h₂ : decidable_eq A] : encodable A :=
@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ theorem all_eq_of_find_discr_eq_none {f g : A → B} : ∀ {l}, find_discr f g l
(λ aeqx : a = x, by rewrite [-aeqx at fx_eq_gx]; exact fx_eq_gx)
(λ ainl : a ∈ l, all_eq_of_find_discr_eq_none aux a ainl))
(λ fx_ne_gx : f x ≠ g x,
have aux : some x = none, by rewrite [find_discr_cons_of_ne l fx_ne_gx at e]; exact e,
option.no_confusion aux)
by rewrite [find_discr_cons_of_ne l fx_ne_gx at e]; contradiction)
end find_discr
definition decidable_eq_fun [instance] {A B : Type} [h₁ : fintype A] [h₂ : decidable_eq B] : decidable_eq (A → B) :=
@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ infix * := int.mul
/- some basic functions and properties -/
theorem of_nat.inj {m n : ℕ} (H : of_nat m = of_nat n) : m = n :=
int.no_confusion H (λe, e)
by injection H; assumption
theorem neg_succ_of_nat.inj {m n : ℕ} (H : neg_succ_of_nat m = neg_succ_of_nat n) : m = n :=
int.no_confusion H (λe, e)
by injection H; assumption
theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq (n : ℕ) : -[n +1] = -(n + 1) := rfl
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ theorem length_append : ∀ (s t : list T), length (s ++ t) = length s + length
theorem eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero : ∀ {l : list T}, length l = 0 → l = []
| [] H := rfl
| (a::s) H := nat.no_confusion H
| (a::s) H := by contradiction
-- add_rewrite length_nil length_cons
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace option
by contradiction
theorem some.inj {A : Type} {a₁ a₂ : A} (H : some a₁ = some a₂) : a₁ = a₂ :=
option.no_confusion H (λe, e)
by injection H; assumption
protected definition is_inhabited [instance] (A : Type) : inhabited (option A) :=
|||| none
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ namespace sum
by contradiction
definition inl_inj {a₁ a₂ : A} : intro_left B a₁ = intro_left B a₂ → a₁ = a₂ :=
assume H, sum.no_confusion H (λe, e)
assume H, by injection H; assumption
definition inr_inj {b₁ b₂ : B} : intro_right A b₁ = intro_right A b₂ → b₁ = b₂ :=
assume H, sum.no_confusion H (λe, e)
assume H, by injection H; assumption
protected definition is_inhabited_left [instance] [h : inhabited A] : inhabited (A + B) :=
|||| (inl (default A))
@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ namespace nat
| has_decidable_eq (succ x) zero := inr (by contradiction)
| has_decidable_eq zero (succ y) := inr (by contradiction)
| has_decidable_eq (succ x) (succ y) :=
if H : x = y
then inl (eq.rec_on H rfl)
else inr (λ h : succ x = succ y, nat.no_confusion h (λ heq : x = y, absurd heq H))
match has_decidable_eq x y with
| inl xeqy := inl (by rewrite xeqy)
| inr xney := inr (λ h : succ x = succ y, by injection h with xeqy; exact absurd xeqy xney)
-- less-than is well-founded
definition [instance] : well_founded lt :=
@ -51,12 +52,10 @@ namespace nat
acc.intro (succ n) (λ (m : nat) (hlt : m < succ n),
have aux : ∀ {n₁} (hlt : m < n₁), succ n = n₁ → acc lt m, from
λ n₁ hlt, hlt
(λ (heq : succ n = succ m),
nat.no_confusion heq (λ (e : n = m),
eq.rec_on e ih))
(λ b (hlt : m < b) (heq : succ n = succ b),
nat.no_confusion heq (λ (e : n = b),
acc.inv (eq.rec_on e ih) hlt)),
(λ (sn_eq_sm : succ n = succ m),
by injection sn_eq_sm with neqm; rewrite neqm at ih; exact ih)
(λ b (hlt : m < b) (sn_eq_sb : succ n = succ b),
by injection sn_eq_sb with neqb; rewrite neqb at ih; exact acc.inv ih hlt),
aux hlt rfl)))
definition measure {A : Type} (f : A → nat) : A → A → Prop :=
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