feat(hott): add arity.hlean, about multivariate functions
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 196 additions and 147 deletions
@ -11,91 +11,6 @@ import .basic types.pi .iso
open function category eq prod equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc funext iso
open pi
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
definition homotopy2 [reducible] (f g : Πa b, C a b) : Type :=
Πa b, f a b = g a b
definition homotopy3 [reducible] (f g : Πa b c, D a b c) : Type :=
Πa b c, f a b c = g a b c
notation f `∼2`:50 g := homotopy2 f g
notation f `∼3`:50 g := homotopy3 f g
-- definition apD100 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (p : f = g) : f ∼2 g :=
-- λa b, eq.rec_on p idp
definition apD100 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (p : f = g) : f ∼2 g :=
λa b, apD10 (apD10 p a) b
definition apD1000 {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} (p : f = g) : f ∼3 g :=
λa b c, apD100 (apD10 p a) b c
definition eq_of_homotopy2 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (H : f ∼2 g) : f = g :=
eq_of_homotopy (λa, eq_of_homotopy (H a))
definition eq_of_homotopy3 {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} (H : f ∼3 g) : f = g :=
eq_of_homotopy (λa, eq_of_homotopy2 (H a))
definition eq_of_homotopy2_id (f : Πa b, C a b)
: eq_of_homotopy2 (λa b, idpath (f a b)) = idpath f :=
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, eq_of_homotopy x)), apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy_id},
apply eq_of_homotopy_id
definition eq_of_homotopy3_id (f : Πa b c, D a b c)
: eq_of_homotopy3 (λa b c, idpath (f a b c)) = idpath f :=
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, eq_of_homotopy x)), apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy2_id},
apply eq_of_homotopy_id
--TODO: put in namespace funext
definition is_equiv_apD100 [instance] (f g : Πa b, C a b) : is_equiv (@apD100 A B C f g) :=
adjointify _
intro H, esimp {apD100,eq_of_homotopy2, function.compose},
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, @apD10 _ (λb : B a, _) _ _ (x a))), apply (retr apD10),
--TODO: remove implicit argument after #469 is closed
apply (retr apD10)
intro p, cases p, apply eq_of_homotopy2_id
definition is_equiv_apD1000 [instance] (f g : Πa b c, D a b c) : is_equiv (@apD1000 A B C D f g) :=
adjointify _
intro H, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply concat, {apply (ap (λx, @apD100 _ _ (λ(b : B a)(c : C a b), _) _ _ (x a))), apply (retr apD10)},
--TODO: remove implicit argument after #469 is closed
apply (@retr _ _ apD100 !is_equiv_apD100) --is explicit argument needed here?
intro p, cases p, apply eq_of_homotopy3_id
protected definition homotopy2.rec_on {f g : Πa b, C a b} {P : (f ∼2 g) → Type}
(p : f ∼2 g) (H : Π(q : f = g), P (apD100 q)) : P p :=
retr apD100 p ▹ H (eq_of_homotopy2 p)
protected definition homotopy3.rec_on {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} {P : (f ∼3 g) → Type}
(p : f ∼3 g) (H : Π(q : f = g), P (apD1000 q)) : P p :=
retr apD1000 p ▹ H (eq_of_homotopy3 p)
structure functor (C D : Precategory) : Type :=
(to_fun_ob : C → D)
(to_fun_hom : Π ⦃a b : C⦄, hom a b → hom (to_fun_ob a) (to_fun_ob b))
@ -221,20 +136,39 @@ namespace functor
apply is_trunc_eq, apply is_trunc_succ, apply !homH},
definition functor_eq_eta' {ob₁ ob₂ : C → D} {hom₁ hom₂ id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂}
(p : functor.mk ob₁ hom₁ id₁ comp₁ = functor.mk ob₂ hom₂ id₂ comp₂)
: p = p := --functor_eq_mk' _ _ _ _ (ap010 to_fun_ob p) _ :=
--set_option pp.universes true
-- set_option pp.notation false
-- set_option pp.implicit true
definition functor_eq2' {obF obF' : C → D} {homF homF' idF idF' compF compF'}
(p q : functor.mk obF homF idF compF = functor.mk obF' homF' idF' compF') (r : obF = obF')
: p = q :=
definition functor_eq2'' {ob₁ ob₂ : C → D} {hom₁ hom₂ id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂}
{pob₁ pob₂ : ob₁ = ob₂} (phom₁ : pob₁ ▹ hom₁ = hom₂) (phom₂ : pob₂ ▹ hom₁ = hom₂)
(r : pob₁ = pob₂) : functor_eq_mk'' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ pob₁ phom₁
= functor_eq_mk'' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ pob₂ phom₂ :=
cases r,
apply (ap (functor_eq_mk'' id₁ id₂ @comp₁ @comp₂ pob₂)),
apply is_hprop.elim
definition functor_eq2' {ob₁ ob₂ : C → D} {hom₁ hom₂ id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂} {pob₁ pob₂ : ob₁ ∼ ob₂}
(phom₁ : Π(a b : C) (f : hom a b), hom_of_eq (pob₁ b) ∘ hom₁ a b f ∘ inv_of_eq (pob₁ a) = hom₂ a b f)
(phom₂ : Π(a b : C) (f : hom a b), hom_of_eq (pob₂ b) ∘ hom₁ a b f ∘ inv_of_eq (pob₂ a) = hom₂ a b f)
(r : pob₁ = pob₂) : functor_eq_mk' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ pob₁ phom₁
= functor_eq_mk' id₁ id₂ comp₁ comp₂ pob₂ phom₂ :=
cases r,
apply (ap (functor_eq_mk' id₁ id₂ @comp₁ @comp₂ pob₂)),
apply is_hprop.elim
definition functor_eq2 {F₁ F₂ : C ⇒ D} (p q : F₁ = F₂) (r : ap010 to_fun_ob p ∼ ap010 to_fun_ob q)
: p = q :=
apply sorry
-- definition ap010_functor_eq_mk' {F₁ F₂ : C ⇒ D} (p : to_fun_ob F₁ = to_fun_ob F₂)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Module: algebra.precategory.iso
Author: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import algebra.precategory.basic types.sigma
import algebra.precategory.basic types.sigma arity
open eq category prod equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ namespace functor
functor.mk (functor_uncurry_ob G)
(functor_uncurry_hom G)
(functor_uncurry_id G)
(functor_uncurry_comp G)
theorem functor_uncurry_functor_curry : functor_uncurry (functor_curry F) = F :=
functor_eq_mk (λp, ap (to_fun_ob F) !prod.eta)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: init.path
Author: Floris van Doorn
Theorems about functions with multiple arguments
variables {A U V W X Y Z : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
{E : Πa b c, D a b c → Type}
variables {a a' : A} {u u' : U} {v v' : V} {w w' : W} {x x' : X} {y y' : Y}
{b : B a} {b' : B a'}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
namespace eq
Naming convention:
The theorem which states how to construct an path between two function applications is
Here i₀, ... iₙ are digits, n is the arity of the function(s),
and iⱼ specifies the dimension of the path between the jᵗʰ argument
(i₀ specifies the dimension of the path between the functions).
A value iⱼ ≡ 0 means that the jᵗʰ arguments are definitionally equal
The functions are non-dependent, except when the theorem name contains trailing zeroes
(where the function is dependent only in the arguments where it doesn't result in any
transports in the theorem statement).
For the fully-dependent versions (except that the conclusion doesn't contain a transport)
we write
For versions where only some arguments depend on some other arguments,
or for versions with transport in the conclusion (like apD), we don't have a
consistent naming scheme (yet).
We don't prove each theorem systematically, but prove only the ones which we actually need.
definition homotopy2 [reducible] (f g : Πa b, C a b) : Type :=
Πa b, f a b = g a b
definition homotopy3 [reducible] (f g : Πa b c, D a b c) : Type :=
Πa b c, f a b c = g a b c
definition homotopy4 [reducible] (f g : Πa b c d, E a b c d) : Type :=
Πa b c d, f a b c d = g a b c d
notation f `∼2`:50 g := homotopy2 f g
notation f `∼3`:50 g := homotopy3 f g
definition ap011 (f : U → V → W) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') : f u v = f u' v' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap (f u) Hv)
definition ap0111 (f : U → V → W → X) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w')
: f u v w = f u' v' w' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap011 (f u) Hv Hw)
definition ap01111 (f : U → V → W → X → Y) (Hu : u = u') (Hv : v = v') (Hw : w = w') (Hx : x = x')
: f u v w x = f u' v' w' x' :=
eq.rec_on Hu (ap0111 (f u) Hv Hw Hx)
definition ap010 (f : X → Πa, B a) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼ f x' :=
λa, eq.rec_on Hx idp
definition ap0100 (f : X → Πa b, C a b) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼2 f x' :=
λa b, eq.rec_on Hx idp
definition ap01000 (f : X → Πa b c, D a b c) (Hx : x = x') : f x ∼3 f x' :=
λa b c, eq.rec_on Hx idp
definition apD011 (f : Πa, B a → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
: f a b = f a' b' :=
eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)
definition apD0111 (f : Πa b, C a b → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apD011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp))
definition apD01111 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → Z) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apD011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c') (Hd : apD0111 D Ha Hb Hc ▹ d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
eq.rec_on Hd (eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)))
definition apD100 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (p : f = g) : f ∼2 g :=
λa b, apD10 (apD10 p a) b
definition apD1000 {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} (p : f = g) : f ∼3 g :=
λa b c, apD100 (apD10 p a) b c
/- the following theorems are function extentionality for functions with multiple arguments -/
definition eq_of_homotopy2 {f g : Πa b, C a b} (H : f ∼2 g) : f = g :=
eq_of_homotopy (λa, eq_of_homotopy (H a))
definition eq_of_homotopy3 {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} (H : f ∼3 g) : f = g :=
eq_of_homotopy (λa, eq_of_homotopy2 (H a))
definition eq_of_homotopy2_id (f : Πa b, C a b)
: eq_of_homotopy2 (λa b, idpath (f a b)) = idpath f :=
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, eq_of_homotopy x)), apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy_id},
apply eq_of_homotopy_id
definition eq_of_homotopy3_id (f : Πa b c, D a b c)
: eq_of_homotopy3 (λa b c, idpath (f a b c)) = idpath f :=
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, eq_of_homotopy x)), apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a, apply eq_of_homotopy2_id},
apply eq_of_homotopy_id
end eq
open is_equiv eq
namespace funext
definition is_equiv_apD100 [instance] (f g : Πa b, C a b) : is_equiv (@apD100 A B C f g) :=
adjointify _
intro H, esimp {apD100,eq_of_homotopy2, function.compose},
apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply concat, apply (ap (λx, @apD10 _ (λb : B a, _) _ _ (x a))), apply (retr apD10),
--TODO: remove implicit argument after #469 is closed
apply (retr apD10)
intro p, cases p, apply eq_of_homotopy2_id
definition is_equiv_apD1000 [instance] (f g : Πa b c, D a b c)
: is_equiv (@apD1000 A B C D f g) :=
adjointify _
intro H, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro a,
apply concat,
{apply (ap (λx, @apD100 _ _ (λ(b : B a)(c : C a b), _) _ _ (x a))),
apply (retr apD10)},
--TODO: remove implicit argument after #469 is closed
apply (@retr _ _ apD100 !is_equiv_apD100) --is explicit argument needed here?
intro p, cases p, apply eq_of_homotopy3_id
end funext
namespace eq
open funext
local attribute funext.is_equiv_apD100 [instance]
protected definition homotopy2.rec_on {f g : Πa b, C a b} {P : (f ∼2 g) → Type}
(p : f ∼2 g) (H : Π(q : f = g), P (apD100 q)) : P p :=
retr apD100 p ▹ H (eq_of_homotopy2 p)
protected definition homotopy3.rec_on {f g : Πa b c, D a b c} {P : (f ∼3 g) → Type}
(p : f ∼3 g) (H : Π(q : f = g), P (apD1000 q)) : P p :=
retr apD1000 p ▹ H (eq_of_homotopy3 p)
end eq
@ -135,28 +135,28 @@ theorem weak_funext_of_ua : weak_funext :=
definition funext_of_ua : funext :=
funext_of_weak_funext (@weak_funext_of_ua)
variables {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f g : Π x, P x}
namespace funext
definition is_equiv_apD [instance] {A : Type} {P : A → Type} (f g : Π x, P x)
: is_equiv (@apD10 A P f g) :=
definition is_equiv_apD [instance] (f g : Π x, P x) : is_equiv (@apD10 A P f g) :=
funext_of_ua f g
end funext
open funext
definition eq_equiv_homotopy {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f g : Π x, P x} : (f = g) ≃ (f ∼ g) :=
definition eq_equiv_homotopy : (f = g) ≃ (f ∼ g) :=
equiv.mk apD10 _
definition eq_of_homotopy {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {f g : Π x, P x} : f ∼ g → f = g :=
definition eq_of_homotopy [reducible] : f ∼ g → f = g :=
(@apD10 A P f g)⁻¹
--rename to eq_of_homotopy_idp
definition eq_of_homotopy_id {A : Type} {P : A → Type} (f : Π x, P x)
: eq_of_homotopy (λx : A, idpath (f x)) = idpath f :=
--TODO: rename to eq_of_homotopy_idp
definition eq_of_homotopy_id (f : Π x, P x) : eq_of_homotopy (λx : A, idpath (f x)) = idpath f :=
is_equiv.sect apD10 idp
definition naive_funext_of_ua : naive_funext :=
λ A P f g h, eq_of_homotopy h
protected definition homotopy.rec_on {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {f g : Πa, B a} {P : (f ∼ g) → Type}
(p : f ∼ g) (H : Π(q : f = g), P (apD10 q)) : P p :=
protected definition homotopy.rec_on {Q : (f ∼ g) → Type} (p : f ∼ g)
(H : Π(q : f = g), Q (apD10 q)) : Q p :=
retr apD10 p ▹ H (eq_of_homotopy p)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: init.path
Author: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Ported from Coq HoTT
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ namespace eq
definition ap ⦃A B : Type⦄ (f : A → B) {x y:A} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
eq.rec_on p idp
definition ap01 := ap
definition ap01 [reducible] := ap
definition homotopy [reducible] (f g : Πx, P x) : Type :=
Πx : A, f x = g x
@ -590,8 +590,6 @@ namespace eq
(whisker_right a q) ⬝ (whisker_left p' b) = (whisker_left p b) ⬝ (whisker_right a q') :=
eq.rec_on b (eq.rec_on a (idp_con _)⁻¹)
-- Structure corresponding to the coherence equations of a bicategory.
-- The "pentagonator": the 3-cell witnessing the associativity pentagon.
@ -630,7 +628,6 @@ namespace eq
⬝ (ap02 f r ◾ ap02 f s)
⬝ (ap_con f p' q')⁻¹ :=
eq.rec_on r (eq.rec_on s (eq.rec_on q (eq.rec_on p idp)))
-- eq.rec_on r (eq.rec_on s (eq.rec_on p (eq.rec_on q idp)))
definition apD02 {p q : x = y} (f : Π x, P x) (r : p = q) :
apD f p = transport2 P r (f x) ⬝ apD f q :=
@ -645,45 +642,3 @@ namespace eq
⬝ (whisker_right (tr2_con P r1 r2 (f x))⁻¹ (apD f p3)) :=
eq.rec_on r2 (eq.rec_on r1 (eq.rec_on p1 idp))
end eq
namespace eq
variables {A B C D E : Type} {a a' : A} {b b' : B} {c c' : C} {d d' : D}
definition ap011 (f : A → B → C) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') : f a b = f a' b' :=
eq.rec_on Ha (eq.rec_on Hb idp)
definition ap0111 (f : A → B → C → D) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
eq.rec_on Ha (ap011 (f a) Hb Hc)
definition ap01111 (f : A → B → C → D → E) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : b = b') (Hc : c = c') (Hd : d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
eq.rec_on Ha (ap0111 (f a) Hb Hc Hd)
definition ap010 {C : B → Type} (f : A → Π(b : B), C b) (Ha : a = a') (b : B) : f a b = f a' b :=
eq.rec_on Ha idp
variables {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type} {D : Πa b, C a b → Type}
{E : Πa b c, D a b c → Type} {F : Type}
variables {a a' : A}
{b : B a} {b' : B a'}
{c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
{d : D a b c} {d' : D a' b' c'}
definition apD011 (f : Πa, B a → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
: f a b = f a' b' :=
eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)
definition apD0111 (f : Πa b, C a b → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apD011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c')
: f a b c = f a' b' c' :=
eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp))
definition apD01111 (f : Πa b c, D a b c → F) (Ha : a = a') (Hb : (Ha ▹ b) = b')
(Hc : apD011 C Ha Hb ▹ c = c') (Hd : apD0111 D Ha Hb Hc ▹ d = d')
: f a b c d = f a' b' c' d' :=
eq.rec_on Hd (eq.rec_on Hc (eq.rec_on Hb (eq.rec_on Ha idp)))
end eq
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Ported from Coq HoTT
Theorems about the types equiv and is_equiv
import types.fiber types.arrow
import types.fiber types.arrow arity
open eq is_trunc sigma sigma.ops arrow pi
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