refactor(library/data/sum): simplify has_decidable_eq proof using recursive equations and match expressions

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Leonardo de Moura 2015-01-10 12:45:05 -08:00
parent 75d7e4ab9e
commit f053330755

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad
The sum type, aka disjoint union.
import logic.connectives
open inhabited decidable eq.ops
open inhabited eq.ops
namespace sum
notation A ⊎ B := sum A B
@ -19,15 +19,17 @@ namespace sum
end low_precedence_plus
variables {A B : Type}
variables {a a₁ a₂ : A} {b b₁ b₂ : B}
theorem inl_neq_inr : inl a ≠ inr b :=
definition inl_ne_inr (a : A) (b : B) : inl a ≠ inr b :=
assume H, no_confusion H
theorem inl_inj : intro_left B a₁ = intro_left B a₂ → a₁ = a₂ :=
definition inr_ne_inl (b : B) (a : A) : inr b ≠ inl a :=
assume H, no_confusion H
definition inl_inj {a₁ a₂ : A} : intro_left B a₁ = intro_left B a₂ → a₁ = a₂ :=
assume H, no_confusion H (λe, e)
theorem inr_inj : intro_right A b₁ = intro_right A b₂ → b₁ = b₂ :=
definition inr_inj {b₁ b₂ : B} : intro_right A b₁ = intro_right A b₂ → b₁ = b₂ :=
assume H, no_confusion H (λe, e)
protected definition is_inhabited_left [instance] : inhabited A → inhabited (A + B) :=
@ -36,29 +38,17 @@ namespace sum
protected definition is_inhabited_right [instance] : inhabited B → inhabited (A + B) :=
assume H : inhabited B, (inr (default B))
protected definition has_eq_decidable [instance] :
decidable_eq A → decidable_eq B → decidable_eq (A + B) :=
assume (H₁ : decidable_eq A) (H₂ : decidable_eq B),
take s₁ s₂ : A + B,
rec_on s₁
(take a₁, show decidable (inl a₁ = s₂), from
rec_on s₂
(take a₂, show decidable (inl a₁ = inl a₂), from
decidable.rec_on (H₁ a₁ a₂)
(assume Heq : a₁ = a₂, decidable.inl (Heq ▸ rfl))
(assume Hne : a₁ ≠ a₂, decidable.inr (mt inl_inj Hne)))
(take b₂,
have H₃ : (inl a₁ = inr b₂) ↔ false,
from iff.intro inl_neq_inr (assume H₄, !false.rec H₄),
show decidable (inl a₁ = inr b₂), from decidable_of_decidable_of_iff _ (iff.symm H₃)))
(take b₁, show decidable (inr b₁ = s₂), from
rec_on s₂
(take a₂,
have H₃ : (inr b₁ = inl a₂) ↔ false,
from iff.intro (assume H₄, inl_neq_inr (H₄⁻¹)) (assume H₄, !false.rec H₄),
show decidable (inr b₁ = inl a₂), from decidable_of_decidable_of_iff _ (iff.symm H₃))
(take b₂, show decidable (inr b₁ = inr b₂), from
decidable.rec_on (H₂ b₁ b₂)
(assume Heq : b₁ = b₂, decidable.inl (Heq ▸ rfl))
(assume Hne : b₁ ≠ b₂, decidable.inr (mt inr_inj Hne))))
protected definition has_eq_decidable [instance] (h₁ : decidable_eq A) (h₂ : decidable_eq B) : ∀ s₁ s₂ : A + B, decidable (s₁ = s₂),
has_eq_decidable (inl a₁) (inl a₂) :=
match h₁ a₁ a₂ with
decidable.inl hp := decidable.inl (hp ▸ rfl),
decidable.inr hn := decidable.inr (λ he, absurd (inl_inj he) hn)
has_eq_decidable (inl a₁) (inr b₂) := decidable.inr (λ e, sum.no_confusion e),
has_eq_decidable (inr b₁) (inl a₂) := decidable.inr (λ e, sum.no_confusion e),
has_eq_decidable (inr b₁) (inr b₂) :=
match h₂ b₁ b₂ with
decidable.inl hp := decidable.inl (hp ▸ rfl),
decidable.inr hn := decidable.inr (λ he, absurd (inr_inj he) hn)
end sum