feat(category): various small changes in category theory
This commit is contained in:
33 changed files with 449 additions and 184 deletions
@ -19,10 +19,12 @@ namespace category
definition is_initial [reducible] (c : ob) := @is_terminal _ (opposite C) c
definition is_contr_of_is_initial [instance] (c d : ob) [H : is_initial d]
definition is_contr_of_is_initial (c d : ob) [H : is_initial d]
: is_contr (d ⟶ c) :=
H c
local attribute is_contr_of_is_initial [instance]
definition initial_morphism (c c' : ob) [H : is_initial c'] : c' ⟶ c :=
@ -85,67 +87,67 @@ namespace category
variables {D I} (F : I ⇒ D) [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] {i j : I}
include H
abbreviation cocone := (cone Fᵒᵖ)ᵒᵖ
abbreviation cocone := (cone Fᵒᵖᶠ)ᵒᵖ
definition has_initial_object_cocone [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I]
(F : I ⇒ D) : has_initial_object (cocone F) :=
unfold [has_colimits_of_shape,has_limits_of_shape] at H,
exact H Fᵒᵖ
exact H Fᵒᵖᶠ
local attribute has_initial_object_cocone [instance]
definition colimit_cocone : cocone F := limit_cone Fᵒᵖ
definition colimit_cocone : cocone F := limit_cone Fᵒᵖᶠ
definition is_initial_colimit_cocone [instance] : is_initial (colimit_cocone F) :=
is_terminal_limit_cone Fᵒᵖ
is_terminal_limit_cone Fᵒᵖᶠ
definition colimit_object : D :=
limit_object Fᵒᵖ
limit_object Fᵒᵖᶠ
definition colimit_nat_trans : constant_functor Iᵒᵖ (colimit_object F) ⟹ Fᵒᵖ :=
limit_nat_trans Fᵒᵖ
definition colimit_nat_trans : constant_functor Iᵒᵖ (colimit_object F) ⟹ Fᵒᵖᶠ :=
limit_nat_trans Fᵒᵖᶠ
definition colimit_morphism (i : I) : F i ⟶ colimit_object F :=
limit_morphism Fᵒᵖ i
limit_morphism Fᵒᵖᶠ i
variable {H}
theorem colimit_commute {i j : I} (f : i ⟶ j)
: colimit_morphism F j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = colimit_morphism F i :=
by rexact limit_commute Fᵒᵖ f
by rexact limit_commute Fᵒᵖᶠ f
variable [H]
definition colimit_cone_obj [constructor] {d : D} {η : Πi, F i ⟶ d}
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) : cone_obj Fᵒᵖ :=
limit_cone_obj Fᵒᵖ proof p qed
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) : cone_obj Fᵒᵖᶠ :=
limit_cone_obj Fᵒᵖᶠ proof p qed
variable {H}
definition colimit_hom {d : D} (η : Πi, F i ⟶ d)
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) : colimit_object F ⟶ d :=
hom_limit Fᵒᵖ η proof p qed
hom_limit Fᵒᵖᶠ η proof p qed
theorem colimit_hom_commute {d : D} (η : Πi, F i ⟶ d)
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) (i : I)
: colimit_hom F η p ∘ colimit_morphism F i = η i :=
by rexact hom_limit_commute Fᵒᵖ η proof p qed i
by rexact hom_limit_commute Fᵒᵖᶠ η proof p qed i
definition colimit_cone_hom [constructor] {d : D} {η : Πi, F i ⟶ d}
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) {h : colimit_object F ⟶ d}
(q : Πi, h ∘ colimit_morphism F i = η i)
: cone_hom (colimit_cone_obj F p) (colimit_cocone F) :=
by rexact limit_cone_hom Fᵒᵖ proof p qed proof q qed
by rexact limit_cone_hom Fᵒᵖᶠ proof p qed proof q qed
variable {F}
theorem eq_colimit_hom {d : D} {η : Πi, F i ⟶ d}
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i) {h : colimit_object F ⟶ d}
(q : Πi, h ∘ colimit_morphism F i = η i) : h = colimit_hom F η p :=
by rexact @eq_hom_limit _ _ Fᵒᵖ _ _ _ proof p qed _ proof q qed
by rexact @eq_hom_limit _ _ Fᵒᵖᶠ _ _ _ proof p qed _ proof q qed
theorem colimit_cocone_unique {d : D} {η : Πi, F i ⟶ d}
(p : Π⦃j i : I⦄ (f : i ⟶ j), η j ∘ to_fun_hom F f = η i)
{h₁ : colimit_object F ⟶ d} (q₁ : Πi, h₁ ∘ colimit_morphism F i = η i)
{h₂ : colimit_object F ⟶ d} (q₂ : Πi, h₂ ∘ colimit_morphism F i = η i) : h₁ = h₂ :=
@limit_cone_unique _ _ Fᵒᵖ _ _ _ proof p qed _ proof q₁ qed _ proof q₂ qed
@limit_cone_unique _ _ Fᵒᵖᶠ _ _ _ proof p qed _ proof q₁ qed _ proof q₂ qed
definition colimit_hom_colimit [reducible] {F G : I ⇒ D} (η : F ⟹ G)
: colimit_object F ⟶ colimit_object G :=
@ -157,7 +159,19 @@ namespace category
variable (F)
definition colimit_object_iso_colimit_object [constructor] (H₁ H₂ : has_colimits_of_shape D I) :
@(colimit_object F) H₁ ≅ @(colimit_object F) H₂ :=
iso_of_opposite_iso (limit_object_iso_limit_object Fᵒᵖ H₁ H₂)
iso_of_opposite_iso (limit_object_iso_limit_object Fᵒᵖᶠ H₁ H₂)
definition colimit_functor [constructor] (D I : Precategory) [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I]
: D ^c I ⇒ D :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ intro F, exact colimit_object F},
{ apply @colimit_hom_colimit},
{ intro F, unfold colimit_hom_colimit, refine (eq_colimit_hom _ _)⁻¹, intro i,
apply id_comp_eq_comp_id},
{ intro F G H η θ, unfold colimit_hom_colimit, refine (eq_colimit_hom _ _)⁻¹, intro i,
rewrite [-assoc, colimit_hom_commute, assoc, colimit_hom_commute, -assoc]}
section bin_coproducts
open bool prod.ops
@ -198,6 +212,7 @@ namespace category
eq_coproduct_hom p₁ q₁ ⬝ (eq_coproduct_hom p₂ q₂)⁻¹
variable (D)
-- TODO: define this in terms of colimit_functor and functor_two_left (in exponential_laws)
definition coproduct_functor [constructor] : D ×c D ⇒ D :=
(λx, coproduct_object x.1 x.2)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
Comma category
import ..functor.functor ..strict ..category
import ..functor.basic ..strict ..category
open eq functor equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc iso is_equiv
@ -46,21 +46,17 @@ namespace category
--TODO: remove. This is a different version where Hq is not in square brackets
axiom eq_comp_inverse_of_comp_eq' {ob : Type} {C : precategory ob} {d c b : ob} {r : hom c d}
{q : hom b c} {x : hom b d} {Hq : is_iso q} (p : r ∘ q = x) : r = x ∘ q⁻¹ʰ
-- definition eq_comp_inverse_of_comp_eq' {ob : Type} {C : precategory ob} {d c b : ob} {r : hom c d}
-- {q : hom b c} {x : hom b d} {Hq : is_iso q} (p : r ∘ q = x) : r = x ∘ q⁻¹ʰ :=
-- sorry
-- := sorry --eq_inverse_comp_of_comp_eq p
definition comma_object_eq {x y : comma_object S T} (p : ob1 x = ob1 y) (q : ob2 x = ob2 y)
(r : T (hom_of_eq q) ∘ mor x ∘ S (inv_of_eq p) = mor y) : x = y :=
cases x with a b f, cases y with a' b' f', cases p, cases q,
have r' : f = f',
rewrite [▸* at r, -r, respect_id, id_left, respect_inv'],
apply eq_comp_inverse_of_comp_eq',
rewrite [respect_id,id_right]
rewrite r'
apply ap (comma_object.mk a' b'),
rewrite [▸* at r, -r, +respect_id, id_leftright]
definition ap_ob1_comma_object_eq' (x y : comma_object S T) (p : ob1 x = ob1 y) (q : ob2 x = ob2 y)
@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ namespace category
cone_hom.mk (cone_hom.f g ∘ cone_hom.f f)
abstract λi, by rewrite [assoc, +cone_hom.p] end
definition is_hprop_hom_eq [instance] [priority 1001] {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {x y : ob} (f g : x ⟶ y)
: is_hprop (f = g) :=
definition cone_obj_eq (p : cone_obj.c x = cone_obj.c y)
(q : Πi, cone_obj.η x i = cone_obj.η y i ∘ hom_of_eq p) : x = y :=
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Common categories and constructions on categories. The following files are in th
* [functor](functor.hlean) : Functor category
* [opposite](opposite.hlean) : Opposite category
* [hset](hset.hlean) : Category of sets. Prove that it is complete and cocomplete
* [hset](hset.hlean) : Category of sets. Includes proof that it is complete and cocomplete
* [sum](sum.hlean) : Sum category
* [product](product.hlean) : Product category
* [comma](comma.hlean) : Comma category
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
Discrete category
import ..groupoid types.bool ..functor.functor
import ..groupoid types.bool ..nat_trans
open eq is_trunc iso bool functor
open eq is_trunc iso bool functor nat_trans
namespace category
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ namespace category
groupoid.Mk _ (discrete_groupoid A)
definition c2 [constructor] : Precategory := Discrete_precategory bool
definition c1 [constructor] : Precategory := Discrete_precategory unit
definition c2_functor [constructor] (C : Precategory) (x y : C) : c2 ⇒ C :=
functor.mk (bool.rec x y)
@ -54,4 +53,22 @@ namespace category
abstract begin intro b₁ b₂ b₃ g f, induction b₁: induction b₂: induction b₃:
esimp at *: try contradiction: exact !id_id⁻¹ end end
definition c2_functor_eta {C : Precategory} (F : c2 ⇒ C) :
c2_functor C (to_fun_ob F ff) (to_fun_ob F tt) = F :=
fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ intro b, induction b: reflexivity},
{ intro b₁ b₂ p, induction p, induction b₁: esimp; rewrite [id_leftright]; exact !respect_id⁻¹}
definition c2_nat_trans [constructor] {C : Precategory} {x y u v : C} (f : x ⟶ u) (g : y ⟶ v) :
c2_functor C x y ⟹ c2_functor C u v :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro b, induction b, exact f, exact g},
{ intro b₁ b₂ p, induction p, induction b₁: esimp: apply id_comp_eq_comp_id},
end category
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn
Some finite categories which are neither discrete nor indiscrete
import ..functor.functor types.sum
import ..functor.basic types.sum
open bool unit is_trunc sum eq functor equiv
@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ namespace functor
apply is_hset.elim
definition is_iso_nat_trans [constructor] [instance] : is_iso η :=
definition is_natural_iso [constructor] : is_iso η :=
is_iso.mk _ (nat_trans_left_inverse η) (nat_trans_right_inverse η)
variable (iso)
definition functor_iso [constructor] : F ≅ G :=
@(iso.mk η) !is_iso_nat_trans
definition natural_iso.mk [constructor] : F ≅ G :=
iso.mk _ (is_natural_iso η)
omit iso
variables (F G)
variables (F G)
definition is_natural_inverse (η : Πc, F c ≅ G c)
(nat : Π⦃a b : C⦄ (f : hom a b), G f ∘ to_hom (η a) = to_hom (η b) ∘ F f)
{a b : C} (f : hom a b) : F f ∘ to_inv (η a) = to_inv (η b) ∘ G f :=
@ -78,8 +78,13 @@ namespace functor
{a b : C} (f : hom a b) : F f ∘ to_inv (η₁ a) = to_inv (η₁ b) ∘ G f :=
is_natural_inverse F G η₁ abstract λa b g, (p a)⁻¹ ▸ (p b)⁻¹ ▸ naturality η₂ g end f
variables {F G}
definition natural_iso.MK [constructor]
(η : Πc, F c ⟶ G c) (p : Π(c c' : C) (f : c ⟶ c'), G f ∘ η c = η c' ∘ F f)
(θ : Πc, G c ⟶ F c) (r : Πc, θ c ∘ η c = id) (q : Πc, η c ∘ θ c = id) : F ≅ G :=
iso.mk (nat_trans.mk η p) (@(is_natural_iso _) (λc, is_iso.mk (θ c) (r c) (q c)))
/- and conversely, if a natural transformation is an iso, it is componentwise an iso -/
@ -109,8 +114,8 @@ namespace functor
omit isoη
definition componentwise_iso (η : F ≅ G) (c : C) : F c ≅ G c :=
@iso.mk _ _ _ _ (natural_map (to_hom η) c)
(@componentwise_is_iso _ _ _ _ (to_hom η) (struct η) c)
iso.mk (natural_map (to_hom η) c)
(@componentwise_is_iso _ _ _ _ (to_hom η) (struct η) c)
definition componentwise_iso_id (c : C) : componentwise_iso (iso.refl F) c = iso.refl (F c) :=
iso_eq (idpath (ID (F c)))
@ -207,10 +212,10 @@ namespace functor
abstract !n_nf_distrib⁻¹ ⬝ ap (λx, x ∘nf F) (@right_inverse (D ⇒ E) _ _ _ η _) ⬝ !id_nf end
definition functor_iso_compose [constructor] (G : D ⇒ E) (η : F ≅ F') : G ∘f F ≅ G ∘f F' :=
@(iso.mk _) (is_iso_nf_compose G (to_hom η))
iso.mk _ (is_iso_nf_compose G (to_hom η))
definition iso_functor_compose [constructor] (η : G ≅ G') (F : C ⇒ D) : G ∘f F ≅ G' ∘f F :=
@(iso.mk _) (is_iso_fn_compose (to_hom η) F)
iso.mk _ (is_iso_fn_compose (to_hom η) F)
infixr ` ∘fi ` :62 := functor_iso_compose
infixr ` ∘if ` :62 := iso_functor_compose
@ -311,10 +316,10 @@ namespace functor
variables {C : Precategory} {D : Category} {F G : D ^c C}
definition eq_of_pointwise_iso (η : F ⟹ G) (iso : Π(a : C), is_iso (η a)) : F = G :=
eq_of_iso (functor_iso η iso)
eq_of_iso (natural_iso.mk η iso)
definition iso_of_eq_eq_of_pointwise_iso (η : F ⟹ G) (iso : Π(c : C), is_iso (η c))
: iso_of_eq (eq_of_pointwise_iso η iso) = functor_iso η iso :=
: iso_of_eq (eq_of_pointwise_iso η iso) = natural_iso.mk η iso :=
definition hom_of_eq_eq_of_pointwise_iso (η : F ⟹ G) (iso : Π(c : C), is_iso (η c))
@ -350,8 +355,6 @@ namespace functor
abstract begin intros, apply nat_trans_eq, intro i, esimp, apply respect_id end end
abstract begin intros, apply nat_trans_eq, intro i, esimp, apply respect_comp end end
/- evaluation functor -/
definition eval_functor [constructor] (C D : Precategory) (d : D) : C ^c D ⇒ C :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
@ -381,6 +384,15 @@ namespace functor
{ intro G H I η θ, apply fn_n_distrib},
definition constant_diagram [constructor] (C D) : C ⇒ C ^c D :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact constant_functor D c},
{ intro c d f, exact constant_nat_trans D f},
{ intro c, fapply nat_trans_eq, reflexivity},
{ intro c d e g f, fapply nat_trans_eq, reflexivity},
end functor
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace category
-- preservation of limits
variables {D C I : Precategory}
definition limit_functor [constructor]
definition functor_limit_object [constructor]
[H : has_limits_of_shape D I] (F : I ⇒ D ^c C) : C ⇒ D :=
assert lem : Π(c d : carrier C) (f : hom c d) ⦃i j : carrier I⦄ (k : i ⟶ j),
@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ namespace category
rewrite [respect_comp,assoc,hom_limit_commute,-assoc,hom_limit_commute,assoc]}
definition limit_functor_cone [constructor]
definition functor_limit_cone [constructor]
[H : has_limits_of_shape D I] (F : I ⇒ D ^c C) : cone_obj F :=
fapply cone_obj.mk,
{ exact limit_functor F},
{ exact functor_limit_object F},
{ fapply nat_trans.mk,
{ intro i, esimp, fapply nat_trans.mk,
{ intro c, esimp, apply limit_morphism},
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace category
: has_limits_of_shape (D ^c C) I :=
intro F, fapply has_terminal_object.mk,
{ exact limit_functor_cone F},
{ exact functor_limit_cone F},
{ intro c, esimp at *, induction c with G η, induction η with η p, esimp at *,
fapply is_contr.mk,
{ fapply cone_hom.mk,
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace category
-- abstract (λi j k g f, ap010 natural_map !respect_comp c) end
-- qed
definition colimit_functor [constructor]
definition functor_colimit_object [constructor]
[H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] (F : Iᵒᵖ ⇒ (D ^c C)ᵒᵖ) : C ⇒ D :=
fapply functor.mk,
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ namespace category
rewrite [▸*,respect_comp,-assoc,colimit_hom_commute,assoc,colimit_hom_commute,-assoc]}
definition colimit_functor_cone [constructor]
definition functor_colimit_cone [constructor]
[H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] (F : Iᵒᵖ ⇒ (D ^c C)ᵒᵖ) : cone_obj F :=
fapply cone_obj.mk,
{ exact colimit_functor F},
{ exact functor_colimit_object F},
{ fapply nat_trans.mk,
{ intro i, esimp, fapply nat_trans.mk,
{ intro c, esimp, apply colimit_morphism},
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace category
: has_colimits_of_shape (D ^c C) I :=
intro F, fapply has_terminal_object.mk,
{ exact colimit_functor_cone F},
{ exact functor_colimit_cone F},
{ intro c, esimp at *, induction c with G η, induction η with η p, esimp at *,
fapply is_contr.mk,
{ fapply cone_hom.mk,
@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ namespace category
local attribute has_limits_of_shape_op_op [instance] [priority 1]
universe variables u v
definition is_cocomplete_functor [instance] [H : is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} D] : is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} (D ^c C) :=
definition is_cocomplete_functor [instance] [H : is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} D]
: is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} (D ^c C) :=
λI, _
end category
@ -167,32 +167,7 @@ namespace category
exact exists.intro f idp}}
-- giving the following step explicitly slightly reduces the elaboration time of the next proof
-- definition is_cocomplete_set_cone_hom.{u v w} [constructor]
-- (I : Precategory.{v w}) (F : I ⇒ Opposite set.{max u v w})
-- (X : hset.{max u v w})
-- (η : Π (i : carrier I), trunctype.carrier (to_fun_ob F i) → trunctype.carrier X)
-- (p : Π {i j : carrier I} (f : hom i j), (λ (x : trunctype.carrier (to_fun_ob F j)), η i (to_fun_hom F f x)) = η j)
-- : --cone_hom (cone_obj.mk X (nat_trans.mk η @p)) (is_cocomplete_set_cone.{u v w} I F)
-- @cone_hom I setᵒᵖ F
-- (@cone_obj.mk I setᵒᵖ F X
-- (@nat_trans.mk I (Opposite set) (@constant_functor I (Opposite set) X) F η @p))
-- (is_cocomplete_set_cone.{u v w} I F)
-- :=
-- begin
-- fapply cone_hom.mk,
-- { refine set_quotient.elim _ _,
-- { intro v, induction v with i x, exact η i x},
-- { intro v w r, induction v with i x, induction w with j y, esimp at *,
-- refine trunc.elim_on r _, clear r,
-- intro u, induction u with f q,
-- exact ap (η i) q⁻¹ ⬝ ap10 (p f) y}},
-- { intro i, reflexivity}
-- end
-- TODO: rewrite after induction tactic for trunc/set_quotient is implemented
-- TODO: change this after induction tactic for trunc/set_quotient is implemented
definition is_cocomplete_set.{u v w} [instance]
: is_cocomplete.{(max u v w)+1 (max u v w) v w} set :=
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace category
definition initial_functor_op (C : Precategory)
: (initial_functor C)ᵒᵖ = initial_functor Cᵒᵖ :=
: (initial_functor C)ᵒᵖᶠ = initial_functor Cᵒᵖ :=
by apply @is_hprop.elim (0 ⇒ Cᵒᵖ)
definition initial_functor_comp {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D)
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Opposite precategory and (TODO) category
import ..functor.functor ..category
import ..nat_trans ..category
open eq functor iso equiv is_equiv
open eq functor iso equiv is_equiv nat_trans
namespace category
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace category
infixr `∘op`:60 := @comp _ (opposite _) _ _ _
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:(max+2) := Opposite
variables {C : Precategory} {a b c : C}
variables {C D : Precategory} {a b c : C}
definition compose_op {f : hom a b} {g : hom b c} : f ∘op g = g ∘ f :=
by reflexivity
@ -40,23 +40,71 @@ namespace category
definition opposite_opposite : (Cᵒᵖ)ᵒᵖ = C :=
(ap (Precategory.mk C) (opposite_opposite' C)) ⬝ !Precategory.eta
definition opposite_functor [constructor] {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
theorem opposite_hom_of_eq {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {c c' : ob} (p : c = c')
: @hom_of_eq ob (opposite C) c c' p = inv_of_eq p :=
by induction p; reflexivity
theorem opposite_inv_of_eq {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {c c' : ob} (p : c = c')
: @inv_of_eq ob (opposite C) c c' p = hom_of_eq p :=
by induction p; reflexivity
definition opposite_functor [constructor] (F : C ⇒ D) : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ :=
apply functor.mk,
intros, apply respect_id F,
intros, apply @respect_comp C D
apply functor.mk,
intros, apply respect_id F,
intros, apply @respect_comp C D
definition opposite_functor_rev [constructor] {C D : Precategory} (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ) : C ⇒ D :=
definition opposite_functor_rev [constructor] (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ) : C ⇒ D :=
apply functor.mk,
intros, apply respect_id F,
intros, apply @respect_comp Cᵒᵖ Dᵒᵖ
apply functor.mk,
intros, apply respect_id F,
intros, apply @respect_comp Cᵒᵖ Dᵒᵖ
postfix `ᵒᵖ`:(max+2) := opposite_functor
postfix `ᵒᵖᶠ`:(max+2) := opposite_functor
postfix `ᵒᵖ'`:(max+2) := opposite_functor_rev
definition opposite_rev_opposite_functor (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ) : Fᵒᵖ' ᵒᵖᶠ = F :=
fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ intro c c' f, esimp, exact !id_right ⬝ !id_left}
definition opposite_opposite_rev_functor (F : C ⇒ D) : Fᵒᵖᶠᵒᵖ' = F :=
fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ intro c c' f, esimp, exact !id_leftright}
definition opposite_nat_trans [constructor] {F G : C ⇒ D} (η : F ⟹ G) : Gᵒᵖᶠ ⟹ Fᵒᵖᶠ :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact η c},
{ intro c c' f, exact !naturality⁻¹},
definition opposite_rev_nat_trans [constructor] {F G : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ} (η : F ⟹ G) : Gᵒᵖ' ⟹ Fᵒᵖ' :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact η c},
{ intro c c' f, exact !(@naturality Cᵒᵖ Dᵒᵖ)⁻¹},
definition opposite_nat_trans_rev [constructor] {F G : C ⇒ D} (η : Fᵒᵖᶠ ⟹ Gᵒᵖᶠ) : G ⟹ F :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact η c},
{ intro c c' f, exact !(@naturality Cᵒᵖ Dᵒᵖ _ _ η)⁻¹},
definition opposite_rev_nat_trans_rev [constructor] {F G : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ Dᵒᵖ} (η : Fᵒᵖ' ⟹ Gᵒᵖ') : G ⟹ F :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact η c},
{ intro c c' f, exact (naturality η f)⁻¹},
definition opposite_iso [constructor] {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {a b : ob}
(H : @iso _ C a b) : @iso _ (opposite C) a b :=
@ -138,5 +138,4 @@ namespace category
apply id_leftright}
end category
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace category
definition terminal_functor_op (C : Precategory)
: (terminal_functor C)ᵒᵖ = terminal_functor Cᵒᵖ := idp
: (terminal_functor C)ᵒᵖᶠ = terminal_functor Cᵒᵖ := idp
definition terminal_functor_comp {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D)
: (terminal_functor D) ∘f F = terminal_functor C := idp
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace category
(λx y z g f, !id_id⁻¹)
-- we need id_id in the declaration of precategory to make this to hold definitionally
definition point_op (C : Precategory) (c : C) : (point C c)ᵒᵖ = point Cᵒᵖ c := idp
definition point_op (C : Precategory) (c : C) : (point C c)ᵒᵖᶠ = point Cᵒᵖ c := idp
definition point_comp {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (c : C)
: F ∘f point C c = point D (F c) := idp
@ -8,16 +8,22 @@ Adjoint functors
import .attributes
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod trunc function pi is_equiv
open functor nat_trans is_trunc eq iso
namespace category
-- TODO(?): define a structure "adjoint" and then define
structure adjoint [class] {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) (G : D ⇒ C) :=
(η : 1 ⟹ G ∘f F)
(ε : F ∘f G ⟹ 1)
(H : Π(c : C), ε (F c) ∘ F (η c) = ID (F c))
(K : Π(d : D), G (ε d) ∘ η (G d) = ID (G d))
-- TODO(?): define is_left_adjoint in terms of adjoint
-- structure is_left_adjoint (F : C ⇒ D) :=
-- (G : D ⇒ C) -- G
-- (is_adjoint : adjoint F G)
-- infix `⊣`:55 := adjoint
infix ` ⊣ `:55 := adjoint
structure is_left_adjoint [class] {C D : Precategory} (F : C ⇒ D) :=
(G : D ⇒ C)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
TODO: move
import .adjoint ..yoneda
open eq functor nat_trans yoneda iso prod is_trunc
namespace category
universe variables u v
parameters {C D : Precategory.{u v}} {F : C ⇒ D} {G : D ⇒ C}
(θ : hom_functor D ∘f prod_functor_prod Fᵒᵖᶠ 1 ≅ hom_functor C ∘f prod_functor_prod 1 G)
include θ
/- θ : _ ⟹[Cᵒᵖ × D ⇒ set] _-/
definition adj_unit [constructor] : 1 ⟹ G ∘f F :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro c, exact natural_map (to_hom θ) (c, F c) id},
{ intro c c' f,
let H := naturality (to_hom θ) (ID c, F f),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, id_right at K, ▸*, K, respect_id, +id_right],
clear H K,
let H := naturality (to_hom θ) (f, ID (F c')),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, respect_id at K,+id_left at K, K]}
definition adj_counit [constructor] : F ∘f G ⟹ 1 :=
fapply nat_trans.mk: esimp,
{ intro d, exact natural_map (to_inv θ) (G d, d) id, },
{ intro d d' g,
let H := naturality (to_inv θ) (Gᵒᵖᶠ g, ID d'),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, id_left at K, ▸*, K, respect_id, +id_left],
clear H K,
let H := naturality (to_inv θ) (ID (G d), g),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, respect_id at K,+id_right at K, K]}
theorem adj_eq_unit (c : C) (d : D) (f : F c ⟶ d)
: natural_map (to_hom θ) (c, d) f = G f ∘ adj_unit c :=
let H := naturality (to_hom θ) (ID c, f),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, id_right at K, K, respect_id, +id_right],
theorem adj_eq_counit (c : C) (d : D) (g : c ⟶ G d)
: natural_map (to_inv θ) (c, d) g = adj_counit d ∘ F g :=
let H := naturality (to_inv θ) (g, ID d),
let K := ap10 H id,
rewrite [▸* at K, id_left at K, K, respect_id, +id_left],
definition adjoint.mk' [constructor] : F ⊣ G :=
fapply adjoint.mk,
{ exact adj_unit},
{ exact adj_counit},
{ intro c, esimp, refine (adj_eq_counit c (F c) (adj_unit c))⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply ap10 (to_left_inverse (componentwise_iso θ (c, F c)))},
{ intro d, esimp, refine (adj_eq_unit (G d) d (adj_counit d))⁻¹ ⬝ _,
apply ap10 (to_right_inverse (componentwise_iso θ (G d, d)))},
end category
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Adjoint functors, isomorphisms and equivalences have their own file
import ..constructions.functor function arity
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod trunc function pi is_equiv
open eq functor trunc prod is_equiv iso equiv function is_trunc
namespace category
variables {C D E : Precategory} {F : C ⇒ D} {G : D ⇒ C}
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import ..iso types.pi
open function category eq prod prod.ops equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc funext iso
open pi
open function category eq prod prod.ops equiv is_equiv sigma sigma.ops is_trunc funext iso pi
structure functor (C D : Precategory) : Type :=
(to_fun_ob : C → D)
@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ structure functor (C D : Precategory) : Type :=
namespace functor
infixl ` ⇒ `:25 := functor
infixl ` ⇒ `:55 := functor
variables {A B C D E : Precategory}
attribute to_fun_ob [coercion]
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ namespace functor
attribute preserve_is_iso [instance] [priority 100]
definition to_fun_iso [constructor] (F : C ⇒ D) {a b : C} (f : a ≅ b) : F a ≅ F b :=
iso.mk (F f)
iso.mk (F f) _
theorem respect_inv' (F : C ⇒ D) {a b : C} (f : hom a b) {H : is_iso f} : F (f⁻¹) = (F f)⁻¹ :=
respect_inv F f
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
import .functor
import .basic
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Functors which are equivalences or isomorphisms
import .adjoint
open category functor nat_trans eq is_trunc iso equiv prod trunc function pi is_equiv
open eq functor iso prod nat_trans is_equiv equiv is_trunc
namespace category
variables {C D : Precategory} {F : C ⇒ D} {G : D ⇒ C}
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
Exponential laws
import .functor.equivalence .functor.curry
.constructions.terminal .constructions.initial .constructions.product .constructions.sum
open eq category functor is_trunc nat_trans iso unit prod sum prod.ops
import .equivalence .curry
..constructions.terminal ..constructions.initial ..constructions.product ..constructions.sum
open eq category functor is_trunc nat_trans iso unit prod sum prod.ops bool
namespace category
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ namespace category
{ apply empty.elim}},
/- C ^ 1 ≅ C -/
definition functor_one_iso [constructor] (C : Precategory) : C ^c 1 ≅c C :=
@ -89,6 +88,87 @@ namespace category
{ intro u v f, apply unit.eta}},
/- C ^ 2 ≅ C × C -/
definition functor_two_right [constructor] (C : Precategory)
: C ^c c2 ⇒ C ×c C :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ intro F, exact (F ff, F tt)},
{ intro F G η, esimp, exact (η ff, η tt)},
{ intro F, reflexivity},
{ intro F G H η θ, reflexivity}
definition functor_two_left [constructor] (C : Precategory)
: C ×c C ⇒ C ^c c2 :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ intro v, exact c2_functor C v.1 v.2},
{ intro v w f, exact c2_nat_trans f.1 f.2},
{ intro v, apply nat_trans_eq, esimp, intro b, induction b: reflexivity},
{ intro u v w g f, apply nat_trans_eq, esimp, intro b, induction b: reflexivity}
definition functor_two_iso [constructor] (C : Precategory)
: C ^c c2 ≅c C ×c C :=
fapply isomorphism.MK: esimp,
{ apply functor_two_right},
{ apply functor_two_left},
{ fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ intro F, apply c2_functor_eta},
{ intro F G η, fapply nat_trans_eq, intro b, esimp,
rewrite [@natural_map_hom_of_eq _ _ _ G, @natural_map_inv_of_eq _ _ _ F,
↑c2_functor_eta, +@ap010_functor_eq c2 C, ▸*],
induction b: esimp; apply id_leftright}},
{ fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ intro v, apply prod.eta},
{ intro v w f, induction v, induction w, esimp, apply prod_eq: apply id_leftright}},
/- Cᵒᵖ ^ Dᵒᵖ ≅ (C ^ D)ᵒᵖ -/
definition opposite_functor_opposite_right [constructor] (C D : Precategory)
: Cᵒᵖ ^c Dᵒᵖ ⇒ (C ^c D)ᵒᵖ :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ exact opposite_functor_rev},
{ apply @opposite_rev_nat_trans},
{ intro F, apply nat_trans_eq, intro d, reflexivity},
{ intro F G H η θ, apply nat_trans_eq, intro d, reflexivity}
definition opposite_functor_opposite_left [constructor] (C D : Precategory)
: (C ^c D)ᵒᵖ ⇒ Cᵒᵖ ^c Dᵒᵖ :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ exact opposite_functor},
{ intro F G, exact opposite_nat_trans},
{ intro F, apply nat_trans_eq, reflexivity},
{ intro u v w g f, apply nat_trans_eq, reflexivity}
definition opposite_functor_opposite_iso [constructor] (C D : Precategory)
: Cᵒᵖ ^c Dᵒᵖ ≅c (C ^c D)ᵒᵖ :=
fapply isomorphism.MK: esimp,
{ apply opposite_functor_opposite_right},
{ apply opposite_functor_opposite_left},
{ fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ exact opposite_rev_opposite_functor},
{ intro F G η, fapply nat_trans_eq, esimp, intro d,
rewrite [@natural_map_hom_of_eq _ _ _ G, @natural_map_inv_of_eq _ _ _ F,
↑opposite_rev_opposite_functor, +@ap010_functor_eq Dᵒᵖ Cᵒᵖ, ▸*],
exact !id_right ⬝ !id_left}},
{ fapply functor_eq: esimp,
{ exact opposite_opposite_rev_functor},
{ intro F G η, fapply nat_trans_eq, esimp, intro d,
rewrite [opposite_hom_of_eq, opposite_inv_of_eq, @natural_map_hom_of_eq _ _ _ F,
@natural_map_inv_of_eq _ _ _ G, ↑opposite_opposite_rev_functor, +@ap010_functor_eq, ▸*],
exact !id_right ⬝ !id_left}},
/- C ^ (D + E) ≅ C ^ D × C ^ E -/
definition functor_sum_right [constructor] (C D E : Precategory)
@ -110,7 +190,6 @@ namespace category
-- REPORT: cannot abstract
/- TODO: optimize -/
definition functor_sum_iso [constructor] (C D E : Precategory)
: C ^c (D +c E) ≅c C ^c D ×c C ^c E :=
@ -172,7 +251,7 @@ namespace category
{ intro V, apply prod_eq: esimp, apply pr1_functor_prod, apply pr2_functor_prod},
{ intro V W ν, rewrite [@pr1_hom_of_eq (C ^c E) (D ^c E), @pr2_hom_of_eq (C ^c E) (D ^c E),
@pr1_inv_of_eq (C ^c E) (D ^c E), @pr2_inv_of_eq (C ^c E) (D ^c E)],
apply prod_eq: apply nat_trans_eq: intro v: esimp,
apply prod_eq: apply nat_trans_eq; intro v: esimp,
{ rewrite [@natural_map_hom_of_eq _ _ _ W.1, @natural_map_inv_of_eq _ _ _ V.1, ▸*,
↑pr1_functor_prod,+ap010_functor_eq, ▸*, id_leftright]},
{ rewrite [@natural_map_hom_of_eq _ _ _ W.2, @natural_map_inv_of_eq _ _ _ V.2, ▸*,
@ -222,5 +301,4 @@ namespace category
↑functor_uncurry_functor_curry, +@ap010_functor_eq, ▸*], apply id_leftright}},
end category
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
* [functor](functor.hlean) : Definition of functors
* [basic](basic.hlean) : Definition and basic properties of functors
* [curry](curry.hlean) : Define currying and uncurrying of functors
* [attributes](attributes.hlean): Attributes of functors (full, faithful, split essentially surjective, ...)
* [adjoint](adjoint.hlean) : Adjoint functors and equivalences
* [equivalence](equivalence.hlean) : Equivalences and Isomorphisms
* [exponential_laws](exponential_laws.hlean)
Note: the functor category is defined in [constructions.functor](../constructions/functor.hlean).
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ end iso open iso
/- isomorphic objects -/
structure iso {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] (a b : ob) :=
(to_hom : hom a b)
[struct : is_iso to_hom]
(struct : is_iso to_hom)
infix ` ≅ `:50 := iso
notation c ` ≅[`:50 C:0 `] `:0 c':50 := @iso C _ c c'
@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ namespace iso
variable [C]
protected definition refl [constructor] (a : ob) : a ≅ a :=
mk (ID a)
mk (ID a) _
protected definition symm [constructor] ⦃a b : ob⦄ (H : a ≅ b) : b ≅ a :=
mk (to_hom H)⁻¹
mk (to_hom H)⁻¹ _
protected definition trans [constructor] ⦃a b c : ob⦄ (H1 : a ≅ b) (H2 : b ≅ c) : a ≅ c :=
mk (to_hom H2 ∘ to_hom H1)
mk (to_hom H2 ∘ to_hom H1) _
infixl ` ⬝i `:75 := iso.trans
postfix [parsing_only] `⁻¹ⁱ`:(max + 1) := iso.symm
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace iso
iso.MK (to_hom H) g (p ▸ to_left_inverse H) (p ▸ to_right_inverse H)
definition iso_mk_eq {f f' : a ⟶ b} [H : is_iso f] [H' : is_iso f'] (p : f = f')
: iso.mk f = iso.mk f' :=
: iso.mk f _ = iso.mk f' _ :=
apd011 iso.mk p !is_hprop.elim
variable {C}
@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ namespace category
include C
definition is_terminal [class] (c : ob) := Πd, is_contr (d ⟶ c)
definition is_contr_of_is_terminal [instance] (c d : ob) [H : is_terminal d]
definition is_contr_of_is_terminal (c d : ob) [H : is_terminal d]
: is_contr (c ⟶ d) :=
H c
local attribute is_contr_of_is_terminal [instance]
definition terminal_morphism (c c' : ob) [H : is_terminal c'] : c ⟶ c' :=
@ -171,6 +173,18 @@ namespace category
{ intro i, apply id_right} end end}
definition limit_functor [constructor] (D I : Precategory) [H : has_limits_of_shape D I]
: D ^c I ⇒ D :=
fapply functor.mk: esimp,
{ intro F, exact limit_object F},
{ apply @limit_hom_limit},
{ intro F, unfold limit_hom_limit, refine (eq_hom_limit _ _)⁻¹, intro i,
apply comp_id_eq_id_comp},
{ intro F G H η θ, unfold limit_hom_limit, refine (eq_hom_limit _ _)⁻¹, intro i,
rewrite [assoc, hom_limit_commute, -assoc, hom_limit_commute, assoc]}
section bin_products
open bool prod.ops
definition has_binary_products [reducible] (D : Precategory) := has_limits_of_shape D c2
@ -180,17 +194,16 @@ namespace category
definition product_object : D :=
limit_object (c2_functor D d d')
infixr `×l`:30 := product_object
local infixr × := product_object
infixr ` ×l `:75 := product_object
definition pr1 : d × d' ⟶ d :=
definition pr1 : d ×l d' ⟶ d :=
limit_morphism (c2_functor D d d') ff
definition pr2 : d × d' ⟶ d' :=
definition pr2 : d ×l d' ⟶ d' :=
limit_morphism (c2_functor D d d') tt
variables {d d'}
definition hom_product {x : D} (f : x ⟶ d) (g : x ⟶ d') : x ⟶ d × d' :=
definition hom_product {x : D} (f : x ⟶ d) (g : x ⟶ d') : x ⟶ d ×l d' :=
hom_limit (c2_functor D d d') (bool.rec f g)
(by intro b₁ b₂ f; induction b₁: induction b₂: esimp at *; try contradiction: apply id_left)
@ -200,16 +213,17 @@ namespace category
theorem pr2_hom_product {x : D} (f : x ⟶ d) (g : x ⟶ d') : !pr2 ∘ hom_product f g = g :=
hom_limit_commute (c2_functor D d d') (bool.rec f g) _ tt
theorem eq_hom_product {x : D} {f : x ⟶ d} {g : x ⟶ d'} {h : x ⟶ d × d'}
theorem eq_hom_product {x : D} {f : x ⟶ d} {g : x ⟶ d'} {h : x ⟶ d ×l d'}
(p : !pr1 ∘ h = f) (q : !pr2 ∘ h = g) : h = hom_product f g :=
eq_hom_limit _ (bool.rec p q)
theorem product_cone_unique {x : D} {f : x ⟶ d} {g : x ⟶ d'}
{h₁ : x ⟶ d × d'} (p₁ : !pr1 ∘ h₁ = f) (q₁ : !pr2 ∘ h₁ = g)
{h₂ : x ⟶ d × d'} (p₂ : !pr1 ∘ h₂ = f) (q₂ : !pr2 ∘ h₂ = g) : h₁ = h₂ :=
{h₁ : x ⟶ d ×l d'} (p₁ : !pr1 ∘ h₁ = f) (q₁ : !pr2 ∘ h₁ = g)
{h₂ : x ⟶ d ×l d'} (p₂ : !pr1 ∘ h₂ = f) (q₂ : !pr2 ∘ h₂ = g) : h₁ = h₂ :=
eq_hom_product p₁ q₁ ⬝ (eq_hom_product p₂ q₂)⁻¹
variable (D)
-- TODO: define this in terms of limit_functor and functor_two_left (in exponential_laws)
definition product_functor [constructor] : D ×c D ⇒ D :=
(λx, product_object x.1 x.2)
@ -342,7 +356,7 @@ namespace category
end pullbacks
namespace ops
infixr × := product_object
infixr ×l := product_object
end ops
end category
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .functor.functor
import .functor.basic
open eq category functor is_trunc equiv sigma.ops sigma is_equiv function pi funext iso
structure nat_trans {C : Precategory} {D : Precategory} (F G : C ⇒ D)
@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ namespace nat_trans
notation 1 := nat_trans.id
definition constant_nat_trans [constructor] (C : Precategory) {D : Precategory} {d d' : D}
(g : d ⟶ d') : constant_functor C d ⟹ constant_functor C d' :=
mk (λc, g) (λc c' f, !id_comp_eq_comp_id)
definition nat_trans_mk_eq {η₁ η₂ : Π (a : C), hom (F a) (G a)}
(nat₁ : Π (a b : C) (f : hom a b), G f ∘ η₁ a = η₁ b ∘ F f)
(nat₂ : Π (a b : C) (f : hom a b), G f ∘ η₂ a = η₂ b ∘ F f)
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ namespace category
abbreviation id_id [unfold 2] := @precategory.id_id
abbreviation is_hset_hom [unfold 2] := @precategory.is_hset_hom
definition is_hprop_hom_eq {ob : Type} [C : precategory ob] {x y : ob} (f g : x ⟶ y)
: is_hprop (f = g) :=
-- the constructor you want to use in practice
protected definition precategory.mk [constructor] {ob : Type} (hom : ob → ob → Type)
[hset : Π (a b : ob), is_hset (hom a b)]
@ -256,6 +260,7 @@ namespace category
rewrite [↑Precategory_eq, -ap_compose,↑function.compose,ap_constant]
theorem Precategory_eq'_eta {C D : Precategory} (p : C = D) :
(ap carrier p)
@ -265,6 +270,7 @@ namespace category
induction p, induction C with X C, unfold Precategory_eq,
induction C, unfold precategory_eq, exact sorry
theorem Precategory_eq2 {C D : Precategory} (p q : C = D)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .functor.functor
import .functor.basic
open is_trunc eq
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ namespace yoneda
... = f1 ∘ ((f2 ∘ f3) ∘ f4) ∘ f5 : by rewrite -(assoc (f2 ∘ f3) _ _)
... = _ : by rewrite (assoc f2 f3 f4)
definition hom_functor.{u v} [constructor] (C : Precategory.{u v}) : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ cset.{v} :=
definition hom_functor.{u v} [constructor] (C : Precategory.{u v}) : Cᵒᵖ ×c C ⇒ set.{v} :=
(λ (x : Cᵒᵖ ×c C), @homset (Cᵒᵖ) C x.1 x.2)
(λ (x y : Cᵒᵖ ×c C) (f : @category.precategory.hom (Cᵒᵖ ×c C) (Cᵒᵖ ×c C) x y) (h : @homset (Cᵒᵖ) C x.1 x.2),
f.2 ∘[C] (h ∘[C] f.1))
(λ x, @eq_of_homotopy _ _ _ (ID (@homset Cᵒᵖ C x.1 x.2)) (λ h, concat (by apply @id_left) (by apply @id_right)))
(λ x y z g f,
eq_of_homotopy (by intros; apply @representable_functor_assoc))
(λ (x y : Cᵒᵖ ×c C) (f : @category.precategory.hom (Cᵒᵖ ×c C) (Cᵒᵖ ×c C) x y)
(h : @homset (Cᵒᵖ) C x.1 x.2), f.2 ∘[C] (h ∘[C] f.1))
(λ x, abstract @eq_of_homotopy _ _ _ (ID (@homset Cᵒᵖ C x.1 x.2))
(λ h, concat (by apply @id_left) (by apply @id_right)) end)
(λ x y z g f, abstract eq_of_homotopy (by intros; apply @representable_functor_assoc) end)
These attributes make sure that the fields of the category "set" reduce to the right things
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace yoneda
functor_curry !hom_functor
definition yoneda_embedding (C : Precategory) : C ⇒ cset ^c Cᵒᵖ :=
functor_curry (!hom_functor ∘f !functor_prod_flip)
functor_curry (!hom_functor ∘f !prod_flip_functor)
notation `ɏ` := yoneda_embedding _
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace yoneda
intro c c', fapply is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy,
{ exact !eq_equiv_iso ⬝e !iso_equiv_F_iso_F ⬝e !eq_equiv_iso⁻¹ᵉ},
{ intro p, induction p, esimp [equiv.trans, equiv.symm],
{ intro p, induction p, esimp [equiv.trans, equiv.symm, to_fun_iso], -- to_fun_iso not unfolded
esimp [to_fun_iso],
rewrite -eq_of_iso_refl,
apply ap eq_of_iso, apply iso_eq, esimp,
@ -143,15 +143,17 @@ namespace yoneda
definition is_representable {C : Precategory} (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ cset) := Σ(c : C), ɏ c ≅ F
set_option unifier.max_steps 25000 -- TODO: fix this
definition is_hprop_representable {C : Category} (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ cset)
: is_hprop (is_representable F) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{ transitivity (Σc, ɏ c = F),
{ exact fiber.sigma_char ɏ F},
{ apply sigma.sigma_equiv_sigma_id, intro c, apply eq_equiv_iso}},
{ apply function.is_hprop_fiber_of_is_embedding, apply is_embedding_yoneda_embedding}
set_option apply.class_instance false
definition is_hprop_representable {C : Category} (F : Cᵒᵖ ⇒ cset)
: is_hprop (is_representable F) :=
fapply is_trunc_equiv_closed,
{ exact proof fiber.sigma_char ɏ F qed ⬝e sigma.sigma_equiv_sigma_id (λc, !eq_equiv_iso)},
{ apply function.is_hprop_fiber_of_is_embedding, apply is_embedding_yoneda_embedding}
end yoneda
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ The rows indicate the chapters, the columns the sections.
| Ch 6 | . | + | + | + | + | ½ | ½ | + | ¾ | ¼ | ¾ | - | . | | |
| Ch 7 | + | + | + | - | ½ | - | - | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 8 | ¾ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | |
| Ch 9 | ¾ | + | + | ¼ | ¾ | ½ | - | - | - | | | | | | |
| Ch 9 | ¾ | + | + | ½ | ¾ | ½ | - | - | - | | | | | | |
| Ch 10 | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | | |
| Ch 11 | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | | | | | | | |
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Chapter 3: Sets and logic
- 3.8 (The axiom of choice): not formalized
- 3.9 (The principle of unique choice): Lemma 9.3.1 in [hit.trunc](hit/trunc.hlean), Lemma 9.3.2 in [types.trunc](types/trunc.hlean)
- 3.10 (When are propositions truncated?): no formalizable content
- 3.11 (Contractibility): [init.trunc](init/trunc.hlean) (mostly), [types.pi](types/pi.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.6), [types.trunc](types/trunc.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.7), [types.sigma](types/sigma.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.9)
- 3.11 (Contractibility): [init.trunc](init/trunc.hlean) (mostly), [types.pi](types/pi.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.6), [types.trunc](types/trunc.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.7), [types.sigma](types/sigma.hlean) (Lemma 3.11.9)
Chapter 4: Equivalences
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Chapter 7: Homotopy n-types
- 7.3 (Truncations): [init.hit](init/hit.hlean), [hit.trunc](hit/trunc.hlean) and [types.trunc](types/trunc.hlean)
- 7.4 (Colimits of n-types): not formalized
- 7.5 (Connectedness): [homotopy.connectedness](homotopy/connectedness.hlean) (just the beginning so far)
- 7.6 (Orthogonal factorization): not formalized
- 7.6 (Orthogonal factorization): not formalized
- 7.7 (Modalities): not formalized, and may be unformalizable in general because it's unclear how to define modalities
Chapter 8: Homotopy theory
@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ Unless otherwise noted, the files are in the folder [homotopy](homotopy/homotopy
- 8.1 (π_1(S^1)): [homotopy.circle](homotopy/circle.hlean) (only one of the proofs)
- 8.2 (Connectedness of suspensions): not formalized
- 8.3 (πk≤n of an n-connected space and π_{k<n}(S^n)): not formalized
- 8.4 (Fiber sequences and the long exact sequence): not formalized
- 8.5 (The Hopf fibration): not formalized
- 8.6 (The Freudenthal suspension theorem): not formalized
- 8.7 (The van Kampen theorem): not formalized
- 8.8 (Whitehead’s theorem and Whitehead’s principle): not formalized
- 8.9 (A general statement of the encode-decode method): not formalized
- 8.10 (Additional Results): not formalized
- 8.4 (Fiber sequences and the long exact sequence): not formalized
- 8.5 (The Hopf fibration): not formalized
- 8.6 (The Freudenthal suspension theorem): not formalized
- 8.7 (The van Kampen theorem): not formalized
- 8.8 (Whitehead’s theorem and Whitehead’s principle): not formalized
- 8.9 (A general statement of the encode-decode method): not formalized
- 8.10 (Additional Results): not formalized
Chapter 9: Category theory
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ Chapter 9: Category theory
Every file is in the folder [algebra.category](algebra/category/category.md)
- 9.1 (Categories and precategories): [precategory](algebra/category/precategory.hlean), [iso](algebra/category/iso.hlean), [category](algebra/category/category.hlean), [groupoid](algebra/category/groupoid.hlean) (mostly)
- 9.2 (Functors and transformations): [functor](algebra/category/functor.hlean), [nat_trans](algebra/category/nat_trans.hlean), [constructions.functor](algebra/category/constructions/functor.hlean)
- 9.3 (Adjunctions): [adjoint](algebra/category/adjoint.hlean)
- 9.4 (Equivalences): [adjoint](algebra/category/adjoint.hlean) (only definitions)
- 9.2 (Functors and transformations): [functor.basic](algebra/category/functor/basic.hlean), [nat_trans](algebra/category/nat_trans.hlean), [constructions.functor](algebra/category/constructions/functor.hlean)
- 9.3 (Adjunctions): [functor.adjoint](algebra/category/functor/adjoint.hlean)
- 9.4 (Equivalences): [functor.equivalence](algebra/category/functor/equivalence.hlean) and [functor.attributes](algebra/category/functor/attributes.hlean) (partially)
- 9.5 (The Yoneda lemma): [constructions.opposite](algebra/category/constructions/opposite.hlean), [constructions.product](algebra/category/constructions/product.hlean), [yoneda](algebra/category/yoneda.hlean) (up to Theorem 9.5.9)
- 9.6 (Strict categories): [strict](algebra/category/strict.hlean) (only definition)
- 9.7 (†-categories): not formalized
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ namespace eq
square p₁₀ p₁₂ p₀₁ p :=
by induction r; exact s₁₁
infix `⬝h`:75 := hconcat
infix `⬝v`:75 := vconcat
infix `⬝hp`:75 := hconcat_eq
infix `⬝vp`:75 := vconcat_eq
infix `⬝ph`:75 := eq_hconcat
infix `⬝pv`:75 := eq_vconcat
infix ` ⬝h `:75 := hconcat
infix ` ⬝v `:75 := vconcat
infix ` ⬝hp `:75 := hconcat_eq
infix ` ⬝vp `:75 := vconcat_eq
infix ` ⬝ph `:75 := eq_hconcat
infix ` ⬝pv `:75 := eq_vconcat
postfix `⁻¹ʰ`:(max+1) := hinverse
postfix `⁻¹ᵛ`:(max+1) := vinverse
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ namespace eq
the following two equivalences have as underlying inverse function the functions
hdeg_square and vdeg_square, respectively.
See examples below the definition
See example below the definition
definition hdeg_square_equiv [constructor] (p q : a = a') : square idp idp p q ≃ p = q :=
@ -58,13 +58,15 @@ namespace eq
definition hrflo : squareover B hrfl idpo idpo q₁₀ q₁₀ :=
by induction q₁₀; exact idso
definition vdeg_squareover {q₁₀' : b₀₀ =[p₁₀] b₂₀} (r : q₁₀ = q₁₀')
: squareover B vrfl q₁₀ q₁₀' idpo idpo :=
by induction r; exact vrflo
definition vdeg_squareover {p₁₀'} {s : p₁₀ = p₁₀'} {q₁₀' : b₀₀ =[p₁₀'] b₂₀}
(r : change_path s q₁₀ = q₁₀')
: squareover B (vdeg_square s) q₁₀ q₁₀' idpo idpo :=
by induction s; esimp at *; induction r; exact vrflo
definition hdeg_squareover {q₀₁' : b₀₀ =[p₀₁] b₀₂} (r : q₀₁ = q₀₁')
: squareover B hrfl idpo idpo q₀₁ q₀₁' :=
by induction r; exact hrflo
definition hdeg_squareover {p₀₁'} {s : p₀₁ = p₀₁'} {q₀₁' : b₀₀ =[p₀₁'] b₀₂}
(r : change_path s q₀₁ = q₀₁')
: squareover B (hdeg_square s) idpo idpo q₀₁ q₀₁' :=
by induction s; esimp at *; induction r; exact hrflo
definition hconcato
(t₁₁ : squareover B s₁₁ q₁₀ q₁₂ q₀₁ q₂₁) (t₃₁ : squareover B s₃₁ q₃₀ q₃₂ q₂₁ q₄₁)
@ -208,6 +210,10 @@ namespace eq
: change_path (eq_top_of_square s₁₁) q₁₀ = q₀₁ ⬝o q₁₂ ⬝o q₂₁⁻¹ᵒ :=
by induction r; reflexivity
definition change_square {s₁₁'} (p : s₁₁ = s₁₁') (r : squareover B s₁₁ q₁₀ q₁₂ q₀₁ q₂₁)
: squareover B s₁₁' q₁₀ q₁₂ q₀₁ q₂₁ :=
p ▸ r
definition squareover_equiv_pathover (q₁₀ : b₀₀ =[p₁₀] b₂₀) (q₁₂ : b₀₂ =[p₁₂] b₂₂)
(q₀₁ : b₀₀ =[p₀₁] b₀₂) (q₂₁ : b₂₀ =[p₂₁] b₂₂)
@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ namespace eq
(b : B' (f a)) (b₂ : B' (f a₂)) : b =[p] b₂ ≃ b =[ap f p] b₂ :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ apply pathover_ap},
{ apply pathover_of_pathover_ap},
{ exact pathover_ap B' f},
{ exact pathover_of_pathover_ap B' f},
{ intro q, cases p, esimp, apply (idp_rec_on q), apply idp},
{ intro q, cases q, reflexivity},
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ namespace eq
by induction q;constructor
definition change_path [unfold 9] (q : p = p') (r : b =[p] b₂) : b =[p'] b₂ :=
by induction q;exact r
q ▸ r
definition change_path_equiv (f : Π{a}, B a ≃ B' a) (r : b =[p] b₂) : f b =[p] f b₂ :=
by induction r;constructor
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace sigma
postfix `..1`:(max+1) := eq_pr1
definition eq_pr2 (p : u = v) : u.2 =[p..1] v.2 :=
definition eq_pr2 [unfold 5] (p : u = v) : u.2 =[p..1] v.2 :=
by induction p; exact idpo
postfix `..2`:(max+1) := eq_pr2
@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ namespace sigma
definition sigma_eq_eta (p : u = v) : sigma_eq (p..1) (p..2) = p :=
by induction p; induction u; reflexivity
definition eq2_pr1 {p q : u = v} (r : p = q) : p..1 = q..1 :=
ap eq_pr1 r
definition eq2_pr2 {p q : u = v} (r : p = q) : p..2 =[eq2_pr1 r] q..2 :=
!pathover_ap (apdo eq_pr2 r)
definition tr_pr1_sigma_eq {B' : A → Type} (p : u.1 = v.1) (q : u.2 =[p] v.2)
: transport (λx, B' x.1) (sigma_eq p q) = transport B' p :=
by induction u; induction v; esimp at *;induction q; reflexivity
@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ order for the change to take effect."
("inf" . ("∞"))
("&" . ("⅋"))
("op" . ("ᵒᵖ"))
("opf" . ("ᵒᵖᶠ"))
;; Circled operators.
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