feat(frontends/lean/elaborator): decorates error message with free variables introduced by the left-hand-side of the equation

This commit is contained in:
Leonardo de Moura 2015-04-24 14:58:15 -07:00
parent 4a157ee676
commit f723550d33
4 changed files with 41 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1100,15 +1100,39 @@ expr elaborator::visit_equations(expr const & eqns, constraint_seq & cs) {
optional<expr> first_eq;
for (expr const & eq : eqs) {
expr new_eq;
constraint_seq new_cs;
buffer<expr> fns_locals;
fun_to_telescope(m_ngen, eq, fns_locals, optional<binder_info>());
list<expr> locals = to_list(fns_locals.begin() + num_fns, fns_locals.end());
if (first_eq) {
// Replace first num_fns domains of eq with the ones in first_eq.
// This is a trick/hack to ensure the fns in each equation have
// the same elaborated type.
new_eq = visit(copy_domain(num_fns, *first_eq, eq), cs);
new_eq = visit(copy_domain(num_fns, *first_eq, eq), new_cs);
} else {
new_eq = visit(eq, cs);
new_eq = visit(eq, new_cs);
first_eq = new_eq;
// To produce more helpful error messages, we decorate all
// justifications created when processing eq with the list of local variables declared in the
// left-hand-side of the equation.
buffer<constraint> tmp_cs;
for (constraint const & c : tmp_cs) {
justification j = c.get_justification();
auto pp_fn = [=](formatter const & fmt, pos_info_provider const * pp, substitution const & s) {
format r = j.pp(fmt, pp, s);
r += compose(line(), format("The following identifier(s) are introduced as free variables by the "
"left-hand-side of the equation:"));
format aux;
for (expr const & l : locals)
aux += compose(format(local_pp_name(l)), space());
r += nest(get_pp_indent(fmt.get_options()), compose(line(), aux));
return r;
justification new_j = mk_wrapper(j, j.get_main_expr(), pp_fn);
cs += update_justification(c, new_j);

tests/lean/528.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
variables {P : bool → Type} {x : P bool.tt} {y : P bool.ff}
example (b : bool) : P b :=
match b with
| tt := x
| ff := y

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
528.lean:6:5: error: type mismatch at definition 'match', has type
P bool.ff
but is expected to have type
P bool.tt
The following identifier(s) are introduced as free variables by the left-hand-side of the equation:

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@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ has type
Γ ⊢ A B
but is expected to have type
Γ ⊢ A ∧ B
The following identifier(s) are introduced as free variables by the left-hand-side of the equation:
Γ A B Δ H Hs