feat(frontends/lean): add 'export' command
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 128 additions and 27 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
'("import" "abbreviation" "opaque_hint" "tactic_hint" "definition" "renaming"
"inline" "hiding" "exposing" "parameter" "parameters" "begin" "proof" "qed" "conjecture"
"hypothesis" "lemma" "corollary" "variable" "variables" "print" "theorem"
"context" "open" "as" "axiom" "inductive" "with" "structure" "universe" "alias" "help" "environment"
"context" "open" "as" "export" "axiom" "inductive" "with" "structure" "universe" "alias" "help" "environment"
"options" "precedence" "postfix" "prefix" "calc_trans" "calc_subst" "calc_refl"
"infix" "infixl" "infixr" "notation" "eval" "check" "exit" "coercion" "end"
"private" "using" "namespace" "builtin" "including" "instance" "class" "section"
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/io_state_stream.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
#include "library/aliases.h"
#include "library/protected.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/coercion.h"
#include "library/opaque_hints.h"
@ -182,14 +183,30 @@ static void check_identifier(parser & p, environment const & env, name const & n
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid 'open' command, unknown declaration '" << full_id << "'", p.pos());
// open [class] id (as id)? (id ...) (renaming id->id id->id) (hiding id ... id)
environment open_cmd(parser & p) {
// add id as an abbreviation for d
static environment add_abbrev(environment const & env, name const & id, name const & d) {
declaration decl = env.get(d);
buffer<level> ls;
for (name const & l : decl.get_univ_params())
expr value = mk_constant(d, to_list(ls.begin(), ls.end()));
bool opaque = false;
name const & ns = get_namespace(env);
name full_id = ns + id;
environment new_env = module::add(env, check(env, mk_definition(env, full_id, decl.get_univ_params(), decl.get_type(), value, opaque)));
if (full_id != id)
new_env = add_expr_alias_rec(new_env, id, full_id);
return new_env;
// open/export [class] id (as id)? (id ...) (renaming id->id id->id) (hiding id ... id)
environment open_export_cmd(parser & p, bool open) {
environment env = p.env();
while (true) {
name cls = parse_class(p);
bool decls = cls.is_anonymous() || cls == g_decls || cls == g_declarations;
auto pos = p.pos();
name ns = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open' command, identifier expected");
name ns = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open/export' command, identifier expected");
optional<name> real_ns = to_valid_namespace_name(env, ns);
if (!real_ns)
throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid namespace name '" << ns << "'", pos);
@ -197,9 +214,12 @@ environment open_cmd(parser & p) {
name as;
if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_as)) {
as = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open' command, identifier expected");
as = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open/export' command, identifier expected");
if (open)
env = using_namespace(env, p.ios(), ns, cls);
env = export_namespace(env, p.ios(), ns, cls);
if (decls) {
// Remark: we currently to not allow renaming and hiding of universe levels
buffer<name> exceptions;
@ -211,11 +231,14 @@ environment open_cmd(parser & p) {
while (p.curr_is_identifier()) {
name from_id = p.get_name_val();
p.check_token_next(g_arrow, "invalid 'open' command renaming, '->' expected");
name to_id = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open' command renaming, identifier expected");
p.check_token_next(g_arrow, "invalid 'open/export' command renaming, '->' expected");
name to_id = p.check_id_next("invalid 'open/export' command renaming, identifier expected");
check_identifier(p, env, ns, from_id);
if (open)
env = add_expr_alias(env, as+to_id, ns+from_id);
env = add_abbrev(env, as+to_id, ns+from_id);
} else if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_hiding)) {
@ -231,23 +254,43 @@ environment open_cmd(parser & p) {
name id = p.get_name_val();
check_identifier(p, env, ns, id);
if (open)
env = add_expr_alias(env, as+id, ns+id);
env = add_abbrev(env, as+id, ns+id);
} else {
throw parser_error("invalid 'open' command option, identifier, 'hiding' or 'renaming' expected", p.pos());
throw parser_error("invalid 'open/export' command option, identifier, 'hiding' or 'renaming' expected", p.pos());
if (found_explicit && !exceptions.empty())
throw parser_error("invalid 'open' command option, mixing explicit and implicit 'open' options", p.pos());
p.check_token_next(g_rparen, "invalid 'open' command option, ')' expected");
throw parser_error("invalid 'open/export' command option, mixing explicit and implicit 'open/export' options", p.pos());
p.check_token_next(g_rparen, "invalid 'open/export' command option, ')' expected");
if (!found_explicit)
if (!found_explicit) {
if (open) {
env = add_aliases(env, ns, as, exceptions.size(), exceptions.data());
} else {
environment new_env = env;
env.for_each_declaration([&](declaration const & d) {
if (!is_protected(env, d.get_name()) &&
is_prefix_of(ns, d.get_name()) &&
!is_exception(d.get_name(), ns, exceptions.size(), exceptions.data())) {
name new_id = d.get_name().replace_prefix(ns, as);
if (!new_id.is_anonymous())
new_env = add_abbrev(new_env, new_id, d.get_name());
env = new_env;
if (!p.curr_is_token(g_lbracket) && !p.curr_is_identifier())
return env;
environment open_cmd(parser & p) { return open_export_cmd(p, true); }
environment export_cmd(parser & p) { return open_export_cmd(p, false); }
environment coercion_cmd(parser & p) {
auto pos = p.pos();
@ -310,6 +353,7 @@ environment erase_cache_cmd(parser & p) {
cmd_table init_cmd_table() {
cmd_table r;
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("open", "create aliases for declarations, and use objects defined in other namespaces", open_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("export", "create abbreviations for declarations, and export objects defined in other namespaces", export_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("set_option", "set configuration option", set_option_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("exit", "exit", exit_cmd));
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("print", "print a string", print_cmd));
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ token_table init_token_table() {
"abbreviation", "opaque_hint", "evaluate", "check", "print", "end", "namespace", "section", "import",
"abbreviation", "inductive", "record", "renaming", "extends", "structure", "module", "universe",
"precedence", "infixl", "infixr", "infix", "postfix", "prefix", "notation", "context",
"exit", "set_option", "open", "calc_subst", "calc_refl", "calc_trans", "tactic_hint",
"exit", "set_option", "open", "export", "calc_subst", "calc_refl", "calc_trans", "tactic_hint",
"add_begin_end_tactic", "set_begin_end_tactic", "instance", "class", "#erase_cache", nullptr};
pair<char const *, char const *> aliases[] =
@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ struct aliases_ext : public environment_extension {
return env;
static environment export_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const &, name const &) {
// do nothing, aliases are treated in a special way in the frontend.
return env;
static environment push_scope(environment const & env, scope_kind k) {
aliases_ext ext = get_extension(env);
ext.push(k != scope_kind::Namespace);
@ -119,7 +124,9 @@ static name g_aliases("aliases");
struct aliases_ext_reg {
unsigned m_ext_id;
aliases_ext_reg() {
register_scoped_ext(g_aliases, aliases_ext::using_namespace, aliases_ext::push_scope, aliases_ext::pop_scope);
aliases_ext::using_namespace, aliases_ext::export_namespace,
aliases_ext::push_scope, aliases_ext::pop_scope);
m_ext_id = environment::register_extension(std::make_shared<aliases_ext>());
@ -175,7 +182,7 @@ optional<name> get_level_alias(environment const & env, name const & n) {
// Return true iff \c n is (prefix + ex) for some ex in exceptions
static bool is_exception(name const & n, name const & prefix, unsigned num_exceptions, name const * exceptions) {
bool is_exception(name const & n, name const & prefix, unsigned num_exceptions, name const * exceptions) {
return std::any_of(exceptions, exceptions + num_exceptions, [&](name const & ex) { return (prefix + ex) == n; });
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ optional<name> get_level_alias(environment const & env, name const & n);
environment add_aliases(environment const & env, name const & prefix, name const & new_prefix,
unsigned num_exceptions = 0, name const * exceptions = nullptr);
bool is_exception(name const & n, name const & prefix, unsigned num_exceptions, name const * exceptions);
void for_each_expr_alias(environment const & env, std::function<void(name const &, list<name> const &)> const & fn);
void open_aliases(lua_State * L);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
namespace lean {
typedef std::tuple<name, using_namespace_fn, push_scope_fn, pop_scope_fn> entry;
typedef std::tuple<name, using_namespace_fn, export_namespace_fn, push_scope_fn, pop_scope_fn> entry;
typedef std::vector<entry> scoped_exts;
static scoped_exts & get_exts() {
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ static scoped_exts & get_exts() {
return *exts;
void register_scoped_ext(name const & c, using_namespace_fn use, push_scope_fn push, pop_scope_fn pop) {
get_exts().emplace_back(c, use, push, pop);
void register_scoped_ext(name const & c, using_namespace_fn use, export_namespace_fn ex, push_scope_fn push, pop_scope_fn pop) {
get_exts().emplace_back(c, use, ex, push, pop);
struct scope_mng_ext : public environment_extension {
@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ environment using_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name
return r;
environment export_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n, name const & c) {
environment r = env;
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
if (c.is_anonymous() || c == std::get<0>(t))
r = std::get<2>(t)(r, ios, n);
return r;
optional<name> to_valid_namespace_name(environment const & env, name const & n) {
scope_mng_ext const & ext = get_extension(env);
if (ext.m_namespace_set.contains(n))
@ -102,7 +111,7 @@ environment push_scope(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, scope_kind
ext.m_scope_kinds = cons(k, ext.m_scope_kinds);
environment r = update(env, ext);
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
r = std::get<2>(t)(r, k);
r = std::get<3>(t)(r, k);
if (k == scope_kind::Namespace)
r = using_namespace(r, ios, n);
@ -136,7 +145,7 @@ environment pop_scope(environment const & env, name const & n) {
ext.m_scope_kinds = tail(ext.m_scope_kinds);
environment r = update(env, ext);
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
r = std::get<3>(t)(r, k);
r = std::get<4>(t)(r, k);
return r;
@ -17,12 +17,17 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
namespace lean {
enum class scope_kind { Namespace, Section, Context };
typedef environment (*using_namespace_fn)(environment const &, io_state const &, name const &);
typedef environment (*export_namespace_fn)(environment const &, io_state const &, name const &);
typedef environment (*push_scope_fn)(environment const &, scope_kind);
typedef environment (*pop_scope_fn)(environment const &, scope_kind);
void register_scoped_ext(name const & n, using_namespace_fn use, push_scope_fn push, pop_scope_fn pop);
/** \brief Use objects defined in the namespace \c n, if \c c is not the anonymous name, then only object from "class" \c c are considered. */
void register_scoped_ext(name const & n, using_namespace_fn use, export_namespace_fn ex, push_scope_fn push, pop_scope_fn pop);
/** \brief Use objects defined in the namespace \c n. If \c c is not the anonymous name, then only objects from "class" \c c are considered. */
environment using_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n, name const & c = name());
/** \brief Export objects defined in the namespace \c n to current namespace.
If \c c is not the anonymous name, then only objects from "class" \c c are considered. */
environment export_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n, name const & c = name());
/** \brief Create a new scope, all scoped extensions are notified. */
environment push_scope(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, scope_kind k, name const & n = name());
/** \brief Delete the most recent scope, all scoped extensions are notified. */
@ -119,6 +124,19 @@ public:
return r;
environment export_namespace(environment env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) const {
if (auto it = m_entries.find(n)) {
buffer<entry> entries;
to_buffer(*it, entries);
unsigned i = entries.size();
while (i > 0) {
env = add_entry(env, ios, entries[i]);
return env;
scoped_ext push() const {
scoped_ext r(*this);
r.m_scopes = cons(m_state, r.m_scopes);
@ -136,7 +154,7 @@ public:
struct reg {
unsigned m_ext_id;
reg() {
register_scoped_ext(get_class_name(), using_namespace_fn, push_fn, pop_fn);
register_scoped_ext(get_class_name(), using_namespace_fn, export_namespace_fn, push_fn, pop_fn);
register_module_object_reader(get_serialization_key(), reader);
m_ext_id = environment::register_extension(std::make_shared<scoped_ext>());
@ -152,6 +170,9 @@ public:
static environment using_namespace_fn(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) {
return update(env, get(env).using_namespace(env, ios, n));
static environment export_namespace_fn(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) {
return get(env).export_namespace(env, ios, n);
static environment push_fn(environment const & env, scope_kind k) {
if (k != scope_kind::Section || TransientSection)
return update(env, get(env).push());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import data.nat
variables a b : nat.nat
namespace boo
export nat
check a + b
check nat.add
check boo.add
check add
end boo
check boo.nat_rec
open boo
check a + b
check boo.nat_rec
check nat_rec
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ t14.lean:12:8: error: unknown identifier 'c'
a : foo.A
x : foo.A
t14.lean:19:8: error: unknown identifier 'c'
t14.lean:23:26: error: invalid 'open' command option, mixing explicit and implicit 'open' options
t14.lean:23:26: error: invalid 'open/export' command option, mixing explicit and implicit 'open/export' options
a : A
c : A
A : Type
Reference in a new issue