feat(frontends/lean): notation for creating structure instances
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 292 additions and 18 deletions
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "frontends/lean/tokens.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_tactic.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_annotation.h"
#include "frontends/lean/structure_cmd.h"
namespace lean {
namespace notation {
@ -496,6 +497,7 @@ parse_table init_nud_table() {
r = r.add({transition("proof", mk_ext_action(parse_proof_qed))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("sorry", mk_ext_action(parse_sorry))}, x0);
r = r.add({transition("match", mk_ext_action(parse_match))}, x0);
return r;
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/error_handling/error_handling.h"
#include "library/definitional/equations.h"
#include "frontends/lean/local_decls.h"
#include "frontends/lean/structure_cmd.h"
#include "frontends/lean/class.h"
#include "frontends/lean/tactic_hint.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_manager.h"
@ -1181,6 +1182,120 @@ expr elaborator::visit_decreasing(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
return mk_decreasing(dec_app, dec_proof);
bool elaborator::is_structure(expr const & S) {
expr const & I = get_app_fn(S);
return is_constant(I) &&
inductive::is_inductive_decl(env(), const_name(I)) &&
*inductive::get_num_intro_rules(env(), const_name(I)) == 1 &&
*inductive::get_num_indices(env(), const_name(I)) == 0;
expr elaborator::visit_structure_instance(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
expr S;
buffer<name> field_names;
buffer<expr> field_values, using_exprs;
destruct_structure_instance(e, S, field_names, field_values, using_exprs);
lean_assert(field_names.size() == field_values.size());
expr new_S = visit(S, cs);
if (!is_structure(new_S))
throw_elaborator_exception("invalid structure instance, given type is not a structure", S);
buffer<expr> new_S_args;
expr I = get_app_args(new_S, new_S_args);
expr new_S_type = whnf(infer_type(new_S, cs), cs);
tag S_tag = S.get_tag();
while (is_pi(new_S_type)) {
expr m = m_full_context.mk_meta(m_ngen, some_expr(binding_domain(new_S_type)), S_tag);
new_S = mk_app(new_S, m, S_tag);
new_S_type = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(new_S_type), m), cs);
buffer<bool> field_used;
field_used.resize(field_names.size(), false);
buffer<expr> new_field_values;
for (expr const & v : field_values)
new_field_values.push_back(visit(v, cs));
buffer<bool> using_exprs_used;
using_exprs_used.resize(using_exprs.size(), false);
buffer<expr> new_using_exprs;
buffer<expr> new_using_types;
for (expr const & u : using_exprs) {
expr new_u = visit(u, cs);
expr new_u_type = whnf(infer_type(new_u, cs), cs);
if (!is_structure(new_u_type))
throw_elaborator_exception("invalid structure instance, type of 'using' argument is not a structure", u);
buffer<name> intro_names;
get_intro_rule_names(env(), const_name(I), intro_names);
lean_assert(intro_names.size() == 1);
name const & S_mk_name = intro_names[0];
tag result_tag = e.get_tag();
expr S_mk = mk_constant(S_mk_name, const_levels(I), result_tag);
for (expr & arg : new_S_args)
S_mk = mk_app(S_mk, arg, result_tag);
expr S_mk_type = whnf(infer_type(S_mk, cs), cs);
while (is_pi(S_mk_type)) {
name n = binding_name(S_mk_type);
expr d_type = binding_domain(S_mk_type);
expr v;
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < field_names.size(); i++) {
if (!field_used[i] && field_names[i] == n) {
field_used[i] = true;
v = new_field_values[i];
if (i == new_field_values.size()) {
// did not find explicit field
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < new_using_exprs.size(); i++) {
// check if u_type structure has the given field.
expr const & u_type = new_using_types[i];
buffer<expr> u_type_args;
expr const & J = get_app_args(u_type, u_type_args);
name J_field_name = const_name(J) + n;
if (env().find(J_field_name)) {
tag u_tag = using_exprs[i].get_tag();
v = mk_constant(J_field_name, const_levels(J), u_tag);
for (expr const & arg : u_type_args)
v = mk_app(v, arg, u_tag);
v = mk_app(v, new_using_exprs[i], u_tag);
using_exprs_used[i] = true;
if (i == using_exprs.size()) {
// did not find field is using structure
v = m_full_context.mk_meta(m_ngen, some_expr(d_type), result_tag);
S_mk = mk_app(S_mk, v, result_tag);
expr v_type = infer_type(v, cs);
justification j = mk_app_justification(S_mk, v, d_type, v_type);
auto new_v_cs = ensure_has_type(v, v_type, d_type, j, m_relax_main_opaque);
expr new_v = new_v_cs.first;
cs += new_v_cs.second;
S_mk = update_app(S_mk, app_fn(S_mk), new_v);
S_mk_type = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(S_mk_type), new_v), cs);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < field_used.size(); i++) {
if (!field_used[i])
throw_elaborator_exception(sstream() << "invalid structure instance, invalid field name '"
<< field_names[i] << "'", field_values[i]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < using_exprs_used.size(); i++) {
if (!using_exprs_used[i])
throw_elaborator_exception(sstream() << "invalid structure instance, 'using' clause #"
<< i + 1 << " is unnecessary", using_exprs[i]);
return S_mk;
expr elaborator::visit_core(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
if (is_placeholder(e)) {
return visit_placeholder(e, cs);
@ -1218,6 +1333,8 @@ expr elaborator::visit_core(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs) {
return visit_inaccessible(e, cs);
} else if (is_decreasing(e)) {
return visit_decreasing(e, cs);
} else if (is_structure_instance(e)) {
return visit_structure_instance(e, cs);
} else {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Local: return e;
@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ class elaborator : public coercion_info_manager {
expr visit_decreasing(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
constraint mk_equations_cnstr(expr const & m, expr const & eqns);
bool is_structure(expr const & S);
expr visit_structure_instance(expr const & e, constraint_seq & cs);
elaborator(elaborator_context & ctx, name_generator const & ngen, bool nice_mvar_names = false);
std::tuple<expr, level_param_names> operator()(list<expr> const & ctx, expr const & e, bool _ensure_type,
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "util/sexpr/option_declarations.h"
#include "kernel/type_checker.h"
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/protected.h"
#include "library/class.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/kernel_serializer.h"
#include "library/definitional/rec_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/induction_on.h"
#include "library/definitional/cases_on.h"
@ -57,22 +59,6 @@ static name * g_tmp_prefix = nullptr;
static name * g_gen_eta = nullptr;
static name * g_gen_proj_mk = nullptr;
void initialize_structure_cmd() {
g_tmp_prefix = new name(name::mk_internal_unique_name());
g_gen_eta = new name{"structure", "eta_thm"};
g_gen_proj_mk = new name{"structure", "proj_mk_thm"};
register_bool_option(*g_gen_eta, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_ETA,
"(structure) automatically generate 'eta' theorem whenever declaring a new structure");
register_bool_option(*g_gen_proj_mk, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_PROJ_MK,
"(structure) automatically gneerate projection over introduction theorem when declaring a new structure, the theorem is never generated for proof irrelevant fields");
void finalize_structure_cmd() {
delete g_tmp_prefix;
delete g_gen_eta;
delete g_gen_proj_mk;
bool get_structure_eta_thm(options const & o) { return o.get_bool(*g_gen_eta, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_ETA); }
bool get_structure_proj_mk_thm(options const & o) { return o.get_bool(*g_gen_proj_mk, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_ETA); }
@ -162,7 +148,8 @@ struct structure_cmd_fn {
/** \brief Parse structure parameters */
void parse_params() {
if (!m_p.curr_is_token(get_extends_tk()) && !m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk()) && !m_p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
if (!m_p.curr_is_token(get_extends_tk()) && !m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk()) &&
!m_p.curr_is_token(get_colon_tk())) {
unsigned rbp = 0;
m_p.parse_binders(m_params, rbp);
@ -883,7 +870,8 @@ struct structure_cmd_fn {
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_assign_tk())) {
m_p.check_token_next(get_assign_tk(), "invalid 'structure', ':=' expected");
m_mk_pos = m_p.pos();
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_lparen_tk()) || m_p.curr_is_token(get_lcurly_tk()) || m_p.curr_is_token(get_lbracket_tk())) {
if (m_p.curr_is_token(get_lparen_tk()) || m_p.curr_is_token(get_lcurly_tk()) ||
m_p.curr_is_token(get_lbracket_tk())) {
m_mk_infer = implicit_infer_kind::Implicit;
} else {
@ -935,7 +923,130 @@ void get_structure_fields(environment const & env, name const & S, buffer<name>
static name * g_structure_instance_name = nullptr;
static std::string * g_structure_instance_opcode = nullptr;
void register_structure_cmd(cmd_table & r) {
add_cmd(r, cmd_info("structure", "declare a new structure/record type", structure_cmd));
[[ noreturn ]] static void throw_se_ex() { throw exception("unexpected occurrence of 'structure instance' expression"); }
// We encode a 'structure instance' expression using a macro.
// This is a trick to avoid creating a new kind of expression.
// 'Structure instance' expressions are temporary objects used by the elaborator.
// Example: Given
// structure point (A B : Type) := (x : A) (y : B)
// the structure instance
// {| point, x := 10, y := 20 |}
// is compiled into
// point.mk 10 20
class structure_instance_macro_cell : public macro_definition_cell {
list<name> m_fields;
structure_instance_macro_cell(list<name> const & fs):m_fields(fs) {}
virtual name get_name() const { return *g_structure_instance_name; }
virtual pair<expr, constraint_seq> get_type(expr const &, extension_context &) const { throw_se_ex(); }
virtual optional<expr> expand(expr const &, extension_context &) const { throw_se_ex(); }
virtual void write(serializer & s) const {
s << *g_structure_instance_opcode;
write_list(s, m_fields);
list<name> const & get_field_names() const { return m_fields; }
static expr mk_structure_instance(list<name> const & fs, unsigned num, expr const * args) {
lean_assert(num >= length(fs) + 1);
macro_definition def(new structure_instance_macro_cell(fs));
return mk_macro(def, num, args);
bool is_structure_instance(expr const & e) {
return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e).get_name() == *g_structure_instance_name;
void destruct_structure_instance(expr const & e, expr & t, buffer<name> & field_names,
buffer<expr> & field_values, buffer<expr> & using_exprs) {
t = macro_arg(e, 0);
list<name> const & fns = static_cast<structure_instance_macro_cell const*>(macro_def(e).raw())->get_field_names();
unsigned num_fileds = length(fns);
to_buffer(fns, field_names);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_fileds+1; i++)
field_values.push_back(macro_arg(e, i));
for (unsigned i = num_fileds+1; i < macro_num_args(e); i++)
using_exprs.push_back(macro_arg(e, i));
static expr parse_struct_expr_core(parser & p, pos_info const & pos, bool curly_bar) {
expr t = p.parse_expr();
buffer<name> field_names;
buffer<expr> field_values;
buffer<expr> using_exprs;
while (p.curr_is_token(get_comma_tk())) {
if (p.curr_is_token(get_using_tk())) {
} else {
field_names.push_back(p.check_atomic_id_next("invalid structure instance, identifier expected"));
p.check_token_next(get_assign_tk(), "invalid structure instance, ':=' expected");
if (curly_bar)
p.check_token_next(get_rcurlybar_tk(), "invalid structure expression, '|}' expected");
p.check_token_next(get_rdcurly_tk(), "invalid structure expression, '⦄' expected");
buffer<expr> args;
return p.save_pos(mk_structure_instance(to_list(field_names), args.size(), args.data()), pos);
static expr parse_struct_curly_bar(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) {
bool curly_bar = true;
return parse_struct_expr_core(p, pos, curly_bar);
static expr parse_struct_dcurly(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) {
bool curly_bar = false;
return parse_struct_expr_core(p, pos, curly_bar);
void init_structure_instance_parsing_rules(parse_table & r) {
expr x0 = mk_var(0);
r = r.add({notation::transition("{|", notation::mk_ext_action(parse_struct_curly_bar))}, x0);
r = r.add({notation::transition("⦃", notation::mk_ext_action(parse_struct_dcurly))}, x0);
void initialize_structure_cmd() {
g_tmp_prefix = new name(name::mk_internal_unique_name());
g_gen_eta = new name{"structure", "eta_thm"};
g_gen_proj_mk = new name{"structure", "proj_mk_thm"};
register_bool_option(*g_gen_eta, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_ETA,
"(structure) automatically generate 'eta' theorem whenever declaring a new structure");
register_bool_option(*g_gen_proj_mk, LEAN_DEFAULT_STRUCTURE_PROJ_MK,
"(structure) automatically gneerate projection over introduction theorem when "
"declaring a new structure, the theorem is never generated for proof irrelevant fields");
g_structure_instance_name = new name("structure instance");
g_structure_instance_opcode = new std::string("STI");
[](deserializer & d, unsigned num, expr const * args) {
list<name> fs;
fs = read_list<name>(d);
if (num < length(fs) + 1)
throw corrupted_stream_exception();
return mk_structure_instance(fs, num, args);
void finalize_structure_cmd() {
delete g_tmp_prefix;
delete g_gen_eta;
delete g_gen_proj_mk;
delete g_structure_instance_opcode;
delete g_structure_instance_name;
@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include "frontends/lean/cmd_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parse_table.h"
namespace lean {
void init_structure_instance_parsing_rules(parse_table & r);
bool is_structure_instance(expr const & e);
void destruct_structure_instance(expr const & e, expr & t, buffer<name> & field_names,
buffer<expr> & field_values, buffer<expr> & using_exprs);
bool is_structure(environment const & env, name const & S);
void get_structure_fields(environment const & env, name const & S, buffer<name> & fields);
void register_structure_cmd(cmd_table & r);
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ void init_token_table(token_table & t) {
{"if", 0}, {"then", 0}, {"else", 0}, {"by", 0},
{"from", 0}, {"(", g_max_prec}, {")", 0}, {"{", g_max_prec}, {"}", 0}, {"_", g_max_prec},
{"[", g_max_prec}, {"]", 0}, {"⦃", g_max_prec}, {"⦄", 0}, {".{", 0}, {"Type", g_max_prec},
{"{|", g_max_prec}, {"|}", 0},
{"using", 0}, {"|", 0}, {"!", g_max_prec}, {"with", 0}, {"...", 0}, {",", 0},
{".", 0}, {":", 0}, {"::", 0}, {"calc", 0}, {":=", 0}, {"--", 0}, {"#", 0},
{"(*", 0}, {"/-", 0}, {"begin", g_max_prec}, {"proof", g_max_prec}, {"qed", 0}, {"@", g_max_prec},
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ static name * g_lcurly = nullptr;
static name * g_rcurly = nullptr;
static name * g_ldcurly = nullptr;
static name * g_rdcurly = nullptr;
static name * g_lcurlybar = nullptr;
static name * g_rcurlybar = nullptr;
static name * g_lbracket = nullptr;
static name * g_rbracket = nullptr;
static name * g_bar = nullptr;
@ -112,6 +114,8 @@ void initialize_tokens() {
g_rcurly = new name("}");
g_ldcurly = new name("⦃");
g_rdcurly = new name("⦄");
g_lcurlybar = new name("{|");
g_rcurlybar = new name("|}");
g_lbracket = new name("[");
g_rbracket = new name("]");
g_bar = new name("|");
@ -279,6 +283,8 @@ void finalize_tokens() {
delete g_lbracket;
delete g_rdcurly;
delete g_ldcurly;
delete g_rcurlybar;
delete g_lcurlybar;
delete g_lcurly;
delete g_rcurly;
delete g_llevel_curly;
@ -301,6 +307,8 @@ name const & get_lcurly_tk() { return *g_lcurly; }
name const & get_rcurly_tk() { return *g_rcurly; }
name const & get_ldcurly_tk() { return *g_ldcurly; }
name const & get_rdcurly_tk() { return *g_rdcurly; }
name const & get_lcurlybar_tk() { return *g_lcurlybar; }
name const & get_rcurlybar_tk() { return *g_rcurlybar; }
name const & get_lbracket_tk() { return *g_lbracket; }
name const & get_rbracket_tk() { return *g_rbracket; }
name const & get_bar_tk() { return *g_bar; }
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ name const & get_lcurly_tk();
name const & get_rcurly_tk();
name const & get_ldcurly_tk();
name const & get_rdcurly_tk();
name const & get_lcurlybar_tk();
name const & get_rcurlybar_tk();
name const & get_lbracket_tk();
name const & get_rbracket_tk();
name const & get_bar_tk();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
open nat prod
set_option pp.coercions true
definition s : nat × nat := {| prod, pr1 := 10, pr2 := 20 |}
structure test :=
(A : Type) (a : A) (B : A → Type) (b : B a)
definition s2 := ⦃ test, a := 3, b := 10 ⦄
eval s2
definition s3 := {| test, a := 20, using s2 |}
eval s3
definition s4 := ⦃ test, A := nat, B := λ a, nat, a := 10, b := 10 ⦄
definition s5 : Σ a : nat, a > 0 :=
⦃ sigma, pr1 := 10, pr2 := of_is_true trivial ⦄
eval s5
check ⦃ unit ⦄
Add table
Reference in a new issue