refactor(library/algebra/ring): use rewrite tactic at ring module
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1 changed files with 36 additions and 50 deletions
@ -99,10 +99,7 @@ section comm_semiring
dvd.elim H₂
dvd.elim H₂
(take e, assume H₄ : c = b * e,
(take e, assume H₄ : c = b * e,
(show a * (d * e) = c, by rewrite ⟨-mul.assoc, -H₃, H₄⟩)))
a * (d * e) = (a * d) * e : mul.assoc
... = b * e : H₃
... = c : H₄)))
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd {a : A} (H : 0 | a) : a = 0 :=
theorem eq_zero_of_zero_dvd {a : A} (H : 0 | a) : a = 0 :=
dvd.elim H (take c, assume H' : a = 0 * c, H' ⬝ !zero_mul)
dvd.elim H (take c, assume H' : a = 0 * c, H' ⬝ !zero_mul)
@ -120,9 +117,7 @@ section comm_semiring
(take d,
(take d,
assume H₁ : b = a * d,
assume H₁ : b = a * d,
(show a * (d * c) = b * c, from by rewrite ⟨-mul.assoc, H₁⟩))
a * (d * c) = a * d * c : (!mul.assoc)⁻¹
... = b * c : H₁))
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_right {a b : A} (H : a | b) (c : A) : a | c * b :=
theorem dvd_mul_of_dvd_right {a b : A} (H : a | b) (c : A) : a | c * b :=
!mul.comm ▸ (dvd_mul_of_dvd_left H _)
!mul.comm ▸ (dvd_mul_of_dvd_left H _)
@ -157,16 +152,16 @@ structure ring [class] (A : Type) extends add_comm_group A, monoid A, distrib A,
theorem ring.mul_zero [s : ring A] (a : A) : a * 0 = 0 :=
theorem ring.mul_zero [s : ring A] (a : A) : a * 0 = 0 :=
have H : a * 0 + 0 = a * 0 + a * 0, from calc
have H : a * 0 + 0 = a * 0 + a * 0, from calc
a * 0 + 0 = a * 0 : add_zero
a * 0 + 0 = a * 0 : by rewrite add_zero
... = a * (0 + 0) : {(add_zero 0)⁻¹}
... = a * (0 + 0) : by rewrite add_zero
... = a * 0 + a * 0 : ring.left_distrib,
... = a * 0 + a * 0 : by rewrite {a*_}ring.left_distrib,
show a * 0 = 0, from (add.left_cancel H)⁻¹
show a * 0 = 0, from (add.left_cancel H)⁻¹
theorem ring.zero_mul [s : ring A] (a : A) : 0 * a = 0 :=
theorem ring.zero_mul [s : ring A] (a : A) : 0 * a = 0 :=
have H : 0 * a + 0 = 0 * a + 0 * a, from calc
have H : 0 * a + 0 = 0 * a + 0 * a, from calc
0 * a + 0 = 0 * a : add_zero
0 * a + 0 = 0 * a : by rewrite add_zero
... = (0 + 0) * a : {(add_zero 0)⁻¹}
... = (0 + 0) * a : by rewrite add_zero
... = 0 * a + 0 * a : ring.right_distrib,
... = 0 * a + 0 * a : by rewrite {_*a}ring.right_distrib,
show 0 * a = 0, from (add.left_cancel H)⁻¹
show 0 * a = 0, from (add.left_cancel H)⁻¹
definition ring.to_semiring [instance] [coercion] [reducible] [s : ring A] : semiring A :=
definition ring.to_semiring [instance] [coercion] [reducible] [s : ring A] : semiring A :=
@ -180,42 +175,40 @@ section
theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul : -(a * b) = -a * b :=
theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul : -(a * b) = -a * b :=
a * b + -a * b = (a + -a) * b : right_distrib
rewrite [-right_distrib, add.right_inv, zero_mul]
... = 0 * b : add.right_inv
... = 0 : zero_mul)
theorem neg_mul_eq_mul_neg : -(a * b) = a * -b :=
theorem neg_mul_eq_mul_neg : -(a * b) = a * -b :=
a * b + a * -b = a * (b + -b) : left_distrib
rewrite [-left_distrib, add.right_inv, mul_zero]
... = a * 0 : add.right_inv
... = 0 : mul_zero)
theorem neg_mul_neg : -a * -b = a * b :=
theorem neg_mul_neg : -a * -b = a * b :=
-a * -b = -(a * -b) : !neg_mul_eq_neg_mul⁻¹
-a * -b = -(a * -b) : by rewrite -neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
... = - -(a * b) : neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
... = - -(a * b) : by rewrite -neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
... = a * b : neg_neg
... = a * b : by rewrite neg_neg
theorem neg_mul_comm : -a * b = a * -b := !neg_mul_eq_neg_mul⁻¹ ⬝ !neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
theorem neg_mul_comm : -a * b = a * -b := !neg_mul_eq_neg_mul⁻¹ ⬝ !neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
theorem neg_eq_neg_one_mul : -a = -1 * a :=
theorem neg_eq_neg_one_mul : -a = -1 * a :=
-a = -(1 * a) : one_mul
-a = -(1 * a) : by rewrite one_mul
... = -1 * a : neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
... = -1 * a : by rewrite neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
theorem mul_sub_left_distrib : a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c :=
theorem mul_sub_left_distrib : a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c :=
a * (b - c) = a * b + a * -c : left_distrib
a * (b - c) = a * b + a * -c : left_distrib
... = a * b + - (a * c) : {!neg_mul_eq_mul_neg⁻¹}
... = a * b + - (a * c) : by rewrite -neg_mul_eq_mul_neg
... = a * b - a * c : rfl
... = a * b - a * c : rfl
theorem mul_sub_right_distrib : (a - b) * c = a * c - b * c :=
theorem mul_sub_right_distrib : (a - b) * c = a * c - b * c :=
(a - b) * c = a * c + -b * c : right_distrib
(a - b) * c = a * c + -b * c : right_distrib
... = a * c + - (b * c) : {!neg_mul_eq_neg_mul⁻¹}
... = a * c + - (b * c) : by rewrite neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
... = a * c - b * c : rfl
... = a * c - b * c : rfl
-- TODO: can calc mode be improved to make this easier?
-- TODO: can calc mode be improved to make this easier?
-- TODO: there is also the other direction. It will be easier when we
-- TODO: there is also the other direction. It will be easier when we
@ -223,10 +216,10 @@ section
theorem mul_add_eq_mul_add_iff_sub_mul_add_eq : a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d :=
theorem mul_add_eq_mul_add_iff_sub_mul_add_eq : a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d :=
a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ a * e + c = d + b * e : !add.comm ▸ !iff.refl
a * e + c = b * e + d ↔ a * e + c = d + b * e : by rewrite {b*e+_}add.comm
... ↔ a * e + c - b * e = d : iff.symm !sub_eq_iff_eq_add
... ↔ a * e + c - b * e = d : iff.symm !sub_eq_iff_eq_add
... ↔ a * e - b * e + c = d : !sub_add_eq_add_sub ▸ !iff.refl
... ↔ a * e - b * e + c = d : by rewrite sub_add_eq_add_sub
... ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d : !mul_sub_right_distrib ▸ !iff.refl
... ↔ (a - b) * e + c = d : by rewrite mul_sub_right_distrib
structure comm_ring [class] (A : Type) extends ring A, comm_semigroup A
structure comm_ring [class] (A : Type) extends ring A, comm_semigroup A
@ -252,17 +245,14 @@ section
dvd.elim H
dvd.elim H
(take c, assume H' : -b = a * c,
(take c, assume H' : -b = a * c,
(show a * -c = b,
a * -c = -(a * c) : {!neg_mul_eq_mul_neg⁻¹}
by rewrite [-neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, -H', neg_neg])))
... = -(-b) : H'
... = b : neg_neg)))
(assume H : a | b,
(assume H : a | b,
dvd.elim H
dvd.elim H
(take c, assume H' : b = a * c,
(take c, assume H' : b = a * c,
(show a * -c = -b,
a * -c = -(a * c) : {!neg_mul_eq_mul_neg⁻¹}
by rewrite [-neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, -H'])))
... = -b : H')))
theorem neg_dvd_iff_dvd : -a | b ↔ a | b :=
theorem neg_dvd_iff_dvd : -a | b ↔ a | b :=
@ -270,16 +260,12 @@ section
dvd.elim H
dvd.elim H
(take c, assume H' : b = -a * c,
(take c, assume H' : b = -a * c,
(show a * -c = b, by rewrite [-neg_mul_comm, H'])))
a * -c = -a * c : !neg_mul_comm⁻¹
... = b : H')))
(assume H : a | b,
(assume H : a | b,
dvd.elim H
dvd.elim H
(take c, assume H' : b = a * c,
(take c, assume H' : b = a * c,
(show -a * -c = b, by rewrite [neg_mul_neg, H'])))
-a * -c = a * c : neg_mul_neg
... = b : H')))
theorem dvd_sub (H₁ : a | b) (H₂ : a | c) : a | (b - c) :=
theorem dvd_sub (H₁ : a | b) (H₂ : a | c) : a | (b - c) :=
dvd_add H₁ (iff.elim_right !dvd_neg_iff_dvd H₂)
dvd_add H₁ (iff.elim_right !dvd_neg_iff_dvd H₂)
@ -306,14 +292,14 @@ section
or.elim (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H) (assume H3, H1 H3) (assume H4, H2 H4)
or.elim (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H) (assume H3, H1 H3) (assume H4, H2 H4)
theorem mul.cancel_right {a b c : A} (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : b * a = c * a) : b = c :=
theorem mul.cancel_right {a b c : A} (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : b * a = c * a) : b = c :=
have H1 : b * a - c * a = 0, from !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H,
have H1 : b * a - c * a = 0, from !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H,
have H2 : (b - c) * a = 0, from eq.trans !mul_sub_right_distrib H1,
have H2 : (b - c) * a = 0, using H1, by rewrite [mul_sub_right_distrib, H1],
have H3 : b - c = 0, from or_resolve_left (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H2) Ha,
have H3 : b - c = 0, from or_resolve_left (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H2) Ha,
iff.elim_right !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H3
iff.elim_right !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H3
theorem mul.cancel_left {a b c : A} (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : a * b = a * c) : b = c :=
theorem mul.cancel_left {a b c : A} (Ha : a ≠ 0) (H : a * b = a * c) : b = c :=
have H1 : a * b - a * c = 0, from !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H,
have H1 : a * b - a * c = 0, from !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H,
have H2 : a * (b - c) = 0, from eq.trans !mul_sub_left_distrib H1,
have H2 : a * (b - c) = 0, using H1, by rewrite [mul_sub_left_distrib, H1],
have H3 : b - c = 0, from or_resolve_right (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H2) Ha,
have H3 : b - c = 0, from or_resolve_right (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H2) Ha,
iff.elim_right !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H3
iff.elim_right !eq_iff_sub_eq_zero H3
@ -337,7 +323,7 @@ section
dvd.elim Hdvd
dvd.elim Hdvd
(take d,
(take d,
assume H : c * a = b * a * d,
assume H : c * a = b * a * d,
have H1 : b * d * a = c * a, from eq.trans !mul.right_comm H⁻¹,
have H1 : b * d * a = c * a, from by rewrite [mul.right_comm, -H],
have H2 : b * d = c, from mul.cancel_right Ha H1,
have H2 : b * d = c, from mul.cancel_right Ha H1,
dvd.intro H2)
dvd.intro H2)
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