fix(library/data/real): minor adjustments
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 61 additions and 67 deletions
@ -1055,20 +1055,20 @@ notation `ℝ` := real
protected definition prio := num.pred rat.prio
definition add (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
protected definition add (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, (a + b))
(take a b c d : reg_seq, take Hab : requiv a c, take Hcd : requiv b d,
quot.sound (radd_well_defined Hab Hcd)))
--infix [priority real.prio] + := add
definition mul (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
protected definition mul (x y : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, (a * b))
(take a b c d : reg_seq, take Hab : requiv a c, take Hcd : requiv b d,
quot.sound (rmul_well_defined Hab Hcd)))
--infix [priority real.prio] * := mul
definition neg (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
protected definition neg (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(quot.lift_on x (λ a, (-a)) (take a b : reg_seq, take Hab : requiv a b,
quot.sound (rneg_well_defined Hab)))
--prefix [priority real.prio] `-` := neg
@ -1094,10 +1094,10 @@ definition of_int [coercion] (i : ℤ) : ℝ := i
definition of_nat [coercion] (n : ℕ) : ℝ := n
definition of_num [coercion] [reducible] (n : num) : ℝ := of_rat (rat.of_num n)
definition real_has_zero [reducible] [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_zero real :=
definition real_has_zero [reducible] [instance] [priority real.prio] : has_zero real :=
|||| (0:rat)
definition real_has_one [reducible] [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_one real :=
definition real_has_one [reducible] [instance] [priority real.prio] : has_one real :=
|||| (1:rat)
theorem real_zero_eq_rat_zero : (0:real) = of_rat (0:rat) :=
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ are independent of each other.
import data.real.basic data.real.order data.real.division data.rat data.nat data.pnat
open rat algebra -- nat
local notation 0 := rat.of_num 0
local notation 1 := rat.of_num 1
local postfix ⁻¹ := pnat.inv
open eq.ops pnat classical
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ theorem equiv_abs_of_ge_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hz : s_le zero s) : s_a
apply rat.le.trans,
apply add_le_add,
repeat (apply inv_ge_of_le; apply Hn),
rewrite pnat.add_halves,
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply rat.le.refl
@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ theorem equiv_neg_abs_of_le_zero {s : seq} (Hs : regular s) (Hz : s_le s zero) :
apply rat.le.trans,
apply add_le_add,
repeat (apply inv_ge_of_le; apply Hn),
rewrite pnat.add_halves,
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply rat.le.refl,
let Hneg' := lt_of_not_ge Hneg,
rewrite [abs_of_neg Hneg', ↑sneg, sub_neg_eq_add, neg_add_eq_sub, algebra.sub_self,
@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ theorem cauchy_with_rate_of_converges_to_with_rate {X : r_seq} {a : ℝ} {N :
apply Hn,
xrewrite -of_rat_add,
apply of_rat_le_of_rat_of_le,
rewrite pnat.add_halves,
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply rat.le.refl
@ -274,7 +272,10 @@ private theorem lim_seq_reg_helper {m n : ℕ+} (Hmn : M (2 * n) ≤M (2 * m)) :
apply pnat.le.trans,
apply Hmn,
apply Nb_spec_right,
rewrite [-*of_rat_add, rat.add.assoc, pnat.add_halves],
krewrite [-+of_rat_add],
change of_rat ((2 * m)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹) ≤ of_rat (m⁻¹ + n⁻¹),
rewrite [algebra.add.assoc],
krewrite pnat.add_halves,
apply of_rat_le_of_rat_of_le,
apply add_le_add_right,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ theorem lim_seq_reg : rat_seq.regular lim_seq :=
cases em (M (2 * m) ≥ M (2 * n)) with [Hor1, Hor2],
apply lim_seq_reg_helper Hor1,
let Hor2' := pnat.le_of_lt (pnat.lt_of_not_le Hor2),
rewrite [abs_sub (X (Nb M n)), abs_sub (X (Nb M m)), abs_sub,
krewrite [abs_sub (X (Nb M n)), abs_sub (X (Nb M m)), abs_sub,
rat.add.comm, add_comm_three],
apply lim_seq_reg_helper Hor2'
@ -351,9 +352,10 @@ theorem converges_to_with_rate_of_cauchy_with_rate : converges_to_with_rate X li
rewrite ↑lim_seq,
apply approx_spec,
apply lim_spec,
rewrite [-*of_rat_add],
krewrite [-+of_rat_add],
change of_rat ((2 * k)⁻¹ + (2 * n)⁻¹ + n⁻¹) ≤ of_rat k⁻¹,
apply of_rat_le_of_rat_of_le,
apply rat.le.trans,
apply algebra.le.trans,
apply add_le_add_three,
apply rat.le.refl,
apply inv_ge_of_le,
@ -369,7 +371,8 @@ theorem converges_to_with_rate_of_cauchy_with_rate : converges_to_with_rate X li
apply Hn,
rotate_right 1,
apply Nb_spec_left,
rewrite [-*pnat.mul.assoc, pnat.p_add_fractions],
rewrite -*pnat.mul.assoc,
krewrite pnat.p_add_fractions,
apply rat.le.refl
@ -500,7 +503,7 @@ theorem ceil_lt_ceil_succ (x : ℝ) : ceil x < ceil (x + 1) :=
apply floor_sub_one_lt_floor
open nat
set_option pp.coercions true
theorem archimedean_small {ε : ℝ} (H : ε > 0) : ∃ (n : ℕ), 1 / succ n < ε :=
let n := int.nat_abs (ceil (2 / ε)) in
assert int.of_nat n ≥ ceil (2 / ε),
@ -529,8 +532,6 @@ local postfix `~` := nat_of_pnat
-- The top part of this section could be refactored. What is the appropriate place to define
-- bounds, supremum, etc? In algebra/ordered_field? They potentially apply to more than just ℝ.
local notation 2 := (1 : ℚ) + 1
parameter X : ℝ → Prop
definition ub (x : ℝ) := ∀ y : ℝ, X y → y ≤ x
@ -781,7 +782,7 @@ private theorem under_seq_mono (i j : ℕ) (H : i ≤ j) : under_seq i ≤ under
rewrite -Hk',
apply under_seq_mono_helper
set_option pp.coercions true
private theorem over_seq_mono_helper (i k : ℕ) : over_seq (i + k) ≤ over_seq i :=
nat.induction_on k
(by rewrite nat.add_zero; apply rat.le.refl)
@ -619,15 +619,15 @@ theorem lt_or_eq_of_le (x y : ℝ) : x ≤ y → x < y ∨ x = y :=
theorem le_iff_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : x ≤ y ↔ x < y ∨ x = y :=
iff.intro (lt_or_eq_of_le x y) (le_of_lt_or_eq x y)
noncomputable definition dec_lt : decidable_rel lt :=
noncomputable definition dec_lt : decidable_rel :=
rewrite ↑decidable_rel,
apply prop_decidable
protected noncomputable definition discrete_linear_ordered_field [reducible] [trans_instance]:
algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field ℝ :=
protected noncomputable definition discrete_linear_ordered_field [reducible] [trans_instance]:
algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.discrete_linear_ordered_field, real.comm_ring, real.ordered_ring,
le_total := le_total,
mul_inv_cancel := mul_inv,
@ -640,13 +640,12 @@ noncomputable definition dec_lt : decidable_rel lt :=
theorem of_rat_zero : of_rat 0 = 0 := rfl
set_option pp.coercions true
theorem of_rat_divide (x y : ℚ) : of_rat (x / y) = of_rat x / of_rat y :=
(assume yz : y = 0, by rewrite [yz, algebra.div_zero, *of_rat_zero, algebra.div_zero])
(assume ynz : y ≠ 0,
have ynz' : of_rat y ≠ 0, from assume yz', ynz (of_rat.inj yz'),
!eq_div_of_mul_eq ynz' (by rewrite [-of_rat_mul, !div_mul_cancel ynz]))
!eq_div_of_mul_eq ynz' (by krewrite [-of_rat_mul, !div_mul_cancel ynz]))
open int
@ -1015,71 +1015,66 @@ open real
open [classes] rat_seq
namespace real
definition lt (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_lt a b) rat_seq.r_lt_well_defined
--infix [priority real.prio] `<` := lt
protected definition lt (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_lt a b) rat_seq.r_lt_well_defined
protected definition le (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_le a b) rat_seq.r_le_well_defined
definition le (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_le a b) rat_seq.r_le_well_defined
--infix [priority real.prio] `<=` := le
--infix [priority real.prio] `≤` := le
definition real_has_lt [reducible] [instance] [priority real.prio] : has_lt ℝ :=
definition gt [reducible] (a b : ℝ) := lt b a
definition ge [reducible] (a b : ℝ) := le b a
--infix [priority real.prio] >= :=
--infix [priority real.prio] ≥ :=
--infix [priority real.prio] > :=
definition real_has_le [reducible] [instance] [priority real.prio] : has_le ℝ :=
|||| real.le
definition sep (x y : ℝ) := quot.lift_on₂ x y (λ a b, rat_seq.r_sep a b) rat_seq.r_sep_well_defined
infix `≢` : 50 := sep
theorem le.refl (x : ℝ) : le x x :=
theorem le.refl (x : ℝ) : x ≤ x :=
quot.induction_on x (λ t, rat_seq.r_le.refl t)
theorem le.trans {x y z : ℝ} : le x y → le y z → le x z :=
theorem le.trans {x y z : ℝ} : x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z :=
quot.induction_on₃ x y z (λ s t u, rat_seq.r_le.trans)
theorem eq_of_le_of_ge {x y : ℝ} : le x y → le y x → x = y :=
theorem eq_of_le_of_ge {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y → y ≤ x → x = y :=
quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t Hst Hts, quot.sound (rat_seq.r_equiv_of_le_of_ge Hst Hts))
theorem lt_iff_le_and_sep (x y : ℝ) : lt x y ↔ le x y ∧ x ≢ y :=
theorem lt_iff_le_and_sep (x y : ℝ) : x < y ↔ x ≤ y ∧ x ≢ y :=
quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t, rat_seq.r_lt_iff_le_and_sep s t)
theorem add_le_add_of_le_right_var (x y z : ℝ) : le x y → le (z + x) (z + y) :=
theorem add_le_add_of_le_right_var (x y z : ℝ) : x ≤ y → z + x ≤ z + y :=
quot.induction_on₃ x y z (λ s t u, rat_seq.r_add_le_add_of_le_right_var s t u)
theorem add_le_add_of_le_right (x y : ℝ) : le x y → ∀ z : ℝ, le (z + x) (z + y) :=
theorem add_le_add_of_le_right (x y : ℝ) : x ≤ y → ∀ z : ℝ, z + x ≤ z + y :=
take H z, add_le_add_of_le_right_var x y z H
theorem mul_gt_zero_of_gt_zero (x y : ℝ) : lt zero x → lt zero y → lt zero (x * y) :=
theorem mul_gt_zero_of_gt_zero (x y : ℝ) : 0 < x → 0 < y → 0 < x * y :=
quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t, rat_seq.r_mul_pos_of_pos)
theorem mul_ge_zero_of_ge_zero (x y : ℝ) : le zero x → le zero y → le zero (x * y) :=
theorem mul_ge_zero_of_ge_zero (x y : ℝ) : 0 ≤ x → 0 ≤ y → 0 ≤ x * y :=
quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t, rat_seq.r_mul_nonneg_of_nonneg)
theorem not_sep_self (x : ℝ) : ¬ x ≢ x :=
quot.induction_on x (λ s, rat_seq.r_not_sep_self s)
theorem not_lt_self (x : ℝ) : ¬ lt x x :=
theorem not_lt_self (x : ℝ) : ¬ x < x :=
quot.induction_on x (λ s, rat_seq.r_not_lt_self s)
theorem le_of_lt {x y : ℝ} : lt x y → le x y :=
theorem le_of_lt {x y : ℝ} : x < y → x ≤ y :=
quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t H', rat_seq.r_le_of_lt H')
theorem lt_of_le_of_lt {x y z : ℝ} : le x y → lt y z → lt x z :=
theorem lt_of_le_of_lt {x y z : ℝ} : x ≤ y → y < z → x < z :=
quot.induction_on₃ x y z (λ s t u H H', rat_seq.r_lt_of_le_of_lt H H')
theorem lt_of_lt_of_le {x y z : ℝ} : lt x y → le y z → lt x z :=
theorem lt_of_lt_of_le {x y z : ℝ} : x < y → y ≤ z → x < z :=
quot.induction_on₃ x y z (λ s t u H H', rat_seq.r_lt_of_lt_of_le H H')
theorem add_lt_add_left_var (x y z : ℝ) : lt x y → lt (z + x) (z + y) :=
theorem add_lt_add_left_var (x y z : ℝ) : x < y → z + x < z + y :=
quot.induction_on₃ x y z (λ s t u, rat_seq.r_add_lt_add_left_var s t u)
theorem add_lt_add_left (x y : ℝ) : lt x y → ∀ z : ℝ, lt (z + x) (z + y) :=
theorem add_lt_add_left (x y : ℝ) : x < y → ∀ z : ℝ, z + x < z + y :=
take H z, add_lt_add_left_var x y z H
theorem zero_lt_one : lt (0 : ℝ) (1 : ℝ) := rat_seq.r_zero_lt_one
theorem zero_lt_one : (0 : ℝ) < (1 : ℝ) := rat_seq.r_zero_lt_one
theorem le_of_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : lt x y ∨ x = y → le x y :=
theorem le_of_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : x < y ∨ x = y → x ≤ y :=
(quot.induction_on₂ x y (λ s t H, or.elim H (take H', begin
apply rat_seq.r_le_of_lt_or_eq,
apply or.inl H'
@ -1089,21 +1084,21 @@ theorem le_of_lt_or_eq (x y : ℝ) : lt x y ∨ x = y → le x y :=
apply (or.inr (quot.exact H'))
definition ordered_ring [reducible] [instance] : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.ordered_ring, real.comm_ring,
le_refl := le.refl,
le_trans := @le.trans,
mul_pos := mul_gt_zero_of_gt_zero,
mul_nonneg := mul_ge_zero_of_ge_zero,
zero_ne_one := zero_ne_one,
add_le_add_left := add_le_add_of_le_right,
le_antisymm := @eq_of_le_of_ge,
lt_irrefl := not_lt_self,
lt_of_le_of_lt := @lt_of_le_of_lt,
lt_of_lt_of_le := @lt_of_lt_of_le,
le_of_lt := @le_of_lt,
add_lt_add_left := add_lt_add_left
definition ordered_ring [reducible] [instance] : algebra.ordered_ring ℝ :=
⦃ algebra.ordered_ring, real.comm_ring,
le_refl := le.refl,
le_trans := @le.trans,
mul_pos := mul_gt_zero_of_gt_zero,
mul_nonneg := mul_ge_zero_of_ge_zero,
zero_ne_one := zero_ne_one,
add_le_add_left := add_le_add_of_le_right,
le_antisymm := @eq_of_le_of_ge,
lt_irrefl := not_lt_self,
lt_of_le_of_lt := @lt_of_le_of_lt,
lt_of_lt_of_le := @lt_of_lt_of_le,
le_of_lt := @le_of_lt,
add_lt_add_left := add_lt_add_left
open int
theorem of_rat_sub (a b : ℚ) : of_rat (a - b) = of_rat a - of_rat b := rfl
@ -1128,7 +1123,6 @@ theorem lt_of_of_rat_lt_of_rat {a b : ℚ} : of_rat a < of_rat b → a < b :=
theorem of_rat_lt_of_rat_iff (a b : ℚ) : of_rat a < of_rat b ↔ a < b :=
iff.intro lt_of_of_rat_lt_of_rat of_rat_lt_of_rat_of_lt
set_option pp.coercions true
theorem of_int_le_of_int_iff (a b : ℤ) : of_int a ≤ of_int b ↔ (a ≤ b) :=
begin rewrite [+of_int_eq, of_rat_le_of_rat_iff], apply rat.of_int_le_of_int_iff end
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