refactor(frontends/lean/elaborator): modify when tactic_hints are invoked, add the notion of strict placeholder
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 213 additions and 118 deletions
@ -268,21 +268,26 @@ class elaborator {
This is a helper class for implementing this choice function.
struct placeholder_elaborator : public choice_elaborator {
elaborator & m_elab;
expr m_mvar;
expr m_mvar_type; // elaborated type of the metavariable
list<expr> m_local_instances; // local instances that should also be included in the class-instance resolution.
list<name> m_instances; // global declaration names that are class instances. This information is retrieved using #get_class_instances.
context m_ctx; // local context for m_mvar
substitution m_subst;
justification m_jst;
elaborator & m_elab;
expr m_meta;
expr m_meta_type; // elaborated type of the metavariable
list<expr> m_local_instances; // local instances that should also be included in the class-instance resolution.
list<name> m_instances; // global declaration names that are class instances.
// This information is retrieved using #get_class_instances.
list<tactic_hint_entry> m_tactics;
proof_state_seq m_tactic_result; // result produce by last executed tactic.
buffer<expr> m_mvars_in_meta_type; // metavariables that occur in m_meta_type, the tactics may instantiate some of them
context m_ctx; // local context for m_meta
substitution m_subst;
justification m_jst;
placeholder_elaborator(elaborator & elab, expr const & mvar, expr const & mvar_type,
list<expr> const & local_insts, list<name> const & instances, bool has_tactic_hints,
context const & ctx, substitution const & s, justification const & j):
m_elab(elab), m_mvar(mvar), m_mvar_type(mvar_type), m_local_instances(local_insts), m_instances(instances),
m_ctx(ctx), m_subst(s), m_jst(j) {
placeholder_elaborator(elaborator & elab, expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type,
list<expr> const & local_insts, list<name> const & instances, list<tactic_hint_entry> const & tacs,
context const & ctx, substitution const & s, justification const & j, bool ignore_failure):
m_elab(elab), m_meta(meta), m_meta_type(meta_type), m_local_instances(local_insts), m_instances(instances),
m_tactics(tacs), m_ctx(ctx), m_subst(s), m_jst(j) {
collect_metavars(meta_type, m_mvars_in_meta_type);
optional<constraints> try_instance(name const & inst) {
@ -291,29 +296,47 @@ class elaborator {
return optional<constraints>();
expr type = decl->get_type();
// create the term pre (inst _ ... _)
expr pre = copy_tag(m_mvar, mk_explicit(copy_tag(m_mvar, mk_constant(inst))));
expr pre = copy_tag(m_meta, mk_explicit(copy_tag(m_meta, mk_constant(inst))));
while (is_pi(type)) {
type = binding_body(type);
pre = copy_tag(m_mvar, ::lean::mk_app(pre, copy_tag(m_mvar, mk_expr_placeholder())));
pre = copy_tag(m_meta, ::lean::mk_app(pre, copy_tag(m_meta, mk_strict_expr_placeholder())));
try {
scope s(m_elab, m_ctx, m_subst);
expr r = m_elab.visit(pre); // use elaborator to create metavariables, levels, etc.
justification j = m_elab.m_accumulated;
for (auto & c : m_elab.m_constraints)
c = update_justification(c, mk_composite1(m_jst, c.get_justification()));
list<constraint> cs = to_list(m_elab.m_constraints.begin(), m_elab.m_constraints.end());
cs = cons(mk_eq_cnstr(m_mvar, r, mk_composite1(m_jst, j)), cs);
cs = cons(mk_eq_cnstr(m_meta, r, mk_composite1(m_jst, j)), cs);
return optional<constraints>(cs);
} catch (exception &) {
return optional<constraints>();
optional<constraints> get_next_tactic_result() {
while (auto next = m_tactic_result.pull()) {
m_tactic_result = next->second;
if (!empty(next->first.get_goals()))
continue; // has unsolved goals
substitution subst = next->first.get_subst();
buffer<constraint> cs;
expr const & mvar = get_app_fn(m_meta);
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, subst.instantiate(mvar), m_jst));
for (auto const & mvar : m_mvars_in_meta_type)
cs.push_back(mk_eq_cnstr(mvar, subst.instantiate(mvar), m_jst));
return optional<constraints>(to_list(cs.begin(), cs.end()));
return optional<constraints>();
virtual optional<constraints> next() {
while (!empty(m_local_instances)) {
expr inst = head(m_local_instances);
m_local_instances = tail(m_local_instances);
constraints cs(mk_eq_cnstr(m_mvar, inst, m_jst));
constraints cs(mk_eq_cnstr(m_meta, inst, m_jst));
return optional<constraints>(cs);
while (!empty(m_instances)) {
@ -322,6 +345,18 @@ class elaborator {
if (auto cs = try_instance(inst))
return cs;
if (auto cs = get_next_tactic_result())
return cs;
while (!empty(m_tactics)) {
tactic const & tac = head(m_tactics).get_tactic();
m_tactics = tail(m_tactics);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(m_meta, m_meta_type)), m_subst, m_elab.m_ngen.mk_child());
try {
m_tactic_result = tac(m_elab.m_env, m_elab.m_ios, ps);
if (auto cs = get_next_tactic_result())
return cs;
} catch (...) {}
return optional<constraints>();
@ -513,14 +548,18 @@ public:
bool is_class(expr const & type) {
expr f = get_app_fn(type);
return is_constant(f) && ::lean::is_class(m_env, const_name(f));
if (!is_constant(f))
return false;
name const & cls_name = const_name(f);
return ::lean::is_class(m_env, cls_name) || !empty(get_tactic_hints(m_env, cls_name));
bool may_be_class(expr const & type) {
if (is_meta(type))
return true;
return is_class(type);
static expr instantiate_meta(expr const & meta, substitution const & subst) {
buffer<expr> locals;
expr mvar = get_app_args(meta, locals);
mvar = update_mlocal(mvar, subst.instantiate(mlocal_type(mvar)));
for (auto & local : locals) local = subst.instantiate(local);
return ::lean::mk_app(mvar, locals);
/** \brief Return a 'failed to synthesize placholder' justification for the given
@ -528,53 +567,62 @@ public:
justification mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(expr const & m) {
environment env = m_env;
return mk_justification(m, [=](formatter const & fmt, substitution const & subst) {
buffer<expr> locals;
expr mvar = get_app_args(m, locals);
mvar = update_mlocal(mvar, subst.instantiate(mlocal_type(mvar)));
for (auto & local : locals) local = subst.instantiate(local);
expr new_m = ::lean::mk_app(mvar, locals);
expr new_m = instantiate_meta(m, subst);
expr new_type = type_checker(env).infer(new_m);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(new_m, new_type)), substitution(), name_generator("dontcare"));
return format({format("failed to synthesize placeholder"), line(), ps.pp(fmt)});
/** \brief Create a metavariable, but also add a class-constraint if type is a class
or a metavariable.
expr mk_placeholder_meta(optional<expr> const & type, tag g) {
expr m = mk_meta(type, g);
if (!type || may_be_class(*type)) {
context ctx = m_ctx;
justification j = mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(m);
auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & mvar, expr const & mvar_type, substitution const & s, name_generator const & /* ngen */) {
if (!is_class(mvar_type))
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints());
list<expr> local_insts;
if (m_use_local_instances) {
buffer<expr> buffer;
for (auto const & l : ctx) {
if (!is_local(l))
expr inst_type = mlocal_type(l);
if (!is_constant(get_app_fn(inst_type)) ||
const_name(get_app_fn(inst_type)) != const_name(get_app_fn(mvar_type)))
local_insts = to_list(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
auto insts = get_class_instances(mvar_type);
if (empty(insts) && empty(local_insts)) {
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints());
} else {
bool has_tactic_hints = !empty(get_tactic_hints(m_env, const_name(get_app_fn(mvar_type))));
return choose(std::make_shared<placeholder_elaborator>(*this, mvar, mvar_type, local_insts, insts, has_tactic_hints,
ctx, s, j));
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::MaxDelayed), j));
/** \brief Return a list of instances of the class \c cls_name that occur in \c ctx */
static list<expr> get_local_instances(context ctx, name const & cls_name) {
buffer<expr> buffer;
for (auto const & l : ctx) {
if (!is_local(l))
expr inst_type = mlocal_type(l);
if (!is_constant(get_app_fn(inst_type)) || const_name(get_app_fn(inst_type)) != cls_name)
return to_list(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
/** \brief Create a metavariable, and attach choice constraint for generating
solutions using class-instances and tactic-hints.
expr mk_placeholder_meta(optional<expr> const & type, tag g, bool is_strict = false) {
expr m = mk_meta(type, g);
context ctx = m_ctx;
justification j = mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(m);
auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type, substitution const & s, name_generator const & /* ngen */) {
expr const & mvar = get_app_fn(meta);
if (is_class(meta_type)) {
name const & cls_name = const_name(get_app_fn(meta_type));
list<expr> local_insts;
if (m_use_local_instances)
local_insts = get_local_instances(ctx, cls_name);
list<name> insts = get_class_instances(meta_type);
list<tactic_hint_entry> tacs;
if (!s.is_assigned(mvar))
tacs = get_tactic_hints(m_env, cls_name);
if (empty(local_insts) && empty(insts) && empty(tacs))
return lazy_list<constraints>(); // nothing to be done
bool ignore_failure = false; // we are always strict with placeholders associated with classes
return choose(std::make_shared<placeholder_elaborator>(*this, meta, meta_type, local_insts, insts, tacs, ctx, s, j,
} else if (s.is_assigned(mvar)) {
// if the metavariable is assigned and it is not a class, then we just ignore it, and return
// the an empty set of constraints.
return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints());
} else {
list<tactic_hint_entry> tacs = get_tactic_hints(m_env);
bool ignore_failure = !is_strict;
return choose(std::make_shared<placeholder_elaborator>(*this, meta, meta_type, list<expr>(), list<name>(), tacs, ctx, s, j,
add_cnstr(mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::MaxDelayed), j));
return m;
@ -597,7 +645,7 @@ public:
expr visit_expecting_type_of(expr const & e, expr const & t) {
if (is_placeholder(e) && !placeholder_type(e))
return mk_placeholder_meta(some_expr(t), e.get_tag());
return mk_placeholder_meta(some_expr(t), e.get_tag(), is_strict_placeholder(e));
else if (is_choice(e))
return visit_choice(e, some_expr(t));
else if (is_by(e))
@ -754,7 +802,7 @@ public:
expr visit_placeholder(expr const & e) {
return mk_placeholder_meta(placeholder_type(e), e.get_tag());
return mk_placeholder_meta(placeholder_type(e), e.get_tag(), is_strict_placeholder(e));
level replace_univ_placeholder(level const & l) {
@ -914,7 +962,7 @@ public:
return unify(m_env, cs.size(),, m_ngen.mk_child(), true, m_ios.get_options());
void collect_metavars(expr const & e, buffer<expr> & mvars) {
static void collect_metavars(expr const & e, buffer<expr> & mvars) {
for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (is_metavar(e)) {
@ -983,24 +1031,22 @@ public:
/** \brief Try to instantiate meta-variable \c mvar (modulo its state ps) using the given tactic.
If it succeeds, then update subst with the solution.
If \c report_failure is true, then display error messages. to the user.
Return true iff the metavariable \c mvar has been assigned.
bool try_using(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, tactic const & tac, bool report_failure) {
bool try_using(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, tactic const & tac) {
lean_assert(length(ps.get_goals()) == 1);
lean_assert(get_app_fn(head(ps.get_goals()).get_meta()) == mvar); // make sure ps is a really a proof state for mvar.
// make sure ps is a really a proof state for mvar.
lean_assert(mlocal_name(get_app_fn(head(ps.get_goals()).get_meta())) == mlocal_name(mvar));
try {
proof_state_seq seq = tac(m_env, m_ios, ps);
auto r = seq.pull();
if (!r) {
// tactic failed to produce any result
if (report_failure)
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, ps, "tactic failed");
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, ps, "tactic failed");
return false;
} else if (!empty(r->first.get_goals())) {
// tactic contains unsolved subgoals
if (report_failure)
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, r->first, "unsolved subgoals");
display_unsolved_proof_state(mvar, r->first, "unsolved subgoals");
return false;
} else {
subst = r->first.get_subst();
@ -1009,48 +1055,27 @@ public:
return true;
} catch (tactic_exception & ex) {
if (report_failure) {
auto out = regular(m_env, m_ios);
display_error_pos(out, m_pos_provider, ex.get_expr());
out << " tactic failed: " << ex.what() << "\n";
auto out = regular(m_env, m_ios);
display_error_pos(out, m_pos_provider, ex.get_expr());
out << " tactic failed: " << ex.what() << "\n";
return false;
bool try_using(substitution & subst, expr const & mvar, proof_state const & ps, list<tactic_hint_entry> const & tacs) {
return std::any_of(tacs.begin(), tacs.end(),
[&](tactic_hint_entry const & e) {
return try_using(subst, mvar, ps, e.get_tactic(), false);
void solve_unassigned_mvar(substitution & subst, expr mvar, name_set & visited) {
if (visited.contains(mlocal_name(mvar)))
auto meta = mvar_to_meta(mvar);
if (!meta)
buffer<expr> locals;
get_app_args(*meta, locals);
for (expr & l : locals)
l = subst.instantiate(l);
mvar = update_mlocal(mvar, subst.instantiate(mlocal_type(mvar)));
meta = ::lean::mk_app(mvar, locals);
expr type = m_tc->infer(*meta);
// first solve unassigned metavariables in type
type = solve_unassigned_mvars(subst, type, visited);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(*meta, type)), subst, m_ngen.mk_child());
if (auto local_hint = get_local_tactic_hint(subst, mvar, visited)) {
try_using(subst, mvar, ps, *local_hint, true);
} else {
if (is_constant(get_app_fn(type))) {
name cls = const_name(get_app_fn(type));
if (try_using(subst, mvar, ps, get_tactic_hints(m_env, cls)))
try_using(subst, mvar, ps, get_tactic_hints(m_env));
auto meta = mvar_to_meta(mvar);
if (!meta)
meta = instantiate_meta(*meta, subst);
expr type = m_tc->infer(*meta);
// first solve unassigned metavariables in type
type = solve_unassigned_mvars(subst, type, visited);
proof_state ps(goals(goal(*meta, type)), subst, m_ngen.mk_child());
try_using(subst, mvar, ps, *local_hint);
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/kernel_bindings.h"
namespace lean {
static name g_placeholder_name = name(name::mk_internal_unique_name(), "_");
static name g_placeholder_name = name(name::mk_internal_unique_name(), "_");
static name g_strict_placeholder_name = name(name::mk_internal_unique_name(), "_");
MK_THREAD_LOCAL_GET(unsigned, get_placeholder_id, 0)
static unsigned next_placeholder_id() {
unsigned & c = get_placeholder_id();
@ -19,19 +20,26 @@ static unsigned next_placeholder_id() {
return r;
level mk_level_placeholder() { return mk_global_univ(name(g_placeholder_name, next_placeholder_id())); }
expr mk_expr_placeholder(optional<expr> const & type) {
name n(g_placeholder_name, next_placeholder_id());
expr mk_expr_placeholder(optional<expr> const & type, bool strict) {
name const & prefix = strict ? g_strict_placeholder_name : g_placeholder_name;
name n(prefix, next_placeholder_id());
if (type)
return mk_local(n, *type);
return mk_constant(n);
static bool is_placeholder(name const & n) { return !n.is_atomic() && n.get_prefix() == g_placeholder_name; }
static bool is_placeholder(name const & n) {
return !n.is_atomic() && (n.get_prefix() == g_placeholder_name || n.get_prefix() == g_strict_placeholder_name);
static bool is_strict_placeholder(name const & n) {
return !n.is_atomic() && n.get_prefix() == g_strict_placeholder_name;
bool is_placeholder(level const & e) { return is_global(e) && is_placeholder(global_id(e)); }
bool is_placeholder(expr const & e) {
(is_constant(e) && is_placeholder(const_name(e))) ||
(is_local(e) && is_placeholder(mlocal_name(e)));
return (is_constant(e) && is_placeholder(const_name(e))) || (is_local(e) && is_placeholder(mlocal_name(e)));
bool is_strict_placeholder(expr const & e) {
return (is_constant(e) && is_strict_placeholder(const_name(e))) || (is_local(e) && is_strict_placeholder(mlocal_name(e)));
optional<expr> placeholder_type(expr const & e) {
@ -15,14 +15,18 @@ namespace lean {
level mk_level_placeholder();
/** \brief Return a new expression placeholder expression. */
expr mk_expr_placeholder(optional<expr> const & type = none_expr());
expr mk_expr_placeholder(optional<expr> const & type = none_expr(), bool strict = false);
inline expr mk_strict_expr_placeholder(optional<expr> const & type = none_expr()) { return mk_expr_placeholder(type, true); }
/** \brief Return true if the given level is a placeholder. */
bool is_placeholder(level const & e);
/** \brief Return true iff the given expression is a placeholder. */
/** \brief Return true iff the given expression is a placeholder (strict or not). */
bool is_placeholder(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return true iff the given expression is a strict placeholder (strict or not). */
bool is_strict_placeholder(expr const & e);
/** \brief Return the type of the placeholder (if available) */
optional<expr> placeholder_type(expr const & e);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import standard
using num tactic
inductive inh (A : Type) : Type :=
| inh_intro : A -> inh A
instance inh_intro
theorem inh_bool [instance] : inh Bool
:= inh_intro true
theorem inh_fun [instance] {A B : Type} (H : inh B) : inh (A → B)
:= inh_rec (λ b, inh_intro (λ a : A, b)) H
definition assump := eassumption; now
set_option elaborator.local_instances false
tactic_hint [inh] assump
tactic_hint assump
theorem tst {A B : Type} (H : inh B) : inh (A → B → B)
theorem T1 {A : Type} (a : A) : inh A
theorem T2 : inh Bool
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import standard
using num tactic pair
inductive inh (A : Type) : Bool :=
| inh_intro : A -> inh A
instance inh_intro
theorem inh_elim {A : Type} {B : Bool} (H1 : inh A) (H2 : A → B) : B
:= inh_rec H2 H1
theorem inh_exists [instance] {A : Type} {P : A → Bool} (H : ∃x, P x) : inh A
:= obtain w Hw, from H, inh_intro w
theorem inh_bool [instance] : inh Bool
:= inh_intro true
theorem inh_fun [instance] {A B : Type} (H : inh B) : inh (A → B)
:= inh_rec (λb, inh_intro (λa : A, b)) H
theorem pair_inh [instance] {A : Type} {B : Type} (H1 : inh A) (H2 : inh B) : inh (pair A B)
:= inh_elim H1 (λa, inh_elim H2 (λb, inh_intro (mk_pair a b)))
definition assump := eassumption
tactic_hint assump
theorem tst {A B : Type} (H : inh B) : inh (A → B → B)
theorem T1 {A B C D : Type} {P : C → Bool} (a : A) (H1 : inh B) (H2 : ∃x, P x) : inh ((A → A) × B × (D → C) × Bool)
@ -61,5 +61,7 @@ definition real_group_struct [inline] [instance] : group_struct pos_real
variables x y : pos_real
check x * y
set_option pp.implicit true
print "---------------"
theorem T (a b : pos_real): (rmul a b) = a*b
:= refl (rmul a b)
@ -16,6 +16,4 @@ definition my_tac3 := fixpoint (λ f, [apply @or_intro_left; f |
tactic_hint [or] my_tac3
theorem T3 {a b c : Bool} (Hb : b) : a ∨ b ∨ c
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