refactor(kernel): add level normalizer, is_equivalent predicate, switch to is_equivalent in the type checker, fix bugs in is_lt predicate
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 219 additions and 152 deletions
@ -316,10 +316,14 @@ struct default_converter : public converter {
return to_lbool(is_def_eq_binder(t, s, c, jst));
case expr_kind::Sort:
// t and s are Sorts
if (is_trivial(sort_level(t), sort_level(s)))
if (is_equivalent(sort_level(t), sort_level(s))) {
return l_true;
c.add_cnstr(mk_level_cnstr(sort_level(t), sort_level(s), jst.get()));
return l_true;
} else if (has_meta(sort_level(t)) || has_meta(sort_level(s))) {
c.add_cnstr(mk_level_cnstr(sort_level(t), sort_level(s), jst.get()));
return l_true;
} else {
return l_false;
case expr_kind::Meta:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::App:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "util/safe_arith.h"
@ -191,17 +192,35 @@ level mk_succ(level const & l) {
return level(new level_succ(l));
/** \brief Convert (succ^k l) into (l, k). If l is not a succ, then return (l, 0) */
std::pair<level, unsigned> to_offset(level l) {
unsigned k = 0;
while (is_succ(l)) {
l = succ_of(l);
return mk_pair(l, k);
level mk_max(level const & l1, level const & l2) {
if (is_explicit(l1) && is_explicit(l2))
if (is_explicit(l1) && is_explicit(l2)) {
return get_depth(l1) >= get_depth(l2) ? l1 : l2;
else if (l1 == l2)
} else if (l1 == l2) {
return l1;
else if (is_zero(l1))
} else if (is_zero(l1)) {
return l2;
else if (is_zero(l2))
} else if (is_zero(l2)) {
return l1;
return level(new level_max_core(false, l1, l2));
} else {
auto p1 = to_offset(l1);
auto p2 = to_offset(l2);
if (p1.first == p2.first) {
lean_assert(p1.second != p2.second);
return p1.second > p2.second ? l1 : l2;
} else {
return level(new level_max_core(false, l1, l2));
level mk_imax(level const & l1, level const & l2) {
@ -289,32 +308,45 @@ bool is_not_zero(level const & l) {
// Monotonic total order on universe level terms.
bool is_lt(level const & a, level const & b) {
bool is_lt(level const & a, level const & b, bool use_hash) {
if (is_eqp(a, b)) return false;
unsigned da = get_depth(a);
unsigned db = get_depth(b);
if (da < db) return true;
if (da > db) return false;
if (kind(a) != kind(b)) return kind(a) < kind(b);
if (hash(a) < hash(b)) return true;
if (hash(a) > hash(b)) return false;
if (use_hash) {
if (hash(a) < hash(b)) return true;
if (hash(a) > hash(b)) return false;
if (a == b) return false;
switch (kind(a)) {
case level_kind::Zero:
return false;
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case level_kind::Param: case level_kind::Global: case level_kind::Meta:
return to_param_core(a).m_id < to_param_core(b).m_id;
case level_kind::Max: case level_kind::IMax:
if (to_max_core(a).m_lhs != to_max_core(b).m_lhs)
return is_lt(to_max_core(a).m_lhs, to_max_core(b).m_lhs);
return is_lt(to_max_core(a).m_lhs, to_max_core(b).m_lhs, use_hash);
return is_lt(to_max_core(a).m_rhs, to_max_core(b).m_rhs);
return is_lt(to_max_core(a).m_rhs, to_max_core(b).m_rhs, use_hash);
case level_kind::Succ:
return is_lt(succ_of(a), succ_of(b));
return is_lt(succ_of(a), succ_of(b), use_hash);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool is_lt(levels const & as, levels const & bs, bool use_hash) {
if (is_nil(as))
return !is_nil(bs);
if (is_nil(bs))
return false;
if (car(as) == car(bs))
return is_lt(cdr(as), cdr(bs), use_hash);
return is_lt(car(as), car(bs), use_hash);
class level_serializer : public object_serializer<level, level::ptr_hash, level::ptr_eq> {
typedef object_serializer<level, level::ptr_hash, level::ptr_eq> super;
@ -494,7 +526,7 @@ level instantiate(level const & l, param_names const & ps, levels const & ls) {
static void print(std::ostream & out, level l);
static void print_child(std::ostream & out, level const & l) {
if (is_explicit(l) || is_param(l) || is_meta(l)) {
if (is_explicit(l) || is_param(l) || is_meta(l) || is_global(l)) {
print(out, l);
} else {
out << "(";
@ -512,7 +544,7 @@ static void print(std::ostream & out, level l) {
case level_kind::Zero:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case level_kind::Param: case level_kind::Global:
out << param_id(l); break;
out << to_param_core(l).m_id; break;
case level_kind::Meta:
out << "?" << meta_id(l); break;
case level_kind::Succ:
@ -522,15 +554,15 @@ static void print(std::ostream & out, level l) {
out << "max ";
out << "imax ";
print_child(out, max_lhs(l));
print_child(out, to_max_core(l).m_lhs);
// max and imax are right associative
while (kind(max_rhs(l)) == kind(l)) {
l = max_rhs(l);
while (kind(to_max_core(l).m_rhs) == kind(l)) {
l = to_max_core(l).m_rhs;
out << " ";
print_child(out, max_lhs(l));
print_child(out, to_max_core(l).m_lhs);
out << " ";
print_child(out, max_rhs(l));
print_child(out, to_max_core(l).m_rhs);
@ -544,7 +576,7 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, level const & l) {
format pp(level l, bool unicode, unsigned indent);
static format pp_child(level const & l, bool unicode, unsigned indent) {
if (is_explicit(l) || is_param(l) || is_meta(l)) {
if (is_explicit(l) || is_param(l) || is_meta(l) || is_global(l)) {
return pp(l, unicode, indent);
} else {
return paren(pp(l, unicode, indent));
@ -560,20 +592,20 @@ format pp(level l, bool unicode, unsigned indent) {
case level_kind::Zero:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case level_kind::Param: case level_kind::Global:
return format(param_id(l));
return format(to_param_core(l).m_id);
case level_kind::Meta:
return format{format("?"), format(meta_id(l))};
case level_kind::Succ:
return group(compose(format("succ"), nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(succ_of(l), unicode, indent)))));
case level_kind::Max: case level_kind::IMax: {
format r = format(is_max(l) ? "max" : "imax");
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(max_lhs(l), unicode, indent)));
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(to_max_core(l).m_lhs, unicode, indent)));
// max and imax are right associative
while (kind(max_rhs(l)) == kind(l)) {
l = max_rhs(l);
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(max_lhs(l), unicode, indent)));
while (kind(to_max_core(l).m_rhs) == kind(l)) {
l = to_max_core(l).m_rhs;
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(to_max_core(l).m_lhs, unicode, indent)));
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(max_rhs(l), unicode, indent)));
r += nest(indent, compose(line(), pp_child(to_max_core(l).m_rhs, unicode, indent)));
return group(r);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@ -593,32 +625,120 @@ format pp(level const & lhs, level const & rhs, options const & opts) {
return pp(lhs, rhs, get_pp_unicode(opts), get_pp_indent(opts));
bool is_trivial(level const & lhs, level const & rhs) {
check_system("level constraints");
if (is_zero(lhs) || lhs == rhs) {
// 0 <= l
// l <= l
return true;
} else if (is_succ(lhs) && is_succ(rhs)) {
// is_trivial(l <= r) implies is_trivial(succ l <= succ r)
return is_trivial(succ_of(lhs), succ_of(rhs));
} else if (is_succ(rhs)) {
// is_trivial(l <= r) implies is_trivial(l <= succ^k r)
level it = succ_of(rhs);
while (is_succ(it))
it = succ_of(it);
return is_trivial(lhs, it);
} else if (is_max(rhs)) {
// is_trivial(l <= l1) implies is_trivial(l <= max(l1, l2))
// is_trivial(l <= l2) implies is_trivial(l <= max(l1, l2))
return is_trivial(lhs, max_lhs(rhs)) || is_trivial(lhs, max_rhs(rhs));
} else if (is_imax(rhs)) {
// is_trivial(l <= l2) implies is_trivial(l <= imax(l1, l2))
return is_trivial(lhs, imax_rhs(rhs));
// A total order on level expressions that has the following properties
// - succ(l) is an immediate successor of l.
// - zero is the minimal element.
// This total order is used in the normalization procedure.
static bool is_norm_lt(level const & a, level const & b) {
if (is_eqp(a, b)) return false;
auto p1 = to_offset(a);
auto p2 = to_offset(b);
level const & l1 = p1.first;
level const & l2 = p2.first;
if (l1 != l2) {
if (kind(l1) != kind(l2)) return kind(l1) < kind(l2);
switch (kind(l1)) {
case level_kind::Zero: case level_kind::Succ:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case level_kind::Param: case level_kind::Global: case level_kind::Meta:
return to_param_core(l1).m_id < to_param_core(l2).m_id;
case level_kind::Max: case level_kind::IMax:
if (to_max_core(l1).m_lhs != to_max_core(l2).m_lhs)
return is_norm_lt(to_max_core(l1).m_lhs, to_max_core(l2).m_lhs);
return is_norm_lt(to_max_core(l1).m_rhs, to_max_core(l2).m_rhs);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
} else {
return false;
return p1.second < p2.second;
void push_max_args(level const & l, buffer<level> & r) {
if (is_max(l)) {
push_max_args(max_lhs(l), r);
push_max_args(max_rhs(l), r);
} else {
level mk_max(buffer<level> const & args) {
unsigned nargs = args.size();
if (nargs == 1) {
return args[0];
} else {
lean_assert(nargs >= 2);
level r = mk_max(args[nargs-2], args[nargs-1]);
unsigned i = nargs-2;
while (i > 0) {
r = mk_max(args[i], r);
return r;
level mk_succ(level l, unsigned k) {
while (k > 0) {
l = mk_succ(l);
return l;
level normalize(level const & l) {
auto p = to_offset(l);
level const & r = p.first;
switch (kind(r)) {
case level_kind::Succ:
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
case level_kind::Zero: case level_kind::Param:
case level_kind::Global: case level_kind::Meta:
return l;
case level_kind::IMax: {
auto l1 = normalize(imax_lhs(r));
auto l2 = normalize(imax_rhs(r));
if (!is_eqp(l1, imax_lhs(r)) || !is_eqp(l2, imax_rhs(r)))
return mk_succ(mk_imax(l1, l2), p.second);
return l;
case level_kind::Max: {
buffer<level> todo;
buffer<level> args;
push_max_args(r, todo);
for (level const & a : todo)
push_max_args(normalize(a), args);
std::sort(args.begin(), args.end(), is_norm_lt);
buffer<level> & rargs = todo;
auto p_prev = to_offset(args[0]);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
auto p_curr = to_offset(args[i]);
if (p_prev.first == p_curr.first) {
if (p_prev.second < p_curr.second) {
p_prev = p_curr;
} else {
p_prev = p_curr;
for (level & a : rargs)
a = mk_succ(a, p.second);
return mk_max(rargs);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool is_equivalent(level const & lhs, level const & rhs) {
check_system("level constraints");
return lhs == rhs || normalize(lhs) == normalize(rhs);
void print(lean::level const & l) { std::cout << l << std::endl; }
@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ level mk_param_univ(name const & n);
level mk_global_univ(name const & n);
level mk_meta_univ(name const & n);
/** \brief An arbitrary (monotonic) total order on universe level terms. */
bool is_lt(level const & l1, level const & l2);
inline unsigned hash(level const & l) { return l.hash(); }
inline level_kind kind(level const & l) { return l.kind(); }
inline bool is_zero(level const & l) { return kind(l) == level_kind::Zero; }
@ -140,13 +137,12 @@ level update_succ(level const & l, level const & new_arg);
level update_max(level const & l, level const & new_lhs, level const & new_rhs);
\brief Return true if lhs <= rhs is a trivial constraint.
That is, it is a constraint that is always valid, and can be discarded.
This is not a complete procedure. It only "catches" the easy cases.
\remark The type checker produces many trivial constraints.
\brief Return true if lhs and rhs denote the same level.
The check is done by normalization.
bool is_trivial(level const & lhs, level const & rhs);
bool is_equivalent(level const & lhs, level const & rhs);
/** \brief Return the given level expression normal form */
level normalize(level const & l);
typedef list<level> levels;
@ -154,6 +150,10 @@ bool has_meta(levels const & ls);
bool has_global(levels const & ls);
bool has_param(levels const & ls);
/** \brief An arbitrary (monotonic) total order on universe level terms. */
bool is_lt(level const & l1, level const & l2, bool use_hash);
bool is_lt(levels const & as, levels const & bs, bool use_hash);
/** \brief Functional for applying <tt>F</tt> to each level expressions. */
class for_each_level_fn {
std::function<bool(level const &)> m_f; // NOLINT
@ -452,25 +452,19 @@ static void check_name(environment const & env, name const & n) {
throw_already_declared(env, n);
struct simple_constraint_handler : public constraint_handler {
std::vector<constraint> m_cnstrs;
virtual void add_cnstr(constraint const & c) { m_cnstrs.push_back(c); }
certified_definition check(environment const & env, definition const & d, name_generator const & g, name_set const & extra_opaque, bool memoize) {
check_no_mlocal(env, d.get_type());
if (d.is_definition())
check_no_mlocal(env, d.get_value());
check_name(env, d.get_name());
simple_constraint_handler chandler;
type_checker checker1(env, g, chandler, mk_default_converter(env, optional<module_idx>(), memoize, extra_opaque));
type_checker checker1(env, g, mk_default_converter(env, optional<module_idx>(), memoize, extra_opaque));
if (d.is_definition()) {
optional<module_idx> midx;
if (d.is_opaque())
midx = optional<module_idx>(d.get_module_idx());
type_checker checker2(env, g, chandler, mk_default_converter(env, midx, memoize, extra_opaque));
type_checker checker2(env, g, mk_default_converter(env, midx, memoize, extra_opaque));
expr val_type = checker2.check(d.get_value());
if (!checker2.is_def_eq(val_type, d.get_type())) {
throw_kernel_exception(env, d.get_value(),
@ -479,17 +473,6 @@ certified_definition check(environment const & env, definition const & d, name_g
// TODO(Leo): solve universe level constraints
#if 1
// temporary code
for (auto c : chandler.m_cnstrs) {
std::cout << c << "\n";
if (!chandler.m_cnstrs.empty())
throw_kernel_exception(env, "invalid declaration, unsatisfied level constraints");
return certified_definition(env.get_id(), d);
@ -8,45 +8,6 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "library/expr_lt.h"
namespace lean {
bool is_lt(level const & a, level const & b, bool use_hash) {
if (is_eqp(a, b)) return false;
if (kind(a) != kind(b)) return kind(a) < kind(b);
if (use_hash) {
if (hash(a) < hash(b)) return true;
if (hash(a) > hash(b)) return false;
if (a == b) return false;
switch (kind(a)) {
case level_kind::Zero: return true;
case level_kind::Succ: return is_lt(succ_of(a), succ_of(b), use_hash);
case level_kind::Param: return param_id(a) < param_id(b);
case level_kind::Global: return global_id(a) < global_id(b);
case level_kind::Meta: return meta_id(a) < meta_id(b);
case level_kind::Max:
if (max_lhs(a) != max_lhs(b))
return is_lt(max_lhs(a), max_lhs(b), use_hash);
return is_lt(max_lhs(a), max_lhs(b), use_hash);
case level_kind::IMax:
if (imax_lhs(a) != imax_lhs(b))
return is_lt(imax_lhs(a), imax_lhs(b), use_hash);
return is_lt(imax_lhs(a), imax_lhs(b), use_hash);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
bool is_lt(levels const & as, levels const & bs, bool use_hash) {
if (is_nil(as))
return !is_nil(bs);
if (is_nil(bs))
return false;
if (car(as) == car(bs))
return is_lt(cdr(as), cdr(bs), use_hash);
return is_lt(car(as), car(bs), use_hash);
bool is_lt(expr const & a, expr const & b, bool use_hash) {
if (is_eqp(a, b)) return false;
unsigned da = get_depth(a);
@ -19,7 +19,4 @@ inline bool operator<(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return is_lt(a, b, true
inline bool operator>(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return is_lt(b, a, true); }
inline bool operator<=(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return !is_lt(b, a, true); }
inline bool operator>=(expr const & a, expr const & b) { return !is_lt(a, b, true); }
bool is_lt(level const & a, level const & b, bool use_hash);
bool is_lt(levels const & as, levels const & bs, bool use_hash);
@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ static int level_tostring(lua_State * L) {
static int level_eq(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, to_level(L, 1) == to_level(L, 2)); }
static int level_lt(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, is_lt(to_level(L, 1), to_level(L, 2))); }
static int level_lt(lua_State * L) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
return push_boolean(L, is_lt(to_level(L, 1), to_level(L, 2), nargs == 3 && lua_toboolean(L, 3)));
static int mk_level_zero(lua_State * L) { return push_level(L, mk_level_zero()); }
static int mk_level_one(lua_State * L) { return push_level(L, mk_level_one()); }
static int mk_level_succ(lua_State * L) { return push_level(L, mk_succ(to_level(L, 1))); }
@ -67,8 +70,9 @@ LEVEL_PRED(is_explicit)
static int level_normalize(lua_State * L) { return push_level(L, normalize(to_level(L, 1))); }
static int level_get_kind(lua_State * L) { return push_integer(L, static_cast<int>(kind(to_level(L, 1)))); }
static int level_trivially_leq(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, is_trivial(to_level(L, 1), to_level(L, 2))); }
static int level_is_equivalent(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, is_equivalent(to_level(L, 1), to_level(L, 2))); }
static int level_is_eqp(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, is_eqp(to_level(L, 1), to_level(L, 2))); }
static int level_id(lua_State * L) {
@ -125,13 +129,16 @@ static const struct luaL_Reg level_m[] = {
{"has_meta", safe_function<level_has_meta>},
{"has_param", safe_function<level_has_param>},
{"is_not_zero", safe_function<level_is_not_zero>},
{"trivially_leq", safe_function<level_trivially_leq>},
{"is_equivalent", safe_function<level_is_equivalent>},
{"is_eqp", safe_function<level_is_eqp>},
{"is_lt", safe_function<level_lt>},
{"id", safe_function<level_id>},
{"lhs", safe_function<level_lhs>},
{"rhs", safe_function<level_rhs>},
{"succ_of", safe_function<level_succ_of>},
{"instantiate", safe_function<level_instantiate>},
{"normalize", safe_function<level_normalize>},
{"norm", safe_function<level_normalize>},
{0, 0}
@ -50,28 +50,14 @@ static void tst2() {
level p1 = mk_param_univ("p1");
level p2 = mk_param_univ("p2");
level m1 = mk_meta_univ("m1");
lean_assert(is_trivial(zero, mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2)), mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(p1, mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(p1, mk_succ(mk_imax(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(p2, mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(mk_succ(p2), mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(p2, mk_succ(mk_imax(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(mk_succ(p2), mk_succ(mk_imax(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_succ(p2)), mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_max(p1, p2)), zero));
lean_assert(is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_succ(p1)), mk_succ(mk_succ(mk_succ(p1)))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_succ(p1)), mk_succ(mk_succ(mk_succ(p2)))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(mk_succ(mk_succ(mk_succ(p1))), mk_succ(mk_succ(p1))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(p1, mk_max(m1, mk_max(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(p1, mk_imax(m1, mk_imax(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(p2, mk_imax(m1, mk_imax(p1, p2))));
lean_assert(is_trivial(zero, one));
lean_assert(is_trivial(one, two));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(one, zero));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(two, one));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(m1, p1));
lean_assert(!is_trivial(p1, m1));
lean_assert(is_equivalent(mk_succ(p2), mk_max(p2, mk_succ(p2))));
lean_assert(is_equivalent(mk_max(p1, p2), mk_max(p2, p1)));
lean_assert(!is_equivalent(mk_imax(p1, p2), mk_imax(p2, p1)));
lean_assert(is_equivalent(mk_imax(mk_succ(p1), mk_succ(p2)), mk_imax(mk_succ(p2), mk_succ(p1))));
lean_assert(is_equivalent(mk_succ(mk_max(m1, p1)), mk_max(mk_succ(p1), mk_succ(m1))));
lean_assert(is_equivalent(one, mk_succ(zero)));
lean_assert(!is_equivalent(zero, two));
lean_assert(!is_equivalent(zero, p2));
int main() {
@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ assert(mk_level_imax(mk_param_univ("a"), mk_param_univ("b")):lhs() == mk_param_u
assert(mk_level_imax(mk_param_univ("a"), mk_param_univ("b")):rhs() == mk_param_univ("b"))
assert(mk_param_univ("a"):id() == name("a"))
assert(mk_meta_univ("b"):id() == name("b"))
assert(not mk_param_univ("b"):trivially_leq(mk_param_univ("a")))
assert(not mk_param_univ("b"):is_equivalent(mk_param_univ("a")))
assert(mk_level_one():kind() == level_kind.Succ)
assert(not mk_level_one():has_meta())
assert(not mk_level_succ(mk_param_univ("a")):has_meta())
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
assert(not (mk_level_zero() < mk_level_zero()))
local u = mk_global_univ("u")
local v = mk_global_univ("v")
local z = mk_level_zero()
local max = mk_level_max
local imax = mk_level_imax
local succ = mk_level_succ
assert(max(succ(max(succ(v), u)), max(v, succ(succ(u)))):norm() == max(succ(succ(u)), succ(succ(v))))
assert(imax(succ(succ(max(u, u))), v):norm() == imax(succ(succ(u)), v))
assert(max(u, max(succ(succ(z)), max(u, succ(z)))):norm() == max(succ(succ(z)), u))
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