feat(hit.suspension): add definition of spheres and the circle

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Floris van Doorn 2015-04-05 01:46:44 -04:00 committed by Leonardo de Moura
parent 2469b8a2f8
commit ffe158f785
2 changed files with 60 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ parameters {TL BL TR : Type.{u}} (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR)
definition pushout := colimit pushout_diag
local attribute pushout_diag [instance]
definition inl (x : BL) : pushout :=
definition inl (x : BL) : pushout :=
@ι _ _ x
definition inr (x : TR) : pushout :=

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Module: hit.suspension
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Declaration of suspension
Declaration of suspension and spheres
import .pushout
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ namespace suspension
glue _ _ a
protected definition rec {A : Type} {P : suspension A → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south)
(Pmerid : Π(a : A), merid a ▹ PN = PS) (y : suspension A) : P y :=
(Pmerid : Π(a : A), merid a ▹ PN = PS) (x : suspension A) : P x :=
fapply (pushout.rec_on _ _ y),
fapply (pushout.rec_on _ _ x),
{ intro u, cases u, exact PN},
{ intro u, cases u, exact PS},
{ exact Pmerid},
@ -39,3 +39,59 @@ namespace suspension
rec PN PS Pmerid y
end suspension
open nat suspension bool
definition sphere (n : ) := nat.rec_on n bool (λk Sk, suspension Sk)
definition circle [reducible] := sphere 1
namespace circle
definition base : circle := !north
definition loop : base = base := merid tt ⬝ (merid ff)⁻¹
protected definition rec2 {P : circle → Type} (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south)
(Pff : merid ff ▹ PN = PS) (Ptt : merid tt ▹ PN = PS) (x : circle) : P x :=
fapply (suspension.rec_on x),
{ exact PN},
{ exact PS},
{ intro b, cases b, exact Pff, exact Ptt},
protected definition rec2_on {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (PN : P !north) (PS : P !south)
(Pff : merid ff ▹ PN = PS) (Ptt : merid tt ▹ PN = PS) : P x :=
circle.rec2 PN PS Pff Ptt x
protected definition rec {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase)
(x : circle) : P x :=
fapply (rec2_on x),
{ exact Pbase},
{ sexact (merid ff ▹ Pbase)},
{ apply idp},
{ apply eq_tr_of_inv_tr_eq, rewrite -tr_con, apply Ploop},
protected definition rec_on {P : circle → Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P base)
(Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) : P x :=
circle.rec Pbase Ploop x
protected definition rec_constant {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase)
(x : circle) : P :=
circle.rec Pbase (tr_constant loop Pbase ⬝ Ploop) x
definition comp_loop {P : circle → Type} (Pbase : P base) (Ploop : loop ▹ Pbase = Pbase) :
ap (circle.rec Pbase Ploop) loop = sorry ⬝ Ploop ⬝ sorry :=
definition comp_constant_loop {P : Type} (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase) :
ap (circle.rec_constant Pbase Ploop) loop = sorry ⬝ Ploop ⬝ sorry :=
protected definition rec_on_constant {P : Type} (x : circle) (Pbase : P) (Ploop : Pbase = Pbase)
: P :=
rec_constant Pbase Ploop x
end circle