/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include "util/sstream.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "kernel/type_checker.h" #include "library/string.h" #include "library/num.h" #include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h" #include "library/tactic/apply_tactic.h" namespace lean { typedef std::unordered_map expr_to_tactic_map; expr_to_tactic_map & get_expr_to_tactic_map() { static expr_to_tactic_map g_map; return g_map; } void register_expr_to_tactic(name const & n, expr_to_tactic_fn const & fn) { get_expr_to_tactic_map().insert(mk_pair(n, fn)); } static name g_tac("tactic"), g_tac_name(g_tac, "tactic"), g_builtin_tac_name(g_tac, "builtin_tactic"); static name g_exact_tac_name(g_tac, "exact"), g_and_then_tac_name(g_tac, "and_then"); static name g_or_else_tac_name(g_tac, "or_else"), g_repeat_tac_name(g_tac, "repeat"); static expr g_exact_tac_fn(Const(g_exact_tac_name)), g_and_then_tac_fn(Const(g_and_then_tac_name)); static expr g_or_else_tac_fn(Const(g_or_else_tac_name)), g_repeat_tac_fn(Const(g_repeat_tac_name)); static expr g_tac_type(Const(g_tac_name)), g_builtin_tac(Const(g_builtin_tac_name)); expr const & get_exact_tac_fn() { return g_exact_tac_fn; } expr const & get_and_then_tac_fn() { return g_and_then_tac_fn; } expr const & get_or_else_tac_fn() { return g_or_else_tac_fn; } expr const & get_repeat_tac_fn() { return g_repeat_tac_fn; } expr const & get_tactic_type() { return g_tac_type; } bool has_tactic_decls(environment const & env) { try { type_checker tc(env); return tc.infer(g_builtin_tac) == g_tac_type && tc.infer(g_and_then_tac_fn) == g_tac_type >> (g_tac_type >> g_tac_type) && tc.infer(g_or_else_tac_fn) == g_tac_type >> (g_tac_type >> g_tac_type) && tc.infer(g_repeat_tac_fn) == g_tac_type >> g_tac_type; } catch (...) { return false; } } static void throw_failed(expr const & e) { throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "failed to convert expression into tactic"); } /** \brief Return true if v is the constant tactic.builtin_tactic or the constant function that returns tactic.builtin_tactic */ static bool is_builtin_tactic(expr const & v) { if (is_lambda(v)) return is_builtin_tactic(binding_body(v)); else if (v == g_builtin_tac) return true; else return false; } tactic expr_to_tactic(type_checker & tc, expr e, pos_info_provider const * p) { e = tc.whnf(e); expr f = get_app_fn(e); if (!is_constant(f)) throw_failed(e); optional it = tc.env().find(const_name(f)); if (!it || !it->is_definition()) throw_failed(e); expr v = it->get_value(); if (is_builtin_tactic(v)) { auto const & map = get_expr_to_tactic_map(); auto it2 = map.find(const_name(f)); if (it2 != map.end()) return it2->second(tc, e, p); else throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, sstream() << "implementation for builtin tactic '" << const_name(f) << "' was not found"); } else { // unfold definition buffer locals; get_app_rev_args(e, locals); v = instantiate_univ_params(v, it->get_univ_params(), const_levels(f)); v = apply_beta(v, locals.size(), locals.data()); return expr_to_tactic(tc, v, p); } } tactic expr_to_tactic(environment const & env, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) { type_checker tc(env); return expr_to_tactic(tc, e, p); } register_simple_tac::register_simple_tac(name const & n, std::function f) { register_expr_to_tactic(n, [=](type_checker &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { if (!is_constant(e)) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid constant tactic"); return f(); }); } register_bin_tac::register_bin_tac(name const & n, std::function f) { register_expr_to_tactic(n, [=](type_checker & tc, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) { buffer args; get_app_args(e, args); if (args.size() != 2) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid binary tactic, it must have two arguments"); return f(expr_to_tactic(tc, args[0], p), expr_to_tactic(tc, args[1], p)); }); } register_unary_tac::register_unary_tac(name const & n, std::function f) { register_expr_to_tactic(n, [=](type_checker & tc, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) { buffer args; get_app_args(e, args); if (args.size() != 1) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid unary tactic, it must have one argument"); return f(expr_to_tactic(tc, args[0], p)); }); } register_unary_num_tac::register_unary_num_tac(name const & n, std::function f) { register_expr_to_tactic(n, [=](type_checker & tc, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) { buffer args; get_app_args(e, args); if (args.size() != 2) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid tactic, it must have two arguments"); tactic t = expr_to_tactic(tc, args[0], p); optional k = to_num(args[1]); if (!k) k = to_num(tc.whnf(args[1])); if (!k) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid tactic, second argument must be a numeral"); if (!k->is_unsigned_int()) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid tactic, second argument does not fit in a machine unsigned integer"); return f(t, k->get_unsigned_int()); }); } static register_simple_tac reg_id(name(g_tac, "id"), []() { return id_tactic(); }); static register_simple_tac reg_now(name(g_tac, "now"), []() { return now_tactic(); }); static register_simple_tac reg_assumption(name(g_tac, "assumption"), []() { return assumption_tactic(); }); static register_simple_tac reg_fail(name(g_tac, "fail"), []() { return fail_tactic(); }); static register_simple_tac reg_beta(name(g_tac, "beta"), []() { return beta_tactic(); }); static register_bin_tac reg_then(g_and_then_tac_name, [](tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return then(t1, t2); }); static register_bin_tac reg_append(name(g_tac, "append"), [](tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return append(t1, t2); }); static register_bin_tac reg_interleave(name(g_tac, "interleave"), [](tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return interleave(t1, t2); }); static register_bin_tac reg_par(name(g_tac, "par"), [](tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return par(t1, t2); }); static register_bin_tac reg_orelse(g_or_else_tac_name, [](tactic const & t1, tactic const & t2) { return orelse(t1, t2); }); static register_unary_tac reg_repeat(g_repeat_tac_name, [](tactic const & t1) { return repeat(t1); }); static register_tac reg_state(name(g_tac, "state"), [](type_checker &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const * p) { if (p) return trace_state_tactic(std::string(p->get_file_name()), p->get_pos_info(e)); else return trace_state_tactic("unknown", mk_pair(0, 0)); }); static register_tac reg_trace(name(g_tac, "trace"), [](type_checker & tc, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { buffer args; get_app_args(e, args); if (args.size() != 1) throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid trace tactic, argument expected"); if (auto str = to_string(args[0])) return trace_tactic(*str); else if (auto str = to_string(tc.whnf(args[0]))) return trace_tactic(*str); else throw expr_to_tactic_exception(e, "invalid trace tactic, string value expected"); }); static register_tac reg_apply(name(g_tac, "apply"), [](type_checker &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { return apply_tactic(app_arg(e)); }); static register_tac reg_exact(g_exact_tac_name, [](type_checker &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { return exact_tactic(app_arg(e)); }); static register_tac reg_unfold(name(g_tac, "unfold"), [](type_checker &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { expr id = get_app_fn(app_arg(e)); if (!is_constant(id)) return fail_tactic(); else return unfold_tactic(const_name(id)); }); static register_unary_num_tac reg_at_most(name(g_tac, "at_most"), [](tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return take(t, k); }); static register_unary_num_tac reg_discard(name(g_tac, "discard"), [](tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return discard(t, k); }); static register_unary_num_tac reg_focus_at(name(g_tac, "focus_at"), [](tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return focus(t, k); }); static register_unary_num_tac reg_try_for(name(g_tac, "try_for"), [](tactic const & t, unsigned k) { return try_for(t, k); }); // We encode the 'by' expression that is used to trigger tactic execution. // This is a trick to avoid creating a new kind of expression. // 'by' macros are temporary objects used by the elaborator, // and have no semantic significance. [[ noreturn ]] static void throw_ex() { throw exception("unexpected occurrence of 'by' expression"); } static name g_by_name("by"); class by_macro_cell : public macro_definition_cell { public: virtual name get_name() const { return g_by_name; } virtual expr get_type(expr const &, expr const *, extension_context &) const { throw_ex(); } virtual optional expand(expr const &, extension_context &) const { throw_ex(); } virtual void write(serializer &) const { throw_ex(); } }; static macro_definition g_by(new by_macro_cell()); expr mk_by(expr const & e) { return mk_macro(g_by, 1, &e); } bool is_by(expr const & e) { return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e) == g_by; } expr const & get_by_arg(expr const & e) { lean_assert(is_by(e)); return macro_arg(e, 0); } }