Lean can process input incrementally, and extract type information.
This feature is useful for implementing "intelligent" support for Lean
in editors such as Emacs. It provides a convenient way to access
descriptions of functions, overloaded symbols, and typing information.
We must use the option =--server= to enable this feature.

* Commands

Lean implements a simple set of commands for loading files, extracting
typing information, and "replacing" lines. The commands should be sent
to the standard input.

** Load file

LOAD [file-name]

This command loads the Lean file named =[file-name]=.
Lean will create a "snapshot" (aka backtracking point) after each
command. Lean uses the "snapshots" to process incremental updates efficiently.

** Visit file

VISIT [file-name]

Lean can keep information about multiple files. This command
sets =[file-name]= as the "current" file. The remaining  commands
are all with respect to the current file. If =[file-name]= has not been
loaded yet, then this command will load it. Some of the remaining commands
apply "changes" to the current file. The =LOAD= command can be used to
discard all these changes, and enforce the content of the file stored
in file system.

** Replace line

REPLACE [line-number]

This command replaces the line =[line-number]= (in the current file) with =[new-line]=.
Lean uses the snapshots to process the request efficiently.
If =[line-number]= is greater than the total number of lines in the lean
buffer, then empty lines are introduced. The lines are indexed from 1.

** Insert line

INSERT [line-number]

This command inserts =[new-line]= (in the current file) before line =[line-number]=.
If =[line-number]= is greater than the total number of lines in the lean
buffer, then empty lines are introduced. The lines are indexed from 1.

** Remove line

REMOVE [line-number]

Remove line =[line-number]= (in the current file). The lines are indexed from 1.
If =[line-number]= is greater than the total number of lines in the lean
buffer, then the command is ignored.

** Extracting information

INFO [line-number]

This command extracts typing information associated with line
=[line-number]= (in the current file).
Lean produces a possible empty sequence of entries delimited by the lines
=-- BEGININFO= and =-- ENDINFO=.


If the server is still busy processing a previously requested update, then it
produces the output

-- NAY

where =NAY= stands for "not available yet".

A type information entry is of the form

-- TYPE|[line-number]|[column-number]
-- ACK

Information for overloaded operators and symbols is of the form

-- OVERLOAD|[line-number]|[column-number]
-- ACK

Information for synthesized placeholders is of the form

-- SYNTH|[line-number]|[column-number]
-- ACK

The following two information entries provide information for Lean keywords/symbols and identifiers.

-- SYMBOL|[line-number]|[column-number]
-- ACK

-- IDENTIFIER|[line-number]|[column-number]
-- ACK

Here is an example of output produced by Lean

-- TYPE|15|38
-- ACK
-- TYPE|15|40
num → num → Prop
-- ACK
-- OVERLOAD|15|42
-- ACK
-- TYPE|15|42
num → num
-- ACK
-- TYPE|15|44
-- ACK
-- ACK

** Check line

As described above, several commands can be used to apply
modifications to opened/visited files. These modification reflect
modifications performed by the text editor. The command =CHECK= can be
used to double check whether the text editor and Lean have the "same
view" of the current file + modifications.

The following commands returns =-- OK= if the line =[line-number]= in
the current file is =[line]=. It returns =-- MISMATCH line out of
range=, if =[line-number]= is too big, and =-- MISMATCH expected
[lean-line]= when there is a mismatch, and Lean expects
=[line-number]= to be =[lean-line]=.

-- CHECK [line-number]

** Set configuration option

The command

-- SET
[option-name] [value]

sets a Lean options, =[option-name]= must be a valid Lean option.
Any option that can be set using the command =set_option= in a '.lean'
file is supported.

This command produces the output


where the line =[error]?= is printed if there are errors parsing the
=SET= command (e.g., invalid option name).

Here is an example that forces the Lean pretty printer to display
implicit arguments.

-- SET
pp.implicit true

** Eval

The following command evaluates a Lean command. It has the effect of
evaluating a command in the end of the current file


This command produces the output


Here is an example that executes the =check= command to obtain the
type of =Prop=.

check Prop

If the server is still busy processing a previously requested update, then it
produces the output

-- NAY

** Wait

The following command is for debugging purposes. It blocks the server
until all pending information has been computed.


** Options

The command =OPTIONS= display all configuration options available
in Lean. It has the form


The output is a sequence of entries


where each entry is of the form

-- [name]|[kind]|[default-value]|[description]

The available =kinds= are: =Bool=, =Int=, =Unsigned Int=, =Double=,
=String=, and =S-Expressions=.