/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include "util/sstream.h" #include "util/sexpr/option_declarations.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "kernel/replace_fn.h" #include "kernel/error_msgs.h" #include "kernel/for_each_fn.h" #include "library/scoped_ext.h" #include "library/locals.h" #include "library/explicit.h" #include "library/aliases.h" #include "library/normalize.h" #include "library/placeholder.h" #include "library/abbreviation.h" #include "library/unfold_macros.h" #include "library/choice.h" #include "library/num.h" #include "library/replace_visitor.h" #include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h" #include "frontends/lean/parser.h" #include "frontends/lean/tokens.h" namespace lean { void consume_until_end(parser & p) { while (!p.curr_is_token(get_end_tk())) { if (p.curr() == scanner::token_kind::Eof) return; p.next(); } p.next(); } bool parse_persistent(parser & p, bool & persistent) { if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(get_persistent_tk())) { p.next(); persistent = true; return true; } else { return false; } } void check_command_period_or_eof(parser const & p) { if (!p.curr_is_command() && !p.curr_is_eof() && !p.curr_is_token(get_period_tk()) && !p.curr_is_script_block()) throw parser_error("unexpected token, '.', command, Lua script, or end-of-file expected", p.pos()); } void check_command_period_open_binder_or_eof(parser const & p) { if (!p.curr_is_command() && !p.curr_is_eof() && !p.curr_is_token(get_period_tk()) && !p.curr_is_script_block() && !p.curr_is_token(get_lparen_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lbracket_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_lcurly_tk()) && !p.curr_is_token(get_ldcurly_tk())) throw parser_error("unexpected token, '(', '{', '[', '⦃', '.', command, Lua script, or end-of-file expected", p.pos()); } void check_atomic(name const & n) { if (!n.is_atomic()) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid declaration name '" << n << "', identifier must be atomic"); } void check_in_section(parser const & p) { if (!in_section(p.env())) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid command, it must be used in a section"); } bool is_root_namespace(name const & n) { return n == get_root_tk(); } name remove_root_prefix(name const & n) { return n.replace_prefix(get_root_tk(), name()); } // Sort local names by order of occurrence, and copy the associated parameters to ps void sort_locals(buffer const & locals, parser const & p, buffer & ps) { for (expr const & l : locals) { // we only copy the locals that are in p's local context if (p.is_local_decl(l)) ps.push_back(l); } std::sort(ps.begin(), ps.end(), [&](expr const & p1, expr const & p2) { bool is_var1 = p.is_local_variable(p1); bool is_var2 = p.is_local_variable(p2); if (!is_var1 && is_var2) return true; else if (is_var1 && !is_var2) return false; else return p.get_local_index(p1) < p.get_local_index(p2); }); } // Return the local levels in \c ls that are not associated with variables levels collect_local_nonvar_levels(parser & p, level_param_names const & ls) { buffer section_ls_buffer; for (name const & l : ls) { if (p.get_local_level_index(l) && !p.is_local_level_variable(l)) section_ls_buffer.push_back(mk_param_univ(l)); else break; } return to_list(section_ls_buffer.begin(), section_ls_buffer.end()); } // Version of collect_locals(expr const & e, collected_locals & ls) that ignores local constants occurring in // tactics. static void collect_locals_ignoring_tactics(expr const & e, collected_locals & ls) { if (!has_local(e)) return; for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) { if (!has_local(e)) return false; if (is_by(e)) return false; // do not visit children if (is_local(e)) ls.insert(e); return true; }); } // Collect local constants occurring in type and value, sort them, and store in ctx_ps void collect_locals(expr const & type, expr const & value, parser const & p, buffer & ctx_ps) { collected_locals ls; buffer include_vars; p.get_include_variables(include_vars); for (expr const & param : include_vars) { if (is_local(param)) { collect_locals_ignoring_tactics(mlocal_type(param), ls); ls.insert(param); } } collect_locals_ignoring_tactics(type, ls); collect_locals_ignoring_tactics(value, ls); sort_locals(ls.get_collected(), p, ctx_ps); } name_set collect_univ_params_ignoring_tactics(expr const & e, name_set const & ls) { if (!has_param_univ(e)) { return ls; } else { name_set r = ls; for_each(e, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) { if (!has_param_univ(e)) { return false; } else if (is_by(e)) { return false; // do not visit children } else if (is_sort(e)) { collect_univ_params_core(sort_level(e), r); } else if (is_constant(e)) { for (auto const & l : const_levels(e)) collect_univ_params_core(l, r); } return true; }); return r; } } void remove_local_vars(parser const & p, buffer & locals) { unsigned j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < locals.size(); i++) { expr const & param = locals[i]; if (!is_local(param) || !p.is_local_variable(param)) { locals[j] = param; j++; } } locals.shrink(j); } levels remove_local_vars(parser const & p, levels const & ls) { return filter(ls, [&](level const & l) { return !is_param(l) || !p.is_local_level_variable(param_id(l)); }); } list locals_to_context(expr const & e, parser const & p) { collected_locals ls; collect_locals_ignoring_tactics(e, ls); buffer locals; sort_locals(ls.get_collected(), p, locals); std::reverse(locals.begin(), locals.end()); return to_list(locals.begin(), locals.end()); } expr mk_local_ref(name const & n, levels const & ctx_ls, unsigned num_ctx_params, expr const * ctx_params) { buffer params; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_ctx_params; i++) params.push_back(mk_explicit(ctx_params[i])); return mk_as_atomic(mk_app(mk_explicit(mk_constant(n, ctx_ls)), params)); } bool is_local_ref(expr const & e) { if (!is_as_atomic(e)) return false; expr const & imp_arg = get_as_atomic_arg(e); if (!is_app(imp_arg)) return false; buffer locals; expr const & f = get_app_args(imp_arg, locals); return is_explicit(f) && is_constant(get_explicit_arg(f)) && std::all_of(locals.begin(), locals.end(), [](expr const & l) { return is_explicit(l) && is_local(get_explicit_arg(l)); }); } expr update_local_ref(expr const & e, name_set const & lvls_to_remove, name_set const & locals_to_remove) { lean_assert(is_local_ref(e)); if (locals_to_remove.empty() && lvls_to_remove.empty()) return e; buffer locals; expr const & f = get_app_args(get_as_atomic_arg(e), locals); lean_assert(is_explicit(f)); expr new_f; if (!lvls_to_remove.empty()) { expr const & c = get_explicit_arg(f); lean_assert(is_constant(c)); new_f = mk_explicit(update_constant(c, filter(const_levels(c), [&](level const & l) { return is_placeholder(l) || (is_param(l) && !lvls_to_remove.contains(param_id(l))); }))); } else { new_f = f; } if (!locals_to_remove.empty()) { unsigned j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < locals.size(); i++) { expr const & l = locals[i]; if (!locals_to_remove.contains(mlocal_name(get_explicit_arg(l)))) { locals[j] = l; j++; } } locals.shrink(j); } if (locals.empty()) { return get_explicit_arg(new_f); } else { return mk_as_atomic(mk_app(new_f, locals)); } } expr Fun(buffer const & locals, expr const & e, parser & p) { bool use_cache = false; return p.rec_save_pos(Fun(locals, e, use_cache), p.pos_of(e)); } expr Pi(buffer const & locals, expr const & e, parser & p) { bool use_cache = false; return p.rec_save_pos(Pi(locals, e, use_cache), p.pos_of(e)); } template static expr mk_binding_as_is(unsigned num, expr const * locals, expr const & b) { expr r = abstract_locals(b, num, locals); unsigned i = num; while (i > 0) { --i; expr const & l = locals[i]; expr t = abstract_locals(mlocal_type(l), i, locals); if (is_lambda) r = mk_lambda(local_pp_name(l), mk_as_is(t), r, local_info(l)); else r = mk_pi(local_pp_name(l), mk_as_is(t), r, local_info(l)); } return r; } expr Fun_as_is(buffer const & locals, expr const & e, parser & p) { return p.rec_save_pos(mk_binding_as_is(locals.size(), locals.data(), e), p.pos_of(e)); } expr Pi_as_is(buffer const & locals, expr const & e, parser & p) { return p.rec_save_pos(mk_binding_as_is(locals.size(), locals.data(), e), p.pos_of(e)); } level mk_result_level(environment const & env, buffer const & r_lvls) { bool impredicative = env.impredicative(); if (r_lvls.empty()) { return impredicative ? mk_level_one() : mk_level_zero(); } else { level r = r_lvls[0]; for (unsigned i = 1; i < r_lvls.size(); i++) r = mk_max(r, r_lvls[i]); r = normalize(r); if (is_not_zero(r)) return normalize(r); else return impredicative ? normalize(mk_max(r, mk_level_one())) : normalize(r); } } bool occurs(level const & u, level const & l) { bool found = false; for_each(l, [&](level const & l) { if (found) return false; if (l == u) { found = true; return false; } return true; }); return found; } /** \brief Functional object for converting the universe metavariables in an expression in new universe parameters. The substitution is updated with the mapping metavar -> new param. The set of parameter names m_params and the buffer m_new_params are also updated. */ class univ_metavars_to_params_fn : public replace_visitor { environment const & m_env; local_decls const & m_lls; substitution & m_subst; name_set & m_params; buffer & m_new_params; unsigned m_next_idx; /** \brief Create a new universe parameter s.t. the new name does not occur in \c m_params, nor it is a global universe in \e m_env or in the local_decls m_lls. The new name is added to \c m_params, and the new level parameter is returned. The name is of the form "l_i" where \c i >= m_next_idx. */ level mk_new_univ_param() { name l("l"); name r = l.append_after(m_next_idx); while (m_lls.contains(r) || m_params.contains(r) || m_env.is_universe(r)) { m_next_idx++; r = l.append_after(m_next_idx); } m_params.insert(r); m_new_params.push_back(r); return mk_param_univ(r); } public: univ_metavars_to_params_fn(environment const & env, local_decls const & lls, substitution & s, name_set & ps, buffer & new_ps): m_env(env), m_lls(lls), m_subst(s), m_params(ps), m_new_params(new_ps), m_next_idx(1) {} level apply(level const & l) { return replace(l, [&](level const & l) { if (!has_meta(l)) return some_level(l); if (is_meta(l)) { if (auto it = m_subst.get_level(meta_id(l))) { return some_level(*it); } else { level new_p = mk_new_univ_param(); m_subst.assign(l, new_p); return some_level(new_p); } } return none_level(); }); } virtual expr visit_sort(expr const & e) { return update_sort(e, apply(sort_level(e))); } virtual expr visit_constant(expr const & e) { levels ls = map(const_levels(e), [&](level const & l) { return apply(l); }); return update_constant(e, ls); } }; expr univ_metavars_to_params(environment const & env, local_decls const & lls, substitution & s, name_set & ps, buffer & new_ps, expr const & e) { return univ_metavars_to_params_fn(env, lls, s, ps, new_ps)(e); } std::tuple parse_local_expr(parser & p, bool relaxed) { expr e = p.parse_expr(); list ctx = p.locals_to_context(); level_param_names new_ls; if (relaxed) std::tie(e, new_ls) = p.elaborate_relaxed(e, ctx); else std::tie(e, new_ls) = p.elaborate(e, ctx); level_param_names ls = to_level_param_names(collect_univ_params(e)); return std::make_tuple(e, ls); } optional is_uniquely_aliased(environment const & env, name const & n) { if (auto it = is_expr_aliased(env, n)) if (length(get_expr_aliases(env, *it)) == 1) return it; return optional(); } name get_decl_short_name(name const & d, environment const & env) { // using namespace override resolution rule list const & ns_list = get_namespaces(env); for (name const & ns : ns_list) { if (is_prefix_of(ns, d) && ns != d) return d.replace_prefix(ns, name()); } // if the alias is unique use it if (auto it = is_uniquely_aliased(env, d)) return *it; else return d; } environment open_num_notation(environment const & env) { name num("num"); try { bool persistent = false; environment new_env = override_notation(env, num, persistent); return overwrite_aliases(new_env, num, name()); } catch (exception &) { // num namespace is not available, then use only the aliases return overwrite_aliases(env, num, name()); } } environment open_prec_aliases(environment const & env) { name prec("std", "prec"); return overwrite_aliases(env, prec, name()); } name get_priority_namespace() { return name("std", "priority"); } environment open_priority_aliases(environment const & env) { return overwrite_aliases(env, get_priority_namespace(), name()); } char const * open_binder_string(binder_info const & bi, bool unicode) { if (bi.is_implicit()) return "{"; else if (bi.is_inst_implicit()) return "["; else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && unicode) return "⦃"; else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && !unicode) return "{{"; else return "("; } char const * close_binder_string(binder_info const & bi, bool unicode) { if (bi.is_implicit()) return "}"; else if (bi.is_inst_implicit()) return "]"; else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && unicode) return "⦄"; else if (bi.is_strict_implicit() && !unicode) return "}}"; else return ")"; } expr postprocess(environment const & env, expr const & e) { return eta_reduce(expand_abbreviations(env, unfold_untrusted_macros(env, e))); } struct elim_choice_fn : public replace_visitor { name m_prio_ns; elim_choice_fn():m_prio_ns(get_priority_namespace()) {} virtual expr visit_macro(expr const & e) { if (is_choice(e)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_num_choices(e); i++) { expr const & c = get_choice(e, i); if (is_constant(c) && const_name(c).get_prefix() == m_prio_ns) return c; } throw exception("invalid priority expression, it contains overloaded symbols"); } else { return replace_visitor::visit_macro(e); } } }; optional parse_priority(parser & p) { if (p.curr_is_token(get_priority_tk())) { p.next(); auto pos = p.pos(); environment env = open_priority_aliases(open_num_notation(p.env())); parser::local_scope scope(p, env); expr val = p.parse_expr(); val = elim_choice_fn()(val); val = normalize(p.env(), val); if (optional mpz_val = to_num(val)) { if (!mpz_val->is_unsigned_int()) throw parser_error("invalid 'priority', argument does not fit in a machine integer", pos); p.check_token_next(get_rbracket_tk(), "invalid 'priority', ']' expected"); return optional(mpz_val->get_unsigned_int()); } else { throw parser_error("invalid 'priority', argument does not evaluate to a numeral", pos); } } else { return optional(); } } pair parse_option_name(parser & p, char const * error_msg) { auto id_pos = p.pos(); name id = p.check_id_next(error_msg); auto decl_it = get_option_declarations().find(id); if (decl_it == get_option_declarations().end()) { // add "lean" prefix name lean_id = name("lean") + id; decl_it = get_option_declarations().find(lean_id); if (decl_it == get_option_declarations().end()) { throw parser_error(sstream() << "unknown option '" << id << "', type 'help options.' for list of available options", id_pos); } else { id = lean_id; } } return mk_pair(id, decl_it->second.kind()); } }