cases_failure.hlean:11:2: error:invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed auxiliary goal at time of failure A : Type, z : A, b r t l : z = z, s : square t b l r, e_3 : z = z ⊢ Π (e_4 : eq.rec t (refl z) = idp) (e_5 : eq.rec (eq.rec b (refl z)) e_3 = idp) (e_6 : eq.rec l (refl z) = idp) (e_7 : eq.rec (eq.rec r (refl z)) e_3 = idp), eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.rec (eq.rec s (refl z)) (refl z)) e_3) e_4) e_5) e_6) e_7 = square.ids → unit proof state: A : Type, x y z : A, t : x = y, b : z = y, l : x = z, r : y = y, s : square t b l r ⊢ unit cases_failure.hlean:13:0: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder A : Type, x y z : A, t : x = y, b : z = y, l : x = z, r : y = y, s : square t b l r ⊢ unit cases_failure.hlean:13:0: error: failed to add declaration 'foo' to environment, value has metavariables remark: set 'formatter.hide_full_terms' to false to see the complete term λ (A : Type) (x y z : A) (t : …) (b : …) (l : …) (r : …) (s : …), ?M_1