/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include "util/sstream.h" #include "frontends/lean/server.h" #include "frontends/lean/parser.h" namespace lean { server::file::file(std::istream & in, std::string const & fname):m_fname(fname) { for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line);) { m_lines.push_back(line); } } void server::file::replace_line(unsigned linenum, std::string const & new_line) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(true); m_info.invalidate_line(linenum+1); while (linenum >= m_lines.size()) m_lines.push_back(""); m_lines[linenum] = new_line; } void server::file::insert_line(unsigned linenum, std::string const & new_line) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(true); m_info.insert_line(linenum+1); while (linenum >= m_lines.size()) m_lines.push_back(""); m_lines.push_back(""); lean_assert(m_lines.size() >= linenum+1); unsigned i = m_lines.size(); while (i > linenum) { --i; m_lines[i] = m_lines[i-1]; } m_lines[linenum] = new_line; } void server::file::remove_line(unsigned linenum) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(true); m_info.remove_line(linenum+1); if (linenum >= m_lines.size()) return; lean_assert(!m_lines.empty()); for (unsigned i = linenum; i < m_lines.size()-1; i++) m_lines[i] = m_lines[i+1]; m_lines.pop_back(); } /** \brief Return index i <= m_snapshots.size() s.t. * forall j < i, m_snapshots[j].m_line < line * forall i <= j < m_snapshots.size(), m_snapshots[j].m_line >= line */ unsigned server::file::find(unsigned linenum) { unsigned low = 0; unsigned high = m_snapshots.size(); while (true) { lean_assert(low <= high); if (low == high) return low; unsigned mid = low + ((high - low)/2); lean_assert(low <= mid && mid < high); lean_assert(mid < m_snapshots.size()); snapshot const & s = m_snapshots[mid]; if (s.m_line < linenum) { low = mid+1; } else { high = mid; } } } /** \brief Copy lines [starting_from, m_lines.size()) to block and return the total number of lines */ unsigned server::file::copy_to(std::string & block, unsigned starting_from) { unsigned num_lines = m_lines.size(); for (unsigned j = starting_from; j < num_lines; j++) { block += m_lines[j]; block += '\n'; } return num_lines; } server::worker::worker(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, definition_cache & cache): m_empty_snapshot(env, ios.get_options()), m_cache(cache), m_todo_linenum(0), m_todo_options(ios.get_options()), m_terminate(false), m_thread([=]() { io_state _ios(ios); while (!m_terminate) { file_ptr todo_file; unsigned todo_linenum; options todo_options; // wait for next task while (!m_terminate) { unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_todo_file) { todo_file = m_todo_file; todo_linenum = m_todo_linenum; todo_options = m_todo_options; break; } else { m_todo_cv.wait(lk); } } // extract block of code and snapshot from todo_file reset_interrupt(); if (m_terminate) break; std::string block; unsigned num_lines; snapshot s; { lean_assert(todo_file); lock_guard lk(todo_file->m_lines_mutex); todo_file->m_info.block_new_info(false); unsigned i = todo_file->find(todo_linenum); todo_file->m_snapshots.resize(i); s = i == 0 ? m_empty_snapshot : todo_file->m_snapshots[i-1]; lean_assert(s.m_line > 0); num_lines = todo_file->copy_to(block, s.m_line - 1); } if (m_terminate) break; // parse block of code with respect to snapshot try { std::istringstream strm(block); std::shared_ptr out1(new string_output_channel()); std::shared_ptr out2(new string_output_channel()); io_state tmp_ios(_ios, out1, out2); tmp_ios.set_options(join(s.m_options, _ios.get_options())); bool use_exceptions = false; unsigned num_threads = 1; parser p(s.m_env, tmp_ios, strm, todo_file->m_fname.c_str(), use_exceptions, num_threads, s.m_lds, s.m_eds, s.m_line, &todo_file->m_snapshots, &todo_file->m_info); p.set_cache(&m_cache); p(); } catch (exception&) {} if (!m_terminate) { unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_todo_file == todo_file && m_last_file == todo_file && m_todo_linenum == todo_linenum) { m_todo_linenum = num_lines + 1; m_todo_file = nullptr; m_todo_cv.notify_all(); } } } }) {} server::worker::~worker() { m_terminate = true; request_interrupt(); m_thread.join(); } void server::worker::request_interrupt() { m_todo_cv.notify_all(); m_thread.request_interrupt(); } void server::worker::wait() { while (true) { unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (!m_todo_file) break; m_todo_cv.wait(lk); } } void server::worker::set_todo(file_ptr const & f, unsigned linenum, options const & o) { lock_guard lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_last_file != f || linenum < m_todo_linenum) m_todo_linenum = linenum; m_todo_file = f; m_last_file = f; m_todo_options = o; m_todo_cv.notify_all(); } server::server(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, unsigned num_threads): m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_out(ios.get_regular_channel().get_stream()), m_num_threads(num_threads), m_empty_snapshot(m_env, m_ios.get_options()), m_worker(env, ios, m_cache) { } server::~server() { } void server::interrupt_worker() { m_worker.request_interrupt(); } static std::string g_load("LOAD"); static std::string g_visit("VISIT"); static std::string g_replace("REPLACE"); static std::string g_insert("INSERT"); static std::string g_remove("REMOVE"); static std::string g_info("INFO"); static std::string g_set("SET"); static std::string g_eval("EVAL"); static std::string g_wait("WAIT"); static std::string g_clear_cache("CLEAR_CACHE"); static bool is_command(std::string const & cmd, std::string const & line) { return line.compare(0, cmd.size(), cmd) == 0; } static std::string & ltrim(std::string & s) { s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace)))); return s; } static std::string & rtrim(std::string & s) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace))).base(), s.end()); return s; } static std::string & trim(std::string & s) { return ltrim(rtrim(s)); } void server::process_from(unsigned linenum) { m_worker.set_todo(m_file, linenum, m_ios.get_options()); } void server::load_file(std::string const & fname) { interrupt_worker(); std::ifstream in(fname); if (in.bad() || in.fail()) { m_out << "-- ERROR failed to open file '" << fname << "'" << std::endl; } else { m_file.reset(new file(in, fname)); m_file_map.insert(mk_pair(fname, m_file)); process_from(0); } } void server::visit_file(std::string const & fname) { interrupt_worker(); auto it = m_file_map.find(fname); if (it == m_file_map.end()) { load_file(fname); } else { m_file = it->second; process_from(0); } } void server::read_line(std::istream & in, std::string & line) { if (!std::getline(in, line)) throw exception("unexpected end of input"); } // Given a line of the form "cmd linenum", return the linenum unsigned server::get_linenum(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { std::string data = line.substr(cmd.size()); trim(data); unsigned r = atoi(data.c_str()); if (r == 0) throw exception("line numbers are indexed from 1"); return r; } void server::check_file() { if (!m_file) throw exception("no file has been loaded/visited"); } void server::replace_line(unsigned linenum, std::string const & new_line) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->replace_line(linenum, new_line); process_from(linenum); } void server::insert_line(unsigned linenum, std::string const & new_line) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->insert_line(linenum, new_line); process_from(linenum); } void server::remove_line(unsigned linenum) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->remove_line(linenum); process_from(linenum); } void server::set_option(std::string const & line) { std::string cmd = "set_option "; cmd += line; std::istringstream strm(cmd); m_out << "-- BEGINSET" << std::endl; try { parser p(m_env, m_ios, strm, "SET_command", true); p(); m_ios.set_options(p.ios().get_options()); } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << ex.what() << std::endl; } m_out << "-- ENDSET" << std::endl; } void server::show_info(unsigned linenum) { check_file(); m_out << "-- BEGININFO" << std::endl; m_file->infom().display(m_env, m_ios, linenum); m_out << "-- ENDINFO" << std::endl; } void server::eval_core(environment const & env, options const & o, std::string const & line) { std::istringstream strm(line); io_state ios(m_ios, o); m_out << "-- BEGINEVAL" << std::endl; try { parser p(env, ios, strm, "EVAL_command", true); p(); } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << ex.what() << std::endl; } m_out << "-- ENDEVAL" << std::endl; } void server::eval(std::string const & line) { if (!m_file) { eval_core(m_env, m_ios.get_options(), line); } else if (auto p = m_file->infom().get_final_env_opts()) { eval_core(p->first, join(p->second, m_ios.get_options()), line); } else { eval_core(m_env, m_ios.get_options(), line); } } bool server::operator()(std::istream & in) { for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line);) { try { if (is_command(g_load, line)) { std::string fname = line.substr(g_load.size()); trim(fname); load_file(fname); } else if (is_command(g_visit, line)) { std::string fname = line.substr(g_visit.size()); trim(fname); visit_file(fname); } else if (is_command(g_replace, line)) { unsigned linenum = get_linenum(line, g_replace); read_line(in, line); replace_line(linenum-1, line); } else if (is_command(g_insert, line)) { unsigned linenum = get_linenum(line, g_insert); read_line(in, line); insert_line(linenum-1, line); } else if (is_command(g_remove, line)) { unsigned linenum = get_linenum(line, g_remove); remove_line(linenum-1); } else if (is_command(g_info, line)) { unsigned linenum = get_linenum(line, g_info); show_info(linenum); } else if (is_command(g_set, line)) { read_line(in, line); set_option(line); } else if (is_command(g_eval, line)) { read_line(in, line); eval(line); } else if (is_command(g_clear_cache, line)) { m_cache.clear(); } else if (is_command(g_wait, line)) { m_worker.wait(); } else { throw exception(sstream() << "unexpected command line: " << line); } } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << "-- ERROR " << ex.what() << std::endl; } } return true; } }