/- Copyright (c) 2015 Leonardo de Moura. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Leonardo de Moura -/ import data.list.comb data.list.perm namespace list variable {A : Type} variable (R : A → A → Prop) inductive locally_sorted : list A → Prop := | base0 : locally_sorted [] | base : ∀ a, locally_sorted [a] | step : ∀ {a b l}, R a b → locally_sorted (b::l) → locally_sorted (a::b::l) inductive hd_rel (a : A) : list A → Prop := | base : hd_rel a [] | step : ∀ {b} (l), R a b → hd_rel a (b::l) inductive sorted : list A → Prop := | base : sorted [] | step : ∀ {a : A} {l : list A}, hd_rel R a l → sorted l → sorted (a::l) variable {R} lemma hd_rel_inv : ∀ {a b l}, hd_rel R a (b::l) → R a b := begin intros a b l h, cases h, assumption end lemma sorted_inv : ∀ {a l}, sorted R (a::l) → hd_rel R a l ∧ sorted R l := begin intros a l h, cases h, split, repeat assumption end lemma sorted.rect_on {P : list A → Type} : ∀ {l}, sorted R l → P [] → (∀ a l, sorted R l → P l → hd_rel R a l → P (a::l)) → P l | [] s h₁ h₂ := h₁ | (a::l) s h₁ h₂ := have hd_rel R a l, from and.left (sorted_inv s), have sorted R l, from and.right (sorted_inv s), have P l, from sorted.rect_on this h₁ h₂, h₂ a l `sorted R l` `P l` `hd_rel R a l` lemma sorted_singleton (a : A) : sorted R [a] := sorted.step !hd_rel.base !sorted.base lemma sorted_of_locally_sorted : ∀ {l}, locally_sorted R l → sorted R l | [] h := !sorted.base | [a] h := !sorted_singleton | (a::b::l) (locally_sorted.step h₁ h₂) := have sorted R (b::l), from sorted_of_locally_sorted h₂, sorted.step (hd_rel.step _ h₁) this lemma locally_sorted_of_sorted : ∀ {l}, sorted R l → locally_sorted R l | [] h := !locally_sorted.base0 | [a] h := !locally_sorted.base | (a::b::l) (sorted.step (hd_rel.step _ h₁) h₂) := have locally_sorted R (b::l), from locally_sorted_of_sorted h₂, locally_sorted.step h₁ this lemma locally_sorted_eq_sorted : @locally_sorted = @sorted := funext (λ A, funext (λ R, funext (λ l, propext (iff.intro sorted_of_locally_sorted locally_sorted_of_sorted)))) variable (R) inductive strongly_sorted : list A → Prop := | base : strongly_sorted [] | step : ∀ {a l}, all l (R a) → strongly_sorted l → strongly_sorted (a::l) variable {R} lemma sorted_of_strongly_sorted : ∀ {l}, strongly_sorted R l → sorted R l | [] h := !sorted.base | [a] h := !sorted_singleton | (a::b::l) (strongly_sorted.step h₁ h₂) := have hd_rel R a (b::l), from hd_rel.step _ (of_all_cons h₁), have sorted R (b::l), from sorted_of_strongly_sorted h₂, sorted.step `hd_rel R a (b::l)` `sorted R (b::l)` lemma sorted_extends (trans : transitive R) : ∀ {a l}, sorted R (a::l) → all l (R a) | a [] h := !all_nil | a (b::l) h := have hd_rel R a (b::l), from and.left (sorted_inv h), have R a b, from hd_rel_inv this, have all l (R b), from sorted_extends (and.right (sorted_inv h)), all_of_forall (take x, suppose x ∈ b::l, or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons this) (suppose x = b, by+ subst x; assumption) (suppose x ∈ l, have R b x, from of_mem_of_all this `all l (R b)`, trans `R a b` `R b x`)) theorem strongly_sorted_of_sorted_of_transitive (trans : transitive R) : ∀ {l}, sorted R l → strongly_sorted R l | [] h := !strongly_sorted.base | (a::l) h := have sorted R l, from and.right (sorted_inv h), have strongly_sorted R l, from strongly_sorted_of_sorted_of_transitive this, have all l (R a), from sorted_extends trans h, strongly_sorted.step `all l (R a)` `strongly_sorted R l` open perm lemma eq_of_sorted_of_perm (tr : transitive R) (anti : anti_symmetric R) : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : list A}, l₁ ~ l₂ → sorted R l₁ → sorted R l₂ → l₁ = l₂ | [] [] h₁ h₂ h₃ := rfl | (a₁::l₁) [] h₁ h₂ h₃ := absurd (perm.symm h₁) !not_perm_nil_cons | [] (a₂::l₂) h₁ h₂ h₃ := absurd h₁ !not_perm_nil_cons | (a::l₁) l₂ h₁ h₂ h₃ := have aux : ∀ {t}, l₂ = a::t → a::l₁ = l₂, from take t, suppose l₂ = a::t, have l₁ ~ t, by rewrite [this at h₁]; apply perm_cons_inv h₁, have sorted R l₁, from and.right (sorted_inv h₂), have sorted R t, by rewrite [`l₂ = a::t` at h₃]; exact and.right (sorted_inv h₃), assert l₁ = t, from eq_of_sorted_of_perm `l₁ ~ t` `sorted R l₁` `sorted R t`, show a :: l₁ = l₂, by rewrite [`l₂ = a::t`, this], have a ∈ l₂, from mem_perm h₁ !mem_cons, obtain s t (e₁ : l₂ = s ++ (a::t)), from mem_split this, begin cases s with b s, { have l₂ = a::t, by exact e₁, exact aux this }, { have e₁ : l₂ = b::(s++(a::t)), by exact e₁, have b ∈ l₂, by rewrite e₁; apply mem_cons, have hall₂ : all (s++(a::t)) (R b), begin rewrite [e₁ at h₃], apply sorted_extends tr h₃ end, have a ∈ s++(a::t), from mem_append_right _ !mem_cons, have R b a, from of_mem_of_all this hall₂, have b ∈ a::l₁, from mem_perm (perm.symm h₁) `b ∈ l₂`, have hall₁ : all l₁ (R a), from sorted_extends tr h₂, apply or.elim (eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons `b ∈ a::l₁`), suppose b = a, by rewrite this at e₁; exact aux e₁, suppose b ∈ l₁, have R a b, from of_mem_of_all this hall₁, assert b = a, from anti `R b a` `R a b`, by rewrite this at e₁; exact aux e₁ } end end list