prelude definition Prop : Type.{1} := Type.{0} constant N : Type.{1} check N constant a : N check a check Prop → Prop constant F.{l} : Type.{l} → Type.{l} check F.{2} universe u check F.{u} constant vec.{l} (A : Type.{l}) (n : N) : Type.{l} constant f (a b : N) : N constant len.{l} (A : Type.{l}) (n : N) (v : vec.{l} A n) : N check f check len.{1} section parameter A : Type parameter B : Prop hypothesis H : B parameter {C : Type} check B -> B check A → A check C end check A -- Error: A is part of the section constant R : Type → Type check R.{1 0} check fun x y : N, x namespace tst constant N : Type.{2} constant M : Type.{2} print raw N -- Two possible interpretations N and tst.N print raw tst.N -- Only one interpretation end tst print raw N -- Only one interpretation namespace foo constant M : Type.{3} print raw M -- Only one interpretation end foo check tst.M check foo.M namespace foo check M end foo check M -- Error print "ok" (* local env = get_env() print("Declarations:") env:for_each_decl(function(d) print(d:name()) end) print("-------------") *) universe l_1 constant T1 : Type -- T1 parameter is going to be called l_2