import Int. definition double {A : Type} (f : A -> A) : A -> A := fun x, f (f x). definition big {A : Type} (f : A -> A) : A -> A := (double (double (double (double (double (double (double f))))))). (* -- Tactic for trying to prove goal using Reflexivity, Congruence and available assumptions local congr_tac = Repeat(OrElse(apply_tac("refl"), apply_tac("congr"), assumption_tac())) -- Create an eager tactic that only tries to prove goal after unfolding everything eager_tac = Then(-- unfold homogeneous equality Try(unfold_tac("eq")), -- keep unfolding defintions above and beta-reducing Repeat(unfold_tac() .. Repeat(beta_tac())), congr_tac) -- The 'lazy' version tries first to prove without unfolding anything lazy_tac = OrElse(Then(Try(unfold_tac("eq")), congr_tac, now_tac()), eager_tac) *) theorem T1 (a b : Int) (f : Int -> Int) (H : a = b) : (big f a) = (big f b). eager_tac. done. theorem T2 (a b : Int) (f : Int -> Int) (H : a = b) : (big f a) = (big f b). lazy_tac. done. theorem T3 (a b : Int) (f : Int -> Int) (H : a = b) : (big f a) = ((double (double (double (double (double (double (double f))))))) b). lazy_tac. done.