/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include "util/sstream.h" #include "library/choice.h" #include "library/kernel_bindings.h" namespace lean { static name g_choice_name("choice"); // We encode a 'choice' expression using a macro. // This is a trick to avoid creating a new kind of expression. // 'Choice' expressions are temporary objects used by the elaborator, // and have no semantic significance. class choice_macro_cell : public macro_definition_cell { public: virtual name get_name() const { return g_choice_name; } // Choice expressions must be replaced with metavariables before invoking the type checker. // Choice expressions cannot be exported. They are transient/auxiliary objects. virtual expr get_type(expr const &, expr const *, extension_context &) const { lean_unreachable(); } virtual optional expand(expr const &, extension_context &) const { lean_unreachable(); } virtual void write(serializer &) const { lean_unreachable(); } }; static macro_definition g_choice(new choice_macro_cell()); expr mk_choice(unsigned num_es, expr const * es) { lean_assert(num_es > 0); if (num_es == 1) return es[0]; else return mk_macro(g_choice, num_es, es); } bool is_choice(expr const & e) { return is_macro(e) && macro_def(e) == g_choice; } unsigned get_num_choices(expr const & e) { lean_assert(is_choice(e)); return macro_num_args(e); } expr const & get_choice(expr const & e, unsigned i) { lean_assert(is_choice(e)); return macro_arg(e, i); } static int mk_choice(lua_State * L) { check_atleast_num_args(L, 1); int nargs = lua_gettop(L); buffer args; for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) args.push_back(to_expr(L, i)); return push_expr(L, mk_choice(args.size(), args.data())); } static int is_choice(lua_State * L) { return push_boolean(L, is_choice(to_expr(L, 1))); } static void check_choice(lua_State * L, int idx) { if (!is_choice(to_expr(L, idx))) throw exception(sstream() << "arg #" << idx << " is not a choice-expression"); } static int get_num_choices(lua_State * L) { check_choice(L, 1); return push_integer(L, get_num_choices(to_expr(L, 1))); } static int get_choice(lua_State * L) { check_choice(L, 1); expr const & c = to_expr(L, 1); int i = lua_tointeger(L, 2); if (i < 0 || static_cast(i) >= get_num_choices(c)) throw exception("arg #2 is an invalid choice index"); return push_expr(L, get_choice(c, i)); } void open_choice(lua_State * L) { SET_GLOBAL_FUN(mk_choice, "mk_choice"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(is_choice, "is_choice"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(get_num_choices, "get_num_choices"); SET_GLOBAL_FUN(get_choice, "get_choice"); } }