# Lexical conventions ## Reserved keywords This is the list of reserved keywords in Lean: `axiom`, `check`, `coercion`, `definition`, `echo`, `environment`, `eval`, `exit`, `have`, `help`, `import`, `infix`, `infixr`, `infixl`, `notation`, `options`, `pi`, `pop::context`, `print`, `scope`, `theorem`, `type`, `universe`, `variable`, `variables`, `by`, `exists`, `forall`, `fun`, `in`, `let` Remark: Lean commands always start with a upper case letter. The following symbols are also reserved: `->`, `==`, `Π`, `λ`, `→`, `∀`, `∃`, `_`, `,`, `.`, `:`, `(`, `)`, `{`, `}` ## Identifiers Lean identifiers are divided in 3 categories. In the first category, identifiers are of the form `[a-zA-Z_'@][a-zA-Z0-9_'@]*`. Here are examples of valid identifiers in this category: `fact`, `sin`, `move_front`, `f1`, `@cast`, and `A'`. In Lean, we support hierarchical identifiers. A hierarchical is essentially a sequence of category 1 identifiers separated by `::`. We use hierarchical names to simulate modules in Lean. Here are some examples: `mod::x`, `foo::bla::1`. In the second category, we have any non empty sequence of the following characters: `=`, `<`, `>`, `^`, `|`, `&`, `~`, `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `\\`, `$`, `%`, `?`, `;`, `[`, `]`, `#`. Here are examples of indentifiers in this category: `==`, `++`, `<<==`. In the third category, we have any non empty sequence of non-ascii characters. Here are some examples: `⊆`, `∨`, and `¬`. This separation may seem adhoc, the main motivation is to minimize the number of white spaces in Lean files. For example, we can write `x+y*z` instead of `x + y * z`. We usually use category 1 identifiers to name variable declarations, definitions, axioms and theorems. Category 2 and 3 are usually used to define notation, i.e., symbolic abbreviations denoting terms. For example, the integer addition is named `Int::add`, and real addition `Real::add`. The symbol `+` is notation for both of them. ## Numerals Natural numbers are of the form `[0-9]+`, and decimal numbers are of the form `[0-9]+.[0-9]*`. Natural numbers have type Nat, and decimal numbers have type Real. Lean automatically introduce coercions when needed. ## Strings Strings are defined as usual as `"[any sequence of characters excluded "]"`. ## Comments A comment starts anywhere with a double hyphen `--` and runs until the of the line.