/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include "util/sstream.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h" #include "kernel/error_msgs.h" #include "library/io_state_stream.h" #include "library/locals.h" #include "library/util.h" #include "library/constants.h" #include "library/reducible.h" #include "library/tactic/tactic.h" #include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h" #include "library/tactic/class_instance_synth.h" #include "library/tactic/inversion_tactic.h" #include "library/tactic/clear_tactic.h" namespace lean { namespace inversion { result::result(list const & gs, list> const & args, list const & imps, list const & rs, name_generator const & ngen, substitution const & subst): m_goals(gs), m_args(args), m_implementation_lists(imps), m_renames(rs), m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(subst) { lean_assert_eq(length(m_goals), length(m_args)); lean_assert_eq(length(m_goals), length(m_implementation_lists)); lean_assert_eq(length(m_goals), length(m_renames)); } } /** \brief Given eq_rec of the form @eq.rec.{l₂ l₁} A a (λ (a' : A) (h : a = a'), B a') b a p, apply the eq_rec_eq definition to produce the equality b = @eq.rec.{l₂ l₁} A a (λ (a' : A) (h : a = a'), B a') b a p The eq_rec_eq definition is of the form definition eq_rec_eq.{l₁ l₂} {A : Type.{l₁}} {B : A → Type.{l₂}} [h : is_hset A] {a : A} (b : B a) (p : a = a) : b = @eq.rec.{l₂ l₁} A a (λ (a' : A) (h : a = a'), B a') b a p := ... */ optional apply_eq_rec_eq(type_checker & tc, io_state const & ios, list const & ctx, expr const & eq_rec) { buffer args; expr const & eq_rec_fn = get_app_args(eq_rec, args); if (args.size() != 6) return none_expr(); expr const & p = args[5]; if (!is_local(p) || !is_eq_a_a(tc, mlocal_type(p))) return none_expr(); expr const & A = args[0]; auto is_hset_A = mk_hset_instance(tc, ios, ctx, A); if (!is_hset_A) return none_expr(); levels ls = const_levels(eq_rec_fn); level l2 = head(ls); level l1 = head(tail(ls)); expr C = tc.whnf(args[2]).first; if (!is_lambda(C)) return none_expr(); expr a1 = mk_local(tc.mk_fresh_name(), binding_domain(C)); C = tc.whnf(instantiate(binding_body(C), a1)).first; if (!is_lambda(C)) return none_expr(); C = binding_body(C); if (!closed(C)) return none_expr(); expr B = Fun(a1, C); expr a = args[1]; expr b = args[3]; expr r = mk_constant(get_eq_rec_eq_name(), {l1, l2}); return some_expr(mk_app({r, A, B, *is_hset_A, a, b, p})); } typedef inversion::implementation_ptr implementation_ptr; typedef inversion::implementation_list implementation_list; static void replace(implementation_list const & imps, unsigned sz, expr const * from, expr const * to) { lean_assert(std::all_of(from, from+sz, is_local)); for (implementation_ptr const & imp : imps) { imp->update_exprs([&](expr const & e) { return instantiate_rev(abstract_locals(e, sz, from), sz, to); }); } } static void replace(implementation_list const & imps, buffer const & from, buffer const & to) { lean_assert(from.size() == to.size()); return replace(imps, from.size(), from.data(), to.data()); } static void replace(implementation_list const & imps, expr const & from, expr const & to) { return replace(imps, 1, &from, &to); } class inversion_tac { environment const & m_env; io_state const & m_ios; type_checker & m_tc; list m_ids; name_generator m_ngen; substitution m_subst; bool m_dep_elim; bool m_proof_irrel; unsigned m_nparams; unsigned m_nindices; unsigned m_nminors; declaration m_I_decl; declaration m_cases_on_decl; bool m_throw_tactic_exception; // if true, then throw tactic_exception in case of failure, instead of returning none expr whnf(expr const & e) { return m_tc.whnf(e).first; } expr infer_type(expr const & e) { return m_tc.infer(e).first; } void init_inductive_info(name const & n) { m_dep_elim = inductive::has_dep_elim(m_env, n); m_nindices = *inductive::get_num_indices(m_env, n); m_nparams = *inductive::get_num_params(m_env, n); // This tactic is bases on cases_on construction which only has // minor premises for the introduction rules of this datatype. // For non-mutually recursive datatypes inductive::get_num_intro_rules == inductive::get_num_minor_premises m_nminors = *inductive::get_num_intro_rules(m_env, n); m_I_decl = m_env.get(n); m_cases_on_decl = m_env.get({n, "cases_on"}); } bool is_inversion_applicable(expr const & t) { buffer args; expr const & fn = get_app_args(t, args); if (!is_constant(fn)) return false; if (!inductive::is_inductive_decl(m_env, const_name(fn))) return false; if (!m_env.find(name{const_name(fn), "cases_on"}) || !m_env.find(get_eq_name())) return false; if (m_proof_irrel && !m_env.find(get_heq_name())) return false; init_inductive_info(const_name(fn)); if (args.size() != m_nindices + m_nparams) return false; return true; } pair mk_eq(expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs) { expr lhs_type = infer_type(lhs); expr rhs_type = infer_type(rhs); level l = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(lhs_type).first); constraint_seq cs; if (m_tc.is_def_eq(lhs_type, rhs_type, justification(), cs) && !cs) { return mk_pair(mk_app(mk_constant(get_eq_name(), to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs), mk_app(mk_constant(get_eq_refl_name(), to_list(l)), rhs_type, rhs)); } else { return mk_pair(mk_app(mk_constant(get_heq_name(), to_list(l)), lhs_type, lhs, rhs_type, rhs), mk_app(mk_constant(get_heq_refl_name(), to_list(l)), rhs_type, rhs)); } } void assign(goal const & g, expr const & val) { ::lean::assign(m_subst, g, val); } /** \brief We say h has independent indices IF 1- it is *not* an indexed inductive family, OR 2- it is an indexed inductive family, but all indices are distinct local constants, and all hypotheses of g different from h and indices, do not depend on the indices. 3- if not m_dep_elim, then the conclusion does not depend on the indices. */ bool has_indep_indices(goal const & g, expr const & h, expr const & h_type) { if (m_nindices == 0) return true; buffer args; get_app_args(h_type, args); lean_assert(m_nindices <= args.size()); unsigned fidx = args.size() - m_nindices; for (unsigned i = fidx; i < args.size(); i++) { if (!is_local(args[i])) return false; // the indices must be local constants for (unsigned j = fidx; j < i; j++) { if (mlocal_name(args[j]) == mlocal_name(args[i])) return false; // the indices must be distinct local constants } } if (!m_dep_elim) { expr const & g_type = g.get_type(); if (std::any_of(args.end() - m_nindices, args.end(), [&](expr const & arg) { return depends_on(g_type, arg); })) return false; } buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); for (expr const & h1 : hyps) { if (mlocal_name(h1) == mlocal_name(h)) continue; if (std::any_of(args.end() - m_nindices, args.end(), [&](expr const & arg) { return mlocal_name(arg) == mlocal_name(h1); })) continue; // h1 is not h nor any of the indices // Thus, it must not depend on the indices if (std::any_of(args.end() - m_nindices, args.end(), [&](expr const & arg) { return depends_on(h1, arg); })) return false; } return true; } /** \brief Split hyps into two "telescopes". - non_deps : hypotheses that do not depend on H - deps : hypotheses that depend on H (directly or indirectly) */ void split_deps(buffer const & hyps, expr const & H, buffer & non_deps, buffer & deps) { for (expr const & hyp : hyps) { expr const & hyp_type = mlocal_type(hyp); if (depends_on(hyp_type, H) || std::any_of(deps.begin(), deps.end(), [&](expr const & dep) { return depends_on(hyp_type, dep); })) { deps.push_back(hyp); } else { non_deps.push_back(hyp); } } } /** \brief Given a goal of the form Ctx, h : I A j, D |- T where the type of h is the inductive datatype (I A j) where A are parameters, and j the indices. Generate the goal Ctx, h : I A j, D, j' : J, h' : I A j' |- j == j' -> h == h' -> T Remark: (j == j' -> h == h') is a "telescopic" equality. If the environment is proof irrelevant, it is built using homogenous and heterogeneous equalities. If the environment is proof relevant, it is built using homogeneous equality and the eq.rec (this construction is much more complex than the proof irrelevant one). Remark: j is sequence of terms, and j' a sequence of local constants. The original goal is solved if we can solve the produced goal. \remark h_type is mlocal_type(h) after normalization */ goal generalize_indices(goal const & g, expr const & h, expr const & h_type) { buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); expr m = g.get_meta(); expr m_type = g.get_type(); name h_new_name = get_unused_name(local_pp_name(h), hyps); buffer I_args; expr const & I = get_app_args(h_type, I_args); expr h_new_type = mk_app(I, I_args.size() - m_nindices, I_args.data()); expr d = whnf(infer_type(h_new_type)); name t_prefix("t"); unsigned nidx = 1; if (m_proof_irrel) { unsigned eq_idx = 1; name eq_prefix("H"); buffer ts; buffer eqs; buffer refls; auto add_eq = [&](expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs) { pair p = mk_eq(lhs, rhs); expr new_eq = p.first; expr new_refl = p.second; eqs.push_back(mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(eq_prefix, eq_idx), new_eq, binder_info())); refls.push_back(new_refl); }; for (unsigned i = I_args.size() - m_nindices; i < I_args.size(); i++) { expr t_type = binding_domain(d); expr t = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(t_prefix, nidx), t_type, binder_info()); expr const & index = I_args[i]; add_eq(t, index); h_new_type = mk_app(h_new_type, t); hyps.push_back(t); ts.push_back(t); d = instantiate(binding_body(d), t); } expr h_new = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), h_new_name, h_new_type, local_info(h)); if (m_dep_elim) add_eq(h_new, h); hyps.push_back(h_new); expr new_type = Pi(eqs, g.get_type()); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr val = mk_app(mk_app(mk_app(Fun(ts, Fun(h_new, new_meta)), m_nindices, I_args.end() - m_nindices), h), refls); assign(g, val); return new_g; } else { // proof relevant version buffer ss; buffer ts; buffer refls; for (unsigned i = I_args.size() - m_nindices; i < I_args.size(); i++) { expr t_type = binding_domain(d); expr t = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(t_prefix, nidx), t_type, binder_info()); h_new_type = mk_app(h_new_type, t); ss.push_back(I_args[i]); refls.push_back(mk_refl(m_tc, I_args[i])); hyps.push_back(t); ts.push_back(t); d = instantiate(binding_body(d), t); } expr h_new = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), h_new_name, h_new_type, local_info(h)); ts.push_back(h_new); ss.push_back(h); refls.push_back(mk_refl(m_tc, h)); hyps.push_back(h_new); buffer eqs; mk_telescopic_eq(m_tc, ss, ts, eqs); ts.pop_back(); expr new_type = Pi(eqs, g.get_type()); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr val = mk_app(mk_app(mk_app(Fun(ts, Fun(h_new, new_meta)), m_nindices, I_args.end() - m_nindices), h), refls); assign(g, val); return new_g; } } /** \brief Generalize h dependencies. This tactic uses this method only if has_indep_indices(hyps, h, h_type) returns true. The hypotheses that depend on h are stored in deps. */ goal generalize_dependecies(goal const & g, expr const & h, buffer & deps) { buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); hyps.erase_elem(h); buffer non_deps; split_deps(hyps, h, non_deps, deps); buffer & new_hyps = non_deps; new_hyps.push_back(h); expr new_type = Pi(deps, g.get_type()); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type)), new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr val = mk_app(new_meta, deps); assign(g, val); return new_g; } /** \brief Given a goal of the form Ctx, h : I A j |- T[h] produce the subgoals Ctx, h : I A j |- b_1 : B_1 -> T [C_1 A b_1] ... Ctx, h : I A j |- b_n : B_n -> T [C_n A b_n] where the C_i's are the constructors (aka introduction rules) of the inductive datatype h. The hypothesis h must be the last hypothesis in the input goal. Consequently, no other hypothesis depends on it. The implementation list is external auxiliary data associated with constructors. For example, we use it to compile recursive equations. Each implementation corresponds to one equation. Each equation is tagged with a constructor C_i. The constructor is retrieved using the virtual method get_constructor_name. We split the list imps in n lists. One for each subgoal. An implementation associated with the constructor i is in the i-th resulting list. \remark This method assumes the indices j are local constants, and only h and j may depend on j. */ std::pair, list> apply_cases_on(goal const & g, implementation_list const & imps, bool has_indep_indices) { buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); expr const & h = hyps.back(); expr const & h_type = whnf(mlocal_type(h)); buffer I_args; expr const & I = get_app_args(h_type, I_args); name const & I_name = const_name(I); expr g_type = g.get_type(); expr cases_on; if (m_cases_on_decl.get_num_univ_params() != m_I_decl.get_num_univ_params()) { level g_lvl = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(g_type).first); cases_on = mk_constant({I_name, "cases_on"}, cons(g_lvl, const_levels(I))); } else { cases_on = mk_constant({I_name, "cases_on"}, const_levels(I)); } // add params cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, m_nparams, I_args.data()); // add type former expr type_former = g_type; if (m_dep_elim) type_former = Fun(h, type_former); type_former = Fun(m_nindices, I_args.end() - m_nindices, type_former); cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, type_former); // add indices cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, m_nindices, I_args.end() - m_nindices); // add h cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, h); buffer intro_names; get_intro_rule_names(m_env, I_name, intro_names); lean_assert(m_nminors == intro_names.size()); buffer new_hyps; if (has_indep_indices) new_hyps.append(hyps.size() - 1, hyps.data()); else new_hyps.append(hyps.size() - m_nindices - 1, hyps.data()); // add a subgoal for each minor premise of cases_on expr cases_on_type = whnf(infer_type(cases_on)); buffer new_goals; buffer new_imps; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_nminors; i++) { expr new_type = binding_domain(cases_on_type); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type)), new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); new_goals.push_back(new_g); cases_on = mk_app(cases_on, new_meta); cases_on_type = whnf(binding_body(cases_on_type)); // the minor premises do not depend on each other name const & intro_name = intro_names[i]; new_imps.push_back(filter(imps, [&](implementation_ptr const & imp) { return imp->get_constructor_name() == intro_name; })); } assign(g, cases_on); return mk_pair(to_list(new_goals), to_list(new_imps)); } // Store in \c r the number of arguments for each cases_on minor. void get_minors_nargs(buffer & r) { expr cases_on_type = m_cases_on_decl.get_type(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_nparams + 1 + m_nindices + 1; i++) cases_on_type = binding_body(cases_on_type); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_nminors; i++) { expr minor_type = binding_domain(cases_on_type); unsigned nargs = 0; while (is_pi(minor_type)) { nargs++; minor_type = binding_body(minor_type); } r.push_back(nargs); cases_on_type = binding_body(cases_on_type); } } /** The method apply_cases_on produces subgoals of the form Ctx, h : I A j |- b_i : B_i -> T [C_i A b_i] The b_i are the arguments of the constructor C_i. This method moves the b_i's to the hypotheses list. */ std::pair, list>> intros_minors_args(list gs) { buffer minors_nargs; get_minors_nargs(minors_nargs); lean_assert(length(gs) == minors_nargs.size()); buffer new_gs; buffer> new_args; for (unsigned i = 0; i < minors_nargs.size(); i++) { goal const & g = head(gs); unsigned nargs = minors_nargs[i]; buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); buffer new_hyps; new_hyps.append(hyps); expr g_type = g.get_type(); buffer curr_new_args; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { expr type = binding_domain(g_type); name new_h_name; if (m_ids) { new_h_name = head(m_ids); m_ids = tail(m_ids); } else { new_h_name = binding_name(g_type); } expr new_h = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), get_unused_name(new_h_name, new_hyps), type, binder_info()); curr_new_args.push_back(new_h); new_hyps.push_back(new_h); g_type = instantiate(binding_body(g_type), new_h); } new_args.push_back(to_list(curr_new_args)); g_type = head_beta_reduce(g_type); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, g_type)), new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, g_type); new_gs.push_back(new_g); expr val = Fun(nargs, new_hyps.end() - nargs, new_meta); assign(g, val); gs = tail(gs); } return mk_pair(to_list(new_gs), to_list(new_args)); } // auxiliary exception used to interrupt execution struct inversion_exception {}; [[ noreturn ]] void throw_ill_formed_goal() { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, ill-formed goal"); else throw inversion_exception(); } [[ noreturn ]] void throw_ill_typed_goal() { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, ill-typed goal"); else throw inversion_exception(); } void throw_lift_down_failure() { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, lift.down failed"); else throw inversion_exception(); } void throw_unification_eq_rec_failure(goal const & g, expr const & eq) { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) { throw tactic_exception([=](formatter const & fmt) { format r("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed to eliminate eq.rec in the homogeneous equality"); r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, eq); r += compose(line(), format("auxiliary goal at time of failure")); r += nest(get_pp_indent(fmt.get_options()), compose(line(), g.pp(fmt))); return r; }); } else { throw inversion_exception(); } } /** \brief Process goal of the form: Pi (H : eq.rec A s C a s p = b), R The idea is to reduce it to Pi (H : a = b), R when A is a hset and then invoke intro_next_eq recursively. \remark \c type is the type of \c g after some normalization */ goal intro_next_eq_rec(goal const & g, expr const & type) { lean_assert(is_pi(type)); buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); expr const & eq = binding_domain(type); expr const & lhs = app_arg(app_fn(eq)); expr const & rhs = app_arg(eq); lean_assert(is_eq_rec(lhs)); // lhs is of the form (eq.rec A s C a s p) // aux_eq is a term of type ((eq.rec A s C a s p) = a) auto aux_eq = apply_eq_rec_eq(m_tc, m_ios, to_list(hyps), lhs); if (!aux_eq || has_expr_metavar_relaxed(*aux_eq)) { throw_unification_eq_rec_failure(g, eq); } buffer lhs_args; get_app_args(lhs, lhs_args); expr const & reduced_lhs = lhs_args[3]; expr new_eq = ::lean::mk_eq(m_tc, reduced_lhs, rhs); expr new_type = update_binding(type, new_eq, binding_body(type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); // create assignment for g expr A = infer_type(lhs); level lvl = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(A).first); // old_eq : eq.rec A s C a s p = b expr old_eq = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), binding_name(type), eq, binder_info()); // aux_eq : a = eq.rec A s C a s p expr trans_eq = mk_app({mk_constant(get_eq_trans_name(), {lvl}), A, reduced_lhs, lhs, rhs, *aux_eq, old_eq}); // trans_eq : a = b expr val = Fun(old_eq, mk_app(new_meta, trans_eq)); assign(g, val); return intro_next_eq(new_g); } /** \brief Process goal of the form: Ctx |- Pi (H : a == b), R when a and b have the same type The idea is to reduce it to Ctx, H : a = b |- R This method is only used if the environment has a proof irrelevant Prop. */ goal intro_next_heq(goal const & g) { lean_assert(m_proof_irrel); expr const & type = g.get_type(); expr eq = binding_domain(type); lean_assert(const_name(get_app_fn(eq)) == get_heq_name()); buffer args; expr const & heq_fn = get_app_args(eq, args); constraint_seq cs; if (m_tc.is_def_eq(args[0], args[2], justification(), cs) && !cs) { buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); expr new_eq = mk_app(mk_constant(get_eq_name(), const_levels(heq_fn)), args[0], args[1], args[3]); expr new_hyp = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(binding_name(type)), new_eq, binder_info()); expr new_type = instantiate(binding_body(type), new_hyp); hyps.push_back(new_hyp); expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); hyps.pop_back(); expr H = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(binding_name(type)), binding_domain(type), binder_info()); expr to_eq = mk_app(mk_constant(get_heq_to_eq_name(), const_levels(heq_fn)), args[0], args[1], args[3], H); expr val = Fun(H, mk_app(mk_app(new_mvar, hyps), to_eq)); assign(g, val); return new_g; } else { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) { throw tactic_exception("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed to reduce heterogeneous equality into homogeneous one"); } else { throw inversion_exception(); } } } /** \brief Process goal of the form: Ctx |- Pi (H : a = b), R The idea is to reduce it to Ctx, H : a = b |- R \remark \c type is the type of \c g after some normalization */ goal intro_next_eq_simple(goal const & g, expr const & type) { expr eq = binding_domain(type); lean_assert(const_name(get_app_fn(eq)) == get_eq_name()); buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); expr new_hyp = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), g.get_unused_name(binding_name(type)), binding_domain(type), binder_info()); expr new_type = instantiate(binding_body(type), new_hyp); hyps.push_back(new_hyp); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr val = Fun(new_hyp, new_meta); assign(g, val); return new_g; } goal intro_next_eq(goal const & g) { expr type = g.get_type(); if (!is_pi(type)) throw_ill_formed_goal(); expr eq = binding_domain(type); expr const & eq_fn = get_app_fn(eq); if (!is_constant(eq_fn)) throw_ill_formed_goal(); if (const_name(eq_fn) == get_eq_name()) { expr const & lhs = app_arg(app_fn(eq)); expr const & rhs = app_arg(eq); expr new_lhs = whnf(lhs); expr new_rhs = whnf(rhs); if (lhs != new_lhs || rhs != new_rhs) { eq = mk_app(app_fn(app_fn(eq)), new_lhs, new_rhs); type = update_binding(type, eq, binding_body(type)); } if (!m_proof_irrel && is_eq_rec(new_lhs)) { return intro_next_eq_rec(g, type); } else { return intro_next_eq_simple(g, type); } } else if (m_proof_irrel && const_name(eq_fn) == get_heq_name()) { return intro_next_heq(g); } else { throw_ill_formed_goal(); } } /** \brief The no_confusion constructions uses lifts in the proof relevant version. We must apply lift.down to eliminate the auxiliary lift. */ expr lift_down(expr const & v) { if (!m_proof_irrel) { expr v_type = whnf(infer_type(v)); if (!is_app(v_type)) { throw_lift_down_failure(); } expr const & lift = app_fn(v_type); if (!is_constant(lift) || const_name(lift) != get_lift_name()) { throw_lift_down_failure(); } return mk_app(mk_constant(get_lift_down_name(), const_levels(lift)), app_arg(v_type), v); } else { return v; } } buffer m_c_args; // current intro/constructor args that may be renamed by unify_eqs rename_map m_renames; implementation_list m_imps; void store_rename(expr const & old_hyp, expr const & new_hyp) { for (expr & c_arg : m_c_args) { if (is_local(c_arg) && mlocal_name(old_hyp) == mlocal_name(c_arg)) c_arg = new_hyp; } if (is_local(new_hyp)) m_renames.insert(mlocal_name(old_hyp), mlocal_name(new_hyp)); } /** \brief Update m_renames with old_hyps --> new_hyps. */ void store_renames(buffer const & old_hyps, buffer const & new_hyps) { lean_assert(old_hyps.size() == new_hyps.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < old_hyps.size(); i++) { store_rename(old_hyps[i], new_hyps[i]); } } // Remark: it also updates m_renames and m_imps optional unify_eqs(goal g, unsigned neqs) { if (neqs == 0) return optional(g); // done g = intro_next_eq(g); buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); lean_assert(!hyps.empty()); expr Heq = hyps.back(); buffer Heq_args; get_app_args(mlocal_type(Heq), Heq_args); expr const & A = whnf(Heq_args[0]); expr lhs = whnf(Heq_args[1]); expr rhs = whnf(Heq_args[2]); constraint_seq cs; if (m_proof_irrel && m_tc.is_def_eq(lhs, rhs, justification(), cs) && !cs) { // deletion transition: t == t hyps.pop_back(); // remove t == t equality expr new_type = g.get_type(); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); assign(g, new_meta); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs-1); } buffer lhs_args, rhs_args; expr const & lhs_fn = get_app_args(lhs, lhs_args); expr const & rhs_fn = get_app_args(rhs, rhs_args); expr const & g_type = g.get_type(); level const & g_lvl = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(g_type).first); if (is_constant(lhs_fn) && is_constant(rhs_fn) && inductive::is_intro_rule(m_env, const_name(lhs_fn)) && inductive::is_intro_rule(m_env, const_name(rhs_fn))) { buffer A_args; expr const & A_fn = get_app_args(A, A_args); if (!is_constant(A_fn) || !inductive::is_inductive_decl(m_env, const_name(A_fn))) throw_ill_typed_goal(); name no_confusion_name(const_name(A_fn), "no_confusion"); if (!m_env.find(no_confusion_name)) { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) throw tactic_exception(sstream() << "invalid 'cases' tactic, construction '" << no_confusion_name << "' is not available in the environment"); else throw inversion_exception(); } expr no_confusion = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion_name, cons(g_lvl, const_levels(A_fn))), A_args), g_type, lhs, rhs, Heq); if (const_name(lhs_fn) == const_name(rhs_fn)) { // injectivity transition expr new_type = binding_domain(whnf(infer_type(no_confusion))); if (m_proof_irrel || !depends_on(g_type, hyps.back())) hyps.pop_back(); // remove processed equality expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr val = lift_down(mk_app(no_confusion, new_meta)); assign(g, val); unsigned A_nparams = *inductive::get_num_params(m_env, const_name(A_fn)); lean_assert(lhs_args.size() >= A_nparams); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs - 1 + lhs_args.size() - A_nparams); } else { // conflict transition, Heq is of the form c_1 ... = c_2 ..., where c_1 and c_2 are different constructors/intro rules. expr val = lift_down(no_confusion); assign(g, val); return optional(); // goal has been solved } } if (is_local(rhs)) { // solution transition, Heq is of the form t = y, where y is a local constant // assume the current goal is of the form // // non_deps, deps[rhs], H : lhs = rhs |- C[rhs] // // We use non_deps to denote hypotheses that do not depend on rhs, // and deps[rhs] to denote hypotheses that depend on it. // // The resultant goal is of the form // // non_deps, deps[lhs] |- C[lhs] // // Now, assume ?m1 is a solution for the resultant goal. // Then, // // @eq.rec A lhs (fun rhs, Pi(deps[rhs], C[rhs])) (?m1 non_deps) rhs H deps[rhs] // // is a solution for the original goal. // Remark: A is the type of lhs and rhs hyps.pop_back(); // remove processed equality buffer non_deps, deps; split_deps(hyps, rhs, non_deps, deps); if (deps.empty() && !depends_on(g_type, rhs)) { // eq.rec is not necessary buffer & new_hyps = non_deps; expr new_type = g_type; expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); assign(g, new_meta); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs-1); } else { expr deps_g_type = Pi(deps, g_type); level eq_rec_lvl1 = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(deps_g_type).first); level eq_rec_lvl2 = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(A).first); expr tformer; if (m_proof_irrel) tformer = Fun(rhs, deps_g_type); else tformer = Fun(rhs, Fun(Heq, deps_g_type)); expr eq_rec = mk_constant(get_eq_rec_name(), {eq_rec_lvl1, eq_rec_lvl2}); eq_rec = mk_app(eq_rec, A, lhs, tformer); buffer new_hyps; new_hyps.append(non_deps); expr new_type = instantiate(abstract_local(deps_g_type, rhs), lhs); store_rename(rhs, lhs); replace(m_imps, rhs, lhs); if (!m_proof_irrel) { new_type = abstract_local(new_type, Heq); new_type = instantiate(new_type, mk_refl(m_tc, lhs)); } buffer new_deps; for (unsigned i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) { expr new_hyp = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), binding_name(new_type), binding_domain(new_type), binding_info(new_type)); new_hyps.push_back(new_hyp); new_deps.push_back(new_hyp); new_type = instantiate(binding_body(new_type), new_hyp); } replace(m_imps, deps, new_deps); lean_assert(deps.size() == new_deps.size()); store_renames(deps, new_deps); expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr eq_rec_minor = mk_app(new_mvar, non_deps); eq_rec = mk_app(eq_rec, eq_rec_minor, rhs, Heq); expr val = mk_app(eq_rec, deps); assign(g, val); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs-1); } } else if (is_local(lhs)) { // flip equation and reduce to previous case expr symm_eq = mk_eq(rhs, lhs).first; hyps.pop_back(); // remove processed equality if (!depends_on(g_type, Heq)) { expr new_type = mk_arrow(symm_eq, g_type); expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); expr Heq_inv = mk_symm(m_tc, Heq); expr val = mk_app(new_meta, Heq_inv); assign(g, val); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs); } else { // Let C[Heq] be the original conclusion which depends on the equality eq being processed. expr new_Heq = update_mlocal(Heq, symm_eq); expr new_Heq_inv = mk_symm(m_tc, new_Heq); expr new_type = Pi(new_Heq, instantiate(abstract_local(g_type, Heq), new_Heq_inv)); expr new_mvar = mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)); expr new_meta = mk_app(new_mvar, hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); // Then, we have // new_meta : Pi (new_Heq : rhs = lhs), C[symm new_Heq] expr Heq_inv = mk_symm(m_tc, Heq); expr val = mk_app(new_meta, Heq_inv); // val : C[symm (symm Heq)] // Remark: in proof irrelevant mode (symm (symm Heq)) is definitionally equal to Heq if (!m_proof_irrel) { expr C = Fun(Heq, g_type); level A_lvl = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(A).first); level g_lvl = sort_level(m_tc.ensure_type(g_type).first); expr elim_inv_inv = mk_constant(get_eq_elim_inv_inv_name(), {A_lvl, g_lvl}); val = mk_app({elim_inv_inv, A, lhs, rhs, C, Heq, val}); // val : C[Heq] as we wanted } assign(g, val); return unify_eqs(new_g, neqs); } } if (m_throw_tactic_exception) { throw tactic_exception([=](formatter const & fmt) { format r("invalid 'cases' tactic, unification failed"); r += compose(line(), format("auxiliary goal at time of failure")); r += nest(get_pp_indent(fmt.get_options()), compose(line(), g.pp(fmt))); return r; }); } else { throw inversion_exception(); } } auto unify_eqs(list const & gs, list> args, list imps) -> std::tuple, list>, list, list> { lean_assert(length(gs) == length(imps)); unsigned neqs = m_nindices + (m_dep_elim ? 1 : 0); buffer new_goals; buffer> new_args; buffer new_imps; buffer new_renames; for (goal const & g : gs) { flet set1(m_renames, rename_map()); flet set2(m_imps, head(imps)); m_c_args.clear(); to_buffer(head(args), m_c_args); if (optional new_g = unify_eqs(g, neqs)) { new_goals.push_back(*new_g); list new_as = to_list(m_c_args); new_args.push_back(new_as); new_imps.push_back(m_imps); new_renames.push_back(m_renames); } imps = tail(imps); args = tail(args); } return std::make_tuple(to_list(new_goals), to_list(new_args), to_list(new_imps), to_list(new_renames)); } std::pair intro_deps(goal const & g, buffer const & deps) { buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); buffer new_hyps; new_hyps.append(hyps); rename_map rs; expr g_type = g.get_type(); for (expr const & d : deps) { expr type = binding_domain(g_type); expr new_d = mk_local(m_ngen.next(), get_unused_name(local_pp_name(d), new_hyps), type, local_info(d)); rs.insert(mlocal_name(d), mlocal_name(new_d)); new_hyps.push_back(new_d); g_type = instantiate(binding_body(g_type), new_d); } expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(new_hyps, g_type)), new_hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, g_type); unsigned ndeps = deps.size(); expr val = Fun(ndeps, new_hyps.end() - ndeps, new_meta); assign(g, val); return mk_pair(new_g, rs); } std::pair, list> intro_deps(list const & gs, buffer const & deps) { buffer new_goals; buffer new_rs; for (goal const & g : gs) { auto p = intro_deps(g, deps); new_goals.push_back(p.first); new_rs.push_back(p.second); } return mk_pair(to_list(new_goals), to_list(new_rs)); } goal clear_hypothesis(goal const & g, name const & h) { if (auto p = g.find_hyp_from_internal_name(h)) { expr const & h = p->first; unsigned i = p->second; buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); hyps.erase(hyps.size() - i - 1); if (depends_on(g.get_type(), h) || depends_on(i, hyps.end() - i, h)) { return g; // other hypotheses or result type depend on h } expr new_type = g.get_type(); expr new_meta = mk_app(mk_metavar(m_ngen.next(), Pi(hyps, new_type)), hyps); goal new_g(new_meta, new_type); assign(g, new_meta); return new_g; } else { return g; } } // Remove hypothesis of the form (H : a = a) goal remove_eq_refl_hypotheses(goal g) { buffer to_remove; buffer hyps; g.get_hyps(hyps); for (expr const & h : hyps) { expr const & h_type = mlocal_type(h); if (!is_eq(h_type)) continue; expr const & lhs = app_arg(app_fn(h_type)); expr const & rhs = app_arg(h_type); if (lhs == rhs) to_remove.push_back(mlocal_name(h)); } for (name const & h : to_remove) { g = clear_hypothesis(g, h); } return g; } list clear_hypothesis(list const & gs, list rs, name const & h_name, expr const & h_type) { buffer new_gs; optional lhs_name; // If h_type is of the form lhs = rhs, and lhs is also a hypothesis, then we also remove it. if (is_eq(h_type) && is_local(app_arg(app_fn(h_type)))) { lhs_name = mlocal_name(app_arg(app_fn(h_type))); } for (goal const & g : gs) { rename_map const & m = head(rs); goal new_g = clear_hypothesis(g, m.find(h_name)); if (lhs_name) new_g = clear_hypothesis(new_g, *lhs_name); if (!m_proof_irrel) new_g = remove_eq_refl_hypotheses(new_g); new_gs.push_back(new_g); rs = tail(rs); } return to_list(new_gs); } public: inversion_tac(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name_generator const & ngen, type_checker & tc, substitution const & subst, list const & ids, bool throw_tactic_ex): m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_tc(tc), m_ids(ids), m_ngen(ngen), m_subst(subst), m_throw_tactic_exception(throw_tactic_ex) { m_proof_irrel = m_env.prop_proof_irrel(); } inversion_tac(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, type_checker & tc): inversion_tac(env, ios, tc.mk_ngen(), tc, substitution(), list(), false) {} typedef inversion::result result; optional execute(goal const & g, expr const & h, implementation_list const & imps) { try { expr h_type = whnf(mlocal_type(h)); if (!is_inversion_applicable(h_type)) return optional(); if (has_indep_indices(g, h, h_type)) { buffer deps; goal g1 = generalize_dependecies(g, h, deps); auto gs_imps_pair = apply_cases_on(g1, imps, true); list gs2 = gs_imps_pair.first; list new_imps = gs_imps_pair.second; auto gs_args_pair = intros_minors_args(gs2); list gs3 = gs_args_pair.first; list> args = gs_args_pair.second; auto gs_rs_pair = intro_deps(gs3, deps); list gs4 = gs_rs_pair.first; list rs = gs_rs_pair.second; return optional(result(gs4, args, new_imps, rs, m_ngen, m_subst)); } else { goal g1 = generalize_indices(g, h, h_type); auto gs_imps_pair = apply_cases_on(g1, imps, false); list gs2 = gs_imps_pair.first; list new_imps = gs_imps_pair.second; auto gs_args_pair = intros_minors_args(gs2); list gs3 = gs_args_pair.first; list> args = gs_args_pair.second; list gs4; list rs; std::tie(gs4, args, new_imps, rs) = unify_eqs(gs3, args, new_imps); gs4 = clear_hypothesis(gs4, rs, mlocal_name(h), h_type); return optional(result(gs4, args, new_imps, rs, m_ngen, m_subst)); } } catch (inversion_exception & ex) { return optional(); } } optional execute(goal const & g, name const & n, implementation_list const & imps) { auto p = g.find_hyp(n); if (!p) { if (m_throw_tactic_exception) throw tactic_exception(sstream() << "invalid 'cases' tactic, unknown hypothesis '" << n << "'"); return optional(); } expr const & h = p->first; return execute(g, h, imps); } }; namespace inversion { optional apply(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, type_checker & tc, goal const & g, expr const & h, implementation_list const & imps) { return inversion_tac(env, ios, tc).execute(g, h, imps); } } tactic inversion_tactic(name const & n, list const & ids) { auto fn = [=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & ps) -> optional { goals const & gs = ps.get_goals(); if (empty(gs)) return none_proof_state(); goal g = head(gs); goals tail_gs = tail(gs); name_generator ngen = ps.get_ngen(); std::unique_ptr tc = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), ps.relax_main_opaque()); inversion_tac tac(env, ios, ngen, *tc, ps.get_subst(), ids, ps.report_failure()); if (auto res = tac.execute(g, n, implementation_list())) { proof_state new_s(ps, append(res->m_goals, tail_gs), res->m_subst, res->m_ngen); return some_proof_state(new_s); } else { return none_proof_state(); } }; return tactic01(fn); } void initialize_inversion_tactic() { register_tac(get_tactic_cases_name(), [](type_checker &, elaborate_fn const &, expr const & e, pos_info_provider const *) { name n = tactic_expr_to_id(app_arg(app_fn(e)), "invalid 'cases' tactic, argument must be an identifier"); buffer ids; get_tactic_id_list_elements(app_arg(e), ids, "invalid 'cases' tactic, list of identifiers expected"); return inversion_tactic(n, to_list(ids.begin(), ids.end())); }); } void finalize_inversion_tactic() {} }