/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/sstream.h" #include "util/exception.h" #include "util/sexpr/option_declarations.h" #include "util/bitap_fuzzy_search.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "library/aliases.h" #include "library/type_util.h" #include "library/unifier.h" #include "library/reducible.h" #include "library/scoped_ext.h" #include "library/tactic/goal.h" #include "frontends/lean/server.h" #include "frontends/lean/parser.h" #include "frontends/lean/util.h" // #define LEAN_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC #if defined(LEAN_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC) #define DIAG(CODE) CODE #else #define DIAG(CODE) #endif #define LEAN_FUZZY_MAX_ERRORS 3 #define LEAN_FUZZY_MAX_ERRORS_FACTOR 3 #define LEAN_FIND_CONSUME_IMPLICIT true // lean will add metavariables for implicit arguments when printing the type of declarations in FINDP and FINDG #define LEAN_FINDG_MAX_STEPS 128 // maximum number of steps per unification problem namespace lean { server::file::file(std::istream & in, std::string const & fname):m_fname(fname) { for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line);) { m_lines.push_back(line); } } void server::file::replace_line(unsigned line_num, std::string const & new_line) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); while (line_num >= m_lines.size()) m_lines.push_back(""); #if 0 std::string const & old_line = m_lines[line_num]; unsigned i = 0; while (i < old_line.size() && i < new_line.size() && old_line[i] == new_line[i]) i++; #endif m_info.block_new_info(); #if 0 // It turns out that is not a good idea to try to "keep" some of the information. // The info_manager will accumulate conflicting information and confuse the frontend. // Example: open a theorem, delete the proof, then type "and", then continue with "and.elim" // Now, the info_manager contains the "and" and "and.elim" type. m_info.invalidate_line_col(line_num+1, i); #endif m_info.invalidate_line(line_num+1); m_lines[line_num] = new_line; } void server::file::insert_line(unsigned line_num, std::string const & new_line) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(); m_info.insert_line(line_num+1); while (line_num >= m_lines.size()) m_lines.push_back(""); m_lines.push_back(""); lean_assert(m_lines.size() >= line_num+1); unsigned i = m_lines.size(); while (i > line_num) { --i; m_lines[i] = m_lines[i-1]; } m_lines[line_num] = new_line; } void server::file::remove_line(unsigned line_num) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(); m_info.remove_line(line_num+1); if (line_num >= m_lines.size()) return; lean_assert(!m_lines.empty()); for (unsigned i = line_num; i < m_lines.size()-1; i++) m_lines[i] = m_lines[i+1]; m_lines.pop_back(); } void server::file::show(std::ostream & out, bool valid) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_lines.size(); i++) { if (valid) { if (m_info.is_invalidated(i+1)) out << "*"; else out << " "; out << " "; } out << m_lines[i] << "\n"; } } void server::file::sync(std::vector const & lines) { lock_guard lk(m_lines_mutex); m_info.block_new_info(); m_info.clear(); m_lines = lines; } /** \brief Return index i <= m_snapshots.size() s.t. * forall j < i, m_snapshots[j].m_line < line * forall i <= j < m_snapshots.size(), m_snapshots[j].m_line >= line */ unsigned server::file::find(unsigned line_num) { unsigned low = 0; unsigned high = m_snapshots.size(); while (true) { lean_assert(low <= high); if (low == high) return low; unsigned mid = low + ((high - low)/2); lean_assert(low <= mid && mid < high); lean_assert(mid < m_snapshots.size()); snapshot const & s = m_snapshots[mid]; if (s.m_line < line_num) { low = mid+1; } else { high = mid; } } } /** \brief Copy lines [starting_from, m_lines.size()) to block and return the total number of lines */ unsigned server::file::copy_to(std::string & block, unsigned starting_from) { unsigned num_lines = m_lines.size(); for (unsigned j = starting_from; j < num_lines; j++) { block += m_lines[j]; block += '\n'; } return num_lines; } server::worker::worker(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, definition_cache & cache): m_empty_snapshot(env, ios.get_options()), m_cache(cache), m_todo_line_num(0), m_todo_options(ios.get_options()), m_terminate(false), m_thread([=]() { io_state _ios(ios); while (!m_terminate) { file_ptr todo_file; unsigned todo_line_num = 0; options todo_options; // wait for next task while (!m_terminate) { unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_todo_file) { todo_file = m_todo_file; todo_line_num = m_todo_line_num; todo_options = m_todo_options; break; } else { m_todo_cv.wait(lk); } } // extract block of code and snapshot from todo_file reset_interrupt(); bool worker_interrupted = false; if (m_terminate) break; DIAG(std::cerr << "processing '" << todo_file->get_fname() << "'\n";) std::string block; unsigned num_lines; snapshot s; { lean_assert(todo_file); lock_guard lk(todo_file->m_lines_mutex); unsigned i = todo_file->find(todo_line_num); todo_file->m_snapshots.resize(i); s = i == 0 ? m_empty_snapshot : todo_file->m_snapshots[i-1]; if (direct_imports_have_changed(s.m_env)) s = m_empty_snapshot; lean_assert(s.m_line > 0); todo_file->m_info.start_from(s.m_line); todo_file->m_info.save_environment_options(s.m_line, s.m_env, s.m_options); num_lines = todo_file->copy_to(block, s.m_line - 1); } if (m_terminate) break; // parse block of code with respect to snapshot try { std::istringstream strm(block); #if defined(LEAN_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC) std::shared_ptr out1(new stderr_channel()); std::shared_ptr out2(new stderr_channel()); #else std::shared_ptr out1(new string_output_channel()); std::shared_ptr out2(new string_output_channel()); #endif io_state tmp_ios(_ios, out1, out2); tmp_ios.set_options(join(s.m_options, _ios.get_options())); bool use_exceptions = false; unsigned num_threads = 1; parser p(s.m_env, tmp_ios, strm, todo_file->m_fname.c_str(), use_exceptions, num_threads, &s, &todo_file->m_snapshots, &todo_file->m_info); p.set_cache(&m_cache); p(); } catch (interrupted &) { worker_interrupted = true; } catch (exception & ex) { DIAG(std::cerr << "worker exception: " << ex.what() << "\n";) } if (!m_terminate && !worker_interrupted) { DIAG(std::cerr << "finished '" << todo_file->get_fname() << "'\n";) unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_todo_file == todo_file && m_last_file == todo_file && m_todo_line_num == todo_line_num) { m_todo_line_num = num_lines + 1; m_todo_file = nullptr; m_todo_cv.notify_all(); } } } }) {} server::worker::~worker() { m_terminate = true; request_interrupt(); m_thread.join(); } void server::worker::request_interrupt() { m_todo_cv.notify_all(); m_thread.request_interrupt(); } bool server::worker::wait(optional const & ms) { while (true) { unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (!m_todo_file) return true; if (ms) { chrono::milliseconds d(*ms); m_todo_cv.wait_for(lk, d); if (!m_todo_file) return true; return false; } else { m_todo_cv.wait(lk); } } } void server::worker::set_todo(file_ptr const & f, unsigned line_num, options const & o) { lock_guard lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_last_file != f || line_num < m_todo_line_num) m_todo_line_num = line_num; m_todo_file = f; m_last_file = f; m_todo_options = o; m_todo_cv.notify_all(); } server::server(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, unsigned num_threads): m_env(env), m_ios(ios), m_out(ios.get_regular_channel().get_stream()), m_num_threads(num_threads), m_empty_snapshot(m_env, m_ios.get_options()), m_worker(env, ios, m_cache) { #if !defined(LEAN_MULTI_THREAD) lean_unreachable(); #endif } server::~server() { } void server::interrupt_worker() { m_worker.request_interrupt(); } static std::string * g_load = nullptr; static std::string * g_save = nullptr; static std::string * g_visit = nullptr; static std::string * g_sync = nullptr; static std::string * g_replace = nullptr; static std::string * g_insert = nullptr; static std::string * g_remove = nullptr; static std::string * g_info = nullptr; static std::string * g_set = nullptr; static std::string * g_eval = nullptr; static std::string * g_wait = nullptr; static std::string * g_clear_cache = nullptr; static std::string * g_echo = nullptr; static std::string * g_options = nullptr; static std::string * g_show = nullptr; static std::string * g_valid = nullptr; static std::string * g_sleep = nullptr; static std::string * g_findp = nullptr; static std::string * g_findg = nullptr; static bool is_command(std::string const & cmd, std::string const & line) { return line.compare(0, cmd.size(), cmd) == 0; } static std::string & ltrim(std::string & s) { s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace)))); return s; } static std::string & rtrim(std::string & s) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun(std::isspace))).base(), s.end()); return s; } static std::string & trim(std::string & s) { return ltrim(rtrim(s)); } void server::process_from(unsigned line_num) { m_worker.set_todo(m_file, line_num, m_ios.get_options()); } void server::load_file(std::string const & fname, bool error_if_nofile) { interrupt_worker(); std::ifstream in(fname); if (in.bad() || in.fail()) { if (error_if_nofile) { m_out << "-- ERROR failed to open file '" << fname << "'" << std::endl; } else { m_file.reset(new file(in, fname)); m_file_map.erase(fname); m_file_map.insert(mk_pair(fname, m_file)); } } else { m_cache.clear(); m_file.reset(new file(in, fname)); m_file_map.erase(fname); m_file_map.insert(mk_pair(fname, m_file)); process_from(0); } } void server::visit_file(std::string const & fname) { interrupt_worker(); auto it = m_file_map.find(fname); if (it == m_file_map.end()) { bool error_if_nofile = false; load_file(fname, error_if_nofile); } else { m_file = it->second; m_cache.clear(); process_from(0); } } void server::read_line(std::istream & in, std::string & line) { if (!std::getline(in, line)) throw exception("unexpected end of input"); } void consume_spaces(std::string const & data, unsigned & i) { while (i < data.size() && std::isspace(data[i])) { i++; } } unsigned consume_num(std::string const & data, unsigned & i) { unsigned sz = data.size(); if (i >= sz || !std::isdigit(data[i])) throw exception("numeral expected"); unsigned long long r = 0; while (i < sz && std::isdigit(data[i])) { r = r*10 + (data[i] - '0'); if (r > std::numeric_limits::max()) throw exception("numeral is too big to fit in a 32-bit machine unsigned integer"); i++; } return r; } optional server::get_optional_num(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { std::string data = line.substr(cmd.size()); unsigned i = 0; consume_spaces(data, i); if (i == data.size()) return optional(); unsigned r = consume_num(data, i); return optional(r); } unsigned server::get_num(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { if (auto r = get_optional_num(line, cmd)) return *r; else throw exception("numeral expected"); } void check_line_num(unsigned line_num) { if (line_num == 0) throw exception("line numbers are indexed from 1"); } // Given a line of the form "cmd line_num", return the line_num unsigned server::get_line_num(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { std::string data = line.substr(cmd.size()); unsigned i = 0; consume_spaces(data, i); unsigned r = consume_num(data, i); check_line_num(r); return r; } pair> server::get_line_opt_col_num(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { std::string data = line.substr(cmd.size()); unsigned i = 0; consume_spaces(data, i); unsigned line_num = consume_num(data, i); check_line_num(line_num); consume_spaces(data, i); if (i == data.size()) return mk_pair(line_num, optional()); unsigned colnum = consume_num(data, i); return mk_pair(line_num, optional(colnum)); } pair server::get_line_col_num(std::string const & line, std::string const & cmd) { auto r = get_line_opt_col_num(line, cmd); if (r.second) return mk_pair(r.first, *r.second); else return mk_pair(r.first, 0); } void server::check_file() { if (!m_file) throw exception("no file has been loaded/visited"); } void server::sync(std::vector const & lines) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->sync(lines); process_from(0); } void server::replace_line(unsigned line_num, std::string const & new_line) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->replace_line(line_num, new_line); process_from(line_num); } void server::insert_line(unsigned line_num, std::string const & new_line) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->insert_line(line_num, new_line); process_from(line_num); } void server::remove_line(unsigned line_num) { interrupt_worker(); check_file(); m_file->remove_line(line_num); process_from(line_num); } void server::set_option(std::string const & line) { std::string cmd = "set_option "; cmd += line; std::istringstream strm(cmd); m_out << "-- BEGINSET" << std::endl; try { parser p(m_env, m_ios, strm, "SET_command", true); p(); m_ios.set_options(p.ios().get_options()); } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << ex.what() << std::endl; } m_out << "-- ENDSET" << std::endl; } void server::show_info(unsigned line_num, optional const & col_num) { check_file(); m_out << "-- BEGININFO"; if (m_file->infom().is_invalidated(line_num)) m_out << " STALE"; if (line_num >= m_file->infom().get_processed_upto()) m_out << " NAY"; m_out << std::endl; m_file->infom().display(m_env, m_ios, line_num, col_num); m_out << "-- ENDINFO" << std::endl; } void server::eval_core(environment const & env, options const & o, std::string const & line) { std::istringstream strm(line); io_state ios(m_ios, o); m_out << "-- BEGINEVAL" << std::endl; try { parser p(env, ios, strm, "EVAL_command", true); p(); } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << ex.what() << std::endl; } m_out << "-- ENDEVAL" << std::endl; } void server::eval(std::string const & line) { if (!m_file) { eval_core(m_env, m_ios.get_options(), line); } else if (auto p = m_file->infom().get_final_env_opts()) { eval_core(p->first, join(p->second, m_ios.get_options()), line); } else { eval_core(m_env, m_ios.get_options(), line); } } void server::show_options() { m_out << "-- BEGINOPTIONS" << std::endl; options const & o = m_ios.get_options(); option_declarations const & decls = get_option_declarations(); for (auto it = decls.begin(); it != decls.end(); it++) { option_declaration const & d = it->second; m_out << "-- " << d.get_name() << "|" << d.kind() << "|"; d.display_value(m_out, o); m_out << "|" << d.get_description() << "\n"; } m_out << "-- ENDOPTIONS" << std::endl; } void server::show(bool valid) { check_file(); m_out << "-- BEGINSHOW" << std::endl; m_file->show(m_out, valid); m_out << "-- ENDSHOW" << std::endl; } void server::display_decl(name const & short_name, name const & long_name, environment const & env, options const & o) { declaration const & d = env.get(long_name); io_state_stream out = regular(env, m_ios).update_options(o); expr type = d.get_type(); if (LEAN_FIND_CONSUME_IMPLICIT) { while (true) { if (!is_pi(type)) break; if (!binding_info(type).is_implicit() && !binding_info(type).is_inst_implicit()) break; std::string q("?"); q += binding_name(type).to_string(); expr m = mk_constant(name(q.c_str())); type = instantiate(binding_body(type), m); } } out << short_name << "|" << mk_pair(flatten(out.get_formatter()(type)), o) << "\n"; } /** \brief Return an (atomic) name if \c n can be referenced by this atomic name in the given environment. */ optional is_essentially_atomic(environment const & env, name const & n) { if (n.is_atomic()) return optional(n); list const & ns_list = get_namespaces(env); for (name const & ns : ns_list) { if (is_prefix_of(ns, n)) { auto n_prime = n.replace_prefix(ns, name()); if (n_prime.is_atomic()) return optional(n_prime); break; } } if (auto it = is_uniquely_aliased(env, n)) if (it->is_atomic()) return it; return optional(); } void server::display_decl(name const & d, environment const & env, options const & o) { // using namespace override resolution rule list const & ns_list = get_namespaces(env); for (name const & ns : ns_list) { if (is_prefix_of(ns, d) && ns != d) { display_decl(d.replace_prefix(ns, name()), d, env, o); return; } } // if the alias is unique use it if (auto it = is_uniquely_aliased(env, d)) { display_decl(*it, d, env, o); } else { display_decl(d, d, env, o); } } unsigned get_fuzzy_match_max_errors(unsigned prefix_sz) { unsigned r = (prefix_sz / LEAN_FUZZY_MAX_ERRORS_FACTOR); if (r > LEAN_FUZZY_MAX_ERRORS) return LEAN_FUZZY_MAX_ERRORS; return r; } optional exact_prefix_match(environment const & env, std::string const & pattern, declaration const & d) { if (auto it = is_essentially_atomic(env, d.get_name())) { std::string it_str = it->to_string(); // if pattern "perfectly" matches beginning of declaration name, we just display d on the top of the list if (it_str.compare(0, pattern.size(), pattern) == 0) return it; } else { std::string d_str = d.get_name().to_string(); if (d_str.compare(0, pattern.size(), pattern) == 0) return optional(d.get_name()); } return optional(); } void server::find_pattern(unsigned line_num, std::string const & pattern) { check_file(); m_out << "-- BEGINFINDP"; unsigned upto = m_file->infom().get_processed_upto(); optional> env_opts = m_file->infom().get_closest_env_opts(line_num); if (!env_opts) { m_out << " NAY" << std::endl; m_out << "-- ENDFINDP" << std::endl; return; } if (upto < line_num) m_out << " STALE"; environment const & env = env_opts->first; options opts = env_opts->second; token_table const & tt = get_token_table(env); if (is_token(tt, pattern.c_str())) { // we ignore patterns that match commands, keywords, and tokens. m_out << "\n-- ENDFINDP" << std::endl; return; } opts = join(opts, m_ios.get_options()); m_out << std::endl; unsigned max_errors = get_fuzzy_match_max_errors(pattern.size()); std::vector> exact_matches; std::vector> selected; bitap_fuzzy_search matcher(pattern, max_errors); env.for_each_declaration([&](declaration const & d) { if (auto it = exact_prefix_match(env, pattern, d)) { exact_matches.emplace_back(*it, d.get_name()); } else { std::string text = d.get_name().to_string(); if (matcher.match(text)) selected.emplace_back(text, d.get_name()); } }); if (!exact_matches.empty()) { std::sort(exact_matches.begin(), exact_matches.end(), [](pair const & p1, pair const & p2) { return p1.first.size() < p2.first.size(); }); for (pair const & p : exact_matches) { display_decl(p.first, p.second, env, opts); } } unsigned sz = selected.size(); if (sz == 1) { display_decl(selected[0].second, env, opts); } else if (sz > 1) { std::vector> next_selected; for (unsigned k = 0; k <= max_errors; k++) { bitap_fuzzy_search matcher(pattern, k); for (auto const & s : selected) { if (matcher.match(s.first)) { display_decl(s.second, env, opts); } else { next_selected.push_back(s); } } std::swap(selected, next_selected); next_selected.clear(); } } m_out << "-- ENDFINDP" << std::endl; } void consume_pos_neg_strs(std::string const & filters, buffer & pos_names, buffer & neg_names) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned sz = filters.size(); std::string val; while (true) { consume_spaces(filters, i); if (i == sz) return; if (filters[i] == '+' || filters[i] == '-') { bool pos = filters[i] == '+'; i++; val.clear(); while (i < sz && !std::isspace(filters[i])) { val += filters[i]; i++; } if (val.empty()) throw exception("invalid empty filter"); name n = string_to_name(val); if (!n.is_atomic()) throw exception("invalid filter, atomic name expected"); if (pos) pos_names.push_back(n.to_string()); else neg_names.push_back(n.to_string()); } else { throw exception("invalid filter, '+' or '-' expected"); } } } bool match_type(type_checker & tc, expr const & meta, expr const & expected_type, declaration const & d) { name_generator ngen = tc.mk_ngen(); goal g(meta, expected_type); buffer ls; unsigned num_ls = length(d.get_univ_params()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_ls; i++) ls.push_back(mk_meta_univ(ngen.next())); expr dt = instantiate_type_univ_params(d, to_list(ls.begin(), ls.end())); unsigned num_e = get_expect_num_args(tc, expected_type); unsigned num_d = get_expect_num_args(tc, dt); if (num_e > num_d) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_d - num_e; i++) { dt = tc.whnf(dt).first; expr meta = g.mk_meta(ngen.next(), binding_domain(dt)); dt = instantiate(binding_body(dt), meta); } // Remark: we ignore declarations where the resultant type is of the form // (?M ...) because they unify with almost everything. They produce a lot of noise in the output. // Perhaps we should have an option to enable/disable this kind of declaration. For now, we // just ingore them. if (is_meta(dt)) return false; // matches anything try { unifier_config cfg; cfg.m_max_steps = LEAN_FINDG_MAX_STEPS; cfg.m_cheap = true; auto r = unify(tc.env(), dt, expected_type, tc.mk_ngen(), true, substitution(), cfg); return static_cast(r.pull()); } catch (exception&) { return false; } } static std::unique_ptr mk_find_goal_type_checker(environment const & env, name_generator const & ngen) { return mk_opaque_type_checker(env, ngen); } static name * g_tmp_prefix = nullptr; void server::find_goal_matches(unsigned line_num, unsigned col_num, std::string const & filters) { buffer pos_names, neg_names; consume_pos_neg_strs(filters, pos_names, neg_names); m_out << "-- BEGINFINDG"; optional> env_opts = m_file->infom().get_closest_env_opts(line_num); if (!env_opts) { m_out << " NAY" << std::endl; m_out << "-- ENDFINDG" << std::endl; return; } if (line_num >= m_file->infom().get_processed_upto()) m_out << " NAY"; m_out << std::endl; environment const & env = env_opts->first; options const & opts = env_opts->second; name_generator ngen(*g_tmp_prefix); std::unique_ptr tc = mk_find_goal_type_checker(env, ngen); if (auto meta = m_file->infom().get_meta_at(line_num, col_num)) { if (is_meta(*meta)) { if (auto type = m_file->infom().get_type_at(line_num, col_num)) { env.for_each_declaration([&](declaration const & d) { if (std::all_of(pos_names.begin(), pos_names.end(), [&](std::string const & pos) { return is_part_of(pos, d.get_name()); }) && std::all_of(neg_names.begin(), neg_names.end(), [&](std::string const & neg) { return !is_part_of(neg, d.get_name()); }) && match_type(*tc.get(), *meta, *type, d)) { if (optional alias = is_expr_aliased(env, d.get_name())) display_decl(*alias, d.get_name(), env, opts); else display_decl(d.get_name(), d.get_name(), env, opts); } }); }}} m_out << "-- ENDFINDG" << std::endl; } void server::wait(optional ms) { m_out << "-- BEGINWAIT" << std::endl; if (!m_worker.wait(ms)) m_out << "-- INTERRUPTED\n"; m_out << "-- ENDWAIT" << std::endl; } void server::save_olean(std::string const & fname) { m_out << "-- BEGINSAVE" << std::endl; check_file(); m_worker.wait(optional()); if (auto it = m_file->infom().get_final_env_opts()) { std::ofstream out(fname, std::ofstream::binary); environment const & env = it->first; export_module(out, env); } else { m_out << "ERROR: nothing to be saved\n"; } m_out << "-- ENDSAVE" << std::endl; } bool server::operator()(std::istream & in) { for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line);) { try { if (is_command(*g_load, line)) { std::string fname = line.substr(g_load->size()); trim(fname); load_file(fname); } else if (is_command(*g_save, line)) { std::string fname = line.substr(g_save->size()); trim(fname); save_olean(fname); } else if (is_command(*g_visit, line)) { std::string fname = line.substr(g_visit->size()); trim(fname); visit_file(fname); } else if (is_command(*g_sync, line)) { unsigned nlines = get_num(line, *g_sync); std::vector lines; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nlines; i++) { read_line(in, line); lines.push_back(line); } sync(lines); } else if (is_command(*g_echo, line)) { std::string str = line.substr(g_echo->size()); m_out << "--" << str << "\n"; } else if (is_command(*g_replace, line)) { unsigned line_num = get_line_num(line, *g_replace); read_line(in, line); replace_line(line_num-1, line); } else if (is_command(*g_insert, line)) { unsigned line_num = get_line_num(line, *g_insert); read_line(in, line); insert_line(line_num-1, line); } else if (is_command(*g_remove, line)) { unsigned line_num = get_line_num(line, *g_remove); remove_line(line_num-1); } else if (is_command(*g_info, line)) { auto line_col = get_line_opt_col_num(line, *g_info); show_info(line_col.first, line_col.second); } else if (is_command(*g_set, line)) { read_line(in, line); set_option(line); } else if (is_command(*g_eval, line)) { read_line(in, line); eval(line); } else if (is_command(*g_clear_cache, line)) { interrupt_worker(); m_cache.clear(); if (m_file) process_from(0); } else if (is_command(*g_options, line)) { show_options(); } else if (is_command(*g_wait, line)) { optional ms = get_optional_num(line, *g_wait); wait(ms); } else if (is_command(*g_show, line)) { show(false); } else if (is_command(*g_valid, line)) { show(true); } else if (is_command(*g_sleep, line)) { unsigned ms = get_line_num(line, *g_sleep); chrono::milliseconds d(ms); this_thread::sleep_for(d); } else if (is_command(*g_findp, line)) { unsigned line_num = get_line_num(line, *g_findp); read_line(in, line); if (line.size() > 63) line.resize(63); find_pattern(line_num, line); } else if (is_command(*g_findg, line)) { pair line_col_num = get_line_col_num(line, *g_findg); read_line(in, line); find_goal_matches(line_col_num.first, line_col_num.second, line); } else { throw exception(sstream() << "unexpected command line: " << line); } } catch (exception & ex) { m_out << "-- ERROR " << ex.what() << std::endl; } } return true; } bool parse_server_trace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, char const * fname) { lean::server Sv(env, ios); std::ifstream in(fname); if (in.bad() || in.fail()) throw exception(sstream() << "failed to open file '" << fname << "'"); return Sv(in); } void initialize_server() { g_tmp_prefix = new name(name::mk_internal_unique_name()); g_load = new std::string("LOAD"); g_save = new std::string("SAVE"); g_visit = new std::string("VISIT"); g_sync = new std::string("SYNC"); g_replace = new std::string("REPLACE"); g_insert = new std::string("INSERT"); g_remove = new std::string("REMOVE"); g_info = new std::string("INFO"); g_set = new std::string("SET"); g_eval = new std::string("EVAL"); g_wait = new std::string("WAIT"); g_clear_cache = new std::string("CLEAR_CACHE"); g_echo = new std::string("ECHO"); g_options = new std::string("OPTIONS"); g_show = new std::string("SHOW"); g_valid = new std::string("VALID"); g_sleep = new std::string("SLEEP"); g_findp = new std::string("FINDP"); g_findg = new std::string("FINDG"); } void finalize_server() { delete g_tmp_prefix; delete g_load; delete g_save; delete g_visit; delete g_sync; delete g_replace; delete g_insert; delete g_remove; delete g_info; delete g_set; delete g_eval; delete g_wait; delete g_clear_cache; delete g_echo; delete g_options; delete g_show; delete g_valid; delete g_sleep; delete g_findp; delete g_findg; } }