/- Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer Functor category has (co)limits if the codomain has them -/ import .colimits open functor nat_trans eq is_trunc namespace category -- preservation of limits variables {D C I : Precategory} definition functor_limit_object [constructor] [H : has_limits_of_shape D I] (F : I ⇒ D ^c C) : C ⇒ D := begin have lem : Π(c d : carrier C) (f : hom c d) ⦃i j : carrier I⦄ (k : i ⟶ j), (constant2_functor F d) k ∘ to_fun_hom (F i) f ∘ limit_morphism (constant2_functor F c) i = to_fun_hom (F j) f ∘ limit_morphism (constant2_functor F c) j, begin intro c d f i j k, rewrite [-limit_commute _ k,▸*,+assoc,▸*,-naturality (F k) f] end, fapply functor.mk, { intro c, exact limit_object (constant2_functor F c)}, { intro c d f, fapply hom_limit, { intro i, refine to_fun_hom (F i) f ∘ !limit_morphism}, { apply lem}}, { exact abstract begin intro c, symmetry, apply eq_hom_limit, intro i, rewrite [id_right,respect_id,▸*,id_left] end end}, { intro a b c g f, symmetry, apply eq_hom_limit, intro i, -- report: adding abstract fails here rewrite [respect_comp,assoc,hom_limit_commute,-assoc,hom_limit_commute,assoc]} end definition functor_limit_cone [constructor] [H : has_limits_of_shape D I] (F : I ⇒ D ^c C) : cone_obj F := begin fapply cone_obj.mk, { exact functor_limit_object F}, { fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro i, esimp, fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro c, esimp, apply limit_morphism}, { intro c d f, rewrite [▸*,hom_limit_commute (constant2_functor F d)]}}, { intro i j k, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, rewrite [▸*,id_right,limit_commute (constant2_functor F c)]}} end variables (D C I) definition has_limits_of_shape_functor [instance] [H : has_limits_of_shape D I] : has_limits_of_shape (D ^c C) I := begin intro F, fapply has_terminal_object.mk, { exact functor_limit_cone F}, { intro c, esimp at *, induction c with G η, induction η with η p, esimp at *, fapply is_contr.mk, { fapply cone_hom.mk, { fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro c, esimp, fapply hom_limit, { intro i, esimp, exact η i c}, { intro i j k, esimp, exact ap010 natural_map (p k) c ⬝ !id_right}}, { intro c d f, esimp, fapply @limit_cone_unique, { intro i, esimp, exact to_fun_hom (F i) f ∘ η i c}, { intro i j k, rewrite [▸*,assoc,-naturality,-assoc,-compose_def,p k,▸*,id_right]}, { intro i, rewrite [assoc, hom_limit_commute (constant2_functor F d),▸*,-assoc, hom_limit_commute]}, { intro i, rewrite [assoc, hom_limit_commute (constant2_functor F d),naturality]}}}, { intro i, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, rewrite [▸*,hom_limit_commute (constant2_functor F c)]}}, { intro h, induction h with f q, apply cone_hom_eq, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, esimp at *, symmetry, apply eq_hom_limit, intro i, exact ap010 natural_map (q i) c}} end definition is_complete_functor [instance] [H : is_complete D] : is_complete (D ^c C) := λI, _ variables {D C I} -- preservation of colimits -- definition constant2_functor_op [constructor] (F : I ⇒ (D ^c C)ᵒᵖ) (c : C) : I ⇒ D := -- proof -- functor.mk (λi, to_fun_ob (F i) c) -- (λi j f, natural_map (F f) c) -- abstract (λi, ap010 natural_map !respect_id c ⬝ proof idp qed) end -- abstract (λi j k g f, ap010 natural_map !respect_comp c) end -- qed definition functor_colimit_object [constructor] [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] (F : Iᵒᵖ ⇒ (D ^c C)ᵒᵖ) : C ⇒ D := begin fapply functor.mk, { intro c, exact colimit_object (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c)}, { intro c d f, apply colimit_hom_colimit, apply constant2_functor_natural _ f}, { exact abstract begin intro c, symmetry, apply eq_colimit_hom, intro i, rewrite [id_left,▸*,respect_id,id_right] end end}, { intro a b c g f, symmetry, apply eq_colimit_hom, intro i, -- report: adding abstract fails here rewrite [▸*,respect_comp,-assoc,colimit_hom_commute,assoc,colimit_hom_commute,-assoc]} end definition functor_colimit_cone [constructor] [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] (F : Iᵒᵖ ⇒ (D ^c C)ᵒᵖ) : cone_obj F := begin fapply cone_obj.mk, { exact functor_colimit_object F}, { fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro i, esimp, fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro c, esimp, apply colimit_morphism}, { intro c d f, apply colimit_hom_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c)}}, { intro i j k, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, rewrite [▸*,id_left], apply colimit_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c)}} end variables (D C I) definition has_colimits_of_shape_functor [instance] [H : has_colimits_of_shape D I] : has_colimits_of_shape (D ^c C) I := begin intro F, fapply has_terminal_object.mk, { exact functor_colimit_cone F}, { intro c, esimp at *, induction c with G η, induction η with η p, esimp at *, fapply is_contr.mk, { fapply cone_hom.mk, { fapply nat_trans.mk, { intro c, esimp, fapply colimit_hom, { intro i, esimp, exact η i c}, { intro i j k, esimp, exact ap010 natural_map (p k) c ⬝ !id_left}}, { intro c d f, esimp, fapply @colimit_cocone_unique, { intro i, esimp, exact η i d ∘ to_fun_hom (F i) f}, { intro i j k, rewrite [▸*,-assoc,naturality,assoc,-compose_def,p k,▸*,id_left]}, { intro i, rewrite [-assoc, colimit_hom_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c), ▸*, naturality]}, { intro i, rewrite [-assoc, colimit_hom_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c),▸*,assoc, colimit_hom_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' d)]}}}, { intro i, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, rewrite [▸*,colimit_hom_commute (constant2_functor Fᵒᵖ' c)]}}, { intro h, induction h with f q, apply cone_hom_eq, apply nat_trans_eq, intro c, esimp at *, symmetry, apply eq_colimit_hom, intro i, exact ap010 natural_map (q i) c}} end local attribute has_limits_of_shape_op_op [instance] [priority 1] universe variables u v definition is_cocomplete_functor [instance] [H : is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} D] : is_cocomplete.{_ _ u v} (D ^c C) := λI, _ end category