import data.set namespace group_hom open algebra -- ⁻¹ in eq.ops conflicts with group ⁻¹ -- open eq.ops notation H1 ▸ H2 := eq.subst H1 H2 open set open function local attribute set [reducible] section variables {A B : Type} variable [s1 : group A] variable [s2 : group B] include s1 include s2 variable f : A → B definition is_hom := ∀ a b, f (a*b) = (f a)*(f b) definition ker (Hom : is_hom f) : (set A) := {a : A | f a = 1} theorem hom_map_id (f : A → B) (Hom : is_hom f) : f 1 = 1 := have P : f 1 = (f 1) * (f 1), from calc f 1 = f (1*1) : mul_one ... = (f 1) * (f 1) : Hom, eq.symm (mul.right_inv (f 1) ▸ (mul_inv_eq_of_eq_mul P)) theorem hom_map_inv (Hom : is_hom f) (a : A) : f a⁻¹ = (f a)⁻¹ := assert P : f 1 = 1, from hom_map_id f Hom, begin rewrite (eq.symm (mul.left_inv a)) at P, rewrite (Hom a⁻¹ a) at P, end end end group_hom