/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #pragma once #include "kernel/expr.h" #include "kernel/metavar.h" namespace lean { /** \brief Return true iff the given expression has free variables. */ bool has_free_vars(expr const & a); /** \brief Return true iff the given expression does not have free variables. */ inline bool closed(expr const & a) { return !has_free_vars(a); } class metavar_env; /** \brief Return \c R s.t. the de Bruijn index of all free variables occurring in \c e is in the interval [0, R). \pre All metavariables occurring in \c e must have been created at \c menv. \remark Regarding metavariables, if a metavariable \c m was defined in a context \c ctx and ctx.size() == R, then \c m can only contain free variables in the range [0, R) So, if \c m does not have an associated local context, the answer is just \c R. If \c m has an associated local context, we process it using the following rules [inst:s v] R ===> if s >= R then R else max(R-1, range_of(v)) [lift:s:n] R ===> if s >= R then R else R + n */ unsigned free_var_range(expr const & e, metavar_env const & menv); unsigned free_var_range(expr const & e); /** \brief Return true iff \c e constains a free variable (var i) s.t. \c i in [low, high). \pre low < high \remark If menv is not none, then we use \c free_var_range to compute the free variables that may occur in a metavariable. */ bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned low, unsigned high, optional const & menv); bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned low, unsigned high, metavar_env const & menv); bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned low, unsigned high); /** \brief Return true iff \c e contains the free variable (var i). */ bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned i, optional const & menv); bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned i, metavar_env const & menv); bool has_free_var(expr const & e, unsigned i); bool has_free_var(context_entry const & e, unsigned low, unsigned high, metavar_env const & menv); /** \brief Lower the free variables >= s in \c e by \c d. That is, a free variable (var i) s.t. i >= s is mapped into (var i-d). \pre s >= d \pre !has_free_var(e, s-d, s, menv) \remark The parameter menv is only used for debugging purposes */ expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, optional const & menv); expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d); expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d, optional const & menv); expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); expr lower_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d); context_entry lower_free_vars(context_entry const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); /** \brief Lift free variables >= s in \c e by d. \remark When the parameter menv is not none, this function will minimize the use of the local entry lift in metavariables occurring in \c e. */ expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, optional const & menv); expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d); expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d, optional const & menv); expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); expr lift_free_vars(expr const & e, unsigned d); context_entry lift_free_vars(context_entry const & e, unsigned s, unsigned d, metavar_env const & menv); }