Git Commit Convention ===================== We are using the following convention for writing git-commit messages. It is based on the one from AngularJS project([doc][angularjs-doc], [commits][angularjs-git]). [angularjs-git]: [angularjs-doc]: Format of the commit message ---------------------------- <type>(<scope>): <subject> <NEWLINE> <body> <NEWLINE> <footer> ``<type>`` is: - feat (feature) - fix (bug fix) - doc (documentation) - style (formatting, missing semicolons, ...) - refactor - test (when adding missing tests) - chore (maintain, ex: travis-ci) - perf (performance improvement, optimization, ...) ``<scope>`` is a name of module or a directory which contains changed modules. For instance, it could be - kernel/expr - kernel - library/rewrite ``<subject>`` has the following constraints: - use imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes" - do not capitalize the first letter - no dot(.) at the end ``<body>`` has the following constraints: - just as in ``<subject>``, use imperative, present tense - includes motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior ``<footer>`` is optional and may contain two items: - Breaking changes: All breaking changes have to be mentioned in footer with the description of the change, justification and migration notes - Referencing issues: Closed bugs should be listed on a separate line in the footer prefixed with "Closes" keyword like this: Closes #123, #456 Examples -------- fix(kernel): add declarations for operator<<(std::ostream&, expr const&) and operator<<(std::ostream&, context const&) in the kernel The actual implementation of these two operators is outside of the kernel. They are implemented in the file 'library/printer.cpp'. We declare them in the kernel to prevent the following problem. Suppose there is a file 'foo.cpp' that does not include 'library/printer.h', but contains expr a; ... std::cout << a << "\n"; ... The compiler does not generate an error message. It silently uses the operator bool() to coerce the expression into a Boolean. This produces counter-intuitive behavior, and may confuse developers.