/- Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Floris van Doorn Theorems about lift -/ import ..function open eq equiv is_equiv is_trunc pointed namespace lift universe variables u v variables {A : Type.{u}} (z z' : lift.{u v} A) protected definition eta : up (down z) = z := by induction z; reflexivity protected definition code [unfold 2 3] : lift A → lift A → Type | code (up a) (up a') := a = a' protected definition decode [unfold 2 3] : Π(z z' : lift A), lift.code z z' → z = z' | decode (up a) (up a') := λc, ap up c variables {z z'} protected definition encode [unfold 3 4 5] (p : z = z') : lift.code z z' := by induction p; induction z; esimp variables (z z') definition lift_eq_equiv : (z = z') ≃ lift.code z z' := equiv.MK lift.encode !lift.decode abstract begin intro c, induction z with a, induction z' with a', esimp at *, induction c, reflexivity end end abstract begin intro p, induction p, induction z, reflexivity end end section variables {a a' : A} definition eq_of_up_eq_up [unfold 4] (p : up a = up a') : a = a' := lift.encode p definition lift_transport {P : A → Type} (p : a = a') (z : lift (P a)) : p ▸ z = up (p ▸ down z) := by induction p; induction z; reflexivity end variables {A' : Type} (f : A → A') (g : lift A → lift A') definition lift_functor [unfold 4] : lift A → lift A' | lift_functor (up a) := up (f a) definition is_equiv_lift_functor [constructor] [Hf : is_equiv f] : is_equiv (lift_functor f) := adjointify (lift_functor f) (lift_functor f⁻¹) abstract begin intro z', induction z' with a', esimp, exact ap up !right_inv end end abstract begin intro z, induction z with a, esimp, exact ap up !left_inv end end definition lift_equiv_lift_of_is_equiv [constructor] [Hf : is_equiv f] : lift A ≃ lift A' := equiv.mk _ (is_equiv_lift_functor f) definition lift_equiv_lift [constructor] (f : A ≃ A') : lift A ≃ lift A' := equiv.mk _ (is_equiv_lift_functor f) definition lift_equiv_lift_refl (A : Type) : lift_equiv_lift (erfl : A ≃ A) = erfl := by apply equiv_eq; intro z; induction z with a; reflexivity definition lift_inv_functor [unfold_full] (a : A) : A' := down (g (up a)) definition is_equiv_lift_inv_functor [constructor] [Hf : is_equiv g] : is_equiv (lift_inv_functor g) := adjointify (lift_inv_functor g) (lift_inv_functor g⁻¹) abstract begin intro z', rewrite [▸*,lift.eta,right_inv g], end end abstract begin intro z', rewrite [▸*,lift.eta,left_inv g], end end definition equiv_of_lift_equiv_lift [constructor] (g : lift A ≃ lift A') : A ≃ A' := equiv.mk _ (is_equiv_lift_inv_functor g) definition lift_functor_left_inv : lift_inv_functor (lift_functor f) = f := eq_of_homotopy (λa, idp) definition lift_functor_right_inv : lift_functor (lift_inv_functor g) = g := begin apply eq_of_homotopy, intro z, induction z with a, esimp, apply lift.eta end variables (A A') definition is_equiv_lift_functor_fn [constructor] : is_equiv (lift_functor : (A → A') → (lift A → lift A')) := adjointify lift_functor lift_inv_functor lift_functor_right_inv lift_functor_left_inv definition lift_imp_lift_equiv [constructor] : (lift A → lift A') ≃ (A → A') := (equiv.mk _ (is_equiv_lift_functor_fn A A'))⁻¹ᵉ -- can we deduce this from lift_imp_lift_equiv? definition lift_equiv_lift_equiv [constructor] : (lift A ≃ lift A') ≃ (A ≃ A') := equiv.MK equiv_of_lift_equiv_lift lift_equiv_lift abstract begin intro f, apply equiv_eq, reflexivity end end abstract begin intro g, apply equiv_eq', esimp, apply eq_of_homotopy, intro z, induction z with a, esimp, apply lift.eta end end definition lift_eq_lift_equiv.{u1 u2} (A A' : Type.{u1}) : (lift.{u1 u2} A = lift.{u1 u2} A') ≃ (A = A') := !eq_equiv_equiv ⬝e !lift_equiv_lift_equiv ⬝e !eq_equiv_equiv⁻¹ᵉ definition is_embedding_lift [instance] : is_embedding lift := begin intro A A', fapply is_equiv.homotopy_closed, exact to_inv !lift_eq_lift_equiv, exact _, { intro p, induction p, esimp [lift_eq_lift_equiv,equiv.trans,equiv.symm,eq_equiv_equiv], rewrite [equiv_of_eq_refl, lift_equiv_lift_refl], apply ua_refl} end definition plift [constructor] (A : pType.{u}) : pType.{max u v} := pointed.MK (lift A) (up pt) definition plift_functor [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : plift A →* plift B := pmap.mk (lift_functor f) (ap up (respect_pt f)) -- is_trunc_lift is defined in init.trunc definition pup [constructor] {A : Type*} : A →* plift A := pmap.mk up idp definition pdown [constructor] {A : Type*} : plift A →* A := pmap.mk down idp definition plift_functor_phomotopy [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : pdown ∘* plift_functor f ∘* pup ~* f := begin fapply phomotopy.mk, { reflexivity}, { esimp, refine !idp_con ⬝ _, refine _ ⬝ ap02 down !idp_con⁻¹, refine _ ⬝ !ap_compose, exact !ap_id⁻¹} end definition pequiv_plift [constructor] (A : Type*) : A ≃* plift A := pequiv_of_equiv (equiv_lift A) idp definition fiber_lift_functor {A B : Type} (f : A → B) (b : B) : fiber (lift_functor f) (up b) ≃ fiber f b := begin fapply equiv.MK: intro v; cases v with a p, { cases a with a, exact fiber.mk a (eq_of_fn_eq_fn' up p) }, { exact fiber.mk (up a) (ap up p) }, { apply ap (fiber.mk a), apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn'_ap }, { cases a with a, esimp, apply ap (fiber.mk (up a)), apply ap_eq_of_fn_eq_fn' } end end lift