/- Copyright (c) 2014 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Jeremy Avigad The rational numbers as a field generated by the integers, defined as the usual quotient. -/ import data.int algebra.field open int quot eq.ops record prerat : Type := (num : ℤ) (denom : ℤ) (denom_pos : denom > 0) /- prerat: the representations of the rationals as integers num, denom, with denom > 0. note: names are not protected, because it is not expected that users will open prerat. -/ namespace prerat /- the equivalence relation -/ definition equiv (a b : prerat) : Prop := num a * denom b = num b * denom a infix ≡ := equiv theorem equiv.refl [refl] (a : prerat) : a ≡ a := rfl theorem equiv.symm [symm] {a b : prerat} (H : a ≡ b) : b ≡ a := !eq.symm H theorem num_eq_zero_of_equiv {a b : prerat} (H : a ≡ b) (na_zero : num a = 0) : num b = 0 := have num a * denom b = 0, from !zero_mul ▸ na_zero ▸ rfl, have num b * denom a = 0, from H ▸ this, show num b = 0, from or_resolve_left (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero this) (ne_of_gt (denom_pos a)) theorem num_pos_of_equiv {a b : prerat} (H : a ≡ b) (na_pos : num a > 0) : num b > 0 := have num a * denom b > 0, from mul_pos na_pos (denom_pos b), have num b * denom a > 0, from H ▸ this, show num b > 0, from pos_of_mul_pos_right this (le_of_lt (denom_pos a)) theorem num_neg_of_equiv {a b : prerat} (H : a ≡ b) (na_neg : num a < 0) : num b < 0 := assert H₁ : num a * denom b = num b * denom a, from H, assert num a * denom b < 0, from mul_neg_of_neg_of_pos na_neg (denom_pos b), have -(-num b * denom a) < 0, begin rewrite [neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, neg_neg, -H₁], exact this end, have -num b > 0, from pos_of_mul_pos_right (pos_of_neg_neg this) (le_of_lt (denom_pos a)), neg_of_neg_pos this theorem equiv_of_num_eq_zero {a b : prerat} (H1 : num a = 0) (H2 : num b = 0) : a ≡ b := by rewrite [↑equiv, H1, H2, *zero_mul] theorem equiv.trans [trans] {a b c : prerat} (H1 : a ≡ b) (H2 : b ≡ c) : a ≡ c := decidable.by_cases (suppose num b = 0, have num a = 0, from num_eq_zero_of_equiv (equiv.symm H1) `num b = 0`, have num c = 0, from num_eq_zero_of_equiv H2 `num b = 0`, equiv_of_num_eq_zero `num a = 0` `num c = 0`) (suppose num b ≠ 0, have H3 : num b * denom b ≠ 0, from mul_ne_zero this (ne_of_gt (denom_pos b)), have H4 : (num b * denom b) * (num a * denom c) = (num b * denom b) * (num c * denom a), from calc (num b * denom b) * (num a * denom c) = (num a * denom b) * (num b * denom c) : by rewrite [*mul.assoc, *mul.left_comm (num a), *mul.left_comm (num b)] ... = (num b * denom a) * (num b * denom c) : {H1} ... = (num b * denom a) * (num c * denom b) : {H2} ... = (num b * denom b) * (num c * denom a) : by rewrite [*mul.assoc, *mul.left_comm (denom a), *mul.left_comm (denom b), mul.comm (denom a)], eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left H3 H4) theorem equiv.is_equivalence : equivalence equiv := mk_equivalence equiv equiv.refl @equiv.symm @equiv.trans definition setoid : setoid prerat := setoid.mk equiv equiv.is_equivalence /- field operations -/ definition of_int (i : int) : prerat := prerat.mk i 1 !of_nat_succ_pos definition zero : prerat := of_int 0 definition one : prerat := of_int 1 private theorem mul_denom_pos (a b : prerat) : denom a * denom b > 0 := mul_pos (denom_pos a) (denom_pos b) definition add (a b : prerat) : prerat := prerat.mk (num a * denom b + num b * denom a) (denom a * denom b) (mul_denom_pos a b) definition mul (a b : prerat) : prerat := prerat.mk (num a * num b) (denom a * denom b) (mul_denom_pos a b) definition neg (a : prerat) : prerat := prerat.mk (- num a) (denom a) (denom_pos a) definition smul (a : ℤ) (b : prerat) (H : a > 0) : prerat := prerat.mk (a * num b) (a * denom b) (mul_pos H (denom_pos b)) theorem of_int_add (a b : ℤ) : of_int (a + b) ≡ add (of_int a) (of_int b) := by esimp [equiv, num, denom, one, add, of_int]; rewrite [*int.mul_one] theorem of_int_mul (a b : ℤ) : of_int (a * b) ≡ mul (of_int a) (of_int b) := !equiv.refl theorem of_int_neg (a : ℤ) : of_int (-a) ≡ neg (of_int a) := !equiv.refl theorem of_int.inj {a b : ℤ} : of_int a ≡ of_int b → a = b := by rewrite [↑of_int, ↑equiv, *mul_one]; intros; assumption definition inv : prerat → prerat | inv (prerat.mk nat.zero d dp) := zero | inv (prerat.mk (nat.succ n) d dp) := prerat.mk d (nat.succ n) !of_nat_succ_pos | inv (prerat.mk -[1+n] d dp) := prerat.mk (-d) (nat.succ n) !of_nat_succ_pos theorem equiv_zero_of_num_eq_zero {a : prerat} (H : num a = 0) : a ≡ zero := by rewrite [↑equiv, H, ↑zero, ↑num, ↑of_int, *zero_mul] theorem num_eq_zero_of_equiv_zero {a : prerat} : a ≡ zero → num a = 0 := by rewrite [↑equiv, ↑zero, ↑of_int, mul_one, zero_mul]; intro H; exact H theorem inv_zero {d : int} (dp : d > 0) : inv (mk nat.zero d dp) = zero := begin rewrite [↑inv, ▸*] end theorem inv_zero' : inv zero = zero := inv_zero (of_nat_succ_pos nat.zero) open nat theorem inv_of_pos {n d : int} (np : n > 0) (dp : d > 0) : inv (mk n d dp) ≡ mk d n np := obtain (n' : nat) (Hn' : n = of_nat n'), from exists_eq_of_nat (le_of_lt np), have (n' > nat.zero), from lt_of_of_nat_lt_of_nat (Hn' ▸ np), obtain (k : nat) (Hk : n' = nat.succ k), from nat.exists_eq_succ_of_lt this, have d * n = d * nat.succ k, by rewrite [Hn', Hk], Hn'⁻¹ ▸ (Hk⁻¹ ▸ this) theorem inv_neg {n d : int} (np : n > 0) (dp : d > 0) : inv (mk (-n) d dp) ≡ mk (-d) n np := obtain (n' : nat) (Hn' : n = of_nat n'), from exists_eq_of_nat (le_of_lt np), have (n' > nat.zero), from lt_of_of_nat_lt_of_nat (Hn' ▸ np), obtain (k : nat) (Hk : n' = nat.succ k), from nat.exists_eq_succ_of_lt this, have -d * n = -d * nat.succ k, by rewrite [Hn', Hk], have H3 : inv (mk -[1+k] d dp) ≡ mk (-d) n np, from this, have H4 : -[1+k] = -n, from calc -[1+k] = -(nat.succ k) : rfl ... = -n : by rewrite [Hk⁻¹, Hn'], H4 ▸ H3 theorem inv_of_neg {n d : int} (nn : n < 0) (dp : d > 0) : inv (mk n d dp) ≡ mk (-d) (-n) (neg_pos_of_neg nn) := have inv (mk (-(-n)) d dp) ≡ mk (-d) (-n) (neg_pos_of_neg nn), from inv_neg (neg_pos_of_neg nn) dp, !neg_neg ▸ this /- operations respect equiv -/ theorem add_equiv_add {a1 b1 a2 b2 : prerat} (eqv1 : a1 ≡ a2) (eqv2 : b1 ≡ b2) : add a1 b1 ≡ add a2 b2 := calc (num a1 * denom b1 + num b1 * denom a1) * (denom a2 * denom b2) = num a1 * denom a2 * denom b1 * denom b2 + num b1 * denom b2 * denom a1 * denom a2 : by rewrite [right_distrib, *mul.assoc, mul.left_comm (denom b1), mul.comm (denom b2), *mul.assoc] ... = num a2 * denom a1 * denom b1 * denom b2 + num b2 * denom b1 * denom a1 * denom a2 : by rewrite [↑equiv at *, eqv1, eqv2] ... = (num a2 * denom b2 + num b2 * denom a2) * (denom a1 * denom b1) : by rewrite [right_distrib, *mul.assoc, *mul.left_comm (denom b2), *mul.comm (denom b1), *mul.assoc, mul.left_comm (denom a2)] theorem mul_equiv_mul {a1 b1 a2 b2 : prerat} (eqv1 : a1 ≡ a2) (eqv2 : b1 ≡ b2) : mul a1 b1 ≡ mul a2 b2 := calc (num a1 * num b1) * (denom a2 * denom b2) = (num a1 * denom a2) * (num b1 * denom b2) : by rewrite [*mul.assoc, mul.left_comm (num b1)] ... = (num a2 * denom a1) * (num b2 * denom b1) : by rewrite [↑equiv at *, eqv1, eqv2] ... = (num a2 * num b2) * (denom a1 * denom b1) : by rewrite [*mul.assoc, mul.left_comm (num b2)] theorem neg_equiv_neg {a b : prerat} (eqv : a ≡ b) : neg a ≡ neg b := calc -num a * denom b = -(num a * denom b) : neg_mul_eq_neg_mul ... = -(num b * denom a) : {eqv} ... = -num b * denom a : neg_mul_eq_neg_mul theorem inv_equiv_inv : ∀{a b : prerat}, a ≡ b → inv a ≡ inv b | (mk an ad adp) (mk bn bd bdp) := assume H, lt.by_cases (assume an_neg : an < 0, have bn_neg : bn < 0, from num_neg_of_equiv H an_neg, calc inv (mk an ad adp) ≡ mk (-ad) (-an) (neg_pos_of_neg an_neg) : inv_of_neg an_neg adp ... ≡ mk (-bd) (-bn) (neg_pos_of_neg bn_neg) : by rewrite [↑equiv at *, ▸*, *neg_mul_neg, mul.comm ad, mul.comm bd, H] ... ≡ inv (mk bn bd bdp) : (inv_of_neg bn_neg bdp)⁻¹) (assume an_zero : an = 0, have bn_zero : bn = 0, from num_eq_zero_of_equiv H an_zero, eq.subst (calc inv (mk an ad adp) = inv (mk 0 ad adp) : {an_zero} ... = zero : inv_zero adp ... = inv (mk 0 bd bdp) : inv_zero bdp ... = inv (mk bn bd bdp) : bn_zero) !equiv.refl) (assume an_pos : an > 0, have bn_pos : bn > 0, from num_pos_of_equiv H an_pos, calc inv (mk an ad adp) ≡ mk ad an an_pos : inv_of_pos an_pos adp ... ≡ mk bd bn bn_pos : by rewrite [↑equiv at *, ▸*, mul.comm ad, mul.comm bd, H] ... ≡ inv (mk bn bd bdp) : (inv_of_pos bn_pos bdp)⁻¹) theorem smul_equiv {a : ℤ} {b : prerat} (H : a > 0) : smul a b H ≡ b := by esimp[equiv, smul]; rewrite[mul.assoc, mul.left_comm] /- properties -/ protected theorem add.comm (a b : prerat) : add a b ≡ add b a := by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ▸*, add.comm, mul.comm (denom a)] protected theorem add.assoc (a b c : prerat) : add (add a b) c ≡ add a (add b c) := by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ▸*, *(mul.comm (num c)), *(λy, mul.comm y (denom a)), *left_distrib, *right_distrib, *mul.assoc, *add.assoc] protected theorem add_zero (a : prerat) : add a zero ≡ a := by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ↑zero, ↑of_int, ▸*, *mul_one, zero_mul, add_zero] protected theorem add_left_inv (a : prerat) : add (neg a) a ≡ zero := by rewrite [↑add, ↑equiv, ↑neg, ↑zero, ↑of_int, ▸*, -neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, add.left_inv, *zero_mul] protected theorem mul_comm (a b : prerat) : mul a b ≡ mul b a := by rewrite [↑mul, ↑equiv, mul.comm (num a), mul.comm (denom a)] protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : prerat) : mul (mul a b) c ≡ mul a (mul b c) := by rewrite [↑mul, ↑equiv, *mul.assoc] protected theorem mul_one (a : prerat) : mul a one ≡ a := by rewrite [↑mul, ↑one, ↑of_int, ↑equiv, ▸*, *mul_one] protected theorem mul_left_distrib (a b c : prerat) : mul a (add b c) ≡ add (mul a b) (mul a c) := have H : smul (denom a) (mul a (add b c)) (denom_pos a) = add (mul a b) (mul a c), from begin rewrite[↑smul, ↑mul, ↑add], congruence, rewrite[*left_distrib, *right_distrib, -+(int.mul_assoc)], have T : ∀ {x y z w : ℤ}, x*y*z*w=y*z*x*w, from λx y z w, (!int.mul_assoc ⬝ !int.mul_comm) ▸ rfl, exact !congr_arg2 T T, rewrite [mul.left_comm (denom a) (denom b) (denom c)], rewrite int.mul_assoc end, equiv.symm (H ▸ smul_equiv (denom_pos a)) theorem mul_inv_cancel : ∀{a : prerat}, ¬ a ≡ zero → mul a (inv a) ≡ one | (mk an ad adp) := assume H, let a := mk an ad adp in lt.by_cases (assume an_neg : an < 0, let ia := mk (-ad) (-an) (neg_pos_of_neg an_neg) in calc mul a (inv a) ≡ mul a ia : mul_equiv_mul !equiv.refl (inv_of_neg an_neg adp) ... ≡ one : begin esimp [equiv, num, denom, one, mul, of_int], rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, mul.comm, neg_mul_comm] end) (assume an_zero : an = 0, absurd (equiv_zero_of_num_eq_zero an_zero) H) (assume an_pos : an > 0, let ia := mk ad an an_pos in calc mul a (inv a) ≡ mul a ia : mul_equiv_mul !equiv.refl (inv_of_pos an_pos adp) ... ≡ one : begin esimp [equiv, num, denom, one, mul, of_int], rewrite [*int.mul_one, *int.one_mul, mul.comm] end) theorem zero_not_equiv_one : ¬ zero ≡ one := begin esimp [equiv, zero, one, of_int], rewrite [zero_mul, int.mul_one], exact zero_ne_one end theorem mul_denom_equiv (a : prerat) : mul a (of_int (denom a)) ≡ of_int (num a) := by esimp [mul, of_int, equiv]; rewrite [*int.mul_one] /- Reducing a fraction to lowest terms. Needed to choose a canonical representative of rat, and define numerator and denominator. -/ definition reduce : prerat → prerat | (mk an ad adpos) := have pos : ad / gcd an ad > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_dvd adpos !gcd_nonneg !gcd_dvd_right, if an = 0 then prerat.zero else mk (an / gcd an ad) (ad / gcd an ad) pos protected theorem eq {a b : prerat} (Hn : num a = num b) (Hd : denom a = denom b) : a = b := begin cases a with [an, ad, adpos], cases b with [bn, bd, bdpos], generalize adpos, generalize bdpos, esimp at *, rewrite [Hn, Hd], intros, apply rfl end theorem reduce_equiv : ∀ a : prerat, reduce a ≡ a | (mk an ad adpos) := decidable.by_cases (assume anz : an = 0, begin rewrite [↑reduce, if_pos anz, ↑equiv, anz], krewrite zero_mul end) (assume annz : an ≠ 0, by rewrite [↑reduce, if_neg annz, ↑equiv, mul.comm, -!int.mul_div_assoc !gcd_dvd_left, -!int.mul_div_assoc !gcd_dvd_right, mul.comm]) theorem reduce_eq_reduce : ∀ {a b : prerat}, a ≡ b → reduce a = reduce b | (mk an ad adpos) (mk bn bd bdpos) := assume H : an * bd = bn * ad, decidable.by_cases (assume anz : an = 0, have H' : bn * ad = 0, by rewrite [-H, anz, zero_mul], assert bnz : bn = 0, from or_resolve_left (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H') (ne_of_gt adpos), by rewrite [↑reduce, if_pos anz, if_pos bnz]) (assume annz : an ≠ 0, assert bnnz : bn ≠ 0, from assume bnz, have H' : an * bd = 0, by rewrite [H, bnz, zero_mul], have anz : an = 0, from or_resolve_left (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero H') (ne_of_gt bdpos), show false, from annz anz, begin rewrite [↑reduce, if_neg annz, if_neg bnnz], apply prerat.eq, {apply div_gcd_eq_div_gcd H adpos bdpos}, {esimp, rewrite [gcd.comm, gcd.comm bn], apply div_gcd_eq_div_gcd_of_nonneg, rewrite [mul.comm, -H, mul.comm], apply annz, apply bnnz, apply le_of_lt adpos, apply le_of_lt bdpos}, end) end prerat /- the rationals -/ definition rat : Type.{1} := quot prerat.setoid notation `ℚ` := rat local attribute prerat.setoid [instance] namespace rat /- operations -/ definition of_int [coercion] (i : ℤ) : ℚ := ⟦prerat.of_int i⟧ definition of_nat [coercion] (n : ℕ) : ℚ := n definition of_num [coercion] [reducible] (n : num) : ℚ := n protected definition prio := num.pred int.prio definition rat_has_zero [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_zero rat := has_zero.mk (of_int 0) definition rat_has_one [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_one rat := has_one.mk (of_int 1) theorem of_int_zero : of_int (0:int) = (0:rat) := rfl theorem of_int_one : of_int (1:int) = (1:rat) := rfl protected definition add : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ := quot.lift₂ (λ a b : prerat, ⟦prerat.add a b⟧) (take a1 a2 b1 b2, assume H1 H2, quot.sound (prerat.add_equiv_add H1 H2)) protected definition mul : ℚ → ℚ → ℚ := quot.lift₂ (λ a b : prerat, ⟦prerat.mul a b⟧) (take a1 a2 b1 b2, assume H1 H2, quot.sound (prerat.mul_equiv_mul H1 H2)) protected definition neg : ℚ → ℚ := quot.lift (λ a : prerat, ⟦prerat.neg a⟧) (take a1 a2, assume H, quot.sound (prerat.neg_equiv_neg H)) protected definition inv : ℚ → ℚ := quot.lift (λ a : prerat, ⟦prerat.inv a⟧) (take a1 a2, assume H, quot.sound (prerat.inv_equiv_inv H)) definition reduce : ℚ → prerat := quot.lift (λ a : prerat, prerat.reduce a) @prerat.reduce_eq_reduce definition num (a : ℚ) : ℤ := prerat.num (reduce a) definition denom (a : ℚ) : ℤ := prerat.denom (reduce a) theorem denom_pos (a : ℚ): denom a > 0 := prerat.denom_pos (reduce a) definition rat_has_add [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_add rat := has_add.mk rat.add definition rat_has_mul [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_mul rat := has_mul.mk rat.mul definition rat_has_neg [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_neg rat := has_neg.mk rat.neg definition rat_has_inv [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_inv rat := has_inv.mk rat.inv protected definition sub [reducible] (a b : ℚ) : rat := a + (-b) definition rat_has_sub [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_sub rat := has_sub.mk rat.sub lemma sub.def (a b : ℚ) : a - b = a + (-b) := rfl /- properties -/ theorem of_int_add (a b : ℤ) : of_int (a + b) = of_int a + of_int b := quot.sound (prerat.of_int_add a b) theorem of_int_mul (a b : ℤ) : of_int (a * b) = of_int a * of_int b := quot.sound (prerat.of_int_mul a b) theorem of_int_neg (a : ℤ) : of_int (-a) = -(of_int a) := quot.sound (prerat.of_int_neg a) theorem of_int_sub (a b : ℤ) : of_int (a - b) = of_int a - of_int b := calc of_int (a - b) = of_int a + of_int (-b) : of_int_add ... = of_int a - of_int b : {of_int_neg b} theorem of_int.inj {a b : ℤ} (H : of_int a = of_int b) : a = b := prerat.of_int.inj (quot.exact H) theorem eq_of_of_int_eq_of_int {a b : ℤ} (H : of_int a = of_int b) : a = b := of_int.inj H theorem of_int_eq_of_int_iff (a b : ℤ) : of_int a = of_int b ↔ a = b := iff.intro eq_of_of_int_eq_of_int !congr_arg theorem of_nat_eq (a : ℕ) : of_nat a = of_int (int.of_nat a) := rfl open nat theorem of_nat_add (a b : ℕ) : of_nat (a + b) = of_nat a + of_nat b := by rewrite [of_nat_eq, int.of_nat_add, rat.of_int_add] theorem of_nat_mul (a b : ℕ) : of_nat (a * b) = of_nat a * of_nat b := by rewrite [of_nat_eq, int.of_nat_mul, rat.of_int_mul] theorem of_nat_sub {a b : ℕ} (H : a ≥ b) : of_nat (a - b) = of_nat a - of_nat b := begin rewrite of_nat_eq, rewrite [int.of_nat_sub H], rewrite [rat.of_int_sub] end theorem of_nat.inj {a b : ℕ} (H : of_nat a = of_nat b) : a = b := int.of_nat.inj (of_int.inj H) theorem eq_of_of_nat_eq_of_nat {a b : ℕ} (H : of_nat a = of_nat b) : a = b := of_nat.inj H theorem of_nat_eq_of_nat_iff (a b : ℕ) : of_nat a = of_nat b ↔ a = b := iff.intro of_nat.inj !congr_arg protected theorem add_comm (a b : ℚ) : a + b = b + a := quot.induction_on₂ a b (take u v, quot.sound !prerat.add.comm) protected theorem add_assoc (a b c : ℚ) : a + b + c = a + (b + c) := quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.add.assoc) protected theorem add_zero (a : ℚ) : a + 0 = a := quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.add_zero) protected theorem zero_add (a : ℚ) : 0 + a = a := !rat.add_comm ▸ !rat.add_zero protected theorem add_left_inv (a : ℚ) : -a + a = 0 := quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.add_left_inv) protected theorem mul_comm (a b : ℚ) : a * b = b * a := quot.induction_on₂ a b (take u v, quot.sound !prerat.mul_comm) protected theorem mul_assoc (a b c : ℚ) : a * b * c = a * (b * c) := quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul_assoc) protected theorem mul_one (a : ℚ) : a * 1 = a := quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.mul_one) protected theorem one_mul (a : ℚ) : 1 * a = a := !rat.mul_comm ▸ !rat.mul_one protected theorem left_distrib (a b c : ℚ) : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c := quot.induction_on₃ a b c (take u v w, quot.sound !prerat.mul_left_distrib) protected theorem right_distrib (a b c : ℚ) : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c := by rewrite [rat.mul_comm, rat.left_distrib, *rat.mul_comm c] protected theorem mul_inv_cancel {a : ℚ} : a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ = 1 := quot.induction_on a (take u, assume H, quot.sound (!prerat.mul_inv_cancel (assume H1, H (quot.sound H1)))) protected theorem inv_mul_cancel {a : ℚ} (H : a ≠ 0) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 := !rat.mul_comm ▸ rat.mul_inv_cancel H protected theorem zero_ne_one : (0 : ℚ) ≠ 1 := assume H, prerat.zero_not_equiv_one (quot.exact H) definition has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq ℚ := take a b, quot.rec_on_subsingleton₂ a b (take u v, if H : prerat.num u * prerat.denom v = prerat.num v * prerat.denom u then decidable.inl (quot.sound H) else decidable.inr (assume H1, H (quot.exact H1))) protected theorem inv_zero : inv 0 = (0 : ℚ) := quot.sound (prerat.inv_zero' ▸ !prerat.equiv.refl) theorem quot_reduce (a : ℚ) : ⟦reduce a⟧ = a := quot.induction_on a (take u, quot.sound !prerat.reduce_equiv) section local attribute rat [reducible] theorem mul_denom (a : ℚ) : a * denom a = num a := have H : ⟦reduce a⟧ * of_int (denom a) = of_int (num a), from quot.sound (!prerat.mul_denom_equiv), quot_reduce a ▸ H end theorem coprime_num_denom (a : ℚ) : coprime (num a) (denom a) := decidable.by_cases (suppose a = 0, by substvars) (quot.induction_on a (take u H, assert H' : prerat.num u ≠ 0, from take H'', H (quot.sound (prerat.equiv_zero_of_num_eq_zero H'')), begin cases u with un ud udpos, rewrite [▸*, ↑num, ↑denom, ↑reduce, ↑prerat.reduce, if_neg H', ▸*], have gcd un ud ≠ 0, from ne_of_gt (!gcd_pos_of_ne_zero_left H'), apply coprime_div_gcd_div_gcd this end)) protected definition discrete_field [reducible] [trans_instance] : discrete_field rat := ⦃discrete_field, add := rat.add, add_assoc := rat.add_assoc, zero := 0, zero_add := rat.zero_add, add_zero := rat.add_zero, neg := rat.neg, add_left_inv := rat.add_left_inv, add_comm := rat.add_comm, mul := rat.mul, mul_assoc := rat.mul_assoc, one := 1, one_mul := rat.one_mul, mul_one := rat.mul_one, left_distrib := rat.left_distrib, right_distrib := rat.right_distrib, mul_comm := rat.mul_comm, mul_inv_cancel := @rat.mul_inv_cancel, inv_mul_cancel := @rat.inv_mul_cancel, zero_ne_one := rat.zero_ne_one, inv_zero := rat.inv_zero, has_decidable_eq := has_decidable_eq⦄ definition rat_has_div [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_div rat := has_div.mk has_div.div definition rat_has_pow_nat [instance] [priority rat.prio] : has_pow_nat rat := has_pow_nat.mk has_pow_nat.pow_nat theorem eq_num_div_denom (a : ℚ) : a = num a / denom a := have H : of_int (denom a) ≠ 0, from assume H', ne_of_gt (denom_pos a) (of_int.inj H'), iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq H) (mul_denom a) theorem of_int_div {a b : ℤ} (H : b ∣ a) : of_int (a / b) = of_int a / of_int b := decidable.by_cases (assume bz : b = 0, by rewrite [bz, int.div_zero, of_int_zero, div_zero]) (assume bnz : b ≠ 0, have bnz' : of_int b ≠ 0, from assume oibz, bnz (of_int.inj oibz), have H' : of_int (a / b) * of_int b = of_int a, from dvd.elim H (take c, assume Hc : a = b * c, by rewrite [Hc, !int.mul_div_cancel_left bnz, mul.comm]), iff.mpr (!eq_div_iff_mul_eq bnz') H') theorem of_nat_div {a b : ℕ} (H : b ∣ a) : of_nat (a / b) = of_nat a / of_nat b := have H' : (int.of_nat b ∣ int.of_nat a), by rewrite [int.of_nat_dvd_of_nat_iff]; exact H, by+ rewrite [of_nat_eq, int.of_nat_div, of_int_div H'] theorem of_int_pow (a : ℤ) (n : ℕ) : of_int (a^n) = (of_int a)^n := begin induction n with n ih, apply eq.refl, rewrite [pow_succ, pow_succ, of_int_mul, ih] end theorem of_nat_pow (a : ℕ) (n : ℕ) : of_nat (a^n) = (of_nat a)^n := by rewrite [of_nat_eq, int.of_nat_pow, of_int_pow] end rat