/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include "util/rb_map.h" #include "util/sstream.h" #include "kernel/instantiate.h" #include "library/tc_multigraph.h" #include "library/coercion.h" #include "library/reducible.h" #include "library/protected.h" #include "library/module.h" #include "library/kernel_serializer.h" #include "library/scoped_ext.h" #include "library/pp_options.h" #include "library/generic_exception.h" #include "library/attribute_manager.h" namespace lean { static name * g_fun = nullptr; static name * g_sort = nullptr; struct coercion_entry { name m_from; name m_coe; unsigned m_num_args; name m_to; coercion_entry() {} coercion_entry(name const & from, name const & coe, unsigned num, name const & to): m_from(from), m_coe(coe), m_num_args(num), m_to(to) {} }; struct coercion_state { tc_multigraph m_graph; name_map> m_coercions; // map coercion -> (from-class, num-args) void add1(environment const & env, name const & from, name const & coe, unsigned num, name const & to) { m_coercions.insert(coe, mk_pair(from, num)); m_graph.add1(env, from, coe, to); } coercion_state():m_graph("coercion") {} }; static name * g_class_name = nullptr; static std::string * g_key = nullptr; struct coercion_config { typedef coercion_state state; typedef coercion_entry entry; static void add_entry(environment const & env, io_state const &, state & s, entry const & e) { s.add1(env, e.m_from, e.m_coe, e.m_num_args, e.m_to); } static name const & get_class_name() { return *g_class_name; } static std::string const & get_serialization_key() { return *g_key; } static void write_entry(serializer & s, entry const & e) { s << e.m_from << e.m_coe << e.m_num_args << e.m_to; } static entry read_entry(deserializer & d) { entry e; d >> e.m_from >> e.m_coe >> e.m_num_args >> e.m_to; return e; } static optional get_fingerprint(entry const & e) { return some(e.m_coe.hash()); } }; template class scoped_ext; typedef scoped_ext coercion_ext; optional> is_coercion(environment const & env, name const & f) { coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); if (auto it = ext.m_coercions.find(f)) return optional>(*it); else return optional>(); } optional> is_coercion(environment const & env, expr const & f) { if (!is_constant(f)) return optional>(); return is_coercion(env, const_name(f)); } bool has_coercions_to(environment const & env, name const & D) { coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); return !is_nil(ext.m_graph.get_predecessors(D)); } bool has_coercions_to_sort(environment const & env) { coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); return !is_nil(ext.m_graph.get_predecessors(*g_sort)); } bool has_coercions_to_fun(environment const & env) { coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); return !is_nil(ext.m_graph.get_predecessors(*g_fun)); } bool has_coercions_from(environment const & env, name const & C) { coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); return !is_nil(ext.m_graph.get_successors(C)); } bool has_coercions_from(environment const & env, expr const & C) { expr const & C_fn = get_app_fn(C); if (!is_constant(C_fn)) return false; coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); for (pair const & coe_to : ext.m_graph.get_successors(const_name(C_fn))) { name const & coe = coe_to.first; if (auto it = ext.m_coercions.find(coe)) { if (it->second == get_app_num_args(C)) return true; } } return false; } static list get_coercions_core(environment const & env, expr const & C, name const & D) { buffer args; expr const & C_fn = get_app_rev_args(C, args); if (!is_constant(C_fn)) return list(); coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); buffer r; for (pair const & coe_to : ext.m_graph.get_successors(const_name(C_fn))) { name const & coe = coe_to.first; name const & to = coe_to.second; if (to != D) continue; if (auto it = ext.m_coercions.find(coe)) { if (it->second != args.size()) continue; } declaration const & coe_decl = env.get(coe); if (coe_decl.get_num_univ_params() != length(const_levels(C_fn))) continue; expr f = mk_constant(coe, const_levels(C_fn)); r.push_back(mk_rev_app(f, args.size(), args.data())); } return to_list(r); } list get_coercions(environment const & env, expr const & C, name const & D) { return get_coercions_core(env, C, D); } list get_coercions_to_sort(environment const & env, expr const & C) { return get_coercions_core(env, C, *g_sort); } list get_coercions_to_fun(environment const & env, expr const & C) { return get_coercions_core(env, C, *g_fun); } bool get_coercions_from(environment const & env, expr const & C, buffer & result) { buffer args; expr const & C_fn = get_app_rev_args(C, args); if (!is_constant(C_fn)) return false; coercion_state const & ext = coercion_ext::get_state(env); bool r = false; for (pair const & coe_to : ext.m_graph.get_successors(const_name(C_fn))) { name const & coe = coe_to.first; if (auto it = ext.m_coercions.find(coe)) { if (it->second != args.size()) continue; } declaration const & coe_decl = env.get(coe); if (coe_decl.get_num_univ_params() != length(const_levels(C_fn))) continue; expr f = mk_constant(coe, const_levels(C_fn)); result.push_back(mk_rev_app(f, args.size(), args.data())); r = true; } return r; } void for_each_coercion_user(environment const & env, coercion_user_fn const & f) { tc_multigraph const & g = coercion_ext::get_state(env).m_graph; g.for_each(f); } void for_each_coercion_sort(environment const & env, coercion_sort_fn const & f) { tc_multigraph const & g = coercion_ext::get_state(env).m_graph; g.for_each([&](name const & from, name const & coe, name const & to) { if (to == *g_sort) f(from, coe); }); } void for_each_coercion_fun(environment const & env, coercion_fun_fn const & f) { tc_multigraph const & g = coercion_ext::get_state(env).m_graph; g.for_each([&](name const & from, name const & coe, name const & to) { if (to == *g_fun) f(from, coe); }); } static void check_pi(name const & f, expr const & t) { if (!is_pi(t)) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid coercion, '" << f << "' is not function"); } // similar to check_pi, but produces a more informative message static void check_valid_coercion(name const & f, expr const & t) { if (!is_pi(t)) { throw_generic_exception(optional(), [=](formatter const & fmt) { options o = fmt.get_options(); bool show_universes = get_pp_universes(o) || get_pp_all(o); std::string ls = show_universes ? ".{ls}" : ""; std::string us = show_universes ? ".{us}" : ""; std::string u = show_universes ? ".{u}" : ""; return format((sstream() << "invalid coercion, type of '" << f << "' does not match any of the acceptable forms " << "for coercions\n" << "coe" << ls << " : Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (y: C" << ls << " x_1 ... x_n), D" << us << " t_1 ... t_m\n" << "coe" << ls << " : Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (y: C" << ls << " x_1 ... x_n), Type" << u << "\n" << "coe" << ls << " : Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (y: C" << ls << " x_1 ... x_n), (Pi x : A, B x)").str()); }); } } /** \brief Return true iff args contains Var(0), Var(1), ..., Var(args.size() - 1) */ static bool check_var_args(buffer const & args) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { if (!is_var(args[i]) || var_idx(args[i]) != i) return false; } return true; } /** \brief Return true iff param_id(levels[i]) == level_params[i] */ static bool check_levels(levels ls, level_param_names ps) { while (!is_nil(ls) && !is_nil(ps)) { if (!is_param(head(ls))) return false; if (param_id(head(ls)) != head(ps)) return false; ls = tail(ls); ps = tail(ps); } return is_nil(ls) && is_nil(ps); } static optional type_to_coercion_class(expr const & t) { if (is_sort(t)) { return optional(*g_sort); } else if (is_pi(t)) { return optional(*g_fun); } else { expr const & C = get_app_fn(t); if (is_constant(C)) return optional(const_name(C)); else return optional(); } } static bool is_user_class(name const & cls) { return cls != *g_fun && cls != *g_sort; } static unsigned get_num_args(environment const & env, tc_edge const & new_coe) { declaration const & d = env.get(new_coe.m_cnst); unsigned num = 0; buffer args; expr t = d.get_type(); while (true) { if (!is_pi(t)) return num; expr fn = get_app_fn(binding_domain(t)); if (is_constant(fn) && const_name(fn) == new_coe.m_from) return num; t = binding_body(t); num++; } } static environment add_coercion_core(environment const & env, name const & from, name const & coe, unsigned num_args, name const & to, name const & ns, bool persistent) { coercion_state st = coercion_ext::get_state(env); pair> new_env_coes = st.m_graph.add(env, from, coe, to); environment new_env = new_env_coes.first; new_env = coercion_ext::add_entry(new_env, get_dummy_ios(), coercion_entry(from, coe, num_args, to), ns, persistent); for (tc_edge const & new_coe : new_env_coes.second) { unsigned nargs = get_num_args(new_env, new_coe); new_env = coercion_ext::add_entry(new_env, get_dummy_ios(), coercion_entry(new_coe.m_from, new_coe.m_cnst, nargs, new_coe.m_to), ns, persistent); new_env = set_reducible(new_env, new_coe.m_cnst, reducible_status::Reducible, ns, persistent); new_env = add_protected(new_env, new_coe.m_cnst); } return new_env; } static environment add_coercion(environment const & env, name const & f, name const & C, name const & ns, bool persistent) { declaration d = env.get(f); unsigned num = 0; buffer args; expr t = d.get_type(); check_pi(f, t); while (true) { args.clear(); expr const & C_fn = get_app_rev_args(binding_domain(t), args); if (is_constant(C_fn) && const_name(C_fn) == C && num == args.size() && check_var_args(args) && check_levels(const_levels(C_fn), d.get_univ_params())) { optional cls = type_to_coercion_class(binding_body(t)); if (!cls) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid coercion, '" << f << "' cannot be used as a coercion from source '" << C << "', since target does not match any of the acceptable forms\n" << "D t_1 ... t_m\n" << "Type\n" << "Pi x : A, B x\n"); else if (is_user_class(*cls) && *cls == C) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid coercion, '" << f << "' is a coercion from '" << C << "' to itself"); return add_coercion_core(env, C, f, num, *cls, ns, persistent); } t = binding_body(t); num++; check_valid_coercion(f, t); } } environment add_coercion(environment const & env, io_state const &, name const & f, name const & ns, bool persistent) { declaration d = env.get(f); expr t = d.get_type(); check_pi(f, t); buffer Cs; // possible Cs while (is_pi(t)) { expr d = get_app_fn(binding_domain(t)); if (is_constant(d)) Cs.push_back(const_name(d)); t = binding_body(t); } if (Cs.empty()) throw exception(sstream() << "invalid coercion, '" << f << "' cannot be used as a coercion " << "because there is no acceptable source type; coercions must be of the form\n" << "coe : Pi (x_1 : A_1) ... (x_n : A_n) (y: C x_1 ... x_n), "); unsigned i = Cs.size(); while (i > 0) { --i; if (i == 0) { // last alternative return add_coercion(env, f, Cs[i], ns, persistent); } else { try { return add_coercion(env, f, Cs[i], ns, persistent); } catch (exception &) { // failed, keep trying... } } } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } void initialize_coercion() { g_fun = new name("_Fun"); g_sort = new name("_Sort"); g_class_name = new name("coercion"); g_key = new std::string("COERCE"); coercion_ext::initialize(); register_attribute("coercion", "coercion", [](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & d, name const & ns, bool persistent) { return add_coercion(env, ios, d, ns, persistent); }, [](environment const & env, name const & n) { return static_cast(is_coercion(env, n)); }); } void finalize_coercion() { coercion_ext::finalize(); delete g_key; delete g_class_name; delete g_fun; delete g_sort; } }