;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. ;; ;; Author: Soonho Kong ;; (require 'company) (require 'company-etags) (require 'dash) (require 'dash-functional) (require 'lean-tags) (require 'lean-server) (defun company-lean-hook () (set (make-local-variable 'company-backends) '(company-lean)) (setq-local company-tooltip-limit 20) ; bigger popup window (setq-local company-idle-delay nil) ; decrease delay before autocompletion popup shows (setq-local company-echo-delay 0) ; remove annoying blinking (setq-local company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command)) ; start autocompletion only after typing (company-mode t)) (defun company-lean--need-autocomplete () (not (looking-back (rx (or "theorem" "definition" "lemma" "axiom" "parameter" "abbreviation" "variable" "hypothesis" "conjecture" "corollary") (+ white) (* (not white)))))) (defun company-lean--prefix () "Returns the symbol to complete. Also, if point is on a dot, triggers a completion immediately." (let ((prefix (company-grab-symbol))) (cond ((looking-at (rx symbol-start "_")) "") ((and (company-lean--need-autocomplete) (or (>= (length prefix) 1) (string-match "[_.]" prefix))) prefix)))) (defun company-lean--make-candidate (arg) (propertize (car arg) 'type (cdr arg))) (defun company-lean--candidates (prefix) (let ((line-number (line-number-at-pos)) (column-number (current-column)) pattern) (lean-server-send-cmd-sync (lean-cmd-wait) 'identity) (cond ((looking-at (rx symbol-start "_")) (setq pattern (if current-prefix-arg (read-string "Filter for find declarations (e.g: +intro -and): " "" nil "") "")) (lean-server-send-cmd-sync (lean-cmd-findg line-number column-number pattern) (lambda (candidates) (lean-server-debug "executing continuation for FINDG") (-map 'company-lean--make-candidate candidates)))) (t (lean-server-send-cmd-sync (lean-cmd-findp line-number prefix) (lambda (candidates) (lean-server-debug "executing continuation for FINDP") (-map 'company-lean--make-candidate candidates))))))) (defun company-lean--location (arg) (lean-generate-tags) (let ((tags-table-list (company-etags-buffer-table))) (when (fboundp 'find-tag-noselect) (save-excursion (let ((buffer (find-tag-noselect arg))) (cons buffer (with-current-buffer buffer (point)))))))) (defun company-lean--annotation (candidate) (let ((type (get-text-property 0 'type candidate))) (when type (let* ((annotation-str (format " : %s" type)) (annotation-len (length annotation-str)) (candidate-len (length candidate)) (entry-width (+ candidate-len annotation-len)) (allowed-width (truncate (* 0.90 (window-body-width))))) (when (> entry-width allowed-width) (setq annotation-str (concat (substring-no-properties annotation-str 0 (- allowed-width candidate-len 3)) "..."))) annotation-str)))) (defun company-lean--pre-completion (args) (when (looking-at (rx "_")) (delete-forward-char 1))) ;;;###autoload (defun company-lean (command &optional arg &rest ignored) (case command (prefix (company-lean--prefix)) (candidates (company-lean--candidates arg)) (annotation (company-lean--annotation arg)) (location (company-lean--location arg)) (pre-completion (company-lean--pre-completion arg)) (sorted t))) (defadvice company--window-width (after lean-company--window-width activate) (when (eq major-mode 'lean-mode) (setq ad-return-value (truncate (* 0.95 (window-body-width)))))) (defun replace-regex-return-position (regex rep string &optional start) "Find regex and replace with rep on string. Return replaced string and start and end positions of replacement." (let* ((start (or start 0)) (len (length string)) (m-start (string-match regex string start)) (m-end (match-end 0)) pre-string post-string matched-string replaced-string result) (cond (m-start (setq pre-string (substring string 0 m-start)) (setq matched-string (substring string m-start m-end)) (setq post-string (substring string m-end)) (string-match regex matched-string) (setq replaced-string (replace-match rep nil nil matched-string)) (setq result (concat pre-string replaced-string post-string)) `(,result ,m-start ,(+ m-start (length replaced-string))) )))) (defun replace-regex-add-properties-all (regex rep string properties) "Find all occurrences of regex in string, and replace them with rep. Then, add text-properties on the replaced region." (let ((replace-result-items (replace-regex-return-position regex rep string)) (result string)) (while replace-result-items (pcase replace-result-items (`(,replaced-string ,m-start ,m-end) (setq result replaced-string) (add-text-properties m-start m-end properties result) (setq replace-result-items (replace-regex-return-position regex rep result m-end))))) result)) (defadvice company-fill-propertize (after lean-company-fill-propertize activate) (when (eq major-mode 'lean-mode) (let* ((selected (ad-get-arg 3)) (properties `(face (:foreground ,(face-foreground 'font-lock-keyword-face) :background ,(face-background (if selected 'company-tooltip-selection 'company-tooltip))) mouse-face company-tooltip)) (old-return ad-return-value) (old-len (length old-return)) new-return new-len) (setq new-return (replace-regex-add-properties-all (rx "?" word-start (group (+ (not white))) word-end) "\\1" ad-return-value properties)) (setq new-len (length new-return)) (while (< (length new-return) old-len) (setq new-return (concat new-return " "))) (add-text-properties new-len old-len properties new-return) (setq ad-return-value new-return)))) (provide 'lean-company)