/- Copyright (c) 2016 Jacob Gross. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Jacob Gross, Jeremy Avigad Limits, following Hölzl, Immler, and Huffman, "Type classes and filters for mathematical analysis in Isabelle/HOL". The central notion in this file is tendsto f F₂ F₁ which says that f "tends to" filter F₂, as the input "tends to" filter F₁. If f : X → Y, F₁ is a filter on X, and F₂ is a filter on Y. We can then use notation like this: f ⟶ y [at x] ... which is actually a composition of two notations: the first describes the function and the target filter, and the second desribes the source filter. We define the following filters: nhds x := neighborhoods of x [at x within s] := at_within x s := neighborhoods of x intersected with s \ '{x} [at x] := at_elt x := [at x within univ] [at x-] := at_left x := [at x within '(-∞, x) [at x+] := at_right x := [at x within '(x, ∞) [at ∞] := at_infty := "neighborhoods" of ∞ [at -∞] := at_ninfty := "neighborhoods" of -∞ We also define the following abbreviations and notatations for modes of convergence: f ⟶ y := approaches f y := tendsto f (nhds y) f ⟶ ∞ := approaches_infty f := tendsto f at_infty f ⟶ -∞ := approaches_ninfty := tendsto f at_ninfty Thus, for example, "f ⟶ y [at x]" denotes "tendsto f (nhds y) (at_elt x)". Note that lambdas are needed for functions given by expressions, for example: (λ x, x^2) ⟶ 4 [at 2] (λ x, x^2) ⟶ ∞ [at -∞] Using the theorems can take some getting used to. "tendsto f F₂ F₁" is equivalent to ∀ P : Y → Prop, eventually P F₂ → eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F₁ In terms of sets, this is equivalent to ∀ s : set Y, s ∈ sets F₂ → f '- s ∈ sets F₁ so one option is to use "tendsto_intro" "tendsto_dest" and "tendsto_iff" to unpack meanings in terms of "eventually", and then use the intro and dest rules of "eventually". For specific topologies -- for example, those given by a metric space or norm -- see the specialized intro and dest rules for eventually in those files. For "approaches", "approaches_infty", and "approaches_ninfty", there are specific intro, dest, and iff rules. Again, see also specific versions for metric spaces, normed spaces, etc. Note that the filters at_infty and at_ninfty don't rely on topological notions at all, only the existence of a suitable order. We mark tendsto as irreducible after defining the intro and dest rules, because otherwise tactics seem to unfold too much. -/ import data.set data.nat algebra.interval .basic import theories.move -- TODO: remove after move to Lean 3 open set function set.filter interval namespace topology variables {X Y Z : Type} /- mapfilter -/ section local attribute mem [reducible] definition mapfilter (f : X → Y) (F : filter X) : filter Y := ⦃ filter, sets := λ s, (f '- s) ∈ F, univ_mem_sets := abstract !univ_mem_sets end, inter_closed := abstract take a b, assume Ha Hb, !inter_closed Ha Hb end, is_mono := abstract take a b, assume Hab Ha, !is_mono (λ x H, Hab (f x) H) Ha end ⦄ end -- characterize mapfilter in terms of set membership theorem mem_mapfilter_iff (s : set Y) (F : filter X) (f : X → Y) : s ∈ mapfilter f F ↔ (f '- s) ∈ F := !iff.refl theorem mem_mapfilter {s : set Y} {F : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : f '- s ∈ F) : s ∈ mapfilter f F := H theorem preimage_mem_filter_of_mem_mapfilter {s : set Y} {F : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : s ∈ mapfilter f F) : f '- s ∈ F := H -- characterize mapfilter in terms of predicates and eventually theorem eventually_mapfilter_iff (P : Y → Prop) (F : filter X) (f : X → Y) : eventually P (mapfilter f F) ↔ eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F := !iff.refl theorem eventually_mapfilter {P : Y → Prop} {F : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F) : eventually P (mapfilter f F) := H theorem eventually_of_eventually_mapfilter {P : Y → Prop} {F : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : eventually P (mapfilter f F)) : eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F:= H -- other properties theorem mapfilter_id (F : filter Y) : mapfilter (λ x, x) F = F := filter.eq rfl theorem mapfilter_comp (F : filter X) (g : Y → Z) (f : X → Y) : mapfilter (g ∘ f) F = mapfilter g (mapfilter f F) := rfl theorem mapfilter_le_mapfilter {F F' : filter X} (f : X → Y) (H : F ≤ F') : mapfilter f F ≤ mapfilter f F' := begin rewrite filter.le_iff, intro s, rewrite *mem_mapfilter_iff, apply filter.subset_of_le H end -- alternative proof: take s, assume H', by unfold mem; exact H H' theorem mapfilter_bot (f : X → Y) : mapfilter f ⊥ = ⊥ := filter.eq (by rewrite *filter.bot_eq) theorem mapfilter_sup (f : X → Y) (F F' : filter X) : mapfilter f (sup F F') = sup (mapfilter f F) (mapfilter f F') := filter.eq (ext (take x, !iff.refl)) theorem mapfilter_inf (f : X → Y) (F F' : filter X) : mapfilter f (inf F F') ≤ inf (mapfilter f F) (mapfilter f F') := le_inf (mapfilter_le_mapfilter f !inf_le_left) (mapfilter_le_mapfilter f !inf_le_right) /- tendsto -/ definition tendsto (f : X → Y) (F₂ : filter Y) (F₁ : filter X) : Prop := mapfilter f F₁ ≤ F₂ theorem tendsto_intro' {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : ∀ P, eventually P F₂ → eventually P (mapfilter f F₁)) : tendsto f F₂ F₁ := H theorem tendsto_intro {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} {f : X → Y} (H : ∀ P, eventually P F₂ → eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F₁) : tendsto f F₂ F₁ := H theorem tendsto_dest' {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} {f : X → Y} {P : Y → Prop} (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) (H' : eventually P F₂) : eventually P (mapfilter f F₁) := H H' theorem tendsto_dest {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} {f : X → Y} {P : Y → Prop} (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) (H' : eventually P F₂) : eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F₁ := eventually_of_eventually_mapfilter (tendsto_dest' H H') theorem tendsto_iff' (F₂ : filter Y) (F₁ : filter X) (f : X → Y) : tendsto f F₂ F₁ ↔ (∀ P, eventually P F₂ → eventually P (mapfilter f F₁)) := iff.refl _ theorem tendsto_iff (F₂ : filter Y) (F₁ : filter X) (f : X → Y) : tendsto f F₂ F₁ ↔ (∀ P, eventually P F₂ → eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F₁) := iff.refl _ theorem tendsto_comp {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z} {F₁ : filter X} {F₂ : filter Y} {F₃ : filter Z} (Hf : tendsto f F₂ F₁) (Hg : tendsto g F₃ F₂) : tendsto (g ∘ f) F₃ F₁ := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F₃, have eventually (λ y, P (g y)) F₂, from tendsto_dest Hg this, show eventually (λ x, P (g (f x))) F₁, from tendsto_dest Hf this) theorem tendsto_of_le_left {f : X → Y} {F₂ F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (HF₂ : F₂ ≤ F₂') (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) : tendsto f F₂' F₁ := take P, suppose eventually P F₂', have eventually P F₂, from eventually_of_le this HF₂, show eventually P (mapfilter f F₁), from H this theorem tendsto_of_le_right {f : X → Y} {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ F₁' : filter X} (HF₁ : F₁' ≤ F₁) (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) : tendsto f F₂ F₁' := take P, suppose eventually P F₂, have eventually P (mapfilter f F₁), from H this, show eventually P (mapfilter f F₁'), from eventually_of_le this (mapfilter_le_mapfilter _ HF₁) theorem tendsto_of_le_of_le {f : X → Y} {F₂ F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ F₁' : filter X} (HF₂ : F₂ ≤ F₂') (HF₁ : F₁' ≤ F₁) (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) : tendsto f F₂' F₁' := tendsto_of_le_left HF₂ (tendsto_of_le_right HF₁ H) theorem tendsto_id {F : filter X} : tendsto (λ x, x) F F := take P, assume H, H theorem tendsto_inf_left {f : X → Y} {F₂ : filter Y} (F₁ : filter X) {F₁' : filter X} (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) : tendsto f F₂ (inf F₁ F₁') := tendsto_of_le_right !inf_le_left H theorem tendsto_inf_right {f : X → Y} {F₂ : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (F₁' : filter X) (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁') : tendsto f F₂ (inf F₁ F₁') := tendsto_of_le_right !inf_le_right H theorem tendsto_inf {f : X → Y} {F₂ F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (H₁ : tendsto f F₂ F₁) (H₂ : tendsto f F₂' F₁) : tendsto f (inf F₂ F₂') F₁ := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P (inf F₂ F₂'), obtain S [eSF₂ [T [eTF₂' STsubP]]], from exists_of_eventually_inf this, have HS : eventually (λ x, S (f x)) F₁, from tendsto_dest H₁ eSF₂, have HT : eventually (λ x, T (f x)) F₁, from tendsto_dest H₂ eTF₂', have HST : eventually (λ x, S (f x) ∧ T (f x)) F₁, from eventually_and HS HT, have H' : ∀ x, S (f x) ∧ T (f x) → P (f x), from take x, STsubP (f x), show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F₁, from eventually_mono HST H') theorem tendsto_of_tendsto_inf_left {f : X → Y} {F₂ F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (H : tendsto f (inf F₂ F₂') F₁) : tendsto f F₂ F₁ := tendsto_of_le_left !inf_le_left H theorem tendsto_of_tendsto_inf_right {f : X → Y} {F₂ F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (H : tendsto f (inf F₂ F₂') F₁) : tendsto f F₂' F₁ := tendsto_of_le_left !inf_le_right H theorem tendsto_inf_iff (f : X → Y) (F₂ F₂' : filter Y) (F₁ : filter X) : tendsto f (inf F₂ F₂') F₁ ↔ tendsto f F₂ F₁ ∧ tendsto f F₂' F₁ := iff.intro (λ H, and.intro (tendsto_of_tendsto_inf_left H) (tendsto_of_tendsto_inf_right H)) (λ H, tendsto_inf (and.left H) (and.right H)) theorem tendsto_sup_left {f : X → Y} (F₂ : filter Y) {F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (H : tendsto f F₂ F₁) : tendsto f (sup F₂ F₂') F₁ := tendsto_of_le_left !le_sup_left H theorem tendsto_sup_right {f : X → Y} (F₂ : filter Y) {F₂' : filter Y} {F₁ : filter X} (H : tendsto f F₂' F₁) : tendsto f (sup F₂ F₂') F₁ := tendsto_of_le_left !le_sup_right H theorem tendsto_comp_iff_tendsto_mapfilter (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z) (F₁ : filter X) (F₂ : filter Z) : tendsto (g ∘ f) F₂ F₁ ↔ tendsto g F₂ (mapfilter f F₁) := !iff.refl theorem eventually_of_tendsto_principal {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} {s : set Y} (H : tendsto f (principal s) F) : eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F := tendsto_dest H (eventually_principal (subset.refl _)) theorem tendsto_principal {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} {s : set Y} (H : eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F) : tendsto f (principal s) F := tendsto_intro (take P, assume ePF, have ∀₀ x ∈ s, P x, from subset_of_eventually_principal ePF, eventually_mono H (λ x Hfx, this Hfx)) theorem tendsto_principal_iff (f : X → Y) (F : filter X) (s : set Y) : tendsto f (principal s) F ↔ eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F := iff.intro eventually_of_tendsto_principal tendsto_principal attribute tendsto [irreducible] /- at_infty -/ section linorderX variable [linear_strong_order_pair X] definition at_infty : filter X := Inf ((λ x : X, principal '[x, ∞)) ' univ) notation `[at ` `∞]` := at_infty private lemma principal_Ici_le_principal_Ici {x₁ x₂ : X} (H : x₁ ≤ x₂) : (principal '[x₂, ∞)) ≤ (principal '[x₁, ∞)) := principal_le_principal (show '[x₂, ∞) ⊆ '[x₁, ∞), from λ y Hy, le.trans H Hy) theorem eventually_at_infty_intro {P : X → Prop} {x : X} (H : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P y) : eventually P [at ∞] := have H' : eventually P (principal '[x, ∞)), from eventually_principal H, have principal '[x, ∞) ∈ (λ x : X, principal '[x, ∞)) ' univ, from mem_image_of_mem _ !mem_univ, eventually_Inf this H' theorem eventually_at_infty_dest {P : X → Prop} [inhabited X] (H : eventually P [at ∞]) : ∃ x, ∀ y, y ≥ x → P y := let S := (λ x : X, principal '[x, ∞)) ' univ in have H' : ∀₀ F₁ ∈ S, ∀₀ F₂ ∈ S, ∃₀ F ∈ S, F ≤ F₁ ⊓ F₂, proof take F₁, suppose F₁ ∈ S, take F₂, suppose F₂ ∈ S, obtain x₁ [x₁univ F₁eq], from `F₁ ∈ S`, obtain x₂ [x₂univ F₂eq], from `F₂ ∈ S`, or.elim (le_or_gt x₁ x₂) (suppose x₁ ≤ x₂, have F₂ ≤ F₁, by rewrite [-F₁eq, -F₂eq]; exact principal_Ici_le_principal_Ici this, exists.intro F₂ (and.intro `F₂ ∈ S` (le_inf this !le.refl))) (suppose x₂ < x₁, have x₂ ≤ x₁, from le_of_lt this, have F₁ ≤ F₂, by rewrite [-F₁eq, -F₂eq]; exact principal_Ici_le_principal_Ici this, exists.intro F₁ (and.intro `F₁ ∈ S` (le_inf !le.refl this))) qed, have principal '[arbitrary X, ∞) ∈ S, from mem_image_of_mem _ !mem_univ, have ∃₀ F ∈ S, eventually P F, from exists_eventually_of_eventually_Inf this H H', obtain F [FS ePF], from this, obtain x [xuniv Feq], from FS, have P ⊇ '[x, ∞), from subset_of_eventually_principal (eq.subst (eq.symm Feq) ePF), exists.intro x this theorem eventually_at_infty_iff (P : X → Prop) [inhabited X] : eventually P [at ∞] ↔ ∃ x, ∀ y, y ≥ x → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_infty_dest (assume H, obtain x Hx, from H, eventually_at_infty_intro Hx) end linorderX /- at_ninfty -/ section linorderX variable [linear_strong_order_pair X] definition at_ninfty : filter X := Inf ((λ x : X, principal '(-∞, x]) ' univ) notation `[at ` `-∞]` := at_ninfty private lemma principal_Iic_le_principal_Iic {x₁ x₂ : X} (H : x₁ ≤ x₂) : (principal '(-∞, x₁]) ≤ (principal '(-∞, x₂]) := principal_le_principal (show '(-∞, x₁] ⊆ '(-∞, x₂], from λ y Hy, le.trans Hy H) theorem eventually_at_ninfty_intro {P : X → Prop} {x : X} (H : ∀ y, y ≤ x → P y) : eventually P [at -∞] := have H' : eventually P (principal '(-∞, x]), from eventually_principal H, have principal '(-∞, x] ∈ (λ x : X, principal '(-∞, x]) ' univ, from mem_image_of_mem _ !mem_univ, eventually_Inf this H' theorem eventually_at_ninfty_dest {P : X → Prop} [inhabited X] (H : eventually P [at -∞]) : ∃ x, ∀ y, y ≤ x → P y := let S := (λ x : X, principal '(-∞, x]) ' univ in have H' : ∀₀ F₁ ∈ S, ∀₀ F₂ ∈ S, ∃₀ F ∈ S, F ≤ F₁ ⊓ F₂, proof take F₁, suppose F₁ ∈ S, take F₂, suppose F₂ ∈ S, obtain x₁ [x₁univ F₁eq], from `F₁ ∈ S`, obtain x₂ [x₂univ F₂eq], from `F₂ ∈ S`, or.elim (le_or_gt x₁ x₂) (suppose x₁ ≤ x₂, have F₁ ≤ F₂, by rewrite [-F₁eq, -F₂eq]; exact principal_Iic_le_principal_Iic this, exists.intro F₁ (and.intro `F₁ ∈ S` (le_inf !le.refl this))) (suppose x₂ < x₁, have x₂ ≤ x₁, from le_of_lt this, have F₂ ≤ F₁, by rewrite [-F₁eq, -F₂eq]; exact principal_Iic_le_principal_Iic this, exists.intro F₂ (and.intro `F₂ ∈ S` (le_inf this !le.refl))) qed, have principal '(-∞, arbitrary X] ∈ S, from mem_image_of_mem _ !mem_univ, have ∃₀ F ∈ S, eventually P F, from exists_eventually_of_eventually_Inf this H H', obtain F [FS ePF], from this, obtain x [xuniv Feq], from FS, have P ⊇ '(-∞, x], from subset_of_eventually_principal (eq.subst (eq.symm Feq) ePF), exists.intro x this theorem eventually_at_ninfty_iff (P : X → Prop) [inhabited X] : eventually P [at -∞] ↔ ∃ x, ∀ y, y ≤ x → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_ninfty_dest (assume H, obtain x Hx, from H, eventually_at_ninfty_intro Hx) end linorderX /- approaches_infty -/ section approaches_infty variable [linear_strong_order_pair Y] abbreviation approaches_infty (f : X → Y) := tendsto f [at ∞] notation f ` ⟶ ` ∞ := tendsto f [at ∞] section open classical theorem approaches_infty_intro {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : ∀ y, eventually (λ x, f x ≥ y) F) : (f ⟶ ∞) F := tendsto_intro (take P, assume eP : eventually P [at ∞], if H' : nonempty Y then have inhabited Y, from inhabited_of_nonempty H', obtain z (Hz : ∀ y, y ≥ z → P y), from eventually_at_infty_dest eP, have ∀ x, f x ≥ z → P (f x), from take x, Hz (f x), show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F, from eventually_mono (H z) this else show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F, from eventually_of_forall F take x, absurd (nonempty.intro (f x)) H') end theorem approaches_infty_dest {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : (f ⟶ ∞) F) (y : Y) : eventually (λ x, f x ≥ y) F := have eventually (λ x, x ≥ y) [at ∞], from eventually_at_infty_intro (take x, suppose x ≥ y, this), show eventually (λ x, f x ≥ y) F, from tendsto_dest H this theorem approaches_infty_iff (f : X → Y) (F : filter X) : (f ⟶ ∞) F ↔ ∀ y, eventually (λ x, f x ≥ y) F := iff.intro approaches_infty_dest approaches_infty_intro theorem approaches_infty_of_eventually_ge {f g : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : eventually (λ x, f x ≥ g x) F) (H' : (g ⟶ ∞) F) : (f ⟶ ∞) F := approaches_infty_intro (take y, have eventually (λ x, g x ≥ y) F, from approaches_infty_dest H' y, show eventually (λ x, f x ≥ y) F, from eventually_mpr H (eventually_mpr this (eventually_of_forall _ (take x, le.trans)))) theorem id_approaches_infty_at_infty : @id Y ⟶ ∞ [at ∞] := tendsto_id end approaches_infty /- approaches_ninfty -/ section approaches_ninfty variable [linear_strong_order_pair Y] abbreviation approaches_ninfty (f : X → Y) := tendsto f [at -∞] notation f ` ⟶ ` -∞ := tendsto f [at -∞] section open classical theorem approaches_ninfty_intro {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : ∀ y, eventually (λ x, f x ≤ y) F) : (f ⟶ -∞) F := tendsto_intro (take P, assume eP : eventually P [at -∞], if H' : nonempty Y then have inhabited Y, from inhabited_of_nonempty H', obtain z (Hz : ∀ y, y ≤ z → P y), from eventually_at_ninfty_dest eP, have ∀ x, f x ≤ z → P (f x), from take x, Hz (f x), show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F, from eventually_mono (H z) this else show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F, from eventually_of_forall F take x, absurd (nonempty.intro (f x)) H') end theorem approaches_ninfty_dest {f : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : (f ⟶ -∞) F) (y : Y) : eventually (λ x, f x ≤ y) F := have eventually (λ x, x ≤ y) [at -∞], from eventually_at_ninfty_intro (take x, suppose x ≤ y, this), show eventually (λ x, f x ≤ y) F, from tendsto_dest H this theorem approaches_ninfty_iff (f : X → Y) (F : filter X) : (f ⟶ -∞) F ↔ ∀ y, eventually (λ x, f x ≤ y) F := iff.intro approaches_ninfty_dest approaches_ninfty_intro theorem approaches_ninfty_of_eventually_le {f g : X → Y} {F : filter X} (H : eventually (λ x, f x ≤ g x) F) (H' : (g ⟶ -∞) F) : (f ⟶ -∞) F := approaches_ninfty_intro (take y, have eventually (λ x, g x ≤ y) F, from approaches_ninfty_dest H' y, show eventually (λ x, f x ≤ y) F, from eventually_mpr H (eventually_mpr this (eventually_of_forall _ (take x H₁ H₂, le.trans H₂ H₁)))) theorem id_approaches_ninfty_at_ninfty : @id Y ⟶ -∞ [at -∞] := tendsto_id end approaches_ninfty /- the nhds filter -/ open topology section nhds_filter variables [topology X] {P : X → Prop} definition nhds (x : X) : filter X := Inf (principal ' {s | Open s ∧ x ∈ s}) proposition eventually_nhds_intro {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) (H : ∀₀ x ∈ s, P x) : eventually P (nhds x) := eventually_Inf (mem_image_of_mem _ (and.intro Os xs)) (eventually_principal H) proposition eventually_mem_nhds {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) : eventually (λ x, x ∈ s) (nhds x) := eventually_nhds_intro Os xs (λ x Hx, Hx) proposition eventually_nhds_dest {x : X} (H : eventually P (nhds x)) : ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ x ∈ s, P x := let princS := principal ' {s | Open s ∧ x ∈ s} in have principal univ ∈ princS, from mem_image_of_mem principal (and.intro Open_univ !mem_univ), have ∃₀ F ∈ princS, eventually P F, from exists_eventually_of_eventually_Inf this H (λ F₁ (F₁mem : F₁ ∈ princS) F₂ (F₂mem : F₂ ∈ princS), obtain s₁ [[Os₁ xs₁] (F₁eq : principal s₁ = F₁)], from F₁mem, obtain s₂ [[Os₂ xs₂] (F₂eq : principal s₂ = F₂)], from F₂mem, have F₁ ⊓ F₂ ∈ princS, begin rewrite [-F₁eq, -F₂eq, principal_inf_principal], exact mem_image_of_mem _ (and.intro (Open_inter Os₁ Os₂) (mem_inter xs₁ xs₂)) end, show ∃₀ F ∈ princS, F ≤ F₁ ⊓ F₂, from exists.intro _ (and.intro this !le.refl)), obtain F [Fmem ePF], from this, obtain s [[Os xs] (Feq : principal s = F)], from Fmem, exists.intro s (and.intro Os (and.intro xs (subset_of_eventually_principal (by rewrite Feq; exact ePF)))) proposition eventually_nhds_iff (x : X) : eventually P (nhds x) ↔ ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ x ∈ s, P x := iff.intro eventually_nhds_dest (assume H, obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from H, eventually_nhds_intro Os xs Hs) end nhds_filter /- the at_within filter -/ section at_within variables [topology X] {P : X → Prop} definition at_within (x : X) (s : set X) : filter X := inf (nhds x) (principal (s \ '{x})) notation [at x ` within ` s] := at_within x s proposition at_within_le_nhds (x : X) (s : set X) : [at x within s] ≤ nhds x := inf_le_left _ _ proposition at_within_le_at_within (x : X) {s t : set X} (H : s ⊆ t) : [at x within s] ≤ [at x within t] := have s \ '{x} ⊆ t \ '{x}, by rewrite diff_eq; apply inter_subset_inter_right _ H, le_inf (inf_le_left _ _) (le.trans !inf_le_right (principal_le_principal this)) proposition eventually_at_within_intro {x : X} {s t : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) (Hs : ∀₀ y ∈ s, y ≠ x → y ∈ t → P y) : eventually P [at x within t] := have H₁ : eventually (λ y, y ≠ x → y ∈ t → P y) (nhds x), from eventually_nhds_intro Os xs Hs, eventually_inf H₁ _ (mem_principal _) (take y, assume Hy, have H : y ∈ t \ '{x}, from and.right Hy, have H' : y ≠ x, from suppose y = x, have y ∈ '{x}, from mem_singleton_of_eq this, show false, from and.right H this, show P y, from and.left Hy `y ≠ x` (and.left H)) proposition eventually_at_within_dest {x : X} {t : set X} (H : eventually P [at x within t]) : ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y ≠ x → y ∈ t → P y := obtain P₁ [eP₁nhds [P₂ [eP₂princ (H' : P ⊇ P₁ ∩ P₂)]]], from exists_of_eventually_inf H, obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from eventually_nhds_dest eP₁nhds, have Ht : ∀₀ y ∈ t \ '{x}, P₂ y, from subset_of_eventually_principal eP₂princ, exists.intro s (and.intro Os (and.intro xs (take y, assume ys ynex yt, have y ∉ '{x}, from assume ymem, ynex (eq_of_mem_singleton ymem), show P y, from H' (and.intro (Hs y ys) (Ht (mem_diff yt this)))))) theorem eventually_at_within_iff (x : X) {s : set X} : eventually P [at x within s] ↔ ∃ t, Open t ∧ x ∈ t ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ t, y ≠ x → y ∈ s → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_within_dest (assume H, obtain t [Ot [xt Ht]], from H, eventually_at_within_intro Ot xt Ht) theorem eventually_at_within_of_subset {x : X} {s t : set X} (ssubt : s ⊆ t) (H : eventually P [at x within t]) : eventually P [at x within s] := eventually_of_le H (at_within_le_at_within x ssubt) abbreviation at_elt (x : X) : filter X := at_within x univ notation [at x] := at_elt x proposition eventually_at_intro {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) (Hs : ∀₀ y ∈ s, y ≠ x → P y) : eventually P [at x] := eventually_at_within_intro Os xs (take y, assume ys ynex yuniv, Hs ys ynex) proposition eventually_at_dest {x : X} (H : eventually P [at x]) : ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y ≠ x → P y := obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from eventually_at_within_dest H, exists.intro s (and.intro Os (and.intro xs (λ y ys ynex, Hs y ys ynex trivial))) proposition eventually_at_iff (x : X) : eventually P [at x] ↔ ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y ≠ x → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_dest (assume H, obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from H, eventually_at_intro Os xs Hs) proposition eventually_at_within_of_eventually_at {x : X} (s : set X) (H : eventually P [at x]) : eventually P [at x within s] := eventually_at_within_of_subset (subset_univ s) H proposition at_within_eq_of_Open {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) : [at x within s] = [at x] := filter.eq (ext (take P, iff.intro (assume H, obtain t [Ot [xt Ht]], from eventually_at_within_dest H, eventually_at_intro (Open_inter Os Ot) (mem_inter xs xt) (λ y Hy yne, Ht _ (and.right Hy) yne (and.left Hy))) (assume H, obtain t [Ot [xt Ht]], from eventually_at_dest H, eventually_at_within_intro (Open_inter Os Ot) (mem_inter xs xt) (λ y Hy yne ys, Ht _ (and.right Hy) yne)))) proposition tendsto_at_within_of_subset {f : X → Y} {F : filter Y} {x : X } {s t : set X} (ssubt : s ⊆ t) (H : tendsto f F [at x within t]) : tendsto f F [at x within s] := tendsto_intro (take P eP, have eventually (λ x, P (f x)) [at x within t], from tendsto_dest H eP, show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) [at x within s], from eventually_at_within_of_subset ssubt this) end at_within /- at_left and at_right -/ section at_left_at_right variables [topology X] [linear_strong_order_pair X] {P : X → Prop} abbreviation at_left (x : X) : filter X := [at x within '(-∞, x)] abbreviation at_right (x : X) : filter X := [at x within '(x, ∞)] notation [at x`-]` := at_left x notation [at x`+]` := at_right x proposition eventually_at_left_intro {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) (H : ∀₀ y ∈ s, y < x → P y) : eventually P [at x-] := eventually_at_within_intro Os xs (take y, assume ys ynex yltx, H ys yltx) proposition eventually_at_left_dest {x : X} (H : eventually P [at x-]) : ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y < x → P y := obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from eventually_at_within_dest H, exists.intro s (and.intro Os (and.intro xs (take y, assume ys yltx, show P y, from Hs y ys (ne_of_lt yltx) yltx))) variable (P) proposition eventually_at_left_iff (x : X) : eventually P [at x-] ↔ ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y < x → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_left_dest (take H, obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from H, eventually_at_left_intro Os xs Hs) variable {P} proposition eventually_at_right_intro {x : X} {s : set X} (Os : Open s) (xs : x ∈ s) (H : ∀₀ y ∈ s, y > x → P y) : eventually P [at x+] := eventually_at_within_intro Os xs (take y, assume ys ynex yltx, H ys yltx) proposition eventually_at_right_dest {x : X} (H : eventually P [at x+]) : ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y > x → P y := obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from eventually_at_within_dest H, exists.intro s (and.intro Os (and.intro xs (take y, assume ys yltx, show P y, from Hs y ys (ne_of_gt yltx) yltx))) variable (P) proposition eventually_at_right_iff (x : X) : eventually P [at x+] ↔ ∃ s, Open s ∧ x ∈ s ∧ ∀₀ y ∈ s, y > x → P y := iff.intro eventually_at_right_dest (take H, obtain s [Os [xs Hs]], from H, eventually_at_right_intro Os xs Hs) end at_left_at_right /- approaches -/ section approaches variables [topology Y] variables {F : filter X} {f : X → Y} {y : Y} abbreviation approaches (f : X → Y) (y : Y) : filter X → Prop := tendsto f (nhds y) notation f ⟶ y := approaches f y proposition approaches_intro (H : ∀ s, Open s → y ∈ s → eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F) : (f ⟶ y) F := tendsto_intro (take P, assume eventuallyP, obtain s [Os [(ys : y ∈ s) (H' : ∀₀ y' ∈ s, P y')]], from eventually_nhds_dest eventuallyP, show eventually (λ x, P (f x)) F, from eventually_mono (H s Os ys) (λ x Hx, H' Hx)) proposition approaches_elim (H : (f ⟶ y) F) {s : set Y} (Os : Open s) (ys : y ∈ s) : eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F := tendsto_dest H (eventually_mem_nhds Os ys) variables (F f y) proposition approaches_iff : (f ⟶ y) F ↔ (∀ s, Open s → y ∈ s → eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s) F) := iff.intro approaches_elim approaches_intro proposition tendsto_comp_of_approaches_of_tendsto_at_within {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z} {s : set Y} {y : Y} {F₁ : filter X} {F₃ : filter Z} (Hf₁ : (f ⟶ y) F₁) (Hf₂ : eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s ∧ f x ≠ y) F₁) (Hg : tendsto g F₃ [at y within s]) : tendsto (g ∘ f) F₃ F₁ := have eventually (λ x, f x ∈ s \ '{y}) F₁, from eventually_congr (take x, by rewrite [mem_diff_iff, mem_singleton_iff]) Hf₂, have tendsto f [at y within s] F₁, from tendsto_inf Hf₁ (tendsto_principal this), tendsto_comp this Hg proposition tendsto_comp_of_approaches_of_tendsto_at {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z} {y : Y} {F₁ : filter X} {F₃ : filter Z} (Hf₁ : (f ⟶ y) F₁) (Hf₂ : eventually (λ x, f x ≠ y) F₁) (Hg : tendsto g F₃ [at y]) : tendsto (g ∘ f) F₃ F₁ := have eventually (λ x, f x ∈ univ ∧ f x ≠ y) F₁, from eventually_congr (take x, by rewrite [mem_univ_iff, true_and]) Hf₂, tendsto_comp_of_approaches_of_tendsto_at_within Hf₁ this Hg proposition approaches_constant : ((λ x, y) ⟶ y) F := begin apply approaches_intro, intro s Hs Hys, have H : (λ x : X, y ∈ s) = (λ x : X, true), from funext (λ x, by rewrite classical.eq_true; exact Hys), rewrite H, apply eventually_true end end approaches /- Properties of convergence at infty on nat and real (and more generally ordered semigroups) -/ section open nat proposition eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_succ_at_infty {P : ℕ → Prop} (H : eventually (λ n, P (succ n)) [at ∞]) : eventually P [at ∞] := obtain x (Hx : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P (succ y)), from eventually_at_infty_dest H, eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y > x, have y ≥ succ x, from succ_le_of_lt this, have pred y ≥ pred (succ x), from pred_le_pred this, have pred y ≥ x, by rewrite pred_succ at this; assumption, have P (succ (pred y)), from Hx _ this, show P y, by rewrite (succ_pred_of_pos (lt_of_lt_of_le !zero_lt_succ `succ x ≤ y`)) at this; assumption) proposition eventually_succ_at_infty {P : ℕ → Prop} (H : eventually (λ n, P n) [at ∞]) : eventually (λ n, P (succ n)) [at ∞] := obtain x (Hx : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P y), from eventually_at_infty_dest H, eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y > x, show P (succ y), from Hx _ (le_of_lt (lt.trans this !lt_succ_self))) proposition eventually_succ_at_infty_iff (P : ℕ → Prop) : (eventually (λ n, P (succ n)) [at ∞]) ↔ (eventually P [at ∞]) := iff.intro eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_succ_at_infty eventually_succ_at_infty proposition tendsto_succ_at_infty {f : ℕ → Y} {F : filter Y} (H : tendsto f F [at ∞]) : tendsto (λ n, f (succ n)) F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_succ_at_infty (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_succ_at_infty {f : ℕ → Y} {F : filter Y} (H : tendsto (λ n, f (succ n)) F [at ∞]) : tendsto f F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_succ_at_infty (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_succ_at_infty_iff (f : ℕ → Y) (F : filter Y) : (tendsto (λ n, f (succ n)) F [at ∞]) ↔ (tendsto f F [at ∞]) := iff.intro tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_succ_at_infty tendsto_succ_at_infty proposition succ_approaches_infty_at_infty : (λ n, succ n) ⟶ ∞ [at ∞] := tendsto_succ_at_infty id_approaches_infty_at_infty -- alterantive proof: -- approaches_infty_intro (take n, -- eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y ≥ n, -- show succ y ≥ n, from le.trans this (le_of_lt (lt_succ_self y)))) -- another alternative proof: -- approaches_infty_of_eventually_ge -- (eventually_of_forall _ (λ x, le_of_lt (lt_succ_self x)) -- id_approaches_infty_at_infty -- TODO: for these next proofs: we should unify nat and group cases, with a class -- with the axiom x ≤ y → y - x + x = y. -- in the meanwhile, put ' on these versions -- TODO: add_left versions proposition eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty' {P : ℕ → Prop} {k : ℕ} (H : eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞]) : eventually P [at ∞] := obtain x (Hx : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P (y + k)), from eventually_at_infty_dest H, eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y ≥ x + k, have y - k ≥ x, from nat.le_sub_of_add_le this, have H' : P (y - k + k), from Hx _ this, have y ≥ k, from le.trans !le_add_left `x + k ≤ y`, show P y, by rewrite [nat.sub_add_cancel this at H']; exact H') proposition eventually_add_right_at_infty' {P : ℕ → Prop} (k : ℕ) (H : eventually (λ n, P n) [at ∞]) : eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞] := obtain x (Hx : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P y), from eventually_at_infty_dest H, eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y ≥ x, have y + k ≥ x, from le.trans this !le_add_right, show P (y + k), from Hx _ this) proposition eventually_add_right_at_infty_iff' (k : ℕ) (P : ℕ → Prop) : (eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞]) ↔ (eventually P [at ∞]) := iff.intro eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty' (eventually_add_right_at_infty' k) proposition tendsto_add_right_at_infty' {f : ℕ → Y} {F : filter Y} (H : tendsto f F [at ∞]) (k : ℕ) : tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_add_right_at_infty' k (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_add_right_at_infty' {f : ℕ → Y} {F : filter Y} {k : ℕ} (H : tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞]) : tendsto f F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty' (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_add_right_at_infty_iff' (f : ℕ → Y) (F : filter Y) (k : ℕ) : (tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞]) ↔ (tendsto f F [at ∞]) := iff.intro tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_add_right_at_infty' (λ H, tendsto_add_right_at_infty' H k) end section -- TODO: move to algebra? private proposition inhabited_of_has_zero [trans_instance] (H : has_zero X) : inhabited X := inhabited.mk 0 variable [decidable_linear_ordered_comm_group X] proposition eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty {P : X → Prop} {k : X} (H : eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞]) : eventually P [at ∞] := obtain x (Hx : ∀ y, y ≥ x → P (y + k)), from eventually_at_infty_dest H, eventually_at_infty_intro (take y, suppose y ≥ x + k, have y - k ≥ x, from le_sub_right_of_add_le this, have H' : P (y - k + k), from Hx _ this, show P y, by rewrite [sub_add_cancel at H']; exact H') proposition eventually_add_right_at_infty {P : X → Prop} (k : X) (H : eventually (λ n, P n) [at ∞]) : eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞] := have eventually (λ n, P (n + -k + k)) [at ∞], from eventually_congr (take x, by rewrite [neg_add_cancel_right]) H, eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty this proposition eventually_add_right_at_infty_iff (k : X) (P : X → Prop) : (eventually (λ n, P (n + k)) [at ∞]) ↔ (eventually P [at ∞]) := iff.intro eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty (eventually_add_right_at_infty k) proposition tendsto_add_right_at_infty {f : X → Y} {F : filter Y} (H : tendsto f F [at ∞]) (k : X) : tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_add_right_at_infty k (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_add_right_at_infty {f : X → Y} {F : filter Y} {k : X} (H : tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞]) : tendsto f F [at ∞] := tendsto_intro (take P, suppose eventually P F, eventually_at_infty_of_eventually_add_right_at_infty (tendsto_dest H this)) proposition tendsto_add_right_at_infty_iff (f : X → Y) (F : filter Y) (k : X) : (tendsto (λ n, f (n + k)) F [at ∞]) ↔ (tendsto f F [at ∞]) := iff.intro tendsto_at_infty_of_tendsto_add_right_at_infty (λ H, tendsto_add_right_at_infty H k) end end topology