/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include "util/sstream.h" #include "kernel/abstract.h" #include "library/annotation.h" #include "library/placeholder.h" #include "library/explicit.h" #include "library/tactic/tactic.h" #include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h" #include "library/typed_expr.h" #include "library/choice.h" #include "library/let.h" #include "frontends/lean/builtin_exprs.h" #include "frontends/lean/token_table.h" #include "frontends/lean/calc.h" #include "frontends/lean/begin_end_ext.h" #include "frontends/lean/parser.h" #include "frontends/lean/extra_info.h" #include "frontends/lean/util.h" namespace lean { namespace notation { static name g_llevel_curly(".{"), g_rcurly("}"), g_in("in"), g_colon(":"), g_assign(":="); static name g_comma(","), g_fact("[fact]"), g_from("from"), g_using("using"); static name g_then("then"), g_have("have"), g_by("by"), g_qed("qed"), g_end("end"); static name g_take("take"), g_assume("assume"), g_show("show"), g_fun("fun"); static expr parse_Type(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { if (p.curr_is_token(g_llevel_curly)) { p.next(); level l = p.parse_level(); p.check_token_next(g_rcurly, "invalid Type expression, '}' expected"); return p.save_pos(mk_sort(l), pos); } else { return p.save_pos(mk_sort(mk_level_placeholder()), pos); } } static expr parse_Type_prime(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { return p.save_pos(mk_sort(mk_succ(mk_level_placeholder())), pos); } static expr parse_let(parser & p, pos_info const & pos); static expr parse_let_body(parser & p, pos_info const & pos) { if (p.curr_is_token(g_comma)) { p.next(); return parse_let(p, pos); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_in)) { p.next(); return p.parse_expr(); } else { throw parser_error("invalid let declaration, 'in' or ',' expected", p.pos()); } } static void parse_let_modifiers(parser & p, bool & is_fact) { while (true) { if (p.curr_is_token(g_fact)) { is_fact = true; p.next(); } else { break; } } } static expr parse_let(parser & p, pos_info const & pos) { parser::local_scope scope1(p); if (p.parse_local_notation_decl()) { return parse_let_body(p, pos); } else { auto id_pos = p.pos(); name id = p.check_atomic_id_next("invalid let declaration, identifier expected"); bool is_fact = false; optional type; expr value; parse_let_modifiers(p, is_fact); if (p.curr_is_token(g_assign)) { p.next(); value = p.parse_expr(); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) { p.next(); type = p.parse_expr(); p.check_token_next(g_assign, "invalid declaration, ':=' expected"); value = p.parse_expr(); } else { parser::local_scope scope2(p); buffer ps; auto lenv = p.parse_binders(ps); if (p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) { p.next(); type = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, lenv); type = Pi(ps, *type, p); } p.check_token_next(g_assign, "invalid let declaration, ':=' expected"); value = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, lenv); value = Fun(ps, value, p); } expr v; if (type) v = p.save_pos(mk_typed_expr(*type, value), p.pos_of(value)); else v = value; v = p.save_pos(mk_let_value(v), id_pos); p.add_local_expr(id, v); expr b = parse_let_body(p, pos); return p.save_pos(mk_let(id, v, b), pos); } } static expr parse_let_expr(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { return parse_let(p, pos); } static expr parse_placeholder(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { return p.save_pos(mk_explicit_expr_placeholder(), pos); } static expr parse_by(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { expr t = p.parse_expr(); return p.mk_by(t, pos); } static expr parse_begin_end(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { if (!p.has_tactic_decls()) throw parser_error("invalid 'begin-end' expression, tactic module has not been imported", pos); optional pre_tac = get_begin_end_pre_tactic(p.env()); optional r; while (true) { bool use_exact = (p.curr_is_token(g_have) || p.curr_is_token(g_show) || p.curr_is_token(g_assume) || p.curr_is_token(g_take) || p.curr_is_token(g_fun)); auto pos = p.pos(); expr tac = p.parse_expr(); if (use_exact) tac = p.mk_app(get_exact_tac_fn(), tac, pos); if (pre_tac) tac = p.mk_app({get_and_then_tac_fn(), *pre_tac, tac}, pos); tac = p.mk_app(get_determ_tac_fn(), tac, pos); r = r ? p.mk_app({get_and_then_tac_fn(), *r, tac}, pos) : tac; if (p.curr_is_token(g_end)) { auto pos = p.pos(); p.next(); return p.mk_by(*r, pos); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_comma)) { p.next(); } else { throw parser_error("invalid begin-end, ',' or 'end' expected", p.pos()); } } } static expr parse_proof(parser & p, expr const & prop) { if (p.curr_is_token(g_from)) { // parse: 'from' expr p.next(); return p.parse_expr(); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_by)) { // parse: 'by' tactic auto pos = p.pos(); p.next(); expr t = p.parse_expr(); return p.mk_by(t, pos); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_using)) { // parse: 'using' locals* ',' proof auto using_pos = p.pos(); p.next(); parser::local_scope scope(p); buffer locals; while (!p.curr_is_token(g_comma)) { auto id_pos = p.pos(); expr l = p.parse_expr(); if (!is_local(l)) throw parser_error("invalid 'using' declaration for 'have', local expected", id_pos); p.add_local(l); locals.push_back(l); } p.next(); // consume ',' expr pr = parse_proof(p, prop); unsigned i = locals.size(); while (i > 0) { --i; expr l = locals[i]; pr = p.save_pos(Fun(l, pr), using_pos); pr = p.save_pos(pr(l), using_pos); } return pr; } else { throw parser_error("invalid expression, 'by', 'using' or 'from' expected", p.pos()); } } static expr parse_have_core(parser & p, pos_info const & pos, optional const & prev_local) { auto id_pos = p.pos(); bool is_fact = false; name id; expr prop; if (p.curr_is_token(g_fact)) { p.next(); is_fact = true; id = p.mk_fresh_name(); prop = p.parse_expr(); } else if (p.curr_is_identifier()) { id = p.get_name_val(); p.next(); if (p.curr_is_token(g_fact)) { p.next(); p.check_token_next(g_colon, "invalid 'have' declaration, ':' expected"); is_fact = true; prop = p.parse_expr(); } else if (p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) { p.next(); prop = p.parse_expr(); } else { expr left = p.id_to_expr(id, id_pos); id = p.mk_fresh_name(); prop = p.parse_led(left); } } else { id = p.mk_fresh_name(); prop = p.parse_expr(); } p.check_token_next(g_comma, "invalid 'have' declaration, ',' expected"); expr proof; if (prev_local) { parser::local_scope scope(p); p.add_local(*prev_local); auto proof_pos = p.pos(); proof = parse_proof(p, prop); proof = p.save_pos(Fun(*prev_local, proof), proof_pos); proof = p.save_pos(proof(*prev_local), proof_pos); } else { proof = parse_proof(p, prop); } p.check_token_next(g_comma, "invalid 'have' declaration, ',' expected"); parser::local_scope scope(p); binder_info bi = mk_contextual_info(is_fact); expr l = p.save_pos(mk_local(id, prop, bi), pos); p.add_local(l); expr body; if (p.curr_is_token(g_then)) { auto then_pos = p.pos(); p.next(); p.check_token_next(g_have, "invalid 'then have' declaration, 'have' expected"); body = parse_have_core(p, then_pos, some_expr(l)); } else { body = p.parse_expr(); } // remark: mk_contextual_info(false) informs the elaborator that prop should not occur inside metavariables. body = abstract(body, l); expr r = p.save_pos(mk_have_annotation(p.save_pos(mk_lambda(id, prop, body, bi), pos)), pos); return p.mk_app(r, proof, pos); } static expr parse_have(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { return parse_have_core(p, pos, none_expr()); } static name H_show("H_show"); static expr parse_show(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { expr prop = p.parse_expr(); p.check_token_next(g_comma, "invalid 'show' declaration, ',' expected"); expr proof = parse_proof(p, prop); expr b = p.save_pos(mk_lambda(H_show, prop, Var(0)), pos); expr r = p.mk_app(b, proof, pos); return p.save_pos(mk_show_annotation(r), pos); } static name g_exists_elim("exists_elim"); static expr parse_obtain(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { if (!p.env().find(g_exists_elim)) throw parser_error("invalid use of 'obtain' expression, environment does not contain 'exists_elim' theorem", pos); // exists_elim {A : Type} {P : A → Prop} {B : Prop} (H1 : ∃ x : A, P x) (H2 : ∀ (a : A) (H : P a), B) buffer ps; auto b_pos = p.pos(); environment env = p.parse_binders(ps); unsigned num_ps = ps.size(); if (num_ps < 2) throw parser_error("invalid 'obtain' expression, at least 2 binders expected", b_pos); bool is_fact = false; if (p.curr_is_token(g_fact)) { p.next(); is_fact = true; } if (!is_fact) { expr H = ps[num_ps-1]; ps[num_ps-1] = update_local(H, mlocal_type(H), local_info(H).update_contextual(false)); } p.check_token_next(g_comma, "invalid 'obtain' expression, ',' expected"); p.check_token_next(g_from, "invalid 'obtain' expression, 'from' expected"); expr H1 = p.parse_expr(); p.check_token_next(g_comma, "invalid 'obtain' expression, ',' expected"); expr b = p.parse_scoped_expr(ps, env); expr H = ps[num_ps-1]; name H_name = local_pp_name(H); unsigned i = num_ps-1; while (i > 1) { --i; expr a = ps[i]; expr H_aux = mk_local(p.mk_fresh_name(), H_name.append_after(i), mk_expr_placeholder(), mk_contextual_info(false)); expr H2 = Fun({a, H}, b); b = mk_constant(g_exists_elim)(H_aux, H2); H = H_aux; } expr a = ps[0]; expr H2 = Fun({a, H}, b); expr r = mk_constant(g_exists_elim)(H1, H2); return p.rec_save_pos(r, pos); } static expr parse_calc_expr(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const &) { return parse_calc(p); } static expr parse_overwrite_notation(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const &) { name n = p.check_id_next("invalid '#' local notation, identifier expected"); environment env = overwrite_notation(p.env(), n); return p.parse_scoped_expr(0, nullptr, env); } static expr parse_explicit_expr(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { expr e = p.parse_expr(get_max_prec()); if (is_choice(e)) { buffer new_choices; for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_num_choices(e); i++) new_choices.push_back(p.save_pos(mk_explicit(get_choice(e, i)), pos)); return p.save_pos(mk_choice(new_choices.size(), new_choices.data()), pos); } else { return p.save_pos(mk_explicit(e), pos); } } static expr parse_including_expr(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { buffer locals; while (!p.curr_is_token(g_comma)) { auto pos = p.pos(); name id = p.check_id_next("invalid 'including', identifier expected"); if (auto it = p.get_local(id)) { locals.push_back(*it); } else { throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid 'including', '" << id << "' is not a local declaraton", pos); } } p.next(); parser::local_scope scope(p); buffer new_locals; for (auto old_l : locals) { binder_info bi = local_info(old_l); bi = bi.update_contextual(true); expr new_l = p.save_pos(mk_local(local_pp_name(old_l), mk_as_is(mlocal_type(old_l)), bi), pos); p.add_local(new_l); new_locals.push_back(new_l); } expr r = Fun(new_locals, p.parse_expr(), p); r = p.rec_save_pos(mk_app(r, locals), pos); return r; } static expr parse_sorry(parser & p, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const & pos) { return p.mk_sorry(pos); } static expr parse_rparen(parser & p, unsigned, expr const * args, pos_info const & pos) { if (p.collecting_info()) return p.save_pos(mk_extra_info(args[0]), pos); else return args[0]; } parse_table init_nud_table() { action Expr(mk_expr_action()); action Skip(mk_skip_action()); action Binders(mk_binders_action()); expr x0 = mk_var(0); parse_table r; r = r.add({transition("_", mk_ext_action(parse_placeholder))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("by", mk_ext_action(parse_by))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("have", mk_ext_action(parse_have))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("show", mk_ext_action(parse_show))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("obtain", mk_ext_action(parse_obtain))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("(", Expr), transition(")", mk_ext_action(parse_rparen))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("fun", Binders), transition(",", mk_scoped_expr_action(x0))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("Pi", Binders), transition(",", mk_scoped_expr_action(x0, 0, false))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("Type", mk_ext_action(parse_Type))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("Type'", mk_ext_action(parse_Type_prime))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("let", mk_ext_action(parse_let_expr))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("calc", mk_ext_action(parse_calc_expr))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("#", mk_ext_action(parse_overwrite_notation))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("@", mk_ext_action(parse_explicit_expr))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("begin", mk_ext_action(parse_begin_end))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("sorry", mk_ext_action(parse_sorry))}, x0); r = r.add({transition("including", mk_ext_action(parse_including_expr))}, x0); return r; } parse_table init_led_table() { parse_table r(false); r = r.add({transition("->", mk_expr_action(get_arrow_prec()-1))}, mk_arrow(Var(1), Var(1))); return r; } } bool is_show_aux_name(name const & n) { return n == notation::H_show; } parse_table get_builtin_nud_table() { static optional r; if (!r) r = notation::init_nud_table(); return *r; } parse_table get_builtin_led_table() { static optional r; if (!r) r = notation::init_led_table(); return *r; } }