import heq variable vec : Nat → Type variable concat {n m : Nat} (v : vec n) (w : vec m) : vec (n + m) infixl 65 ; : concat axiom concat_assoc {n1 n2 n3 : Nat} (v1 : vec n1) (v2 : vec n2) (v3 : vec n3) : (v1 ; v2) ; v3 = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_assoc n1 n2 n3))) (v1 ; (v2 ; v3)) variable empty : vec 0 axiom concat_empty {n : Nat} (v : vec n) : v ; empty = cast (congr2 vec (symm (Nat::add_zeror n))) v rewrite_set simple -- The simplification rules used for Nat and Vectors should "mirror" each other. -- Concatenation is not commutative. So, by adding Nat::add_comm to the -- rewrite set, we prevent the simplifier from reducing the following example add_rewrite concat_assoc concat_empty Nat::add_assoc Nat::add_zeror Nat::add_comm : simple variable n : Nat variable v : vec n variable w : vec n variable f {A : TypeM} : A → A (* local t = parse_lean([[ f ((v ; w) ; empty ; (v ; empty)) ]]) print(t) print("===>") local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple") print(t2) print(pr) get_environment():type_check(pr) *) -- Now, if we disable Nat::add_comm, the simplifier works disable_rewrite Nat::add_comm : simple print "After disabling Nat::add_comm" (* local t = parse_lean([[ f ((v ; w) ; empty ; (v ; empty)) ]]) print(t) print("===>") local t2, pr = simplify(t, "simple") print(t2) print(pr) get_environment():type_check(pr) *)