/* Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include "kernel/expr_maps.h" #include "kernel/inductive/inductive.h" #include "library/max_sharing.h" #include "library/module.h" #include "library/unfold_macros.h" namespace lean { template using level_map = typename std::unordered_map; template using name_hmap = typename std::unordered_map; class exporter { std::ostream & m_out; environment m_env; max_sharing_fn m_max_sharing; name_hmap m_name2idx; level_map m_level2idx; expr_bi_struct_map m_expr2idx; unsigned export_name(name const & n) { auto it = m_name2idx.find(n); if (it != m_name2idx.end()) return it->second; unsigned i; if (n.is_anonymous()) { i = m_name2idx.size(); m_out << i << " n\n"; } else if (n.is_string()) { unsigned p = export_name(n.get_prefix()); i = m_name2idx.size(); m_out << i << " s " << p << " " << n.get_string() << "\n"; } else { unsigned p = export_name(n.get_prefix()); i = m_name2idx.size(); m_out << i << " i " << p << " " << n.get_numeral() << "\n"; } m_name2idx.insert(mk_pair(n, i)); return i; } unsigned export_level(level const & l) { auto it = m_level2idx.find(l); if (it != m_level2idx.end()) return it->second; unsigned i = 0; unsigned l1, l2, n; switch (l.kind()) { case level_kind::Zero: i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " UZ\n"; break; case level_kind::Succ: l1 = export_level(succ_of(l)); i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " US " << l1 << "\n"; break; case level_kind::Max: l1 = export_level(max_lhs(l)); l2 = export_level(max_rhs(l)); i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " UM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n"; break; case level_kind::IMax: l1 = export_level(imax_lhs(l)); l2 = export_level(imax_rhs(l)); i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " UIM " << l1 << " " << l2 << "\n"; break; case level_kind::Param: n = export_name(param_id(l)); i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " UP " << n << "\n"; break; case level_kind::Global: n = export_name(global_id(l)); i = m_level2idx.size(); m_out << i << " UG " << n << "\n"; break; case level_kind::Meta: throw exception("invald 'export', universe meta-variables cannot be exported"); } m_level2idx.insert(mk_pair(l, i)); return i; } void display_binder_info(binder_info const & bi) { if (bi.is_implicit()) m_out << "I"; else if (bi.is_strict_implicit()) m_out << "S"; else if (bi.is_inst_implicit()) m_out << "C"; else m_out << "D"; } unsigned export_binding(expr const & e, char const * k) { unsigned n = export_name(binding_name(e)); unsigned e1 = export_expr(binding_domain(e)); unsigned e2 = export_expr(binding_body(e)); unsigned i = m_expr2idx.size(); m_out << i << " " << k << " "; display_binder_info(binding_info(e)); m_out << " " << n << " " << e1 << " " << e2 << "\n"; return i; } unsigned export_const(expr const & e) { buffer ls; unsigned n = export_name(const_name(e)); for (level const & l : const_levels(e)) ls.push_back(export_level(l)); unsigned i = m_expr2idx.size(); m_out << i << " C " << n; for (unsigned l : ls) m_out << " " << l; m_out << "\n"; return i; } unsigned export_expr(expr const & e) { auto it = m_expr2idx.find(e); if (it != m_expr2idx.end()) return it->second; unsigned i = 0; unsigned l, e1, e2; switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: i = m_expr2idx.size(); m_out << i << " V " << var_idx(e) << "\n"; break; case expr_kind::Sort: l = export_level(sort_level(e)); i = m_expr2idx.size(); m_out << i << " S " << l << "\n"; break; case expr_kind::Constant: i = export_const(e); break; case expr_kind::App: e1 = export_expr(app_fn(e)); e2 = export_expr(app_arg(e)); i = m_expr2idx.size(); m_out << i << " A " << e1 << " " << e2 << "\n"; break; case expr_kind::Lambda: i = export_binding(e, "L"); break; case expr_kind::Pi: i = export_binding(e, "P"); break; case expr_kind::Meta: throw exception("invald 'export', meta-variables cannot be exported"); case expr_kind::Local: throw exception("invald 'export', local constants cannot be exported"); case expr_kind::Macro: throw exception("invald 'export', macros cannot be exported"); } m_expr2idx.insert(mk_pair(e, i)); return i; } unsigned export_root_expr(expr const & e) { return export_expr(m_max_sharing(unfold_all_macros(m_env, e))); } void export_definition(declaration const & d) { unsigned n = export_name(d.get_name()); buffer ps; for (name const & p : d.get_univ_params()) ps.push_back(export_name(p)); unsigned t = export_root_expr(d.get_type()); unsigned v = export_root_expr(d.get_value()); m_out << "DEF " << n; for (unsigned p : ps) m_out << " " << p; m_out << " | " << t << " " << v << "\n"; } void export_axiom(declaration const & d) { unsigned n = export_name(d.get_name()); buffer ps; for (name const & p : d.get_univ_params()) ps.push_back(export_name(p)); unsigned t = export_root_expr(d.get_type()); m_out << "AX " << n; for (unsigned p : ps) m_out << " " << p; m_out << " | " << t << "\n"; } void export_inductive(name const & n) { std::tuple> decls = *inductive::is_inductive_decl(m_env, n); for (name const & p : std::get<0>(decls)) export_name(p); for (inductive::inductive_decl const & d : std::get<2>(decls)) { export_name(inductive::inductive_decl_name(d)); export_expr(inductive::inductive_decl_type(d)); for (inductive::intro_rule const & c : inductive::inductive_decl_intros(d)) { export_name(inductive::intro_rule_name(c)); export_expr(inductive::intro_rule_type(c)); } } m_out << "BIND " << std::get<1>(decls) << " " << length(std::get<2>(decls)); for (name const & p : std::get<0>(decls)) m_out << " " << export_name(p); m_out << "\n"; for (inductive::inductive_decl const & d : std::get<2>(decls)) { m_out << "IND " << export_name(inductive::inductive_decl_name(d)) << " " << export_expr(inductive::inductive_decl_type(d)) << "\n"; for (inductive::intro_rule const & c : inductive::inductive_decl_intros(d)) { m_out << "INTRO " << export_name(inductive::intro_rule_name(c)) << " " << export_expr(inductive::intro_rule_type(c)) << "\n"; } } m_out << "EIND\n"; } void export_declaration(name const & n) { if (inductive::is_inductive_decl(m_env, n)) { export_inductive(n); } else { declaration const & d = m_env.get(n); if (d.is_definition()) export_definition(d); else export_axiom(d); } } void export_declarations() { buffer ns; to_buffer(get_curr_module_decl_names(m_env), ns); std::reverse(ns.begin(), ns.end()); for (name const & n : ns) export_declaration(n); } void export_direct_imports() { buffer imports; to_buffer(get_curr_module_imports(m_env), imports); std::reverse(imports.begin(), imports.end()); for (module_name const & m : imports) { unsigned n = export_name(m.get_name()); if (m.is_relative()) { m_out << "RI " << *m.get_k() << " " << n << "\n"; } else { m_out << "DI " << n << "\n"; } } } void export_global_universes() { buffer ns; to_buffer(get_curr_module_univ_names(m_env), ns); std::reverse(ns.begin(), ns.end()); for (name const & u : ns) { unsigned n = export_name(u); m_out << "UNI " << n << "\n"; } } public: exporter(std::ostream & out, environment const & env):m_out(out), m_env(env) {} void operator()() { export_direct_imports(); export_global_universes(); export_declarations(); } }; void export_module_as_lowtext(std::ostream & out, environment const & env) { exporter(out, env)(); } }