/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #include #include #include "context.h" #include "scoped_map.h" #include "scoped_set.h" #include "for_each.h" #include "instantiate.h" #include "occurs.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "free_vars.h" #include "context_to_lambda.h" #include "options.h" #include "interruptable_ptr.h" #include "metavar.h" #include "exception.h" #include "lean_notation.h" #include "lean_pp.h" #include "lean_frontend.h" #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH std::numeric_limits::max() #endif #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS std::numeric_limits::max() #endif #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT false #endif #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION true #endif #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS true #endif #ifndef LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_WEIGHT #define LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_WEIGHT 20 #endif namespace lean { static format g_Type_fmt = highlight_builtin(format("Type")); static format g_eq_fmt = format("="); static format g_lambda_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u03BB")); static format g_Pi_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u03A0")); static format g_lambda_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("fun")); static format g_Pi_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("Pi")); static format g_arrow_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2192")); static format g_arrow_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("->")); static format g_forall_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2200")); static format g_exists_n_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("\u2203")); static format g_forall_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("forall")); static format g_exists_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("exists")); static format g_ellipsis_n_fmt= highlight(format("\u2026")); static format g_ellipsis_fmt = highlight(format("...")); static format g_let_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("let")); static format g_in_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("in")); static format g_assign_fmt = highlight_keyword(format(":=")); static format g_geq_fmt = format("\u2265"); static format g_lift_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("lift")); static format g_lower_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("lower")); static format g_subst_fmt = highlight_keyword(format("subst")); static name g_pp_max_depth {"lean", "pp", "max_depth"}; static name g_pp_max_steps {"lean", "pp", "max_steps"}; static name g_pp_implicit {"lean", "pp", "implicit"}; static name g_pp_notation {"lean", "pp", "notation"}; static name g_pp_extra_lets {"lean", "pp", "extra_lets"}; static name g_pp_alias_min_weight{"lean", "pp", "alias_min_weight"}; RegisterUnsignedOption(g_pp_max_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH, "(lean pretty printer) maximum expression depth, after that it will use ellipsis"); RegisterUnsignedOption(g_pp_max_steps, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS, "(lean pretty printer) maximum number of visited expressions, after that it will use ellipsis"); RegisterBoolOption(g_pp_implicit, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT, "(lean pretty printer) display implicit parameters"); RegisterBoolOption(g_pp_notation, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION, "(lean pretty printer) disable/enable notation (infix, mixfix, postfix operators and unicode characters)"); RegisterBoolOption(g_pp_extra_lets, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS, "(lean pretty printer) introduce extra let expressions when displaying shared terms"); RegisterUnsignedOption(g_pp_alias_min_weight, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_WEIGHT, "(lean pretty printer) mimimal weight (approx. size) of a term to be considered a shared term"); unsigned get_pp_max_depth(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_depth, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_DEPTH); } unsigned get_pp_max_steps(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_max_steps, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_MAX_STEPS); } bool get_pp_implicit(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_implicit, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_IMPLICIT); } bool get_pp_notation(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_notation, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_NOTATION); } bool get_pp_extra_lets(options const & opts) { return opts.get_bool(g_pp_extra_lets, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_EXTRA_LETS); } unsigned get_pp_alias_min_weight(options const & opts) { return opts.get_unsigned(g_pp_alias_min_weight, LEAN_DEFAULT_PP_ALIAS_MIN_WEIGHT); } // ======================================= // Prefixes for naming aliases (auxiliary local decls) static name g_kappa("\u03BA"); static name g_pho("\u03C1"); static name g_nu("\u03BD"); // ======================================= /** \brief Return a fresh name for the given abstraction or let. By fresh, we mean a name that is not used for any constant in abst_body(e). The resultant name is based on abst_name(e). */ name get_unused_name(expr const & e) { lean_assert(is_abstraction(e) || is_let(e)); name const & n = is_abstraction(e) ? abst_name(e) : let_name(e); name n1 = n; unsigned i = 1; expr const & b = is_abstraction(e) ? abst_body(e) : let_body(e); while (occurs(n1, b)) { n1 = name(n, i); i++; } return n1; } /** \brief Functional object for pretty printing expressions */ class pp_fn { typedef scoped_map aliases; typedef std::vector> aliases_defs; typedef scoped_set local_names; frontend const & m_frontend; // State aliases m_aliases; aliases_defs m_aliases_defs; local_names m_local_names; unsigned m_num_steps; name m_aux; // Configuration unsigned m_indent; unsigned m_max_depth; unsigned m_max_steps; bool m_implict; bool m_notation; //!< if true use notation bool m_extra_lets; //!< introduce extra let-expression to cope with sharing. unsigned m_alias_min_weight; //!< minimal weight for creating an alias volatile bool m_interrupted; // Create a scope for local definitions struct mk_scope { pp_fn & m_fn; unsigned m_old_size; mk_scope(pp_fn & fn):m_fn(fn), m_old_size(fn.m_aliases_defs.size()) { m_fn.m_aliases.push(); } ~mk_scope() { lean_assert(m_old_size <= m_fn.m_aliases_defs.size()); m_fn.m_aliases.pop(); m_fn.m_aliases_defs.resize(m_old_size); } }; format nest(unsigned i, format const & f) { return ::lean::nest(i, f); } typedef std::pair result; /** \brief Return true iff \c e is an atomic operation. */ bool is_atomic(expr const & e) { switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Value: case expr_kind::Type: return true; case expr_kind::App: case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: case expr_kind::Eq: case expr_kind::Let: return false; } return false; } result mk_result(format const & fmt, unsigned depth) { return mk_pair(fmt, depth); } result pp_ellipsis() { return mk_result(m_notation ? g_ellipsis_n_fmt : g_ellipsis_fmt, 1); } result pp_var(expr const & e) { unsigned vidx = var_idx(e); return mk_result(compose(format("#"), format(vidx)), 1); } bool has_implicit_arguments(name const & n) const { return m_frontend.has_implicit_arguments(n) && m_local_names.find(n) == m_local_names.end(); } result pp_constant(expr const & e) { name const & n = const_name(e); if (is_metavar(e)) { return mk_result(format{format("?M"), format(metavar_idx(e))}, 1); } else if (has_implicit_arguments(n)) { return mk_result(format(m_frontend.get_explicit_version(n)), 1); } else { return mk_result(format(n), 1); } } result pp_value(expr const & e) { return mk_result(to_value(e).pp(m_notation), 1); } result pp_type(expr const & e) { if (e == Type()) { return mk_result(g_Type_fmt, 1); } else { return mk_result(format{g_Type_fmt, space(), ::lean::pp(ty_level(e))}, 1); } } /** \brief Pretty print given expression and put parenthesis around it IF the pp of the expression is not a simple name. */ result pp_child_with_paren(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { result r = pp(e, depth + 1); if (is_name(r.first)) { // We do not add a parenthis if the format object is just // a name. This can happen when \c e is a complicated // expression, but an alias is created for it. return r; } else { return mk_result(format{lp(), nest(1, format{r.first, rp()})}, r.second); } } /** \brief Pretty print given expression and put parenthesis around it if it is not atomic. */ result pp_child(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e)) return pp(e, depth + 1); else return pp_child_with_paren(e, depth); } bool is_forall_expr(expr const & e) { return is_app(e) && arg(e, 0) == mk_forall_fn() && num_args(e) == 3; } bool is_exists_expr(expr const & e) { return is_app(e) && arg(e, 0) == mk_exists_fn() && num_args(e) == 3; } bool is_quant_expr(expr const & e, bool is_forall) { return is_forall ? is_forall_expr(e) : is_exists_expr(e); } /** \brief Collect nested quantifiers, and instantiate variables with unused names. Store in \c r the selected names and associated domains. Return the body of the sequence of nested quantifiers. */ expr collect_nested_quantifiers(expr const & e, bool is_forall, buffer> & r) { lean_assert(is_quant_expr(e, is_forall)); if (is_lambda(arg(e, 2))) { expr lambda = arg(e, 2); name n1 = get_unused_name(lambda); m_local_names.insert(n1); r.push_back(mk_pair(n1, abst_domain(lambda))); expr b = instantiate_with_closed(abst_body(lambda), mk_constant(n1)); if (is_quant_expr(b, is_forall)) return collect_nested_quantifiers(b, is_forall, r); else return b; } else { // Quantifier is not in normal form. That is, it might be // (forall t p) or (exists t p) where p is not a lambda // abstraction // So, we put it in normal form // (forall t (fun x : t, p x)) // or // (exists t (fun x : t, p x)) expr new_body = mk_lambda("x", arg(e, 1), mk_app(lift_free_vars(arg(e, 2), 1), mk_var(0))); expr normal_form = mk_app(arg(e, 0), arg(e, 1), new_body); return collect_nested_quantifiers(normal_form, is_forall, r); } } /** \brief Auxiliary function for pretty printing exists and forall formulas */ result pp_quantifier(expr const & e, unsigned depth, bool is_forall) { buffer> nested; local_names::mk_scope mk(m_local_names); expr b = collect_nested_quantifiers(e, is_forall, nested); format head; if (m_notation) head = is_forall ? g_forall_n_fmt : g_exists_n_fmt; else head = is_forall ? g_forall_fmt : g_exists_fmt; format sep = comma(); expr domain0 = nested[0].second; // TODO: the following code is very similar to pp_abstraction if (std::all_of(nested.begin() + 1, nested.end(), [&](std::pair const & p) { return p.second == domain0; })) { // Domain of all binders is the same format names = pp_bnames(nested.begin(), nested.end(), false); result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(domain0, depth); result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth); format sig = format{names, space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first}; format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), sig, sep, line(), p_body.first})); return mk_result(r_format, p_domain.second + p_body.second + 1); } else { auto it = nested.begin(); auto end = nested.end(); unsigned r_weight = 1; // PP binders in blocks (names ... : type) bool first = true; format bindings; while (it != end) { auto it2 = it; ++it2; while (it2 != end && it2->second == it->second) { ++it2; } result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(it->second, depth); r_weight += p_domain.second; format block = group(nest(m_indent, format{lp(), pp_bnames(it, it2, true), space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first, rp()})); if (first) { bindings = block; first = false; } else { bindings += compose(line(), block); } it = it2; } result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth); format r_format = group(nest(m_indent, format{head, space(), group(bindings), sep, line(), p_body.first})); return mk_result(r_format, r_weight + p_body.second); } } result pp_forall(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { return pp_quantifier(e, depth, true); } result pp_exists(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { return pp_quantifier(e, depth, false); } operator_info find_op_for(expr const & e) const { if (is_constant(e) && m_local_names.find(const_name(e)) != m_local_names.end()) return operator_info(); else return m_frontend.find_op_for(e); } /** \brief Return the operator associated with \c e. Return the null operator if there is none. We say \c e has an operator associated with it, if: 1) \c e is associated with an operator. 2) It is an application, and the function is associated with an operator. */ operator_info get_operator(expr const & e) { operator_info op = find_op_for(e); if (op) return op; else if (is_app(e)) return find_op_for(arg(e, 0)); else return operator_info(); } /** \brief Return the precedence of the given expression */ unsigned get_operator_precedence(expr const & e) { operator_info op = get_operator(e); if (op) { return op.get_precedence(); } else if (is_eq(e)) { return g_eq_precedence; } else if (is_arrow(e)) { return g_arrow_precedence; } else { return 0; } } /** \brief Pretty print the child of an infix, prefix, postfix or mixfix operator. It will add parethesis when needed. */ result pp_mixfix_child(operator_info const & op, expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e)) { return pp(e, depth + 1); } else { if (op.get_precedence() < get_operator_precedence(e)) return pp(e, depth + 1); else return pp_child_with_paren(e, depth); } } /** \brief Pretty print the child of an associative infix operator. It will add parethesis when needed. */ result pp_infix_child(operator_info const & op, expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e)) { return pp(e, depth + 1); } else { if (op.get_precedence() < get_operator_precedence(e) || op == get_operator(e)) return pp(e, depth + 1); else return pp_child_with_paren(e, depth); } } result mk_infix(operator_info const & op, result const & lhs, result const & rhs) { unsigned r_weight = lhs.second + rhs.second + 1; format r_format = group(format{lhs.first, space(), format(op.get_op_name()), line(), rhs.first}); return mk_result(r_format, r_weight); } /** \brief Wrapper for accessing the explicit arguments of an application and its function. \remark If show_implicit is true, then we show the explicit arguments even if the function has implicit arguments. \remark We also show the implicit arguments, if the application does not have the necessary number of arguments. \remark When we expose the implicit arguments, we use the explicit version of the function. So, the user can understand the pretty printed term. */ struct application { expr const & m_app; expr m_f; std::vector const * m_implicit_args; bool m_notation_enabled; application(expr const & e, pp_fn const & owner, bool show_implicit):m_app(e) { frontend const & fe = owner.m_frontend; expr const & f = arg(e,0); if (is_constant(f) && owner.has_implicit_arguments(const_name(f))) { m_implicit_args = &(fe.get_implicit_arguments(const_name(f))); if (show_implicit || num_args(e) - 1 < m_implicit_args->size()) { // we are showing implicit arguments, thus we do // not need the bit-mask for implicit arguments m_implicit_args = nullptr; // we use the explicit name of f, to make it clear // that we are exposing implicit arguments m_f = mk_constant(fe.get_explicit_version(const_name(f))); m_notation_enabled = false; } else { m_f = f; m_notation_enabled = true; } } else { m_f = f; m_implicit_args = nullptr; m_notation_enabled = true; } } unsigned get_num_args() const { if (m_implicit_args) { unsigned r = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args(m_app) - 1; i++) { if (!(*m_implicit_args)[i]) r++; } return r; } else { return num_args(m_app) - 1; } } expr const & get_arg(unsigned i) const { lean_assert(i < get_num_args()); if (m_implicit_args) { unsigned n = num_args(m_app); for (unsigned j = 1; j < n; j++) { if (!(*m_implicit_args)[j-1]) { // explicit argument found if (i == 0) return arg(m_app, j); --i; } } lean_unreachable(); return arg(m_app, n - 1); } else { return arg(m_app, i + 1); } } expr const & get_function() const { return m_f; } bool notation_enabled() const { return m_notation_enabled; } }; /** \brief Return true if the application \c app has the number of arguments expected by the operator \c op. */ bool has_expected_num_args(application const & app, operator_info const & op) { switch (op.get_fixity()) { case fixity::Infix: case fixity::Infixl: case fixity::Infixr: return app.get_num_args() == 2; case fixity::Prefix: case fixity::Postfix: return app.get_num_args() == 1; case fixity::Mixfixl: case fixity::Mixfixr: return app.get_num_args() == length(op.get_op_name_parts()); case fixity::Mixfixc: return app.get_num_args() == length(op.get_op_name_parts()) - 1; case fixity::Mixfixo: return app.get_num_args() == length(op.get_op_name_parts()) + 1; } lean_unreachable(); return false; } /** \brief Pretty print an application. */ result pp_app(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { application app(e, *this, m_implict); operator_info op; if (m_notation && app.notation_enabled() && (op = get_operator(e)) && has_expected_num_args(app, op)) { result p_arg; format r_format; unsigned sz; unsigned r_weight = 1; switch (op.get_fixity()) { case fixity::Infix: return mk_infix(op, pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(0), depth), pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(1), depth)); case fixity::Infixr: return mk_infix(op, pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(0), depth), pp_infix_child(op, app.get_arg(1), depth)); case fixity::Infixl: return mk_infix(op, pp_infix_child(op, app.get_arg(0), depth), pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(1), depth)); case fixity::Prefix: p_arg = pp_infix_child(op, app.get_arg(0), depth); sz = op.get_op_name().size(); return mk_result(group(format{format(op.get_op_name()), nest(sz+1, format{line(), p_arg.first})}), p_arg.second + 1); case fixity::Postfix: p_arg = pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(0), depth); return mk_result(group(format{p_arg.first, space(), format(op.get_op_name())}), p_arg.second + 1); case fixity::Mixfixr: case fixity::Mixfixo: { // _ ID ... _ ID // _ ID ... _ ID _ list parts = op.get_op_name_parts(); auto it = parts.begin(); unsigned num = app.get_num_args(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { result p_arg = pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(i), depth); if (i == num - 1) { if (op.get_fixity() == fixity::Mixfixo) r_format += p_arg.first; else r_format += format{p_arg.first, space(), format(*it)}; } else { r_format += format{p_arg.first, space(), format(*it), line()}; ++it; } r_weight += p_arg.second; } return mk_result(group(r_format), r_weight); } case fixity::Mixfixl: case fixity::Mixfixc: { // ID _ ... _ // ID _ ... _ ID list parts = op.get_op_name_parts(); auto it = parts.begin(); unsigned num = app.get_num_args(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { result p_arg = pp_mixfix_child(op, app.get_arg(i), depth); unsigned sz = it->size(); if (i > 0) r_format += space(); r_format += format{format(*it), nest(sz+1, format{line(), p_arg.first})}; r_weight += p_arg.second; ++it; } if (it != parts.end()) { // it is Mixfixc r_format += format{space(), format(*it)}; } return mk_result(group(r_format), r_weight); }} lean_unreachable(); return mk_result(format(), 0); } else if (m_notation && is_forall_expr(e)) { return pp_forall(e, depth); } else if (m_notation && is_exists_expr(e)) { return pp_exists(e, depth); } else { // standard function application expr const & f = app.get_function(); result p = is_constant(f) ? mk_result(format(const_name(f)),1) : pp_child(f, depth); bool simple = is_constant(f) && const_name(f).size() <= m_indent + 4; unsigned indent = simple ? const_name(f).size()+1 : m_indent; format r_format = p.first; unsigned r_weight = p.second; unsigned num = app.get_num_args(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { result p_arg = pp_child(app.get_arg(i), depth); r_format += format{i == 0 && simple ? space() : line(), p_arg.first}; r_weight += p_arg.second; } return mk_result(group(nest(indent, r_format)), r_weight); } } /** \brief Collect nested Lambdas (or Pis), and instantiate variables with unused names. Store in \c r the selected names and associated domains. Return the body of the sequence of Lambda (of Pis). \remark The argument B is only relevant when processing condensed definitions. \see pp_abstraction_core. */ std::pair collect_nested(expr const & e, expr T, expr_kind k, buffer> & r) { if (e.kind() == k && (!T || is_abstraction(T))) { name n1 = get_unused_name(e); m_local_names.insert(n1); r.push_back(mk_pair(n1, abst_domain(e))); expr b = instantiate_with_closed(abst_body(e), mk_constant(n1)); if (T) T = instantiate_with_closed(abst_body(T), mk_constant(n1)); return collect_nested(b, T, k, r); } else { return mk_pair(e, T); } } result pp_scoped_child(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e)) { return pp(e, depth + 1, true); } else { mk_scope s(*this); result r = pp(e, depth + 1, true); if (m_aliases_defs.size() == s.m_old_size) { return r; } else { format r_format = g_let_fmt; unsigned r_weight = 2; unsigned begin = s.m_old_size; unsigned end = m_aliases_defs.size(); for (unsigned i = begin; i < end; i++) { auto b = m_aliases_defs[i]; name const & n = b.first; format beg = i == begin ? space() : line(); format sep = i < end - 1 ? comma() : format(); r_format += nest(3 + 1, format{beg, format(n), space(), g_assign_fmt, nest(n.size() + 1 + 2 + 1, format{space(), b.second, sep})}); // we do not store the alias definitin real weight. We know it is at least m_alias_min_weight r_weight += m_alias_min_weight + 1; } r_format += format{line(), g_in_fmt, space(), nest(2 + 1, r.first)}; r_weight += r.second; return mk_pair(group(r_format), r_weight); } } } result pp_arrow_body(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e) || is_arrow(e)) { return pp(e, depth + 1); } else { return pp_child_with_paren(e, depth); } } template format pp_bnames(It const & begin, It const & end, bool use_line) { auto it = begin; format r = format(it->first); ++it; for (; it != end; ++it) { r += compose(use_line ? line() : space(), format(it->first)); } return r; } bool is_implicit(std::vector const * implicit_args, unsigned arg_pos) { return implicit_args && (*implicit_args)[arg_pos]; } /** \brief Pretty print Lambdas, Pis and compact definitions. When T != 0, it is a compact definition. A compact definition is of the form Defintion Name Pi(x : A), B := Lambda (x : A), C it is printed as Defintion Name (x : A) : B := C This method only generates the (x : A) : B := C for compact definitions. \remark if T != 0, then T is Pi(x : A), B */ result pp_abstraction_core(expr const & e, unsigned depth, expr T, std::vector const * implicit_args = nullptr) { local_names::mk_scope mk(m_local_names); if (is_arrow(e) && !implicit_args) { lean_assert(!T); result p_lhs = pp_child(abst_domain(e), depth); result p_rhs = pp_arrow_body(abst_body(e), depth); format r_format = group(format{p_lhs.first, space(), m_notation ? g_arrow_n_fmt : g_arrow_fmt, line(), p_rhs.first}); return mk_result(r_format, p_lhs.second + p_rhs.second + 1); } else { buffer> nested; auto p = collect_nested(e, T, e.kind(), nested); expr b = p.first; T = p.second; unsigned head_indent = m_indent; format head; if (!T && !implicit_args) { if (m_notation) { head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_n_fmt : g_Pi_n_fmt; head_indent = 2; } else { head = is_lambda(e) ? g_lambda_fmt : g_Pi_fmt; head_indent = is_lambda(e) ? 4 : 3; } } format body_sep; if (T) { format T_f = pp(T, 0).first; body_sep = format{space(), colon(), space(), T_f, space(), g_assign_fmt}; } else if (implicit_args) { // This is a little hack to pretty print Variable and // Axiom declarations that contain implicit arguments body_sep = compose(space(), colon()); } else { body_sep = comma(); } expr domain0 = nested[0].second; if (std::all_of(nested.begin() + 1, nested.end(), [&](std::pair const & p) { return p.second == domain0; }) && !implicit_args) { // Domain of all binders is the same format names = pp_bnames(nested.begin(), nested.end(), false); result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(domain0, depth); result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth); format sig = format{names, space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first}; if (T) sig = format{lp(), sig, rp()}; format r_format = group(nest(head_indent, format{head, space(), sig, body_sep, line(), p_body.first})); return mk_result(r_format, p_domain.second + p_body.second + 1); } else { auto it = nested.begin(); auto end = nested.end(); unsigned r_weight = 1; unsigned arg_pos = 0; // PP binders in blocks (names ... : type) bool first = true; format bindings; while (it != end) { auto it2 = it; ++it2; bool implicit = is_implicit(implicit_args, arg_pos); ++arg_pos; while (it2 != end && it2->second == it->second && implicit == is_implicit(implicit_args, arg_pos)) { ++it2; ++arg_pos; } result p_domain = pp_scoped_child(it->second, depth); r_weight += p_domain.second; format const & par_open = implicit ? lcurly() : lp(); format const & par_close = implicit ? rcurly() : rp(); format block = group(nest(m_indent, format{par_open, pp_bnames(it, it2, true), space(), colon(), space(), p_domain.first, par_close})); if (first) { bindings = block; first = false; } else { bindings += compose(line(), block); } it = it2; } result p_body = pp_scoped_child(b, depth); format r_format = group(nest(head_indent, format{head, space(), group(bindings), body_sep, line(), p_body.first})); return mk_result(r_format, r_weight + p_body.second); } } } result pp_abstraction(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { return pp_abstraction_core(e, depth, expr()); } expr collect_nested_let(expr const & e, buffer> & bindings) { if (is_let(e)) { name n1 = get_unused_name(e); m_local_names.insert(n1); bindings.push_back(mk_pair(n1, let_value(e))); expr b = instantiate_with_closed(let_body(e), mk_constant(n1)); return collect_nested_let(b, bindings); } else { return e; } } result pp_let(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { local_names::mk_scope mk(m_local_names); buffer> bindings; expr body = collect_nested_let(e, bindings); unsigned r_weight = 2; format r_format = g_let_fmt; unsigned sz = bindings.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) { auto b = bindings[i]; name const & n = b.first; result p_def = pp(b.second, depth+1); format beg = i == 0 ? space() : line(); format sep = i < sz - 1 ? comma() : format(); r_format += nest(3 + 1, format{beg, format(n), space(), g_assign_fmt, nest(n.size() + 1 + 2 + 1, format{space(), p_def.first, sep})}); r_weight += p_def.second; } result p_body = pp(body, depth+1); r_weight += p_body.second; r_format += format{line(), g_in_fmt, space(), nest(2 + 1, p_body.first)}; return mk_pair(group(r_format), r_weight); } /** \brief Pretty print the child of an equality. */ result pp_eq_child(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { if (is_atomic(e)) { return pp(e, depth + 1); } else { if (g_eq_precedence < get_operator_precedence(e)) return pp(e, depth + 1); else return pp_child_with_paren(e, depth); } } /** \brief Pretty print an equality */ result pp_eq(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { result p_arg1, p_arg2; format r_format; p_arg1 = pp_eq_child(eq_lhs(e), depth); p_arg2 = pp_eq_child(eq_rhs(e), depth); r_format = group(format{p_arg1.first, space(), g_eq_fmt, line(), p_arg2.first}); return mk_result(r_format, p_arg1.second + p_arg2.second + 1); } result pp_lower(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { expr arg; unsigned s, n; is_lower(e, arg, s, n); result p_arg = pp_child(arg, depth); format r_format = format{g_lower_fmt, colon(), format(s), colon(), format(s), nest(m_indent, compose(line(), p_arg.first))}; return mk_result(r_format, p_arg.second + 1); } result pp_lift(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { expr arg; unsigned s, n; is_lift(e, arg, s, n); result p_arg = pp_child(arg, depth); format r_format = format{g_lift_fmt, colon(), format(s), colon(), format(s), nest(m_indent, compose(line(), p_arg.first))}; return mk_result(r_format, p_arg.second + 1); } result pp_subst(expr const & e, unsigned depth) { expr arg, v; unsigned i; is_subst(e, arg, i, v); result p_arg = pp_child(arg, depth); result p_v = pp_child(v, depth); format r_format = format{g_subst_fmt, colon(), format(i), nest(m_indent, format{line(), p_arg.first, line(), p_v.first})}; return mk_result(r_format, p_arg.second + p_v.second + 1); } result pp(expr const & e, unsigned depth, bool main = false) { check_interrupted(m_interrupted); if (!is_atomic(e) && (m_num_steps > m_max_steps || depth > m_max_depth)) { return pp_ellipsis(); } else { m_num_steps++; if (m_extra_lets && is_shared(e)) { auto it = m_aliases.find(e); if (it != m_aliases.end()) return mk_result(format(it->second), 1); } result r; if (is_lower(e)) { r = pp_lower(e, depth); } else if (is_lift(e)) { r = pp_lift(e, depth); } else if (is_subst(e)) { r = pp_subst(e, depth); } else { switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: r = pp_var(e); break; case expr_kind::Constant: r = pp_constant(e); break; case expr_kind::Value: r = pp_value(e); break; case expr_kind::App: r = pp_app(e, depth); break; case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: r = pp_abstraction(e, depth); break; case expr_kind::Type: r = pp_type(e); break; case expr_kind::Eq: r = pp_eq(e, depth); break; case expr_kind::Let: r = pp_let(e, depth); break; } } if (!main && m_extra_lets && is_shared(e) && r.second > m_alias_min_weight) { name new_aux = name(m_aux, m_aliases_defs.size()+1); m_aliases.insert(e, new_aux); m_aliases_defs.push_back(mk_pair(new_aux, r.first)); return mk_result(format(new_aux), 1); } return r; } } void set_options(options const & opts) { m_indent = get_pp_indent(opts); m_max_depth = get_pp_max_depth(opts); m_max_steps = get_pp_max_steps(opts); m_implict = get_pp_implicit(opts); m_notation = get_pp_notation(opts); m_extra_lets = get_pp_extra_lets(opts); m_alias_min_weight = get_pp_alias_min_weight(opts); } struct found_prefix {}; bool uses_prefix(expr const & e, name const & prefix) { auto f = [&](expr const & e, unsigned offset) { if (is_constant(e)) { if (is_prefix_of(prefix, const_name(e))) throw found_prefix(); } else if (is_abstraction(e)) { if (is_prefix_of(prefix, abst_name(e))) throw found_prefix(); } else if (is_let(e)) { if (is_prefix_of(prefix, let_name(e))) throw found_prefix(); } }; try { for_each_fn visitor(f); visitor(e); return false; } catch (found_prefix) { return true; } } name find_unused_prefix(expr const & e) { if (!uses_prefix(e, g_kappa)) return g_kappa; else if (!uses_prefix(e, g_pho)) return g_pho; else { unsigned i = 1; name n(g_nu, i); while (uses_prefix(e, n)) { i++; n = name(g_nu, i); } return n; } } void init(expr const & e) { m_aliases.clear(); m_aliases_defs.clear(); m_num_steps = 0; m_aux = find_unused_prefix(e); } public: pp_fn(frontend const & fe, options const & opts): m_frontend(fe) { set_options(opts); m_interrupted = false; } format operator()(expr const & e) { init(e); return pp_scoped_child(e, 0).first; } format pp_definition(expr const & v, expr const & t, std::vector const * implicit_args) { init(mk_app(v, t)); expr T(t); return pp_abstraction_core(v, 0, T, implicit_args).first; } format pp_pi_with_implicit_args(expr const & e, std::vector const & implicit_args) { init(e); return pp_abstraction_core(e, 0, expr(), &implicit_args).first; } void set_interrupt(bool flag) { m_interrupted = flag; } void register_local(name const & n) { m_local_names.insert(n); } }; class pp_formatter_cell : public formatter_cell { frontend const & m_frontend; interruptable_ptr m_pp_fn; volatile bool m_interrupted; format pp(expr const & e, options const & opts) { pp_fn fn(m_frontend, opts); scoped_set_interruptable_ptr set(m_pp_fn, &fn); return fn(e); } format pp(context const & c, expr const & e, bool include_e, options const & opts) { pp_fn fn(m_frontend, opts); scoped_set_interruptable_ptr set(m_pp_fn, &fn); unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts); format r; bool first = true; expr c2 = context_to_lambda(c, e); while (is_fake_context(c2)) { check_interrupted(m_interrupted); name n1 = get_unused_name(c2); fn.register_local(n1); format entry = format{format(n1), space(), colon(), space(), fn(fake_context_domain(c2))}; expr val = fake_context_value(c2); if (val) entry += format{space(), g_assign_fmt, nest(indent, format{line(), fn(val)})}; if (first) { r = group(entry); first = false; } else { r += format{line(), group(entry)}; } c2 = instantiate_with_closed(fake_context_rest(c2), mk_constant(n1)); } if (include_e) { if (first) r += format{line(), fn(c2)}; else r = fn(c2); } else { return r; } return r; } format pp_definition(char const * kwd, name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, options const & opts) { unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts); format def = format{highlight_command(format(kwd)), space(), format(n), space(), colon(), space(), pp(t, opts), space(), g_assign_fmt, line(), pp(v, opts)}; return group(nest(indent, def)); } format pp_compact_definition(char const * kwd, name const & n, expr const & t, expr const & v, options const & opts) { expr it1 = t; expr it2 = v; while (is_pi(it1) && is_lambda(it2)) { check_interrupted(m_interrupted); if (abst_domain(it1) != abst_domain(it2)) return pp_definition(kwd, n, t, v, opts); it1 = abst_body(it1); it2 = abst_body(it2); } if (!is_lambda(v) || is_pi(it1)) { return pp_definition(kwd, n, t, v, opts); } else { lean_assert(is_lambda(v)); std::vector const * implicit_args = nullptr; if (m_frontend.has_implicit_arguments(n)) implicit_args = &(m_frontend.get_implicit_arguments(n)); pp_fn fn(m_frontend, opts); scoped_set_interruptable_ptr set(m_pp_fn, &fn); format def = fn.pp_definition(v, t, implicit_args); return format{highlight_command(format(kwd)), space(), format(n), def}; } } format pp_uvar_decl(object const & obj, options const & opts) { return format{highlight_command(format(obj.keyword())), space(), format(obj.get_name()), space(), format("\u2265"), space(), ::lean::pp(obj.get_cnstr_level())}; } format pp_postulate(object const & obj, options const & opts) { char const * kwd = obj.keyword(); name const & n = obj.get_name(); format r = format{highlight_command(format(kwd)), space(), format(n)}; if (m_frontend.has_implicit_arguments(n)) { pp_fn fn(m_frontend, opts); scoped_set_interruptable_ptr set(m_pp_fn, &fn); r += fn.pp_pi_with_implicit_args(obj.get_type(), m_frontend.get_implicit_arguments(n)); } else { r += format{space(), colon(), space(), pp(obj.get_type(), opts)}; } return r; } format pp_definition(object const & obj, options const & opts) { return pp_compact_definition(obj.keyword(), obj.get_name(), obj.get_type(), obj.get_value(), opts); } format pp_notation_decl(object const & obj, options const & opts) { notation_declaration const & n = *(static_cast(obj.cell())); expr const & d = n.get_expr(); format d_fmt = is_constant(d) ? format(const_name(d)) : pp(d, opts); return format{::lean::pp(n.get_op()), space(), colon(), space(), d_fmt}; } public: pp_formatter_cell(frontend const & fe): m_frontend(fe) { m_interrupted = false; } virtual ~pp_formatter_cell() { } virtual format operator()(expr const & e, options const & opts) { return pp(e, opts); } virtual format operator()(context const & c, options const & opts) { return pp(c, Type(), false, opts); } virtual format operator()(context const & c, expr const & e, bool format_ctx, options const & opts) { if (format_ctx) { return pp(c, e, true, opts); } else { pp_fn fn(m_frontend, opts); scoped_set_interruptable_ptr set(m_pp_fn, &fn); expr c2 = context_to_lambda(c, e); while (is_fake_context(c2)) { check_interrupted(m_interrupted); name n1 = get_unused_name(c2); fn.register_local(n1); expr const & rest = fake_context_rest(c2); c2 = instantiate_with_closed(rest, mk_constant(n1)); } return fn(c2); } } virtual format operator()(object const & obj, options const & opts) { switch (obj.kind()) { case object_kind::UVarDeclaration: return pp_uvar_decl(obj, opts); case object_kind::Postulate: return pp_postulate(obj, opts); case object_kind::Definition: return pp_definition(obj, opts); case object_kind::Neutral: if (dynamic_cast(obj.cell())) { // If the object is not notation, then the object was // created in different frontend, and we ignore it. return pp_notation_decl(obj, opts); } else { return format("Unknown neutral object"); } } lean_unreachable(); return format(); } virtual format operator()(environment const & env, options const & opts) { format r; bool first = true; std::for_each(env.begin_objects(), env.end_objects(), [&](object const & obj) { check_interrupted(m_interrupted); if (first) first = false; else r += line(); r += operator()(obj, opts); }); return r; } virtual void set_interrupt(bool flag) { m_pp_fn.set_interrupt(flag); m_interrupted = flag; } }; formatter mk_pp_formatter(frontend const & fe) { return formatter(new pp_formatter_cell(fe)); } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, frontend const & fe) { options const & opts = fe.get_state().get_options(); formatter fmt = mk_pp_formatter(fe); out << mk_pair(fmt(fe, opts), opts); return out; } }