import data.list data.nat open list nat structure unification_constraint := {A : Type} (lhs : A) (rhs : A) structure unification_hint := (pattern : unification_constraint) (constraints : list unification_constraint) namespace toy constants (A : Type.{1}) (f h : A → A) (x y z : A) definition g [irreducible] (x y : A) : A := f z #unify (g x y), (f z) definition toy_hint [unify] (x y : A) : unification_hint := ( (g x y) (f z)) [] #unify (g x y), (f z) print [unify] end toy namespace add constants (n : ℕ) #unify (n + 1), succ n definition add_zero_hint [unify] (m n : ℕ) [has_add ℕ] [has_one ℕ] [has_zero ℕ] : unification_hint := ( (m + 1) (succ n)) [ m n] #unify (n + 1), (succ n) print [unify] end add namespace canonical structure Canonical := (carrier : Type) (op : carrier → carrier) attribute Canonical.carrier [irreducible] constants (A : Type.{1}) (f : A → A) (x : A) definition A_canonical : Canonical := A f #unify (Canonical.carrier A_canonical), A definition Canonical_hint [unify] (C : Canonical) : unification_hint := ( (Canonical.carrier C) A) [ C A_canonical] -- TODO(dhs): we mark carrier as irreducible and prove A_canonical explicitly to work around the fact that -- the default_type_context does not recognize the elaborator metavariables as metavariables, -- and so cannot perform the assignment. #unify (Canonical.carrier A_canonical), A print [unify] end canonical print [unify] canonical