/* Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #pragma once #include #include #include "rc.h" #include "debug.h" namespace lean { /** \brief Basic list template. */ template class list { struct cell { MK_LEAN_RC() T m_head; list m_tail; cell(T const & h, list const & t):m_rc(1), m_head(h), m_tail(t) {} ~cell() {} void dealloc() { delete this; } }; cell * m_ptr; public: list():m_ptr(nullptr) {} list(T const & h, list const & t):m_ptr(new cell(h, t)) {} list(T const & h):m_ptr(new cell(h, list())) {} list(list const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); } list(list&& s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; } list(std::initializer_list const & l):list() { auto it = l.end(); while (it != l.begin()) { --it; *this = list(*it, *this); } } ~list() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); } list & operator=(list const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(list, s); } list & operator=(list && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(list, s); } /** \brief Return true iff it is not the empty/nil list. */ operator bool() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; } friend bool is_nil(list const & l) { return l.m_ptr == nullptr; } friend T const & head(list const & l) { lean_assert(!is_nil(l)); return l.m_ptr->m_head; } friend list const & tail(list const & l) { lean_assert(!is_nil(l)); return l.m_ptr->m_tail; } /** \brief Pointer equality. Return true iff \c l1 and \c l2 point to the same memory location. */ friend bool is_eqp(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return l1.m_ptr == l2.m_ptr; } /** \brief Structural equality. */ friend bool operator==(list const & l1, list const & l2) { cell * it1 = l1.m_ptr; cell * it2 = l2.m_ptr; while (it1 != nullptr && it2 != nullptr) { if (it1 == it2) return true; if (it1->m_head != it2->m_head) return false; it1 = it1->m_tail.m_ptr; it2 = it2->m_tail.m_ptr; } return it1 == nullptr && it2 == nullptr; } friend bool operator!=(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return !(l1 == l2); } /** \brief List iterator object. */ class iterator { friend class list; cell const * m_it; iterator(cell const * it):m_it(it) {} public: typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef T value_type; typedef unsigned difference_type; typedef T const * pointer; typedef T const & reference; iterator(iterator const & s):m_it(s.m_it) {} iterator & operator++() { m_it = m_it->m_tail.m_ptr; return *this; } iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; } bool operator==(iterator const & s) const { return m_it == s.m_it; } bool operator!=(iterator const & s) const { return !operator==(s); } T const & operator*() { lean_assert(m_it); return m_it->m_head; } T const * operator->() { lean_assert(m_it); return &(m_it->m_head); } }; iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_ptr); } iterator end() const { return iterator(nullptr); } }; template inline list cons(T const & h, list const & t) { return list(h, t); } template inline T const & car(list const & l) { return head(l); } template inline list const & cdr(list const & l) { return tail(l); } template inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, list const & l) { out << "("; bool first = true; list const * ptr = &l; while (*ptr) { if (first) first = false; else out << " "; out << head(*ptr); ptr = &tail(*ptr); } out << ")"; return out; } template unsigned length(list const & l) { unsigned r = 0; list const * it = &l; while (*it) { r++; it = &tail(*it); } return r; } /** \brief Return a list containing the elements in the subrange [begin, end). */ template list copy_to_list(It const & begin, It const & end) { list r; auto it = end; while (it != begin) { --it; r = cons(*it, r); } return r; } }