/* Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Leonardo de Moura */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "util/buffer.h" #include "util/thread.h" #include "util/interrupt.h" #include "util/optional.h" #include "util/exception.h" namespace lean { template class worker_queue { typedef std::function task; typedef std::unique_ptr thread_ptr; typedef std::unique_ptr exception_ptr; std::vector m_threads; std::vector m_thread_exceptions; std::vector m_todo; std::vector m_result; mutex m_result_mutex; mutex m_todo_mutex; condition_variable m_todo_cv; unsigned m_todo_qhead; atomic m_done; atomic m_failed_thread; // if >= 0, it has the index of a failing thread. atomic m_interrupted; optional next_task() { while (true) { check_interrupted(); unique_lock lk(m_todo_mutex); if (m_todo_qhead < m_todo.size()) { task r = m_todo[m_todo_qhead]; m_todo_qhead++; return optional(r); } else if (m_done) { return optional(); } else { m_todo_cv.wait(lk); } } } void add_result(T const & v) { lock_guard l(m_result_mutex); m_result.push_back(v); } public: template worker_queue(unsigned num_threads, F const & f):m_todo_qhead(0), m_done(false), m_failed_thread(-1), m_interrupted(false) { #ifndef LEAN_MULTI_THREAD num_threads = 0; #endif for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) m_thread_exceptions.push_back(exception_ptr(nullptr)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { m_threads.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new interruptible_thread([=]() { f(); try { while (auto t = next_task()) { add_result((*t)()); } m_todo_cv.notify_all(); } catch (interrupted &) { } catch (throwable & ex) { m_thread_exceptions[i].reset(ex.clone()); m_failed_thread = i; } catch (...) { m_thread_exceptions[i].reset(new exception("thread failed for unknown reasons")); m_failed_thread = i; } }))); } } worker_queue(unsigned num_threads):worker_queue(num_threads, [](){ return; }) {} ~worker_queue() { if (!m_done) join(); } void add(std::function const & fn) { lean_assert(!m_done); { lock_guard l(m_todo_mutex); m_todo.push_back(fn); } m_todo_cv.notify_one(); } std::vector const & join() { lean_assert(!m_done); m_done = true; if (m_threads.empty()) { for (auto const & fn : m_todo) { m_result.push_back(fn()); } m_todo.clear(); } else { try { while (auto t = next_task()) { add_result((*t)()); } m_todo_cv.notify_all(); for (thread_ptr & t : m_threads) t->join(); } catch (...) { for (auto & th : m_threads) th->request_interrupt(); for (auto & th : m_threads) th->join(); throw; } if (m_failed_thread >= 0) m_thread_exceptions[m_failed_thread]->rethrow(); if (m_interrupted) throw interrupted(); } return m_result; } void interrupt() { m_interrupted = true; for (auto & t : m_threads) t->request_interrupt(); } bool done() const { return m_done; } }; }