626a.lean:3:42: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder c : C¹ ⊢ ?M_1 626a.lean:3:44: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder c : C¹ ⊢ Π (a : nat), ?M_1 → ?M_1 626a.lean:3:29: error: failed to add declaration 'foo.foo' to environment, value has metavariables remark: set 'formatter.hide_full_terms' to false to see the complete term λ (c : C¹), nat.rec_on c ?M_2 ?M_3 626a.lean:8:42: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder c : C¹ ⊢ ?M_1 626a.lean:8:44: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder c : C¹ ⊢ Π (a : C¹), ?M_1 → ?M_1 626a.lean:8:29: error: failed to add declaration 'boo.foo' to environment, value has metavariables remark: set 'formatter.hide_full_terms' to false to see the complete term λ (c : C¹), nat.rec_on c ?M_2 ?M_3